Tuesday, 29 March 2016


Topic: How to be fruitful Part 2
IntroductionLike we saw last week, our fruitfulness is rooted in the prosperity of our souls. We are only fruitful to the extent we develop our souls to walk in the ways of God as opposed to how we used to live before we got saved [Isa.55:8; Jos.1:8; 3Jn.1:2 and Rm.12:2]
Today, we shall be looking at the process that lead to our ability to exercise dominion as God originally intended. In Gen.1:26 when God made the purpose of His intention for making man known, He put it in these words: “Let us make man in our image and after out likeness and let them have dominion…” in other words, God made man to rule over the earth. In the 28th verse of that text, God also disclosed the process by which man was to rule in these words: “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. …” in other words, the process where we are productive to the extent of fulfilling our purpose goes like this: Be fruitful, Multiply, Replenish the earth, Subdue it and have dominion over all that God said we should have dominion over. We shall look at these in details here:
Be fruitful: To be fruitful is to procreate after your kind. We want to restrict this here to having biological children. However, there is more to fruitfulness. There is the fruitfulness of your life in the area of your specific purpose. So while being productive in your body, you must be spiritually and soulishly productive as well so you can rule your world. See the parable of the pounds and the talent in Lk.19:12-26 and Mt.25:14-30. In these parables, the master wanted to see how productive they were going to be with the opportunities they were given. What you do with your time and money would tell how well you convert opportunities to wealth and would determine your rating and placement in life.
We can clarify this message by simplifying it this way. Bear fruit of your body at the right time. This means that when you get married, you are authorized to have children of your own by this scripture. See Ps.127:3-5 and Ps.113:9.
The next level of fruitfulness is that of your spirit. Following the fall of man into sin, we became spiritually dead and therefore could no longer bear fruit spiritually. When Jesus came to take our place of punishment, all who receive him would become new creations and have eternal life. But they will come into the faith as spiritual babies who must grow to the point where they can bear fruit for God. Note that if you do not grow, you cannot bear fruit and if you persist like that, you will wither spiritually and cannot attain to your potential. 
The third level is the fruitfulness of the soul. The soul is the part of man that contains the mind, will and emotions. When man sinned against God, his soul became corrupted and since his spirit had been severed from God, the soul came under the control of the flesh that had become subjected to death and its influences. Man’s mind became unproductive as a result and even though the potential of all he could be were still there, corruption had set in to mess man’s mind up and keep him in bondage to sin and therefore the devil. All the suffering of man afterwards is the product of his association with sin and therefore the devil. All the work of the flesh we see around today is the fruit of the association of man with the devil[Gal.5:18-21 and John 15:1-5]The result of this is unfruitfulness. However, by the grace of God, since the Lord Jesus Christ came to pay the debt for our sin, anyone who receives Him as Saviour and Lord would receive eternal life or the life of God. This life has the ability to quicken the soul and body to make them all God intends for them to be. [Jn.5:24-296:53-58].
In summation here, the first step towards our exercise of dominion therefore is to produce a fruit. Your fruit is what you birth following the leading of the Holy Spirit. It could be a ministry, a book, a business etc. Even your biological children can be fruits depending on how well you have raised them to follow the ways of God so that they can become seeds of the Lord. A seed shall serve him and it shall be accounted to God for a generation. So serving the Lord with your life makes you as seed sown. See Ps.22:30.
Multiply: Whatever fruit you produce is not good enough being alone. The fruit must be multiplied. For instance, if you produce a book, you have to multiply it by technology to enable it to get to many people through distribution. If you raise your children to walk in the ways of God, they would multiply and replenish the earth [Gen.18:17-19]. This is why your fruit must be multiplied. After multiplying your fruit, you have to come up with a good distribution network to spread it around the world. See Isa.9:8 and 68:11.
Replenish the earth: You replenish the earth when the fruit you have multiplied is taken from where you made it to other places where it is needed by others. The more you replenish the earth with your fruit, the more your purpose finds expression. For instance, a nation with more fruits like human resources, products from the nation’s raw materials like minerals, petroleum, vegetables and so on; is more productive than one with these same raw materials which is not producing fruits from them. This explains the existence of poor and rich nations on earth today even though all nations have the basic natural resources – man and time in it.See Is.52:7; Mk.16:15-17; Mt.28:18-20.
Subdue it [that is the earth]The more you spread your fruit around the earth, the more you are considered valuable provided your fruit delivers on its promise everywhere it goes. The result is that wherever your product goes, the land is subdued before it. When God had made the children of Israel a great people in the Promised Land, the bible says the land was subdued before them. See Joshua 18:1. In Egypt, pharaoh became threatened by Israel because God so caused them to multiply that the land was filled with them. See Ex.1:7. The greater your fruit becomes, the more tendency it has to subdue the earth. This was the fear of the religious leaders that drove them to murder Jesus Christ and attempt to stop His fruit - the gospel. But the Gospel is God’s product and cannot be stopped because of the increase of his government and peace, there shall be no end [Isa.9:7]. See Jn.11:47-53 and Acts 5:28. The more this is done on a consistent basis, the more likely you are to exercise dominion as God intends. This is why the Church is taking over the earth on a daily basis because she is the fruit of Jesus Christ.  
Have dominion or reignThe ultimate purpose of God for man is that the man leads in the area of his or her calling. Leadership is attained when a person has demonstrated faithfulness in servicing the needs of others with their fruits to the satisfaction of those people. This is why the Lord said the greatest among us must be the servant of all. This is why He made us, this is why He restored us after the fall and this is what we are expected to do on earth before the return of the Lord. No one has exemplified this truth better than Jesus Christ and his followers. See Gen.1:26-28; Jn.12:24; Acts 6:7; 19:18-20.
However, dominion cannot truly be exercised in man’s fallen state. This is why we must be born again so that we can bear fruit unto God. See Rom.7:4. Should you desire to make that transition from death to life now, you can do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be saved:
Heavenly Father, 
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name!
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at www.kingdomheirsministries.org and our blogs at www.flourishinggirl.blogspot.com and follow us on twitter at alero_nannaand on face book on www.facebook.com/flourishinggirl www.facebook.com/khmii2015www.facebook.com/thewellbeingcenter. Or     www.facebook.com/kingdomjointheirsfamily email:  jointheirsfamily@gmail.com.   
Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name!

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Understanding Spiritual Authority and Hierarchy pt.1

Spiritual authority is the power conferred on a person or persons by God to act on God’s behalf. In God’s kingdom, He usually chooses one person and grants him or her spiritual authority to speak or act etc on His behalf. Such a person represents God to people and stands before God on behalf of people. For example, in the book of Exodus 3, we see Moses receiving spiritual authority from God to go and get the children of Israel out of bondage and into the Promised Land. The said authority was conferred by God in these words in Ex.3:6-10
“Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God.
And the LORD said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows;
And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and honey; unto the place of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites.
Now therefore, behold, the cry of the children of Israel is come unto me: and I have also seen the oppression wherewith the Egyptians oppress them.
Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt.”   
Here, we see the following truths about spiritual authority:
  • It is given to man by God. It is not what a person takes on himself. In the above text of scripture, God started by introducing Himself to Moses as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to clarify to Moses the source of the power he was receiving. See also, Ps.75:5-7; Heb.5:4-6.
  • Spiritual authority is conferred on a person by grace of divine election. Note here that authority to operate in any of the fivefold ministry offices is given by the grace of God. You do not learn in school to get in. Therefore, your academic qualification or the length of time you have been in the ministry is not relevant.  See the example of Joseph in Gen.37:5-11; Gen.49:26 and 42:6-9. He was set apart from his siblings by God to lead them. See also Rm.9:11-12; 
  • Everyone operating spiritual authority is acting on behalf of God. Therefore, God authenticates his or her authority by His manifestations usually through signs and wonders. See the example of the Lord Jesus Christ in Acts 2:22; Jn.5:36-37; Rm.15:19 and 2Cor.12:12.
  • Anyone called to raise a Ministry for God is usually an apostle or a prophet because the Church is built on the foundation of apostles and prophets. An apostle is a messenger of God. In other words, he or she is one who runs errands for God. An example is the Lord Jesus Christ, the twelve apostles of the lamb. See Eph.2:20; Eph.3:1-10 and Heb.3:1. On the other hand, a prophet is God’s spokesperson. There are many examples of prophets recorded in the bible both in the Old and New Testaments. See Mt.21:10-11 and Luk. 2:36.  
  • There are others called into any of the other five fold ministry offices who are not foundation layers. Their distinction from others is that they have other people working with them to accomplish divine purpose. Those people are also called by God to help them. These are those in the other fivefold ministry offices like Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers. These may not be foundation layers but their service is essential for the building up of the saints for the work of the ministry. Eph.4:11-14 and 1Cor.12:27-28.
  • The ability to exercise spiritual authority is as authorized by God per time. This is why Apostle Paul tells us in Rom.12:3 to exercise our power according to the measure of faith we have at that time. For instance Moses was told to speak to the rock on one occasion and he went and struck the rock twice thus disobeying God and abusing spiritual privilege thereby. He was therefore excluded from entering the Promised Land. See Num.20:8-12.
  • Spiritual authority is God’s way of creating order that enables his purpose to find free expression for our benefits and his glory. When people understand and embrace spiritual authority, they are blessed. See Deu.30:19-20; Ex.7:1
  • Spiritual authority cuts across all spheres of life because all power devolves from God who is a Spirit. There is the one in the body of Christ which we looked at earlier. There is the one in the home where God is the head of Christ; Christ is the head of the man and the man is the head of his wife. There is the spiritual authority of God over nations and peoples. See Dan.417; Rm.13:1 and 1Cor.11:3.

Monday, 21 March 2016

How to be fruitful

Topic: How to be fruitful
Introduction: The prosperity of man is rooted in the prosperity of his soul. To prosper is to be whole nothing; missing and nothing broken. When we are whole, we would be fruitful. In the book of 3John 1:2, we read: “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth”. To put it another way, I wish that you are fruitful and multiply to the extent your soul is cultivated to permit you. In other words, God has done all that needs to be done for you to be fruitful; the rest is up to your cooperation through your soul.
From today, we shall be looking at how to be fruitful based on the cultivation of our soul. The reason for the cooperation of the soul for our productivity or fruitfulness is that since the fall of man, the new birth became necessary. When we are born again, a whole new life starts for us. This is the life where the spirit must begin to control the soul as opposed to the old life when the flesh was in control. This is the real warfare of man after salvation. He can therefore only be productive to the extent he cooperates with the new creation spirit and the word of God based on the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Be fruitful and multiply, replenish the earth, subdue it and have dominion: This is the statement of the blessing and it encapsulates God’s work description for mankind. We are only as fulfilled as we obey this command. When we do, we are blessed with increase and we attract God’s interest in us. So he comes to prune us to become even more productive.
If we disobey this command, we risk being cut off from our source and cast away. That will not be the portion of any of us in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
In these teachings, we are going to focus on spiritual fruitfulness as most of us are already familiar with the fruitfulness of the body and for those of us who have developed our minds to some extent; the fruitfulness of the soul. To have children simply entails cultivating a godly relationship as you are led of God. This relationship ends in marriage and the fruit of the marital union are children. Then the work of cultivating them and guiding them into God’s purpose for their lives so as to continue your godly legacy begins as you work to build a great environment for this to happen effectively.
Mental productivity is what informs your decision to become literate and learn a trade or business where you could grow to the point of productivity and more productivity as you faithfully build your business to the point where your efforts by the grace of God can become instrumental in bringing out the best in others. All who are blessed through your work are proofs of your mental fruitfulness.
Spiritually, Jesus tells us to bear fruit that would abide and he told us how. His instructions are found in John 15:1-8; 16. A study of that chapter would reveal the following truths to us:
1.     Jesus Christ is likened to the vine while we are likened to the branches.
2.     As the branches have to depend on their connection to the vine for sustenance, we also have to depend on our connection to the Lord for our sustenance. We do this by the fellowship with the Holy Spirit and the word of God and taking the Holy Communion daily. See John 6:56-57.
3.     The difference between us and the branches is that we can exercise our wills to choose to disconnect ourselves from the vine or stay connected to the vine. See Deu.30:19-20.
4.     If we choose to stay connected, we shall grow because we would be receiving nourishment from the vine and become productive. If on the other hand we choose to disconnect from the vine, we shall wither and die and consequently become fruitless.
5.     The father is likened to the vinedresser. Just as a vinedresser comes to prune a productive branch to become even more fruitful, so does the father do to us when we bear fruits. God is really not looking for perfect people. He is looking for available people who have the heart to stay connected to Him. Prov.23:26 and Ps103:7.
6.     In the same way the vinedresser cuts off the unproductive branch, God also cuts off those who are not willing to bear fruit. This is the same principle at work in the parable of the pounds and talents where the little that the unproductive servant had was taken from him and given to the most productive servant. In the same way, the unproductive branch will be cut off to give room for the productive ones to perform better. This is a very sobering thought when we bear in mind that God is no respecter of persons. This is why Apostle Paul talks of leading himself to be disciplined so that he would not end up as a cast away after he has preached to others. See 1Cor.9:2; Acts 10:34-35; Lk.19:20-26
7.     It is God’s will that we bear much fruit. When we do, we enjoy the privilege of answers to our prayer.
8.     In this passage, Jesus reemphasized that the reason He chose us is that we bear fruit and that our fruit would abide. So it is not enough to just bear fruit, we must ensure that they abide.
9.     The fruits we bear are godly character and good works. See Gal.5:22-23, Matthew 5:16 and Eph.2:10. The godly character is described in Gal.5:22-23. When godly character is cultivated in our lives, it would generate the ability to do good works. This is what I call the grace of God. It has the ability to attract favour to us and energize us to meet the need that the favour opportunes us to meet. The good works are anything we do that would add eternal value to people even though some temporal values may also necessarily be added in the process. For example, God has given me a vision of this ministry which has helped many to find their place in God’s scheme of things that would endure forever. This is like what we are talking about.
10.                        2Peter 1:5-11 provides the recipe that would guarantee our fruitfulness, protect us from bareness and unfruitfulness in the word of righteousness until we step out of time into eternity.
11.                         The best way we can get our souls to cooperate with our spirit to bear fruit unto God is by walking in the spirit. To walk in the spirit is a choice you make and follow through with the help of the Holy Spirit. We are told in Gal.5:16 that if we walk in the spirit, we shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. In Philippians 2:12-13, we learn that if we decide to work out our salvation by walking in the spirit for instance, God would come to help us work to will and to do of His good pleasure. So we are not really left to ourselves. God is only looking for a willing and ready heart.
We shall stop here for today. Next week, we shall conclude by looking at the process that lead to our ability to exercise dominion as God originally intended. Meanwhile, the starting point for fruitfulness is the new birth experience. If you are yet to have that experience, you can begin today by saying the following prayer out loud and you shall be born again and start bearing fruit immediately:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name!
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at www.kingdomheirsministries.org and our blogs at www.flourishinggirl.blogspot.com and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on www.facebook.com/flourishinggirl www.facebook.com/khmii2015; www.facebook.com/thewellbeingcenter. Or      www.facebook.com/kingdomjointheirsfamily email:  jointheirsfamily@gmail.com.     

Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name!

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Some benefits of Fruitfulness

Topic: Some benefits of Fruitfulness
Introduction: Last week we began to look at this theme of being fruitful and multiplying. We saw among other things that this was a core purpose of God in creating man in the first place. Then we sought to look at why we must be fruitful and multiply.
Today, we want to examine some of the benefits of obeying this command to be fruitful and multiply so as to receive understanding of this great redemptive right in the covenant of grace to which we now belong. The beauty of this injunction is that even when man sinned, he could still be fruitful even though he was limited in understanding. With Jesus Christ bringing us redemption, our status in fruitfulness has been enhanced to the place God wants it to be. All we need to do to actualize it is to cultivate a relationship with our heavenly father through the Lord Jesus Christ so that we can begin to walk in the newness of life that would help us actualize the blessings.
To gain more understanding in this grace we shall be looking at what we benefit from being fruitful and multiplying. 
Benefits of Fruitfulness:
1.     The blessings that go with obedience become ours: Some of these blessings are listed in Deu.28:1-15; Ps.1:1-3 and Jn.15:1-5, 8, 16.
2.     The ability to spread out and grow into the place of leadership in your field as a professional. See the story of Joseph in Gen.37-41 and Daniel in the book of Daniel. In both cases, these people became masters in their field in what looked like an overnight thing. However, we know that Joseph had faithfully served and followed God for years before he became prime minister in Egypt and Daniel already purposed in his heart to maintain his purity before God and was faithful before he came to limelight and sustained relevance outliving several kings for a period that spanned about seventy years.
3.     This is what will guarantee the continuity of your family, business or ministry even beyond your lifetime. See the story of the Rechabites in Jer.35.
4.     When you are fruitful in your body, the legacy of the blessing of God for the next generation is guaranteed. God is transgenerational because He is eternal and causes His blessing to pass from parents to their children. This explains why He is said to be the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. See Ex.3:15 and Deu.7:9. The power to get wealth for instance is in order to keep a covenant to an earlier generation of people as we see in Deu.8:18. When there are no children, the blessing could be stopped. Thank God that this will not be our case because of Gal.3:13-14.
5.     Protect the next generation from corruption and destruction if they were taught to walk in the ways of God. Fruitfulness as God intends would always yield the positive result of people walking in the ways of God as they have learnt from a previous generation. When the next generation is not taught the ways of God, the land would stand the risk of extinction except something is done about it on time. See the examples of the children of Israel in Judges 2:10 -16 and the example of the Rechabites in Jeremiah 35:1-19
Access to this grace was freely available to man until the devil came in to mess things up by luring man into sin which resulted in his separation from God [Gen.3; Rm.3:23 and 6:23]. Thankfully, the Lord Jesus Christ already came to solve the sin problem for us. However, we are required to embrace His sacrifice by believing in Him and receiving God’s free gift of salvation through faith. See John 3:16-18.
If you have not yet received this free gift, you can do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you shall be saved:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name!
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at www.kingdomheirsministries.org and our blogs at www.flourishinggirl.blogspot.com and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on www.facebook.com/flourishinggirl www.facebook.com/khmii2015; www.facebook.com/thewellbeingcenter. Or      www.facebook.com/kingdomjointheirsfamily email:  jointheirsfamily@gmail.com.     

Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name!

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Why fruitfulness?

Topic: Why fruitfulness?
Introduction: In the manufacturing industry, it is a rule that before a product is sold to people, the manufacturer would have prepared and packaged with his or her product, a little literature known as a manual of instructions showing the purpose, use and management of the product for optimum performance. I believe this was copied by man from God because God as the ultimate manufacturer who created the heavens and the earth and all of mankind, has a manual for them. His manual is the Bible. The bible is authored by God and teaches us how to live in such a way as to become the best that we could ever be.
In the bible, the origin and purpose of our existence as mankind is disclosed to us. The bible also reveals God as our source from whom we can receive all that pertains to life and godliness. We also learn from the bible how we can connect with God and learn directly from him about our individual lives and specific destiny calls so that we can be most productive and fulfilled in life.
In summary here, we learn from the same bible that God’s main purpose for making man is really achievable when we are fruitful. Imagine if Adam and Eve never proliferated; would we have the population and diversity on earth today as we do? So at the root of our fulfillment in life is this need to be fruitful and multiply. Today, we shall be looking at why we must be fruitful.
Why fruitfulness? To make this easy for all to understand, I am going to list some reasons from the word of God why we must be fruitful. By the end of this month, I hope to show us that fruitfulness in every area of our lives is not optional. It is our legal right in the covenant of grace. We can place a demand on it and receive it. For example, all the women who trusted God for Children in the bible ended up as mothers including Sarah at ninety and Elizabeth at an old age. Jabez found himself to be unproductive until he cried out to God in prayer for the blessing and enlargement of his coast and changed that destiny [1Chron.4:9-10]. We can go on and on to show that it is the mind of God to make us fruitful and multiply. These are the reasons for it:
1.     When we are fruitful and multiply, we are being obedient to God’s command to us from the very beginning. The statement of the blessing in Gen.1:28 was also a commandment that must be obeyed. When we obey this command, we fulfill the purpose for which God made us.
2.     To be fruitful and multiply is the means by which God intends for us to fulfill our purpose in creation to have dominion over all the work of God’s hands on earth. In other words, this is the means by which we can effectively lead God’s creation. When we proliferate, we grow in number enough to be able to accomplish more as a team than if we stood alone. When Adam was alone, God said that the alone state was not good and decided to make and present him with a woman suitable to him and together, they began to increase in number on the earth. See Gen.2:18 – this was the only aspect of creation to which God’s verdict of ‘not good’ was attached. When the children of Israel began to take the land of their inheritance, God told them he would not remove all the previous inhabitants from the land at once lest the evil beasts in the land would increase and gain mastery over them. See Deu.7:22-23.
3.     Fruitfulness and multiplication triggers our wisdom potential and enables us to come up with creative ways of dealing with issues that arise from it. For instance when Moses was faced with the challenge of managing a crowd of people alone, his father in law helped him out by suggesting to him what we now understand to be delegation. Also, when the early Church faced the challenge that comes with growth, the office of the deacon was created to free up the apostles to focus on their primary assignment. See Ex.18:13-26 and Acts 6:1-7.
4.     Fruitfulness and multiplication is proof of the blessing working in your life. When God called Abraham, He promised him that he would make him the father of many nations and gave him the word of the blessing. See Gen.12:1-4 and Noah’s example in Gen.9:1-3.
5.     Fruitfulness and multiplication is God’s method of destroying the curse. When we are productive, everything that resembles the curse is eliminated from our lives as we would naturally prosper as our souls prosper.  The prosperity of the soul shows mental and social productivity. See 3John 1:2; Ex.1:7-9. The king of Egypt was threatened by the multiplication of the children of Israel as he saw them more and mightier than the Egyptians.
Access to this grace was freely available to man until the devil came in to mess things up by luring man into sin which resulted in his separation from God [Gen.3; Rm.3:23 and 6:23]. Thankfully, the Lord Jesus Christ already came to solve the sin problem for us. However, we are required to embrace His sacrifice by believing in Him and receiving God’s free gift of salvation through faith. See John 3:16-18.
If you have not yet received this free gift, you can do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you shall be saved:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at www.kingdomheirsministries.org and our blogs at www.flourishinggirl.blogspot.com and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on www.facebook.com/flourishinggirl www.facebook.com/khmii2015; www.facebook.com/thewellbeingcenter. Or www.facebook.com/kingdomjointheirsfamily email:  jointheirsfamily@gmail.com.   

Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name! 

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Welcome to the month of March 2016: Our Month of Fruitfulness

Welcome to the month of March 2016: Our Month of Fruitfulness
Gen.1:26-28; John 15:1-8, 16 and Romans 7:4
About this time six years ago, I heard the Lord tell me to come with Him to Ghana. I promptly obeyed because I love the Lord and at that time in my life, I knew it was time for another phase to begin for me. Even though at this time, I did not know the details of all the responsibilities that awaited me, I left for Ghana with a mixed sense of fear of the unknown and adventure. I knew then that courage was the ability to go on in spite of the temptation to fear.
Looking back today, I have found this to be one of the greatest decisions of my life. I went to Ghana in faith believing God’s promise to me. He quickly told me that activities do not equate effectiveness. So I knew that to succeed in this journey, would demand constructive hard work from me. He further told me that Ghana was not going to be my rest but the nation would never forget I came. This entailed that I must focus on bearing abiding fruits. So my passion was to be instrumental in raising leaders who would eventually multiply through Church planting.
To God be the glory, three and a half years later, my direct missionary work in Ghana was done and the Lord told me it was time to leave. I did not leave as I came. I came to Ghana with the word of God and my faith in the word not knowing where I was even going to stay. I recall telling my best friend before I left Nigeria that I did not know exactly what I would be facing in Ghana but that I trusted in God’s ability to see me through. He really did see me through because when I was leaving Ghana, I had been instrumental in planting the first Church of Kingdom Heirs and raising an indigenous pastor to replace me through the Bible School the Lord enabled me to start. He also enabled me to broadcast the gospel in up to eleven radio stations in the ten regions of Ghana. He also helped me to publish the gospel in all the fifteen Counties of Liberia via radio and the entire African continent through television. He enabled me to author thirteen books. Six of these books are in hard copies and two of them were also made into audio books. The Lord also helped me with my small team of committed labourers to purchase real estate and build a Church auditorium and a parsonage.
I just came back from Ghana yesterday where we went to start building in another region that was started about a year and four months ago. They have grown into three Churches with one Church affiliated to us. Also, the Accra Church has also increased to two Churches. My joy in seeing the people I left behind who started with me from the scratch growing and reproducing more Churches to the glory of God; is boundless. I came back exhausted from the trip as I had to go with my team from Nigeria by road but my heart is dancing and jubilating before the Lord because His word is producing fruits that would last for all eternity.
My testimony is one of fruitfulness. So this month of our fruitfulness, it is my privilege to share what the Lord taught me that has enabled us to become so productive as a ministry as to be able to easily plant Churches and nurture them to multiply after their kind. This method may be considered by many to be the hard way to go especially for those who just want to gather a crowd without really inculcating godly values into them. While such people may successfully boom for a while, in no time, they would surely doom because the ways of God are higher than the ways of man and booming and dooming is not His way. Except a corn of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it abides alone but if it dies, it brings forth much fruit. God’s will for us is not only to bear fruit but to bear much fruit. See Isa.55:8; John 12:24; John 15:8. In addition, God does not want us to just bear much fruit but to bear fruit that would abide with Him forever. This is why as a Church leader, I see myself as being responsible; not only for winning the lost to my Lord Jesus Christ but to labour to see them established in faith so that they can abide with the Lord. See John 15:16.
Let us understand that the entire purpose of God in creating man and putting him on earth is for man to be fruitful and so fruitful that he would multiply and as a team; dominate the earth He has made.
In my journey as a missionary, God has enlightened me with some truths that have enabled me to labour with some results. It is my pleasure this month to share some of those truths with you so as to help you gain more light in this area to fulfill God’s purpose for your life and help others do likewise. As I write today, God has enabled us to grow and spread into four countries where we carry out diverse ministries in all these countries.
To this end, this month, we shall be looking at a series I want to caption: “Be Fruitful and multiply”. Access to this grace was freely available to man until the devil came in to mess things up by luring man into sin which resulted in his separation from God [Gen.3; Rm.3:23 and 6:23]. Thankfully, the Lord Jesus Christ already came to solve the sin problem for us. However, we are required to embrace His sacrifice by believing in Him and receiving God’s free gift of salvation through faith. See John 3:16-18.
If you have not yet received this free gift, you can do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you shall be saved:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name!
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at www.kingdomheirsministries.org and our blogs at www.flourishinggirl.blogspot.com and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on www.facebook.com/flourishinggirl www.facebook.com/khmii2015; www.facebook.com/thewellbeingcenter. Or www.facebook.com/kingdomjointheirsfamily email:  jointheirsfamily@gmail.com.   

Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name!