Saturday, 25 February 2017

How God Guides

Messages for February 2017: Our Month of Divine Guidance
Message for Sunday the 19th of February 2017
Theme: Understanding Divine Guidance for the fulfilment of Destiny
Topic: How God Guides
Introduction: From the beginning of time, God has always sought to lead His people. It was a constant experience for Adam to hear God leading him before his fall through sin in Genesis. When man fell, God began to device many different ways of speaking to man but after Jesus Christ came in the flesh and took our place in redemption, man through the new birth experience now became qualified to have God reside in him and receive divine guidance through the inward witness which I consider the most authentic means by which God leads and guides his own. See Gen.3:8-13; Jn.4:21-24; Acts 2:1-4; Rm.8:14, 16. Let us see ten ways God has sought to speak to man here.
1.     Through the audible voice – 1Sam.3:1-10; Acts9:1-7
2.     Through the inward witness or inner perception – Rm.8:16; Acts27:10.
3.     Through dreams or visions of the night – Dan.2:19; Job33:14-16
4.     Through trance – Acts10:1-6; 22:17-19.
5.     Through open visions – Acts10:10; Lk.1:8-12
6.     Through the bible which is the written word of God – Isa.8:20; 1Jn.5:7-8.
7.     Through circumstances - 1Sam.14:6-15;
8.     Through preaching and teaching the word - Isa.30:20-21
9.     Through prophecies - 2Chron.20:13-17; Acts 11:28; 21:10-11
10.   Through angels - Mat.1:20; Judges 6:11-21

Sampling with the inward witness:
We are told of the inward witness by Apostle Paul confirming the desire of God to    be worshipped in Spirit and in truth. Also, for us to understand how to apply the inward witness, we have to visit prophet Habakkuk in the Old Testament. Let us see four steps we can take to hearing the voice of God from Hab.2:1-3:
1.     Stillness - This means to be quiet in your heart and allow God's voice to come in through your spirit because the bible says in Rm.8:14 & 16 that the Holy Spirit will communicate to us through our spirits. God is Spirit and man is also spirit so Spirit communicates with spirit. See Jn.4:23-24. 
2.     Vision: Each time God speaks to you, you can easily envision what he says as his words would paint a picture in the canvass of your mind. Vision enhances your faith because you can only receive what you can see with the eyes of faith. The importance of vision cannot be overemphasised. In fact, in Gen.15, God had to cause Abraham to come out of his tent to count the stars in the sky to enable him visualize the multitude of children he was going to give him before Abraham then Abram could beleive and could be regarded as righteous. In fact, to emphasize this, God also told him to envision the sand on the sea shore and of course we all know that they are uncountable and he told him that his children would be that many. I dont know what you have believed God for this year, but if you can just envision it, it would be yours. Remember, that in Gen.11:1-10, God had to confuse the language of men because of this same principle that nothing shall be restrained from them which they have imagined to do. Note that vision is the same as imagination. 
3.     Spontaneity: When the Holy Spirit communicates with your spirit, you become aware of this through a spontaneous flow of thoughts that come into your mind beyond your control. Remember the bible makes us understand that thoughts are not original with us. You take thoughts. Jesus said in Matt.6:25 & 31 that thoughts are taken. This is why mind renewal is very important. When you renew your mind by replacing your carnal thinking with Godly thinking through the word of God, then you can easily tell when a thought from the Spirit of God is flowing into your mind. Note that these thoughts will never contradict the principles of scriptures.  
4.     Journaling: As you receive this flow from the Spirit of God, take a pen and paper and just write what you receive. This is the means by which David wrote many of the Psalms that we still enjoy till today. In fact, he gave some very powerful word of wisdom about the Messiah which came to pass hundreds of years later. See 1Chron.28:19 where David said that the plan for the Temple of God was delivered to him by writing by the hand of God that was upon him. Also, the prophet Jerimiah had to also employ journaling to compile the word of the Lord for others to be able to read. See Jer.36:1-32. In Hab.2:2 we are told to write the vision and make it plain on tables that he may run that reads it. So it is important that we write what God tells us especially when it has to do with the future because it will surely come to pass.
1.   The voice of God carries peace with it – Phil. 4:6-7, Ps.85:8.
2.   The voice of God agrees with the principles of the Bible – Isa.8:20; Jer.23:25-26.
3.   The voice of the Lord does not encourage hastiness – Isa.28:16; Heb.6:12
4.   The voice of the Lord does not release fear but faith in your heart – Rm.10:17; 1Jn.4:18.
5. The words he speaks eventually come to pass. If it is conditional, once the condition or conditions is/are met, it would eventually come to pass. Deu.18:22; Jos.23:14; 1Kings 8:56 and 1Cor.15:3-4.
6   The word He speaks draws you closer to Him. If it moves you to serve another god, it is not of God but a deceit of the devil. Ez.2:2 and Deu.13:1-5.
7. The voice releases joy in our heats which eventually energizes you for whatever action is required for its accomplishment. See Jn.15:11; Ps.15:11 and 1Pet.1:8.
8God autheticates it with signs and wonders where necessary. see Acts 2:22; Jn.5:36; Jn.9:29-33 and Ex.3:18-20.

In summation today, let us understand from this account that this level of leading by the Holy Spirit was truncated by sin but restored through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary. It is therefore not accessible to the unredeemed. For any man to begin to operate at this level, he or she must first be initiated into the family of God through the New Birth experience. If you are yet to be initiated, you can do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be born again into the family of God: 
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:    

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Why Divine Guidance?

Messages for February 2017: Our Month of Divine Guidance
Message for Sunday the 12th of February 2017
Theme: Understanding Divine Guidance for the fulfilment of Destiny
Topic: Why Divine Guidance?
Introduction: One day, while having a chat with one of my younger brothers, he began to describe what he thought about destiny to me which I later found to be one of the most illustrative ways to point out the importance of God’s role in determining how we are supposed to find and successfully pursue our purpose in life. He said life is like putting a pack of boxes on the table and a person is expected to pick one out of the pack. There are so many packs on the table of life but a person is entitled to only one which would constitute his destiny. If the person makes the right choice by picking the pack containing the destiny God has for him or her, they person would be fulfilled otherwise their destiny would never be actualized. The challenge of life is getting to know which box belongs to a person. The only one who knows the right box for each person is God and that is why He is the best person to lead us to which box to choose.
As we look at divine guidance this month, we cannot get the true importance of it without seeing why we must be guided by God. Our analogy above paints a vivid picture for us on why we need to be guided by God. As we look at why we must be guided by God today, let us keep this big picture in mind.  
Some reasons for Divine Guidance:
1.     It is the means by which we come to the realization that we are the children of God: Until you are sure you are saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, you cannot begin to live by faith and the bible says the just shall live by faith. See Hab.2:4; Gal.3:11; Rm.1:17; Heb.10:38 and Rm.8:14, 16.
2.     It is the means for the effective pursuit and realization of a God given vision. Whereas vision is the revelation of divine purpose, the revelation alone does not guarantee that the vision would be actualized. It takes divine guidance for us to move in the perfect will of God until we get to the place of the actualization of our divine destinies. See Ps.32:8; Rm.8:14, 16 and Isa.28:10.
3.     It keeps us making the right decisions at every turn on our destiny journey: Whereas vison shows you your purpose in life, you are responsible for making the right decisions in the pursuit of vision so that you can arrive at you God given destination in time and eternity. When we fulfill any part of our God given vision, to that extent, we have arrived at a destination in time. However, to arrive at the destination in eternity, we must have run in and finished the work we were born to do like Jesus did in John 17:4. Because the main reason for our existence on earth is to glorify God [Isa.43:7]. In Ps.25:12, we learn that if we are meek, God will help us to make the right choices. As we know, destiny is the predetermined course of events in our lives determined by the choices we make. See Deu.30:19-20.
4.     It enables us to maintain a consistent and loving relationship with our heavenly father as He takes us step by step in the journey of life. See Mk.1:35; Jn.5:19 and 30.
5.     It enables us to know things to come and enjoy prudence in our lives. We are told in Prov.22:3 and 27:12 that the prudent man can see the danger from a distance and hide himself whereas the simple would move on and be punished. This is the means by which this is done in the New Testament. See Jn.16:13 and Acts 16:9.
6.     When we are guided by the Holy Spirit, we receive an accurate understanding of what we should do on every occasion to enable us live the kind of life that will lead us to the place of our redemptive inheritance. Many people go through life even succeeding in the wrong assignment without fulfilling their destinies. It is only when we are guided by the Holy Spirit that we would not only discover, but fulfill our purpose. Therefore, we would fulfill our destinies. See Isa.28:10; Jn.12:8 and Jn.5:19, 30.  
7.     It is the means by which we enjoy consistent victories in life: David was acclaimed as a man who never lost a battle in his time. He killed a lion and a Bear when they tried to steal his father’s sheep in his care. He killed the giant Goliath as a teenage boy when he came to taunt the host of Israel. Subsequently, he routed the enemies of Israel and his own enemy when the time came. The secret of his success in all his military adventures is clearly shown in his war against the Philistines in 2Sam.5:18-25. David always sought to be guided by God and God gladly led him because it is the will of God to lead anyone who is willing to be led by Him. This was also the secret of all who demonstrated victory of any kind in the bible like Apostle Paul and the Patriarchs in the Old Testaments.
8.     We enjoy divine protection by it: We see a good example of this in the book of Matthew when Joseph the husband of Mary and the father of the Lord were led to take the child Jesus to Egypt because Herod was going to try to kill him. They obeyed and the Lord was protected in infancy. See Matthew 2:13-23 and the account of the deliverance of Paul and those sailing with him in Acts 27:9-14.
What to do when we are guided by the Lord:
When God honors us with His guidance, the wise thing to do is to follow His leading. Every time people follow His leading like we have seen so far, they are blessed. When people fail to follow His leading, they fall into all manner of evil or disfavor or disgrace. Following God’s leading is a proof of humility. God gives grace to the humble but resists the proud. A proud person is one who does not follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. See the example of Adam and Eve in Gen.2 and 3. Then see the example of Esther in the book of Esther who did what she was told by her spiritual uncle and was so blessed as to be used to save the Israelites from the vindictive Harman.    
We will stop here for now but let me quickly say again that divine guidance is only accessible to the redeemed who has made Jesus Christ the Lord of their lives by faith. If you are yet to make this choice and wish to be led by the Lord, please start right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be born again and qualified to be led by the Holy Spirit:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:    

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

God’s will is to guide us

Messages for February 2017: Our Month of Divine Guidance
Message for Sunday the 5th of February 2017
Theme: Understanding Divine Guidance for the fulfilment of Destiny
Topic: God’s will is to guide us
Introduction: Every one of us born into this world irrespective of how we were conceived and born, is here to fulfill a divine purpose whether we know it or not. The discovery of that purpose is called vision and the pursuit of the vision given to us by God is what is known as destiny. This explains why life is a journey in destiny. We never arrive in time as the end of time for each of us is the completion of our journey on earth. Destiny journey terminates in eternity after the completion of our pursuits. Where we land in eternity is however our choice determined.
Consequently, in the journey of destiny, we ought to understand that making the right choices is the key to actualizing God’s purpose for us irrespective of our initial feelings about God’s choice. Until God’s purpose for us is known and pursued by His guidance to its logical conclusion, our lives cannot be described as truly successful no matter how rich and renowned we become. However, no one can truly be successfully guided by God who has not come to the understanding that it is God’s will to guide them. Therefore, today, we shall be finding out from the word of God that it is His will to guide us.
God wants to Guide us:
From the time of the creation of man, God has shown man over and over again that He wants to guide us. From the word of God, we discover that when God first made man, the first thing He did was to define the boundaries of his operation. We are told He planted a garden east of Eden and put man there to dress and keep it. See Gen.2:8, 15-17 and Acts 17:26-28. Therefore, we learn the following truths about God from His word and actions here:
1.     God made man for His glory and therefore, when man understand this truth, his entire life would be lived to glorify God. See Gen.1:26-28; Is.43:5-7.
2.     The first thing God did was to create laws for man to guide him in the way God has chosen for him because man of his own cannot make the right decision as time proved eventually. Gen.2:15-17; 3:1-15.
3.     When God decided to separate a people for himself after the fall of man from his glory, he gave them laws to guide them to enable them fulfill their destinies. See Ex.20:1; Deu.30:19-20.
4.     How our destinies turn out depends on what choices we make in relation to His word. See Deu.30:19 and Ruth 1:16-18.
5.     When we make the right choice of cleaving to God through His word, we prolong our lives and fulfill our destinies. See Deu.30:19-20; Rm.8:5-8.
6.     God actually promises to guide us to make the right choices if we are meek. See Ps.25:12
7.     God guides us by giving us His instructions. When we follow His instructions, we enjoy divine protection. See Ps.32:8; Ex.13:21-22 and Jn.10:27.
8.     God’s guidance is the guarantee of our divine provision. See Ps.23:1; Deu.8:7-9 and 2Cor.9:8.
In summation here, it is quite evident from the word of God that it is God’s will to guide us always and we are the better for it when we submit to His guidance. The first step to submitting to divine guidance following the fall of man is the new birth experience. When we are born again, we are granted access into the family of God that confers certain privileges on us chief of which is divine guidance. If you are yet to belong to God’s family, and you desire to do so, you can do it right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be born again:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:    

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Welcome to the month of February 2017: Our Month of Divine Guidance

Welcome to the month of February 2017: Our Month of Divine Guidance
“I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.”… Ps.32:8; Jn.16:13; Rm.8:14-16 and Ps.25:12
Almost seven years ago, I heard a word from the Lord that has changed the entire course of my life for the better when in the months of March and April 2010 I kept hearing him say to me repeatedly: “Come with me to Ghana”. Unknown to me then, this was the beginning of a life of adventure that would become the hallmark of our Ministry around the world.
In Ghana, He led me to start a new work which became known as Kingdom Heirs Ministries Int’l inc. This became the name by which we were incorporated in Ghana and the United states. But in Nigeria, we are incorporated as Kingdom Heirs International Ministry due to statutory regulations that now forbids the use of the word “Ministries” in incorporating non-government entities.
While putting together the structure of the Ministry, He gave me nine pillars the first two being Divine Guidance related. These two are Intimacy with the Holy Spirit and Divine Guidance. I have tried as much as lies within me to live like Jesus said in John 5:19 to the effect that He only does what He sees His father doing and that He does nothing of himself. While living this way has not been easy on the flesh, it has proven to be the best way to live if we must fulfill our destinies.
Further, the speed we have enjoyed as a ministry has come by being led by the Holy Spirit. Every of His guidance has only brought us profit. In fact the word of God tells us in Isa.48:17 that it is the Lord who teaches us to profit. Consequently, if we are going to truly experience a glorious destiny, divine guidance cannot be compromised no matter how loud sounding the distracting voice of the world may be. This is why in Kingdom Heirs, we individually try to cultivate a habit of making time to shut off the world and be in the presence of God for short retreats. One word from the Lord can cancel twenty years and more of struggles and avert what would have turned out to become a crisis one may not have been able to recover from.
I once learnt from reading an article by Gloria Copeland that walking with God can grant us access to future information ahead of their occurrences. I have found it to be true in my life and ministry. The good news is that it is God’s will to Guide us. At no time do we need divine guidance in the world as now with the present chaotic state of the world. This month, God is set to show us how we can receive His guidance and actually help us to walk in it. To this end, this month, we shall be looking at a series I tag: “Understanding Divine Guidance for the fulfilment of Destiny”. It is my heartfelt prayer that as we go through this month learning these truths each of us would emerge more and more victorious in the pursuit of our individual and corporate destinies. The things we do not know about our lives that we ought to know for the actualization of our God given purpose would be made known to us and our lives will never be the same again in Jesus’ name.
Someone may be reading this resource now and wondering and wishing they can actually hear God for themselves and consequently receive divine guidance on their own. My response to you is that you can. However, the first step to this is to belong to the family of God as God would first attend to His children before others. You can belong today if you have not yet done so. Should you desire to, you can do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be born again into the family of God:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:

Enemies of Divine Favour

Messages for January 2017: Our Month of Divine Favour
Message for Sunday the 29th of January 2017
Theme: Understanding How Divine Favour works
Topic: Enemies of Divine Favour
Introduction: As great as divine favour is, if certain enemies are allowed, they would make it ineffective and therefore as though it does not exist. For instance, it is the birthright of every righteous person to operate divine favour. We also established that there are two kinds of righteousness namely the imputed one which is the result of faith in Christ Jesus and the other one which is a result of living the godly life. Now if one relies only on the imputed righteousness and experiences divine favour, the favour would be short lived if the person does not do righteousness.
Therefore, to avoid this kind of situation, we must pay attention to the following attitudes which are most likely to cause one to lose divine favour if not addressed: 
1.     Sin: The definition of sin is to miss the mark. In other words, when we disobey God in any way, we are said to miss the mark. The word of God is his instruction to us on how we are expected to live our lives. However, we tend to want to do things our own way just like Adam and Eve did in the beginning. When we live this way, we are living in sin. The result of living in sin is that we strip ourselves of divine favour which is the platform from which we can enjoy any benefits from God. For instance Cain and Abel’s experience in Gen.4. Abel was favoured because he did what was right before God but Cain lost his place and the presence of God and became a vagabond and fugitive instead of favour from God. All his rights as first born were lost as a result and he ended up becoming irrelevant when he could have been somebody. See Heb.11:4 and Gen.4:10-14. Also, Judas Iscariot lost his place as one of the Apostles of the lamb to sin. See Mt.19:28; Lk.22:30 and Rev.21:14. The Lord Jesus Christ was able to secure and maintain His place because he loved righteousness and hated wickedness. See Heb.1:8-9. Thus the blessing for living a righteous life cannot be overstated.
2.     Ignorance: Another enemy of divine favour is ignorance. Of ignorance, God had this to say to the children of Israel in Hosea 4:6 “my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I have also rejected thee that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” When people do not pay attention to learning the word of God to the point of gaining understanding enough to be able to live in the way God wants them to, they would not be able to exercise the favour of God which is supposed to be their inheritance in Christ. To this attitude, God views ignorance as a state where one has rejected knowledge. It is often said that ignorance of the law is no excuse. This is true of the word of God as well. When we are expected to have knowledge in any area of our lives and we do not, we would be treated by God as rejecting knowledge. See Heb.5:12 and Ps.82:5-7. The devil is known as the power/prince of darkness [Lk.22:53 and Acts 26:18]. The word translated darkness. Anyone who is ignorant in any area of life is said to be in darkness in that area. As a result, such a person comes under the jurisdiction of the prince of darkness. The only way out of this is to be enlightened. John 1:5 makes us understand that whenever one is enlightened, darkness cannot comprehend the enlightened.
3.     Fear: We are told in 2Tim.17 that God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. Fear is given to whoever has it. It is not original with us. When fear is present in any life for any reason, it was not given by God but by an evil spirit and can therefore be cast out. If fear is not dealt with, it can rob one of the ability to take the favour that God has given to one. This explains why many people do not attain to their maximum potential because they were prevented by the spirit of fear from taking the necessary step to take advantage of the opportunities presented to them by the favour of God. For example many of the children of Israel could not enter the Promised Land because of fear resulting in unbelief. See Num.13-14, 1Cor.10:1-5 and Ps.78:9-11.
4.     Carnality: This is a mindset that is essentially selfish. It is a state of mind that makes a believer reason like an unbeliever. The result is that the said believer will suffer the same fate as the unbeliever because the quality of our lives is determined by the quality of our mindset. This kind of mindset cannot obey the new commandment that Jesus has given to His Church [Jn.13:34-35]. In Romans 12:2 we are told to not conform to this world but to be transformed from it by the renewing of our minds. Thus if our minds are not renewed they would be carnal. Carnality makes one an enemy of God and prevents the person from walking in divine favour. See Rm.8:5-9 and Gal.5:16-17. Another evil of carnality is that it keeps people in a state of perpetual baby Christianity and therefore prevents them from benefiting from the faith as they should like walking in divine favour with ease. See 1Cor.3:1-3 and
5.     Disobedience: This is another description of sin. The difference is that in this case, the person in question does it willfully. Sin could be transgression which is normally inherited or actual commission or omission of divine demands. For instance when we hear God telling us to do or not to do anything and we fail to as He says, it is disobedience. For every disobedience there are consequences depending on the magnitude of it from God’s perspective. For instance, the disobedience of Saul in 1Sam.13 cost him his throne and perpetuity as a king. On the other hand, David’s disobedience in 2Sam.13 robbed him of a peaceful home and reduced the sphere of his influence through his posterity.
More could be said on this but for want of time and space. However, the issue of the enemies of divine favour can be resolved through genuine repentance. In addition, there could be disfavor as a result of the rejection of the free gift of salvation to mankind as related to us in John 3:16-19. In the case of the latter, we can be set free by receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour and Lord by faith. Should you desire to do so now if you are yet to do it, you can do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:    

Some Benefits of Divine Favour

Messages for January 2017: Our Month of Divine Favour
Message for Sunday the 22nd of January 2017
Theme: Understanding How Divine Favour works
Topic: Some Benefits of Divine Favour
Introduction: Last week, still building on our theme, we saw how divine favour comes. Today, we shall continue to build on this great theme of understanding how Divine Favour works by looking at some benefits of Divine favour. From what we have seen so far about Divine favour, it is undeniable that divine favour is an attribute that everyone should find attractive enough to desire for themselves.
I will therefore list the following benefits of Divine favour:
1.     Blessings: Favour is the magnet that attracts blessings to you. From Moses’ encounter at the burning bush experience with God, this was brought out clearly to us when God said that he would give the children of Israel favour before the Egyptians so that when they go, they would not go empty after four hundred years of slavery without pay. See Ex.3:21; 12:36 and Ps.5:12. No matter how good you are on your job or your business, if God does not expose you and your skills, you will remain hidden. Favour is the means by which God causes us to be noticed and engaged in whatever you are good at. The result is that when we deliver on the confidence reposed on us, we are blessed beyond measures.    
2.     Progress: Another thing that favour would do for us is to bring progress. No matter how well you are at your task, without progress in your work, you will not be able to come out as intended. If you are working hard and not getting encouragement by way of patronage because of a loss of favour or lack of it, it is the method of the enemy to get the person to a point of discouragement so that they give up and not attain to their maximum potential. This is why God gives favour to enable the persons to have the opportunity to prove their skills. It is the favour of God that attracts the patronage they need to be able to manifest their abilities. In the case of Israel in Egypt, they laboured for four hundred years without pay until God intervened for them. David was quite good with the harp but unknown in high places until the anointing of God brought him favour and he was announced in the King’s palace and his status changed. See 1Sam.16:15-23 and Ex.3:21 and 12:36.   
3.     Ability to fulfill Divine Purpose: This was what Mary who became the mother of the Lord Jesus Christ found and was able to fulfill her purpose of giving birth the Messiah. When the angel Gabriel met her, the first thing he did was to declare her highly favoured and called her blessed among women. Until today, all generations since then have called her blessed. See Lk.1:26-38; 46-48 and Mt.1:18-25. At the end of the day, Mary fulfilled her purpose when the Messiah was born and raised by her.
4.     Fame: One of the definitions of divine favour is that God gives fame to a person. All the characters who were distinguished in the Bible have been made eternally famous because of the favour of God upon their lives. This is the case of men of God like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and David and Daniel in the Old Testament. The same was the case with the early Church fathers and of course our Saviour Jesus Christ.
5.     Divine Provision: In the land of Egypt, Israel was in bondage for a period of four hundred years. They laboured without a salary but when God wanted to reward them, He gave them favour. The result was that they did not leave Egypt empty. See Ex.3:21 and 12:36.
More could be said on this but for want of time, I would draw the curtain here. The purpose of this message is not just to instruct but to also provoke us to research the word of God to find out more benefits of Divine favour so we can take advantage of them. Meanwhile there is someone reading this resource that is yet to make a decision for the Lord Jesus Christ. The truth is that the foundation of Divine Favour is the new birth experience. To be able to partake of Divine favour, we must first belong to the family of God. If you are yet to belong and desire to belong, you can do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you shall be born again:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

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