Friday, 24 February 2012

BELIEVERS GUIDE TO GROWTH - for new believers

Believers guide to growth


TEXT:    II Cor. ; John 3:3&6; I Peter

INTRODUCTION:  New creation happens when you hear the gospel of salvation and receive Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord.  The Holy Spirit effects this on your spirit or inner man.  Your spirit is born again into the family of God who is Spirit.  Your spirit before this experience, passes away and ceases to exist as it was before (see 1 Peter ; 2:2 and Ephesians 2:8-10).
This experience is called New Birth or Salvation of your spirit.
1.   Your sins are forgiven. 1 John 1:8-10; Isaiah 43:25; Colossians 1:14
2.   You are now a child of God. 1 John 3:1-2
3.   You are a citizen of God’s kingdom. Ephesians 2:19; Colossians 1:13
4.   You are an Ambassador of Christ. 11 Corinthians 5:20
5.   You are God’s righteousness.  11 Corinthians 5:21
6.   You are a light.  Matthew 5:14-16; 11 Corinthians 6:14
7.   You are a salt on earth.  Matthew 5:13
YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES:  That is, what you must now do to justify your status:
1.   Seek God in prayers daily – to enable you develop your relationship with Him.  Luke 18:1; 1 Thessalonians 5:17; Mark
2.   Read the Word daily.  This will reveal God’s mind to you as you mediate on it. 1 Timothy 4:13, Joshua 1:8.
3.   Tell others the good news of your salvation and win them to Christ. Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-17; 11 Timothy 4:1-2

TEXT:    John 16:7-13
INTRODUCTION:  The fall of man in Genesis 3 shows more than anything that man by himself cannot attain the standards of God.  So God began to work out a plan whereby God would dwell in man to enable him attain godly standards.  In Ezekiel 36:26 and Joel 2:28 God promised us new birth and to send His Spirit to dwell in us to help us become what we were born to be.
The Holy Spirit is God.  We have God the father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.  He is one of the Godhead who operates on earth today. 1John 5:7; Matthew 3:16-17.  He is called The Spirit of truth, The Spirit of Christ, the promise of the father, the Spirit of God, the Comforter, the Lord, another Comforter, etc.  See Genesis 1:1-2; John ; ; -17; Acts 1:4-5.
1.   Our Empowerer/Enabler.  Acts 1:8
2.   Our Guide. John 16:13
3.   Conviction. John 16:8-11
4.   Our Teacher and memory enhancer.  1 Corinthians 2:12-14; John 14:26
5.   Our Counsellor. John 16:7 (NIV); John (NIV)
6.   Our Helper. Romans 8:26
7.   Our Companion. John 14:16-18
1.Repent and be converted. Acts 2: 38-39
2.You ask the father in the name of Jesus Christ. Luke 11:9-13; Matthew 7:7-8
3.Laying on of hands for impartation. Acts 8:14-17; 19:6; 1 Timothy 4:1          
 4.The Anointing in operation Acts -46.

TEXT:    1 Thessalonians 5:23
INTRODUCTION:  Man is spirit; he has a soul and lives in a body. James 2:26; Genesis 1:26-28; 2:7; John 4:24; 1 Thessalonians 5:23.  The spirit of man is what gets born again.  This is why the soul and body remains the same at new birth. John 3:7. 
When God speaks to man, he relates with man’s spirit like light to candle. Proverbs 2):27.  His word brings light on your candle (spirit). Psalms 18:28.
At new birth you are a new born spiritual baby who needs to grow into adulthood so you can enter your God given privileges. 1 Peter 2:2; Galatians 4:1-7.

1.   Desire to know the truth (God’s word revealed) at the milk stage. 1 Peter 2:2.  You can do this by praying for God to put a strong spiritual hunger in you. Philippians 2:13.
2.   Pray always in the Spirit.  This means to pray in tongues. 1 Corinthians 14:4 and 14; Jude
3.   Give the word of God first place in your life. John 23:12; Proverbs 4:20-23
4.   Obey the word of God or be a doer of the word. Matthew 7:24-27; James 1:22-25


TEXT: 1Thessalonians , Rm. 12:2, Jas.

INTRODUCTION: Man is spirit; he has a soul and lives in a body. The soul is that part of man that acts as intermediary between the spirit and the body. It contains the mind, will and emotions 1Cor.14:14.

Before the fall of man, the spirit controlled the soul. This was God’s original design for man. After this, the body began to control due to the death of the spirit. This resulted in perversion because in the flesh dwells no good thing Rm.7:18.
Consequently, at new birth, we have to start to retrain our souls to be led by our spirit instead of the body because only our spirit is saved at new birth. The soul and the body remains the same. In fact, salvation of the soul is a daily process – Jas. 1:21.
To develop the soul therefore means to retrain the soul to be led by the spirit instead of the flesh. This can be achieved through renewing our minds – Rm.12:2. To renew our minds require the following steps:

1.   Read the word daily – 1Tim.4:13

2.   Study the word – 2Tim2:15

3.   Meditate on the word day and night Jos1:8, Ps.1:1-3.

4.   Keep the right company. Make friends with godly people only.1Cor.15:31, Prov.13:20, Ps.1:1-3

5.   Listen to teachers of the word through attending church services, seminars, listening to teaching tapes and reading anointed books. Prov.4:20-22

CONCLUSION: Mind renewal is your responsibility. You must therefore make the effort by disciplining yourself to do all these things. When your mind is renewed, your will and emotions will conform to God’s ways.


TEXT: 1Thessalonians , Rm. 12:1

INTRODUCTION: Man is spirit; he has a soul and lives in a body. The body is the house of the human spirit that makes it possible for us to exist in this physical work.  However, the real man is the spirit which gives life to the body.  If the spirit leaves the body, it dies. Jas.2:26.
When we get born again, our soul and body remain the same.  For reasons already discussed in lesson 4, we have to retrain our bodies to be controlled by our spirits.  We were born physically with dead spirits, consequently, the body through the five senses of sight, smell, hearing, speech and touch began to control our lives.  These senses are grossly limited, so we cannot attain our full potential with them.
Any believer who refuses to renew his mind and make his spirit to control his five senses is canal or fleshly minded.  This results in death.  There is therefore a need to develop our bodies to flow with God’s purpose.
The following steps would help:
1.   Present yourself to God as a living sacrifice. Rom. 12:1.  This means consciously you devote yourself to God by giving Him first place in your life and doing only those things that please Him, Eph. 5:1-7, I Tim. 4:13-16.
2.   Believe the word of God when it even disagrees with what you can see, hear, smell or touch.  This way, you will be mixing it with faith and it would produce for you, Heb. 4:2-3.
3.   Give the Word of God first place in your life, Job. .
4.   Hide the Word of God in your heart and live by it. Ps. 119:11, Jas. 1:21.
5.   Attend every Church service and belong to a service group, Heb.10:24-25.

TEXT: Matthew 6:5-15
INTRODUCTION: To pray means to speak with God.  Note that it is a two way thing.  You speak to God and He speaks back to you.
The following steps would help you enjoy a fruitful private devotional prayer life.
1.   You need not do it for people to see you are praying.  The wrong motive would make your prayers ineffective. Matt. 6:5
2.   Private communion with God requires that you separate yourself to a solitary place like Jesus did in Mk.1:35, Matt.6:6.
3.   God does not hear because of much words used in prayer.  As such you do not need to use repetitions with God.  Be yourself and tell Him what you have to say (Matt.6:7-8), because God is all knowing.  He is first interested in your heart, I Sam 16:7.
4.   Approach God as your father and worship Him, Ps.100:4, Matt.6:9, “Manner”- indicates that this is a method or guideline for prayers and not a prayer.
5.   Take the word of God back to Him to effect changes here on earth to conform to what His word says.  This way, you will be establishing God’s Kingdom on earth, Matt. 6:10.
6.   Make your personal request.  Your daily provisions also include God providing you with a job or jobs if you do not have it. Matt.6:11.
7.   Request forgiveness if you know of any sin in your life.  The condition here is that you also must have forgiven your offenders, Matt.6:12, 14-15, Mark 11:25-26.
8.   Request protection from the plans of Satan on a daily basis.  Ask for spiritual sensitivity, Matt.6:13.
9.   Close with thanksgiving, praise and worship, Matt.6:13.

TEXT: 2Timothy 2: 15
INTRODUCTION: To study the bible means to make effort through careful reading, meditation, research and writing to acquire accurate knowledge from the bible. From our text scripture, we can see that the bible can be wrongly interpreted if we do not pay the price of study.
1.      We are new born spiritual babies who desire to grow spiritually. The only way we can grow is by eating spiritual food; the word of God. This is packaged in the Bible. 1Peter 2:2
2.      To receive understanding so our lives can be preserved. Eve fell for Satan’s lies because she did not understand the decree Gen.3:1-1-7. Understanding is fuelled by accurate knowledge which we acquire through study. See Jn. 6:63, 2Cor.3:6
To study the bible, you need the following: A Bible you can easily understand the translation, a Concordance, a note pad, and a biro.  You may use any one of the following methods:
a.      Topical study: Here, you choose any topic of interest to you and research it from the bible with the aid of your concordance which will show you every where in the bible where that topic comes up.
b.      Character study: here, you choose any bible character e.g. Paul and read every account of the bible on him or her and learn from their strengths and weaknesses.
c.      Book study: here, you choose any book in the bible, read it thoroughly and make notes of lessons from them. Also read notes from study bibles on the authors, dates and settings of the book so you may be able to properly interpret the book in light of its context.
d.      Chapter study: you may want to research chapter by chapter following the same pattern as “c” above.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012


Adieu uncle, you were one of the greatest men who ever walked the sands of time and I love you so much. I lived with you and your family for one year after my youth service and you filled in for my father perfectly. You were the best friend my dad ever had and indeed a father to many of us. I recall when I was about to write my exam in 1990 when auntie travelled, you visited me in company of Teshoma - your third child in school and asked what you could do to help me pass my exam. I playfully told you that if you could cook and bring for me, I would do well and to my amazement, you did and I kept my part of the deal as well. When I was called to the bar that year, you stood in for my dad who was unable to show up due to work demands and you funded the reception at your place. How could I ever forget that!!! After my youth service, you opened your home to me and I lived with you and my aunt and cousins for one year before I got my own place. I went to bible school from your home and you never once complained about my fanaticism. You are one of the humblest people I ever met even though you had a lot to be proud of. You were very kind and unasuming and a joy to be around. I celebrate your life today because you were also very smart. You made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life and worshipped Him in spirit and in truth. When I heard of your demise, I felt a loss because you were very dear to my heart, but I rejoiced at the blessed hope we all shared and felt happy I visited you the last time I did. You revealed so much to me in that two hours of visit about my dad that I never knew. Now I know that you are both united to part no more. I hereby make you a promise that when it is time for me to come home if Jesus tarries, I am going to leave this world empty. I love you always uncle, see you at the resurrection morning...

Friday, 10 February 2012


—This interview comes from the book Unveiling Islam/Boko Haram by Blessed Usman, JP.


Question: Who are you and where are you from?
Answer: My name is Sheik Sani Haliru. I am from Niger Republic, but my mother is from Bornu State of Nigeria and I grew up in Wulari, Maiduguri, (Northern Nigeria) where I was trained.

Q: Trained as what and under whose tutelage?
A: I was trained as an Almajiri, after four years, at the age of 14, I was sent to Kano City, Kano State where I was trained in the Sheik Abubakar Gummi School of Arabic studies.

Q: So you know Sheik Abubakar Gummi?
A: Yes, and I also know his children and obeyed all the teachings he laid down before he died.

Q: So who tutored you and who is your mentor?
A: Sheik Abubakar Gummi tutored me. My mentor was Osama bin Laden, and until my conversion from Islam to the Christian faith, my dreams and aspirations in life was to do more than Osama bin Laden did before he died on Sunday, May 1, 2011.

Q: You said that your mentor was Osama bin Laden. Is he still your mentor?
A: I am now a changed person. The Sheik Sani Haliru is now a new creature, old things have passed away because I now have Jesus Christ that I hated and persecuted for 44 years.

Q: Tell me about your past and how many countries of the World you have been to?
A: I cannot tell all about my past because it will take several days to tell my story and about my conversion experience to Christianity. I have been to eight countries.

Q: Can you please name them?
A: I have been to Sudan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, Egypt and of course to my own country Niger Republic.

Q: Where did you receive your training and as what?
A: I received my training in Libya and Pakistan as an Attack Strategist. I was trained along side with some highly placed Nigerians and other foreign Nationals who were marked (he showed me the proof of his mark with a sign) in the form of a sword in the hand to fight and kill for Allah.

Q: Can you give me some of the names of your colleagues with whom you received training in Libya and Pakistan?
A: They are scattered all over the country and we were not too many then.

Q: Just mention but a few names.
A: Ali Baba Nur, Asari Dokubo, Jasper Akinbo, Mohammed Yusuf, Salisu Maigari, Danlami
Abubakar, Cletus Okar, Ali Qaqa, Maigari Haliru and Asabe Dantala to mention but a few.

Q: Which of the Asari’s do you mean?
A: The Niger Delta war king. He was a year ahead of me in Benghazi training camp in Libya.

Q: Who financed your training in Libya and Pakistan?
A: You will not believe me and only God will judge the Chief sponsor of terrorism in Nigeria whose name I will not mention because he is so powerful and even the president of Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan, is so much afraid of the man.

Q: If you really know the Christ in you, why are you afraid to tell me the name of the man who sponsored you and the date or approximate period he sponsored you.
A: I am not afraid because he knows me and he cannot deny it if he sees me face to face.

Q: Then tell me, who is this powerful man?
A: The man is no other person than the man they call IBB now as I am talking to you, General Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida has more than 600 men and women Jihadists who are under his pay role. They are scattered all over the Country and he (IBB) can use them to destroy Nigeria.

Q: Did you say six hundred?
A: Yes 600 + IBB’s agents of destruction are in the Nigeria Army (NA), Nigeria Police Force (NPF), Navy, Air Force, Oil and Gas sectors, even in the finance home such as in top level positions of CBN (Central Bank of Nigeria) and other banks. You find them in politics, in the Senate, National Assembly, in the media both print and electronic and even in Aso Rock, Abuja (Nigeria’s capital).

Q: How do you mean by this statement “and even in the finance…”?
A: Yes, I mean every word I say; even the Islamic bank champion was planted by IBB to help in Islamizing Nigeria.

Q: So how can you describe IBB?
A: IBB is a “green snake” in green grass. He is the main problem of Nigeria along with members of the Cabal.

Q: Have you forwarded any of these evidence(s) to Aso Rock or to SSS (State Security Services)?
A: I attempted to do so a few weeks ago and I was arrested and detained for two days because IBB’S men are so many in SSS (State Security Services) as well. After I was released by the grace of God, they (the Police) warned me never to blow up the polity or provoke violence and I should keep my so-called-born-again with me or else I will go to jail.

Q: So you were a key member and a registered jihadist hardliner.
A: Yes, I was.

Q: Under what group?
A: I was a Boko Haramist. But Boko Haram is just a cover name to give it a name. I have my identity as a founding member of the dreaded jama’aful Ahlul sunna wal Liddawati wal Jihad, aka Boko Haram.

Q: Apart from IBB, who are the other top sponsors of terrorism in this country?

A: They are many, but IBB is the major financier. He introduced the suicide bombing that started when he killed Dele Giwa. I have the names of six traditional rulers and seven present & ex-Governors as well as several top military and security officers who are co-sponsoring the so called Boko Haram. That apart, I have documented evidences to prove that General Mohammadu Buhari, Alhaji Abubaka Atiku and other top politicians and traditional rulers are some of the people behind Boko Haram. Very soon, nemesis will catch up with them.

Q: What if I use my influence to guarantee you safety, can you brief the press to expose IBB (General Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida) with all these documents that I am seeing with you right now.
A: Only God can guarantee my safety. He did so on that fateful day when the SSS and police wanted to secretly kill me because of what I unveiled. I would have been a dead man by now if not for a man of God who came as an “Angel” to quietly free me. Right now, I am wanted dead or alive by IBB and his agents of destruction in high
places. The SSS are busy hunting for me up & down and arresting and torturing innocent people because of me.

Q: What if I connect you to a man of God by the name of Brother Mike Ejiofor, who is a lawyer, a professional negotiator and a mediator who was the Director of SSS until October 2010?
A: I only wish to be connected to God.

Q: So how can you describe this country?
A: Nigeria is sifting under an Islamic barbaric bomb (IBB). Only God can rescue this nation because 75% of Christians are prayer less. Why? Because they are in their own comfort zone. They do not know what the Christians in Northern Nigeria are passing through and they ignorantly
are thinking that the Allah of the Muslims is the same as the God of Christians in the Holy Bible who says: “Thou shalt not kill”.

Q: What does the Qur’an say about Islam being referred to as a religion of peace by numerous Muslim scholars?
A: Let me tell you in a very clear language that Islam is not a religion of peace, but it is of violence, of killers and fighters as already stated in their so called “Holy” Qur’an which I ignorantly followed all these years when I was spiritually blinded as a Muslim.

Q: Can you prove these statements from the Qur’an?
A: [Sani Haliru, who is now known as Solomon Haliru (Paul Haliru’s brother)] brought out two copies of the original Qur’an in the Arabic & English translation. He gave me one, and told me to open the book to Surah Al- baqarah chapter 2 vs 216. It says, “Holy fighting is ordained (prescribed) for all muslims, whether they like it or not, as far as it is good and approved by Allah through his prophet Mohammed.”

Q: Where is it in the Qur’an that killing is also permitted by Allah?
A: Look at Surah Al-baqarah chapter 2 vs 191 “And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. An Al-Fitnah is worse than killing. And fight not with them at Al-Masjid-Al-Haram (the sanctuary at Makkah), unless they (first) fight you there. But if they attack you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers.” Muslims are told to kill and fight in the cause of Allah.

Q: Does it mean that IBB and all these Muslim traditional rulers and Governors that are sponsoring Boko Haram to kill Christians and burn our churches in the North are not aware of the
passage in the Qur’an that says there must not be compulsion in Islam as Mohammadu Buhari asserted in a widely publicized interview on Saturday, the 21st of April, 2011?
A: I have worked so closely with Mohammadu Buahri for five years, and I can prove it that General Buhari is the most notable outspoken jihadist hardliner in Nigeria who is also strategically sponsoring Boko Haram.

Q: General Buhari told a group of pressmen in April 2011 that there is no compulsion in Islam and it is a religion of peace. He quoted Surah Al-Baqarah Chapter 2:225. What can you say to that?
A: What I can say to that is General Buhari, like all other true Muslims, is a hypocrite who is shying away from the fact.

Q: How do you mean by saying that most Muslim millionaires and highly placed Muslims are “pretenders and shying away from the fact”?
A: What I mean is that they (Muslims-both rich and poor) are told to use their position of wealth (or otherwise) to promote Islam or else they will face destruction from Allah.

Q: Where can you find this in the Qu’ran?
A: Open Surah Al-Baqarah Chapter 2:195, it is written here that you must use your wealth to champion Jihad of all kinds or else destruction is waiting for such a person on the last day.
“And spend in the Cause of Allah (i.e. Jihad of all kinds) and do not throw yourselves into destruction (by not spending your wealth in the Cause of Allah), and do good. Truly, Allah loves Al-Muhsinun (the good-doers).”

Q: Have you ever been detained or arrested?
A: Nobody could arrest me until the year 2009 soon after my immediate boss Mohammed Yusuf was killed. About 23 of us were arrested in one of our hideouts in Bauchi. But when Governor Isa Yagiuda heard about it, he immediately arranged for me to be free. Even before his official broadcast in 2010 that he was using his position as the executive Governor of Bauchi State (Northern Nigeria) to free 28 prisoners from Bauchi Central Prison, I was already a free man along with several of my colleagues.

Q: Now can you tell me some of the horrible crimes that you committed and how you got born again and became converted.
A: Old things have passed away and I don’t want to talk about the past, because like Apostle Paul said, we need to press forward in Christ Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.

Q: Just mention a few to assist some of us who are making efforts to unravel the mystery of the menace called Boko Haram which you have renounced.
A: I took part in the Kaduna riot of 1992 and in several northern states of Nigeria, but the state I operated more from was Bornu (northern Nigeria) where I was the State Commander/Chief Strategist.

Q: So as Chief Attack Strategist, what crimes have or did you commit before you renounced the deadly sect?
A: In the early months of May 1986, I was among the 36 Jihadist hardliners, who went on a rampage to attack Christian students of the University of Sokoto (Sokoto State in northern Nigeria).
In that same week, the Federal Government of Nigeria under the brutal leadership of IBB mobilized us and provided some military vans and Army uniforms which our men used and started killing innocent and defenseless Christians all over the Northern states. I and the son of the Emir of Kano, who is now a Christian by name Rev. Paul Ado Bayero, were among the Muslim fanatics who razed down the sculpture of Jesus at the University of Ibadan (Oyo State in western Nigeria).
The following year, March 5, 1987 to be very precise, the “Evil Genius” General Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida secretly armed us through one of his close aids by the name of Captain Hassan Abubakar (now a Pastor with a fast growing church in Lagos). We went to go and kill some targeted Christians including Rev. Nuhu Kure (Throne room founder) after the destruction we committed at the College of Education in Kafanchan, Kaduna State (North Central Nigeria).
And of recent, I was the leader of the team of soldiers of Allah that destroyed Church buildings and properties in Bornu State (northern Nigeria).

Q: Can you name some of the buildings and Churches you and your Boko Haramists destroyed?
A: There are many, but our main targets which we succeeded in destroying included: Goodnews & ECWA Church, Damboa Road, Maiduguri E.Y.N.L.C.C. Wulari, National Evangelical Mission Inc. Divisional Headquarters Wulari, Elijah Apostolic Christ Church, Oke Ayo Celestial Church of Christ, Deeper Life Bible Church, the Lord’s Chosen and six others in Railway Area and all over Wulari in Maiduguri, Borno State. Other church buildings we destroyed and looted include the Aposotic Church, COCIN Church, Evangelical Church/Mission Headquarters, Anglican Church, Baptist Church/Mission, Redeemed Christian Church of God, El-Shaddai Parish, Watchman Charismatic and several others.

Q: Where were the security officers when you were destroying all these church buildings and killing Christians?
A: Since 1985 when General Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida (IBB) started using us to persecute Christians, the Nigerian Army has been an extension or shall I say an arm of the Muslims agenda to Islamize Nigeria. Wherever they go to attack Christians, the Muslims in the top military positions give the cover by providing the logistics. Since the day of Babangida (1985) Christians suffer violence. This is the time that we must attack them and take what belongs to us by force.

Q: You don’t seem to like IBB and you talk so much of his evil deeds. Are you the only one he used or is there more revelation we can investigate or ascertain further?
A: Babangida is the most wicked and heartless man I have ever seen or worked with. He used many Muslim fanatics (Most of who are now Christians) to commit a lot of atrocities. For example, he used Alhaji Sannusi Dasuki (now Solomon Dasuki), Alhaji Ahmed Ado Bayero (now Rev. Paul Ado Bayero), Alhaji Mohammed Usman (now Evangelist Blessed Usman), Alhaji Sani Jegga (now Isaac Jegga) to attack the following men of God: Late Papa Idahosa, Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, Rev. Uma Ukpai, Rev. O. Ezekiel and other men of God. He used some of the people whose names mentioned above to burn down several million copies of the Holy Bible. Along with the late MKO Abiola, they both sponsored the sinking of three million copies of the Holy Bible into the high sea.

Q: With all these revelations, can’t IBB be arrested and charged to court
A: Who will arrest him? Is it Goodluck or who? Even when we provided the proofs to them that IBB killed Dele Giwa and that he sponsored the burning and looting of the Jos main market (Terminus) and also planted the seed of the present crises in Plateau State in 1991, they refused to arrest him because he is very cunning in his evil ways. He leaves no trace of his evil deeds, but nemesis will soon catch up with him because the sardonic spirit in him will soon expire.

Q: In a simple language, how can you describe IBB?
A: Ibrahim Babangida is a wicked and heartless man. As a military officer he was very brutal and as a politician he is very selfish and tricky. He better repent and confess his numerous sins and wickedness before it will be too late.

Q: Can you prove to the readers that fighting and killing in the name of Allah is justified in the Holy Qur’an?
A: I can site more than 28 passages from the Holy Qur’an where fighting and killing is justified as approved in the cause and for the sake of Allah. Please turn to the Qur’an (it goes from the back to the front) and see the book Surah At-Taubah Chapter 9:29 “Fight against those who believe not in Allah, nor in the Last Day, nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad), and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e Islam) among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.” In this passage, every true Muslim(s) is specifically instructed to fight against four (4) groups of people especially the Jews and Christians.

Saturday, 4 February 2012


·         Bishop Kenneth Ebolum

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Luke 10:19

During His earthly ministry, our Lord Jesus Christ empowered His disciples and sent them out to preach. He knew they would be operating in a terrain littered with opposing demonic forces. Behold, I give unto you power(The greek word is exousia, meaning Authority, jurisdiction) to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Luke 10:19. Every citizen of God’s kingdom has received authority over the devil and his cohorts. Once you are born into this kingdom through belief in Jesus as the Son of God, you receive authority over unclean devils.
Scripture says ‘nothing shall by any means hurt you’. What a word of assurance!

Or else how can one enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? and then he will spoil his house. Matthew 12:29.
Satan is referred to in this scripture as a strongman.
The kingdom of darkness currently rules over the earth, And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness. 1Jo 5:19
However, God’s kingdom is superior and her citizens exercise authority over the kingdom of darkness! Hallelujah! But when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils. Luke 11:22

The disciples went out in obedience to His commandment and they came back amazed and full of joy because of their successful field experience! And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name. Luke 10:17.
It makes all the difference to know that we are empowered for the assignment to depopulate the kingdom of hell and institute the reign of our Father. Glory to God!
We are empowered to preach the gospel of reconciliation, and our words will not fall to the ground without converting the souls of men. Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do? Acts 2:37.
Peter preached a sermon and 3000 men were converted. Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. Acts 2: 41. Hallelujah! Truly, God has given us a mouth and a wisdom that no adversary can gainsay nor resist. Luke 15:21. The whole council at Jerusalem could not resist the spirit with which Stephen spoke before his martyrdom. Acts 6:10

We shy away from advancing His kingdom because we think we do not have the power to break new grounds for our Father. That is a lie from hell. The Pentecostal power has not waned. But ye shall receive power(the greek word is Dunamis , meaning miraculous power), after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. Acts 1:8

What Peter and the other apostles got on the day of Pentecost is still available today!
In our generation men have dared to believe God and have gone out to do mighty works in His name. You can join today in the name of Jesus. Mark 16:20. that power protects you as you go that the whole of hell put together cannot stop you.
Apostle Paul manifested that power so much that when a deadly serpent fastened itself to his hand, he just shook off the beast into the fire! Acts 28:5. Hallelujah!

The power of our Kingdom is superior to other powers. The Greater One dwells in us and we are more than conquerors through Christ who strengthens us. From this forward, walk in the consciousness that God is working with you and He will confirm your words with signs following in Jesus name, amen.

Thank you Father for the power of your Kingdom - the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you that your power is superior and greater than that of the Devil and his cohorts. Thank you for that power now resides in me. I refuse to be afraid for you have made me more than a conqueror. I will arise and walk in this awareness, and thread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the powers of the enemy, and I shall come to no harm in Jesus name, amen.

2 Kings 6:8-17; 1 John 4:4

Wednesday, 1 February 2012


In this physical world which we live, it will interest you to know that all that goes on here are not decided here, but governed by an unseen world known as the Spirit realm. In the Spirit realm, there are two Kingdoms in operation namely the Kingdom of Light ruled by God through the Lord Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of Darkness ruled by Satan.
There is a constant war between light and darkness to gain influence over this physical world. Sadly, by man’s disobedience to God, he came under the jurisdiction of the kingdom of darkness. This explains the misery we see and experience in the world today.
The kingdom of darkness thrives in the ignorance of men. As long as people are ignorant of what God has accomplished for mankind on Calvary’s Cross for our redemption, they would remain under the influence of darkness. But when we get to know what God has done for us and align our lives to it, we are set free from the power of darkness and translated to the kingdom of light where Jesus Christ is the Lord. In Jn.1:5, the bible says and the light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot comprehend it. Also, Jn.8:32 makes us understand that as we continue in the word of God, we would come to a point of being enlightened by the truth and then we gain freedom from the darkness of ignorance. The means by which we are enlightened is called Revelation Knowledge.
In this world, there are two Kinds of Knowledge namely the knowledge of the five senses or Carnal Knowledge and Revelation or Revealed knowledge. The former is acquired through the five senses of sight, smell, touch, hearing and speech. Whereas, the latter is revealed knowledge which we cannot receive by just the five senses. For our purpose, I am referring to knowledge acquired from the spirit realm through the Holy Spirit revealing the mysteries of God to us. In Mat.16:13 – 19, we read:
 When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?
And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets.
He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?
And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.
And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”
 From this text of scripture we can identify two means of acquiring knowledge namely revealed knowledge and flesh and blood or carnal knowledge. With the premise that the spirit realm controls the physical and that the kingdom of light is greater than the kingdom of darkness, we can understand why the importance of receiving revelation knowledge from the Lord cannot be over emphasized. With revelation knowledge, we are blessed (empowered to prosper) and we receive keys or authority to rule over our world. In addition, revelation knowledge is the basis of our faith and faith, once resident in your heart, makes you a world overcomer. See 1Jn.5:4.
 But at new birth, we are born babies into the kingdom of light, so we need to feed on the word of God which is revealed knowledge packaged in the bible so as to grow up spiritually. When we grow spiritually, we develop ourselves to be able to hear God and consequently receive revelation knowledge to guide us in our everyday life so as to be able to take charge over the forces of darkness around us. To this end, this month, we shall be doing a study on how to be led by the Holy Spirit. This would constitute a series of teachings on how to develop our spirits to be led by the Holy Spirit.
For more on this, you can follow Pastor Alero Flourish Nanna on Facebook by liking Healing And Restoration Time With Pastor Alero Nanna or on Twitter @alero_nanna





Alero Nanna

Introduction: Our topic today is a divine commandment that has it’s origin in the Old Testament in the Law of Moses. However, when we look closely at the word of God from Genesis to revelation, we find that before the Law of Moses was given, this commandment was silently in force. Apostle Paul said in Romans 2:14-15: “For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves:
      Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;)”.  From this text of scripture, we gather that before the Law of Moses was delivered by God, there was the law of the conscience. So in our study, we shall simply be looking at the example of this commandment under the law of the conscience, the Law of Moses and the prophets and the New Testament in light of what the Lord Jesus Christ said that He had not come to abolish the laws and the prophets, but to fulfill them.  Before we continue, I want to say that this is the only commandment with an express incentive for obedience. This incentive is long life and prosperity (‘that it may be well with thee’). Also, when we say parents, we are referring not only to biological, but to foster parents and spiritual parents as well. Your biological parents are those who gave birth to you. Your foster parents are those who became you parents through formal or informal adoption. By this I mean you could become a child of a couple who formally adopted you because they had no biological children of their own or their biological children are grown up and they desire a child or children to love and care for in their old age or they have enough biological children and desire to have more through adoption. Informal adoption on the other hand happens maybe when a child is orphaned and a close or distant relative is saddled with the responsibility of raising the child or the couple decide to take up the responsibility of raising an abandoned child even when they do not have to or through the marriage of any of their children, they become parents of the spouse as well. Many today are experiencing failure for the simple reason that they are breaching this law.
Honour Your Father and Mother under the Law of the Conscience
I want to refer to this period as the time before the Law of Moses. There are some notable examples where we see the consequence of dishonoring parents. It usually attracted a curse on the recalcitrant child. In the case of Noah and Ham for example, in Gen.9:20-25, we read: “And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard:
      And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent.
      And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without.
       And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness.
      And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him.
      And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren”.
  In this text of scripture, we see Ham making a mockery of his father’s weakness instead of being protective of him. This must have grieved Noah so much that he placed a curse on Ham’s offsprings. Africans are said to have descended from ham through Cush. With the history of slavery and continuous slavery mentality plaguing the African continent today, we cannot over emphasize the potency of the curse of the father on the son. Thank God that today, with the spread of the gospel, this jinx is being broken on a daily basis and I know it is already broken over your life if you have embraced the gift of Christ Jesus. See Gal.3:13-14
Another example of the existence of this law during the period in discussion is the example of Abraham who identified a Spiritual father in the person of Melchizedec and honoured him with his tithes. In Gen.14:18-23, we have this account: “And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God.
      And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth:
      And blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all.
      And the king of Sodom said unto Abram, Give me the persons, and take the goods to thyself.
      And Abram said to the king of Sodom, I have lift up mine hand unto the LORD, the most high God, the possessor of heaven and earth,
       That I will not take from a thread even to a shoelatchet, and that I will not take any thing that is thine, lest thou shouldest say, I have made Abram rich:” Abraham was so smart as to recognize that his blessings came from God, so he identified a servant of God and honored him as a spiritual parent by giving him his tithe of all while the man of God served him the communion. Then Abraham immediately declared to the heathen king that he did not want a part of the spoil he was instrumental in getting because he recognized that his tithing made all his other treasures meaningful. Time has proven Abraham right as he is known all over the world today as the father of many Nations including every one who is a Christian. It is also an indisputable fact that the descendants of Abraham are a blessed people because of his friendship with God. When Jesus came, he referred to the place of the abode of the righteous dead as the bosom of Abraham. This goes to show that Abraham, in addition to the legacy he left on earth also has an eternal legacy. Please honor your spiritual parents; it pays to do so!
Honour Your Father and Mother under the Law of Moses & the Prophets
In Jer.35:1-19, we see the example of a whole family that received an eternal priesthood with God for obeying their father’s instructions. So we can surmise that when we honor our parents, we are carrying out a transaction with God that releases His blessings on us; two of which are, long life and prosperity. Mike Murdock says that he does not pray for long life but that he knows that he would live long for obeying the command to honor his parents.
Also, we have another example of a woman who identified Elisha as a spiritual parent and honored him providing him shelter and food any time he came into town. This gift of the prophet spoke in her life when she received a son in her old age. When the devil tried to steal the son, the same gift of the prophet brought him back to life. You will find this account in 2Kings 4:8-37. This woman and her husband were very wealthy, but their wealth could not give them a child. Honoring a spiritual parent gave them one. When the child died, their money could not raise him, the gift of the prophet however brought him back to life. Your pastor may not be as financially well to do as you are, but you must recognize him/her as God’s gift to you or you may loose what only you pastor’s gift can find for you. Never underestimate the gift of the spiritual parents God has set over you. That is the channel through which God intends to bless you.
Honour Your Father and Mother under the New Testament
In Matt.15:3-6, Jesus affirmed this law when he used it as an instance where the religious leaders of his time were disobeying God. The text reads: “But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?
      For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.
      But ye say, Whosoever shall say to his father or his mother, It is a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me;
      And honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free. Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition.”
In Eph.6:1-3, we read: “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.
Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;)
That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.”
Here, Apostle Paul is reaffirming this law for the New Testament Church. He starts by talking about spiritual parents in verse 1 “obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right”.  Then he goes on to quote the Law of Moses on the matter as his authority. So any way you look at it, this is a commandment that is too costly to disobey as it is unaffordable. In his letter to the Church at Corinth, there was a man who dishonoured his father by having sex with his father’s wife. Paul passed a physical death sentence on the man as a result. You will find this in 1Cor.5:1-5. The bible says in Prov.20:20 that whoso curseth his father or his mother, his lamp shall be put out in obscure darkness.
Blessings for obedience: Like we saw earlier, this is one commandment that carries a promised blessing with it. The blessings that go with obeying this command are as follows:
1.    Longevity: This means long life.
2.    Prosperity: This means all round well being. Some people are presently experiencing strange sicknesses because they hurt their parents. Unless they go back and ask forgiveness, no prayer can help them. You need parental blessing. If you obey God and do your bit, even with a demonic parent, you will be fully protected by God.
3.    Generational blessing: There are some graces that are with men which ought to pass down from generation to generation especially in the ministry. Humility to recognize and honor our parents in the Lord guarantees that they would be transferred to us for the next generation. Gehazi failed in this regard and the consequences of his action are better left unsaid. There are also some biological families with a godly heritage. This will be double blessing for the obedient child here as he or she would not only be blessed with long life and prosperity, but also become a custodian of the spiritual heritage of the family. Ruben, the first born of Jacob lost his place to his younger brother Joseph when he dishonoured his father by sleeping with his father’s wife.
Consequences of disobedience: In all the examples we saw above, we see one common consequence flowing through them all: UNTIMELY DEATH. The promise attached to this commandment is guaranteed long life. So if it is disobeyed, the life of the disobedient will be cut short. Secondly, prosperity is guaranteed in the form of total well being. So if it is disobeyed, prosperity is not guaranteed even where the disobedient gives. Death here, also speaks of death of potential like in prov.20:20 – no vision, no direction and the result is a life wasted. For those desirous of getting married, watch out for these signs because they are good enough reason to cancel your engagement. Getting mixed up with a spouse labouring under this curse is to become a co burden bearer of what you are innocent of. If you are already in a marriage where your spouse has been dishonouring his or her parents, you have to work at bringing an end to this so as to avert the curse.
Where Jesus talked about it above, he said “… let him die the death”. In fact, in Deu.21:18-21, The law stipulates that if a parent is saddled with an uncontrollable son, he should bring him out to the gate of the city and the elders shall pass judgment on him and he shall be stoned to death. Finally, in 1Cor.5:1-5, we see Paul passing a death sentence on a brother guilty of dishonouring his father through sexual immorality with his father’s wife.
How to honour our parents:
1.    The word translated honour in Ex.20:12 is the same used in Prov.3:9 where we are told to honour the Lord with our substance and the first fruits of our increase. This implies that we are to support them financially for their personal use. This is without regard to whether they have treated you well or not. It is also without regard to whether they have enough provided for themselves or not. It is your covenant obligation to God.
2.    Treat them with love and respect. The commandment to walk in love applies to our relationship with everyone including our biological and spiritual parents. I believe as a Christian, if you abide in the Lord, your conscience is a safe guide. So what you know you would not want your children to do to you, do not do it to your parents. See Luk.6:31; Mat.19:19 & 1Pet.4:8. When you truly love your parents in spite of whatever imperfections they may have, you would not want to do any thing to hurt them.
3.    Obey their godly instructions and follow their godly counsel: I say godly to bring a balance here. There are some counsels some parents give that if you follow them, you will disobey they word of God. You are not obligated to obey this. You are to calmly and wisely decline. For instance, if they insist on you visiting a witch doctor for whatever reason, you must also remember that Jesus said whoso loveth father or mother more than me is not fit for the kingdom. So God comes first.

In summation, I would like to say here that if you are reading this article and you are not yet born again, the whole thing will be meaningless to you. You must obey God who is not just our first parent, but the one who gave us to our parents in trust for him. If your relationship as father and child with Him is not yet established, your obedience to this command will be meaningless. God’s most important command to believe in the Lord Jesus must first be obeyed before this can make meaning to you. See Jn.3:16; Rm.3:23; ; Acts16:31&1Jn.3:23. If you want to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life today, read this prayer out loud and the Holy Spirit will do the rest for you:
Heavenly father, I come to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe in my hearth the Jesus Christ came in the flesh, died for me on Calvary’s cross and on the third day, you raised Him from the dead for my justification. Therefore I ask; Jesus, please come into my life and be my Saviour and Lord. I reject and renounce the fatherhood of Satan from now on and forever, Amen!”
If you just said this prayer, congratulations. Welcome to the family of God. Please send me an email at This will enable me send you an e copy of our believers’ guide to growth to help you start out well on your spiritual journey.
 I believe this piece has been a blessing to you as it has been to me. See you at the top!