Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Applying the keys of the kingdom of God for your prosperity Pt.2

Messages for December 2017: Our Month of Jubilee
Message for Sunday 17th December, 2017
Theme: Understanding the Keys of the Kingdom of God
Topic: Applying the keys of the kingdom of God for your prosperity Pt.2
Introduction: Last week, we began looking at this topic and we saw that prosperity is all encompassing; it covers the entire human; nature spirit, soul and body.  We saw the definition of prosperity as to be whole with nothing missing and nothing broken. We also established that prosperity is a covenant and that until your part is played, God is not obligated to keep the promise. We began to look at the terms of the covenant and we saw that the covenant demands that for there to be harvest, there must be seed time. This means if seeds are sown, there would be harvest. In other words, if seeds are not sown, there would be no harvest. Then we began to look at the different levels of seeds sown. We saw that the foundation for prosperity is tithing; this is what makes all the other seeds sown work. Then we began to look at offerings which are free will offerings which we are expected to bring every time we gather at the feet of the Lord to worship Him.
Today, we shall continue to look at different dimensions of giving. This is why I always talk about giving constructively. When we give constructively, it means we are giving according to the leading of the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit that knows when and what we should give and to whom. Basically though, we can know the different kinds of seeds we need to sow. This is why we are going to be looking at the different dimensions of giving today. See Jn.16:13; 1Jn,2:27 and Rm.8:14-16.
Different dimensions of giving: Every offering you give comes with returns of rewards on your investments. This is why I believe that the best company to invest in is the company of God. God’s company never runs dry and His stock market never crashes. Just like you need guidance to invest wisely in stock markets, you need guidance to invest wisely in God’s business and His principal products are people. When you invest prayer and the word in the lives of people, you are giving an offering. Prayer investments enable you to make spiritual investments in people’s lives for the fulfilment of their destinies. The word investment enables you to build up people for the prosperity of their souls to the end that they would cause their souls to be united to their spirits for the fulfilment of their destinies. So contrary to what many believe, your investment in the kingdom is going to be much more than money. However, today, I want to look at different offerings converted to money and what our returns on such offerings could be. If you do not know this, then you cannot effectively use it for you spiritual benefits.
General offerings: This is the free will offering we give in Church every time we gather there. The Lord has said the children of Israel should not come before him empty. Thus if you go to Church and you are not doing any service in Church for instance, you are coming before the Lord empty. This explains why we gather here before Sunday service to pray in tongues for thirty minutes preceding the service to render some offering of our time to God. Also, when God puts money in our hands; no matter how little, we are expected to bring the tithe of it to him and some free will offering. We looked at tithing and the general offerings last week. Today still looking at offerings, we shall continue looking at some dimensions of offerings and the different returns we can receive on our investments.
Giving to our parents: The bible commands us to honor our fathers and mothers so that our days may be long on the earth which the Lord has given to us. In the New Testament, we are taught that when we do this, it shall be well with us and we would live long. In other words this kind of giving guarantees longevity. It is not optional but a covenant of longevity guaranteed. If it is not done, we make ourselves vulnerable to the spirit of untimely death. Instead of praying to live long, just honor God by giving to your parents because the word translated honor the Lord with your substance in Prv.3:9 is the same as honor your father and mother. This means to support your parents financially in honor of the Lord; it does not matter whether they are financially comfortable or not. It also does not matter whether they treated you well or not. It is a spiritual transaction between you and God. But give your size per time. Do not try to show off; cut your coat according to your cloth because life is in phases and men are in sizes.
The New Testament also teaches about giving to your spiritual parents or your parents in the Lord. God is the father of us all as Jesus taught in Mt.23:9 but along the path of our destinies, He has designated certain people as shepherds over us and some play the role of spiritual parenthood while others act as guides or teachers at specific times. This is why apostle Paul told the Church at Corinth that they had many teachers but only one spiritual parent and that in Christ Jesus He begat them in the gospel. That made him their spiritual parent. As a parent, there was a time he told the Church at Rome that he longed to see them to impart spiritual gifts to them to the end that they may be established. Only a spiritual parent can help you to become established in faith. This is why we need to belong to a Church family where God Himself has planted us. See Ex.20:12; Eph.6:1-3; Rm.1:11 and 1Cor.4:15.
Giving to the poor: So many people despise the poor; meanwhile, anytime the poor come to you for help, God is giving you the opportunity to make Him [God] owe you. The bible teaches that when we give to the poor, we lend to God and God is no man’s debtor; He will always out give you. When you do this, you open up yourself to the blessing of God because God hears the cry of the poor. In addition, God will not give you over to the will of your enemy because He is a good God. If you are given over to the will of your enemy, there are not many like you and the cry of the poor would prevent the will of your enemies from finding expression in your life. Our chief enemy is Satan. His human agents are his cohorts and they are all under your feet because God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ. One of the means by which we bring down those blessings is giving to the poor.  Another thing we enjoy giving to the poor is healing from our afflictions. Please understand that this is not the same thing that spiritists do transferring your affliction to others; God is too awesome not to be able to take care of you through and through. The transfer of infirmity to innocent people is the work of the thief who comes to steal, kill and destroy. God has more than enough healing to give to you and besides Jesus Christ paid the full price for our redemption which includes healing in the package. Giving to the poor would have averted the madness of Nebuchadnezzar but he did not listen to the counsel of Daniel. Another benefit of giving to the poor is that your light will break forth as the noon day meaning you will not be in the dark about the events of your life so you will always find a way out no matter what. See Dan.4:27-28; Ps.41:1-3; Isa.58:6-11 and Prv.19:17. 
Giving to widows and the fatherless: At the time of the putting together of the Law of Moses, the widows and their children were much more vulnerable than others. For this cause, God set up a system for them to be cared for. The people of Israel were to consciously leave part of their harvest in their fields for them to reap because they had no land of their own or other calamities may have befallen them like was the case of Naomi in the book of Ruth. Boaz helped them and God rewarded him with a virtuous wife even though was never married and his wife who never had a child in her previous marriage was given conception by God and she had a son for him and they became part of the ancestry of the seed of Abraham Jesus Christ! What a legacy!!! So what happens if you give to widows?
1.     God will protect you
2.     God will consider Himself indebted to you and will definitely repay you.
3.     God will keep your spouse alive and cause you to enjoy him or her.
4.     God will see that your children do not become fatherless.   
Giving to widows and the poor was the secret of Job’s success that enabled him to become the richest man in the ancient world. You will find this key in Job 29. He was reminiscing there about the days of his youth when the secret of God was upon his tabernacle and he reached out to the poor and widows. Job.29:12-13; Ex.22:22-24; 1Tim.5:16 and Jas.1:27.
For want of time and space, we shall stop here for now. We shall continue next week by God’s grace along the line of what we are seeing today. Meanwhile, someone is reading this blog that is yet to receive Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, you can do so right away because you do not qualify to enter into this covenant without first receiving Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. If you want to do so based on this understanding, you can do so right away by saying the following prayers out loud in faith and you will be saved:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter @alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:

Applying the keys of the kingdom of God for your prosperity

Messages for December 2017: Our Month of Jubilee
Message for Sunday 10th December, 2017
Theme: Understanding the Keys of the Kingdom of God
Topic: Applying the keys of the kingdom of God for your prosperity
Introduction: Last week, in looking at Jubilee as a key, we laid a foundation of the understanding that the keys of the kingdom are revelations given to us by the Father to enable us walk in His ways. We saw that the ways of God have been compressed by the Lord into the love walk; to wit, to Love God and our neighbors as ourselves. It is on this foundation that we begin to build our lives to enable us grow and develop to the point where we would be able to fulfill our destinies to the point where we would experience the prosperity of the kingdom of God in our individual lives as God’s children and in our corporate lives as a ministry.
What is prosperity from God’s perspective? From God’s word, we can simply define prosperity as to be whole with nothing missing and nothing broken in our lives. It is a state of being where one’s total man is unified in wellbeing.
Please understand that we cannot truly comprehend God’s prosperity without understanding our triune nature. We are spirit, soul and body just as God is Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Now we say God is one God presenting in three personalities of Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. God is whole with nothing about Him missing or broken. He is perfect but we are not because of sin. Jesus paid the full price for our redemption to save us from sin so that we can become whole again just like God is whole. This is why He is Holy. Even the pagans of ancient times identified Him as the Holy one. See Dan.5:11; Lev.19:2; 20:26 and 1Pet.1:16.
God’s perfect will is our Prosperity: God’s perfect will concerning our prosperity is clearly stated in His word. 3Jn.1:2 makes us understand that God wants us to prosper and even be in health to the extent our soul prospers. In addition, we learn from his word that we are saved by Him so that we can become partakers of the blessing of Abraham [Gal.3:13-14].
Again a look at Deu.28:1-15 where a comprehensive list of the blessing is documented reveals to us in summary that God wants us whole in all things. There is the curse of poverty, sickness and death associated with sin. On the other hand, the blessing of Abraham eradicates the curse. In the covenant of prosperity God cut with His people in Deu.8:18, we are told that God gives them the power to get wealth with the intention of establishing His covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob the fathers of the blessing. Thus every time we prosper in any way, God is establishing His covenant with the founding fathers of our faith in Him: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
The Duration of God’s prosperity Covenant: God’s covenant of prosperity is for an eternal generation. It is referred to as an everlasting covenant [Ps.103:17-18]. In time, it is supposed to endure as long as the earth remains. See Gen.8:22 and Jer.33:19-22. Once there is a valid covenant between you and God on any issue including your prosperity, as long as you meet the demands, God will never break it because He is more faithful than you. See Ps.89:34. Understand that a promise is only a promise as long as the demands that upgrade it into a covenant are not met. God is not obligated to keep promises; He is only obligated to keep covenants. Please understand that any promise you see in the bible that places a demand on you to meet any obligation before it can be fulfilled is merely a promise until you meet the obligation. When you meet the obligation, it is upgraded to a covenant and it is the Covenant that God cannot break. God promised to take the children of Israel to the Promised Land but most of them could not make it there because they did not meet the faith and gratitude demand. So God changed His mind about them and raised another generation to go to the Promised Land. See Numbers 14:22-28. Thus when you are operating in the covenant of prosperity, you can be rest assured that all that pertains to that covenant can be yours.
The Covenant: Every covenant has some elements you look out for to be able to tell that a covenant exists or it is a potential covenant depending on what the terms are. These elements are the promise or word of the covenant, the blood of the covenant and the demands to be met.
For the prosperity Covenant, the word of the covenant is in Gen.8:22 when God in response to the worship of Noah through the sweet savor of the burnt offering of Noah declared the oath that as long as the earth remains, there would be seed time and harvest. Thus when we sow, we must reap. In other words if we do not sow, we would not reap. Another name for this law is the law of sowing and reaping.
In the New Testament, we are taught in addition that it is what we so we would reap. If we sow to the flesh, we would reap corruption; if we so to the spirit we would reap everlasting life. Consequently, whatever things or acts we sow is what we would reap; for instance if we sow fear into our lives and that of others, that is what we would reap. If we sow love, we would reap love; if we sow money we would reap money etc. See Gal.6:7-10 and Prov.22:8.
The terms of the covenant of prosperity:
1.     Access into the covenant of prosperity is the subscription to the new birth experience. The Lord said except a man is born of the water and of the Spirit, he shall not enter the kingdom of God. See Jn.3:6 and 1Pet.1:23.
2.     The prosperity covenant is rooted in the blessing of Abraham: This is why new birth gives us access into the family of Abraham just like Isaac was a seed of Abraham. See Gal.3:29 and 4:28. In the Old Testament, God told the children of Israel to remember the Lord because he is the one who gives them the power to get wealth. See Deu.8:18 – the Lord showed us the power to get wealth in a figure in Jn. When he talked about the power to lay down his life and the power to take it up again. This can be likened to giving and receiving which is the hallmark of the prosperity covenant. Jn.10:17-18.
3.     The covenant is the covenant of seed time and harvest: This covenant is clearly stated in Gen.8:22 that as long as the earth remains, there must be seed time and harvest. In other words if we sow we must reap. The implication of this is that if we do not sow, we would have nothing to reap. If we do not sow, God is not obligated to give us a harvest. See Jn.4:36.
·        What do you sow? This would depend on what you want. Since the principle is that you reap what you sow, wisdom demands that you will give what you want to receive. If what you desire is money, you will give it. If what you desire is love or other good fruits, then you must give that because it is what you give that you will reap.
·        Seeds can be sown by words or deeds or both. Prov.18:20-21 lets us know that death and life are in the power of the tongue. In this case, seeds are planted by words. A good example of this is the story of Samson and Delilah where Delilah kept pestering Samson with her words until he was compelled to tell her his secret. Judges 16:15-18.
·        How do you sow? God looks at the state of your heart to tell why you give. If you give to honor God, it would be done cheerfully and lavishly otherwise your giving would not be accepted. See Mal.1:6-9; 2Cor.9:6-8; Joel 1:12 and Jer.17:9, 11.
4.     As we have seen earlier, the Law of seed time and harvest demands that we give before we can receive. When we give, it is called sowing our seeds. However in the mystery of prosperity, various keys are utilized in giving. These keys make up the different levels of giving; they are as follows:
·        Tithing: This is the foundation for prosperity. It is what makes all your giving meaningful. The command is found first in the pre-Mosaic law era in the life of Abraham and Jacob in Gen.14:18-20. This truth was reiterated in the Mosaic Law by Moses when he ordered it in obedience to the Lord. The conclusion of the Law of Moses on tithing is that the tithe is the Lord’s which is why a failure to tithe is viewed by the Lord as robbing God. See Lev.27:30; Ex.34:20 and Mal.3:8-12. The truth that tithes are received by men on behalf of God who receives them spiritually in heaven is taught by Apostle Paul in Heb.7. Thus tithing is really a spiritual transaction between us and God. Finally on tithing, it is acknowledged by the Lord as what we ought to do in Mt.23:23.
·        Offerings: This is the free will gift you give to honor God every time you appear before him in Church. We are commanded not to appear before God empty every time we come before him. Some give to God as though He is a beggar. It shows in the way their gifts are packaged. Some just squeeze the money and throw into the offering basket. Can you give like that to your father or governor? Let us honor God in our giving. This seed is what is sown for increase. The more abundantly you give, the more you will receive; not only in money but in many other things that money cannot buy for you. This is the hundredfold principle. See Ex.23:15 and 2Cor.9:6-10.
We shall stop here for today for want of time and space. Next week by God’s grace, we shall continue by looking at the other levels of giving to our advantage. Meanwhile, like we saw earlier, access into the prosperity covenant is by the new birth experience. If you are yet to be born again and desire to do so now, please say the following prayer out loud in faith and you shall be saved:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter @alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:

Jubilee is a kingdom key

Messages for December 2017: Our Month of Jubilee
Message for Sunday 3rd December, 2017
Theme: Understanding the Keys of the Kingdom of God
Topic: Jubilee is a kingdom key
Introduction: A key can be defined as a means of access into any kind of place. For instance, every room in a house usually has a key hole or place depending on the type of key one uses that enables one enter the room. In the modern day civilization, unlike before when a key was a little metal cut to the shape of the keyhole; new things are used as well like cards, remote control keys, finger prints, word codes and the like.
Irrespective of what kind of key we choose to use for our homes for instance, we have to acknowledge that some keys command more attention than others based on their perceived importance. A front door key is more important than a bedroom key especially when you are going out of the house. This is because you must prevent access into your home by unwanted guests like thieves. On the other hand, even the bedroom doors are left open when we go out of the house so long as the front door has been shut. Your life could be likened to the house and the keys to access into your life. Before anyone can gain access into any private part of your life, they must have engaged the first key of relationship which could be likened to the key to the main front door of your house. Some people use the back door like into the kitchen though. In the same way, to enter into God’s world places a demand of relationship on us which is the first key of the kingdom of heaven. The means of access called relationship with God is divine revelation which is what Peter found in Mt.16:16-17 as disclosed to us by the Lord. When he found it, the Lord went ahead to promise him the keys of the kingdom of God to enable him live this life.
 The keys of the kingdom of heaven [Mt.16:15-19]: From our text scripture here, it is clear that we access the kingdom by the revelation of Jesus Christ the Son of God and faith in Him makes us new creations and we become members of God’s family. In this family, we are entitled to the wealth of our father God as joint heirs with the Lord Jesus Christ and the means by which we access this wealth is walking in His ways [See Is.55:8]. God’s ways may be a secret to a lost world but not to us His Children. He causes us to know and walk in His ways by delivering to us the keys of His kingdom which are the revelations of God to us on how to live life in this kingdom.
For every area of life in God’s kingdom, there are keys we must engage to find access because it is a different world from the one we were living in as sinners. When we gets born again, we are expected to grow in this new kingdom into adults so that we can become qualified for all the advantages reserved for us when we grow into sons. All these truths are open secrets sprawled all over the word of God for us to take advantage of. This is why the Lord likened those who hear his word and do it and those who hear and do not do it as builders. The wise ones would hear and do and endure whereas the foolish ones would hear and not do and therefore not endure.
The summation of the keys of the Kingdom:  When the Lord came, He summed up the keys of the kingdom in these words:
And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.
And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.” Mk.12:30-31. See also Mt.22:35-40.
Then in the New Testament, we are taught that the new commandment for us is to walk in love. Anyone who walks in love would bear the fruit of the spirit and therefore not offend any commandment of God. See Jn.13:34-35; 1Jn.4:7-8 & 20.
According to the Lord all the laws of the Old Testament hang on these two principles. This is what makes this the master key of the kingdom of God.
Jubilee is a key of the kingdom of God: From what we have seen so far about loving the Lord and our neighbors if we exercise in the laws that regulates Jubilee, we would be honoring God and therefore walking in love when our motive is to please him by so doing. Let us look at what Jubilee entailed in Lev.25, 26; Mt.6:12-15 and Mk.11:24-26 [KJV].  
Someone may say I am being legalistic; I wish to tender a dissenting view by letting you know that the King of Kings has a right to His own culture which every citizen of the kingdom of God must live by and the truth is that it is not a grievous culture because he has provided all we need for life and godliness. In other words, he has provided access to His grace which is the supernatural power to do what we cannot do of our own. All we need to access His grace is to engage the key of boldness with prayer. See 1Jn.5:3; Heb.4:16 and Phlp.2:13-14.
    Benefits provided by Jubilee and the demands:
1.     The children of Israel were to sound a trumpet for the jubilee every forty nine years being the seventh of seven years. With this, they were expected to rejoice before the Lord. They were also to restore the property they purchased from the poor among them back to them.
2.     They were to release those held in bondage in exchange for debt owed to them back to their families. This was a strong demand to forgive.
3.     Jubilee provides for the children of Israel and us today to rest and be refreshed just like God rested after all his work of recreation and was refreshed.
4.     Jubilee gives us a general opportunity to forgive and relieve them of their burdens of debt to us just like Jesus did for us when He took our place in redemption.
5.     Jubilee provides us an opportunity of becoming restored and refreshed from the effects of the heat of the battles we are engaged in with the forces of darkness in this wicked world. God brings us light that dispels the ignorance that kept us in the dark of our solution. We thus receive the solution and are refreshed from the effects of the heat of the battle so we can prosper as God intends for us.
6.     The proof that they received all these blessings from God was their response in gratitude and praise to God.
As we come to the last month of the first or our seven years as a ministry, we are thankful that God has graciously declared this month a jubilee for us. The implication of this is that God has chosen to bring us rest and refreshing and healings and restorations as we come to this concluding month so that each of us would receive fresh opportunities for advancements in our journey with Him in time. I believe that God wants us to have the best of all he has for us and that each of us would have no more hindrances to fulfilling our destinies.
We shall stop here for today. Next week, we are going to continue looking at this theme by listing out some keys of the kingdom we can identify and focus on our total wellbeing with nothing missing and nothing broken. 
However, as we saw earlier, the first key we can engage for access into all these blessings is the key of access into God’s kingdom. In Daniel 2:44, we learn from prophecy that God will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed but shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms and it shall stand forever. This is the kingdom Jesus came to institute and which apostle Paul in Col.1:13 refers to as the Kingdom of the Son of God. Access into this kingdom is by the new birth as Jesus teaches in John 3:3-6. If you are reading this blog and have not yet taken advantage of this opportunity to belong to this kingdom, this is your chance and it is free of charge. The only demand God has placed on each of us is to believe. If you believe, you can prove it right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be born again:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter @alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:

Friday, 1 December 2017

Welcome to the month of December 2017: Our Month of Jubilee!!!

In the year of the Jubile the field shall return unto him of whom it was bought, even to him to whom the possession of the Land did belong.” Lev.27:24
“And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of Heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shalt be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt lose on earth shalt be loosed in heaven.” Mt.16:19
As I began to meditate on this great word of this last month of the year of our Rehoboth, it dawned on me that this is the last month of our seventh year as a ministry. I understand seven to be significant of completion or perfection. A closer look at the meaning of Jubilee would disclose to us that God instituted that law in the Old Testament to enable his people to take advantage of their Sabbath years to not only rest but experience release from their burdens and also release others of their burdens as they had the power to do.
The children of Israel were instructed to observe one of the seven days of the week as a day to rest and be refreshed. See Ex.31:16-17 and Gen.2:1-3. We are told in these text that God rested from all His work and hallowed the seventh day setting it apart for rest and refreshing. Please understand that the children of Israel had been slaves for four hundred years and at the time of the exodus, God wanted to show them how to live in a model community by divine standards. One of the requirements was for them to separate time to rest. He also wanted even the land He was giving to them to rest as well. So He created different levels of the Sabbath. There was the seventh day, the seventh month, the seventh year, the forty ninth year and the fiftieth year.
In Leviticus 25, the ordinance of the Jubile was instituted by God through His man Moses. It was meant to be a time when people were to be released and to release others from their indebtedness and other weights of debts according to the rules He set forth for them.
How this applies to us is that this is the last month of our seventh year as a Ministry, God intends to release to us all that is still hanging of His intended inheritance for us. An examination of the word of God would make us understand that for this to happen the Lord would have to avenge us of our adversaries [Ps,149:6-9 and Lk.18:1-8]. Now as a rule in His word also, for this to happen we have to make room for Him to do so by releasing all indebted to us. We learn from the word that we are forgiven to the extent we forgive our brethren. When we do this, we leave place to the Lord to carry out the vengeance by himself because God would not share His right to avenge with anyone without the due order. What is the due order? When we forgive in obedience to the word of God, we bring ourselves under His mighty hand and He would have the opportunity to assess the situation himself and attend to it according to his perfect will.
Please understand that the wicked will never go unpunished. The only person who knows the true state of things including the thoughts of the hearts of people is God. So when He is allowed to avenge, He does it better than any of us can hitting the nail on the head of the culprit. Many of us would accuse the wrong person of evil if God does not reveal behind the scenes to us. However, God is faithful and cannot lie. He is always accurate and fair and just in His assessment and ruling. It is indeed a blessed experience to let Him lead us and guide our paths into His rest for us. See Rm.12:19; Ez.25:14; Isa.63:4; Mk.11:24; Mt.6:12, 14-15; Pr.11:21; Ex.4:22-23; Ex.12:12 and Jas.4:7.
Today, as we look at this word of the month, we understand that by His death, burial and resurrection, the Lord Jesus Christ took our place and paid the full price for our redemption so that we can enter into the Lord’s Jubile where we are released from all the consequences of Adam’s sin and given another opportunity through the new creation life to live for God again without bowing to sin anymore. To enable us live for God in victory over sin and its consequences, the Lord assured us that He would give us the keys of the kingdom of Heaven to enable us to bind and lose on earth in such a way that would reflect in heaven as well. One of the keys of the kingdom we have received is Jubile which includes rest from all our toils. It is assessable by faith which is why the author of Hebrews tells us that we enter into rest by faith [See Heb.4:1-12]. In our text scripture above, we see this promise:
“… And on this rock I will build my Church and the gates of hades shall not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of Heaven…” Mt.16:18-19.
Please understand that when Jesus told his disciples this, he did not give them any physical keys, he left it as “the secret things” which belong to us and we must position ourselves to receive divine revelations of them to be able to take advantage of their benefits to us. [See Deu.29:29; Mt.13:35 and 1Cor.2:7-14].  

To this end, as we come to the wrap up of our year of Rehoboth, we shall be looking at this very interesting theme I tag:Understanding the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven”. I call this theme very interesting because they encapsulate truths in the word of God which are hidden to so many with which we have seen the move of God in the mission field on a consistent basis. In the days we are in, only a revelation of the mysteries of God and their correct application would deliver the goods of the kingdom of heaven to us. The mysteries are hidden truths embedded in the scriptures for our glory. In these last days the mystery of iniquity at work can only be destroyed by the mystery of righteousness part of which are known as the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Some of these are what we are going to be examining this month [see Rm.8:13; 1Cor.14:2, 4, 14 and 2Thess.2:7]. It is my heart felt prayer that these truths will be a big blessing to you as it has been to me.

Meanwhile someone is reading this blog and finding it hard to understand what we are saying here because you are yet to embrace Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord; you can begin to receive understanding right away because Jesus also died for you and you can receive him now by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be born again:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter @alero_nanna and on face book on

Thursday, 30 November 2017

Enemies of the joy of the Lord

Messages for November 2017: Our Month of Unspeakable Joy
Message for Sunday 26th November, 2017
Theme: Understanding the Joy of the Lord
Topic: Enemies of the joy of the Lord
Introduction: As we approach the end of this month, the series we are looking at this month would be incomplete if we do not look at the things that can hinder us from walking in unspeakable joy. Therefore today, we shall be rounding off this series by looking at the enemies of the joy of the Lord.
As much as God wants each of us to walk in His unspeakable joy, we must understand that there are some habits that if we do not get rid of would constitute hindrances to our ability to walk in His joy thereby robbing us from the heavenly energy which we so very much need on a daily basis to enable us fulfill our divine purpose. These enemies are itemized below.
Enemies of the joy of the Lord:
1.     Sin: Sin is making choices that dishonor God or standing contrary to the will of God. It is choosing not to walk in the ways of God. [Deu.30:19-20]. It is a situation where one loves darkness rather than light. In fact it is a bitter hatred for the light. The definition of sin is seen in several scriptures: Rom.14:23 declares that anything not done in faith is sin. This makes lack of faith sin.
The refusal to embrace Jesus Christ - the light as Lord and Saviour, is an eternal sin that is punishable by eternal separation from God. See Jn.3:16-19.
The choice of cursing as against the blessing is also known as sin and it results in death. See Deu.30:19
·        Whatever is going to bring and enhance joy in our lives will increase our spiritual strength which will in turn increase our faith. The extent to which a believer enjoys life as God intends is faith limited. Thus the measure of faith you can walk in is commensurate with the measure of joy you can walk in because the life of faith is the one we are called to live because the justified shall live by faith. One of the proofs that you are really living is that you bear spiritual fruit including joy because the reason we are saved is to bear fruit to God among others. See Gal.5:22; Rm.8:29-30; 1:17; 7:4; Gal.3:11; Hab.2:4.
·        How to overcome sin and walk in the joy of the Lord: We learn from God’s word that whatever we ask God for in prayer according to his will, He will hear and answer. So we can ask God in prayer to help us hate sin just like He hates it and love what He loves and according to Matthew 7:7 and 1Jn.5:14, He will answer us and in fulfillment of Heb.4:16, He will give us His mercy and grace. They will strengthen us to turn from the sins and live for God as he promised to help us do in Philippians 2:12-13. With this we can really live a joyful life unhindered. See also Heb.1:8-9 – when you love righteousness and hate iniquity, God will anoint you with the oil of gladness above your peers. The result is that you will walk in so much insight that you will be separated from the pack. The more insight you walk in, the more of the joy of the Lord that flows into and through you.  
2.     Judging God as too slow: There are hardly any promises God makes to us in our relationship with Him that He sets a time to at the beginning. We are first expected to walk in faith and our patience would have to be tested in the process to enable us build godly character in our destiny’s journey [Jas.1:2-4; 1Pet.1:4-9]. The bible is replete with examples of this truth. Some of them include Abraham’s relationship with God, Joseph’s relationship with God, our relationship with God with regards to the return of the Lord and so on. When we understand this, we do not set time for God, we just simply submit to the guidance of the Holy Spirit every step of the way until we come to stand in the fulfillment of His promise. Thus knowing and walking in the ways of God is the principal factor for seeing His word come to pass in our lives without our getting distracted. See Rm.8:14, 16 and Gal.5:16.
·        One of the methods of the enemy of our souls is to try to distract us from keeping our focus on God through physical circumstances and comparing ourselves with others whether to make us look good or bad. In any way, this is contrary to faith and carry devastating consequences. See Mt.4:8-11 and 2Tim.4:10-11.
·        Apostle Paul tells us that when we compare ourselves with ourselves we are not wise. See 2Cor.10:12. The result is loss of the right values and gradual distance from God that if not checked in time could cost the fulfilment of our glorious destiny. This kind of life style breeds depression, envy, jealousy and an inaccurate measurement of our actual progress in life. The reason is that we are supposed to measure our progress by how much of divine plan for us that we have actualized and not the plan of God to others. This is not where any right thinking person wants to be because all these vices are recipes for reduction of joy that if not stopped would result in a total loss of joy. If this happens, the person would fall into depression and that can result in different kinds of infirmities. See Prov.15:13; 15:15; 17:22. The enemy knows that the way he can break your spirit is to bring you to a state of depression but if you refuse him, he cannot get you down and you will maintain your joy which protects your spirit from being broken. See Jas.4:6-10 and 1Pet.5:6-11.
·        To overcome this vice, understand the nature of God: He is faithful, compassionate, loving and so kind as to ensure that the right things come into our lives when we have built enough capacity to manage them so that His blessing in our lives do not become curses. If we do, then we would submit ourselves to His perfect will and guidance every day of our lives. He will surely take us to the right place at the right time proving all His promises to us to be true as at when due. See Isa.55:8-12; Ex.34:6-7; Deu.7:9; 1Chron.16:15 and Ps.105:8,
·        Understand that God is always on time and never too slow: In fact His word tells us in Heb.4:12 that He is quick and powerful and goes on to make us see that He goes into details in bringing us to our divine inheritance.
3.     Ingratitude resulting in murmuring and complaining: Each time you find yourself murmuring and complaining, at the back of it is ingratitude. The reason is that this attitude is a result among other things of not appreciating the general blessing of the Lord like the miracle of being alive, being able to sleep and wake up and all the many things you have that money cannot buy. This is the love of this world that can only bring sorrow upon sorrow and therefore loss of joy all the time. See 1Jn.1:15-17 and 1Tim.6:10-11. The love for this world is such a wicked enemy that tend to take our eyes from all these blessings of God and distract us from His purpose and this is not a healthy way to live. If we live this way, we can provoke the Lord to anger and this could rob us of fulfilling our destinies. See the example of the children of Israel being denied of the promised land for this purpose in 1Cor.10:10-11 and Num.14:26-35
To overcome this: we need to:
Meditate on God’s word day and night and keep our minds on the many good things God is doing around us and believe and expect that God who has done these that we can see will do all that He has said He would do because He does not change and cannot lie. See Ps.103:1-5; 1Tim.4:13-16. 
Follow after righteousness, godliness and faith: see 1Tim.6:11-12 and Rm.14:17-19. The result of living this way is walking in faith which increases our spiritual joy level and therefore strength to always overcome in the conflicts of life.
4.     Fear: Fear is meditating on satanic information which always conflicts with the word of God. It is a spirit that cripples destiny. No one can accommodate fear and faith at the same time because both of them have conflicting sources of information. Whereas faith is based on information received from God resulting in boldness and joy, fear is based on information received from Satan resulting in cowardice and defeat. Satan’s information are usually false and even when they appear true, are used in the wrong context. The intent is to steal, kill and destroy your joy. See Jn.10:10 and 27.
How to overcome fear:
Understand that fear is an evil spirit; don’t let it stay in your soul. We are expected to cast out devils so you cast it out of your mind and environment. See Mk.16:17 and 2Tim.1:7.
Fear has torment and whatever has torment will rob you of your joy. 1Jn.4:18 and Mt.25:24-30.
Walk in love. This would mean living a life of obedience and the love walk is the only commandment we are given by God. The best of us would only manifest as we walk in love and when love is advanced, it has the power to cast out fear and when this happens, we would be joyful always. Jn.13:34-35 and Jn.15:12-13.
Further, when we are obedient, we always enjoy answers to prayer which means joy all the time because God answers our prayers so that we can be joyful.  Jn.13:34-35; 16:23-24.
Faith can only work by love so when we walk in love, our faith will work and this would always eliminate fear from our lives. See Gal.5:6 and 1Cor.13:13
We shall draw the curtain for today’s message here for want of time and space. However, for the reader of this blog who sincerely desires to walk in the joy of the Lord unhindered, I believe this would be a good starting point to begin your research if you are yet to start doing so or you are still struggling with it. But if you are not born again yet, you can do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will receive eternal life which carries the seed of the joy of the Lord with it then you can begin the journey of cultivating it:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter @alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email: