John 10:10: “The thief
cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they
might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”
1Thess.5:23: “And the
very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved
blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” still looking at our
series on understanding the abundant life, today, we are going to be looking at
the abundant life of the body. Like we observed at the beginning of this
series, the abundant life is not restricted to the spirit of man. This is
because the total man is spirit, soul and body. We have taken the time to look
at abundant life as it relates to the spirit and soul. Today, we want to look
at how it relates to the body. Why we are continuing with this series in this
month of blessing is that the abundant life is what describes the blessed life.
When Jesus hung on the
cross to take away our sin, he delivered a total package of the salvation of
our spirits, souls and bodies to us. For our spirits, he achieved the new
creation for us [2Cor.5:17; John 3:3-6, 16]. For our souls, he provided access
to a fertile mentality for us [2Tim.1:7; Jas.1:21, Rom.12:2] and for our
bodies, He provided health, wholeness and wellbeing [Isa.53:1-5, 1Pet.2:24].
There are many things involved in our wellbeing and they can be summed up in
one word: “prosperity”! In 3John 1:2 we are told that God wishes above all
things that we prosper and be in health even as our souls prosper. This implies
that God’s will is for us to be whole spirit, soul and body. On our part
however, there is what part we need to play to actualize our wellbeing.
Physically, we must:
Eat right – Dan.1:8; 1Cor.6:12-13. The bulk of disease on earth today
is tied to eating the wrong food. When we learn what the right food is and
adjust accordingly, we would elongate our lives in good health.
Exercise – 1Tim. 4:8; 2Tim.4:1-2. Bodily exercise carries profits as
it protects your muscles from atrophy which is a state of the inability of your
muscles to function because of lack of use. When you exercise, your body is
built up and performs all the functions it is intended to perform properly.
Rest – Exod.31:14-17; Heb.4:3-11. Rest refreshes you as it did God and
prepares you for your next level. A lack of rest can lead to stress which is
the foundation of many terminal illnesses and in some extreme cases, it can
lead to sudden death.
Submit your body to serve God’s purpose. Rom.12:1 – when you are busy
serving God’s purpose, you are blessed with health and fruitfulness and
protected from abortions! The Lord will fight your battles and give you victory
all the way! Exod.23:25-29
Spiritually, we must walk
in love and keep the body also known as the temple of God holy by living in
purity. Jn.13:34-35; Jn.15:12;
Mentally, we must renew
our minds. Rom.12:2; Ps.1:1-3; 1Tim.4:13-16.