Friday, 29 September 2017

Saved but not yet free

Messages for September 2017: Our Month of New Things
Message for Sunday 24th of September, 2017
Theme: Understanding the New Creation Life
Topic: Saved but not yet free
Introduction: So far, we have seen what new birth is and why we must be born again. We also saw the benefits we stand to enjoy when we give our hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ in faith. As we conclude the series for this month, I have chosen to look at this very important topic which so many tend to ignore to their detriment. In the book of John, there was an account where Jesus Christ was addressing some people who believed on Him and he gave them the terms of spiritual freedom as follows: continuity in the word of God until they became disciples indeed and then they would know the truth which would make them free. See Col.1:13 and Jn.8:31-32.
The summary of this is that while deliverance is automatic at new birth, freedom is not. So how do we get freedom? This is what we shall seek to be looking at this week.
We are delivered but not instantly free: We learn from Apostle Paul in Col.1:13 that at new birth when we became new creations we were delivered from the dominion of darkness. Later, as we learn the word of God we would discover from John 8:31-32 that even though we were believers in Christ we must grow to become disciples and then qualify to know the truth which would eventually make us free. However there are demands for freedom which we shall be looking at now.
Bible demands for freedom:
1.     Continuity in God’s word: From the mouth of the Lord, we learn in Jn.8:29-31 that when we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, we are not free automatically; we have to continue in the word until we know the truth that would make us free in any area where freedom is required in our lives. Please understand that this is without prejudice to our salvation because when we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, we are delivered from the kingdom of darkness and translated into the kingdom of the Son of God. As a matter of fact, John says we pass from death to life. So we are saved from death and passed unto life. See Jn.5:24 and Col.1:13.
2.     Spirituality: As we saw in paragraph one here, we must continue in the word to become free. To continue in the word, we are to read it daily, meditate on it daily so that it can hatch understanding in us to enable us to do it. Whenever we do the word of God, we are being spiritual. When we are spiritual, we become blessed with many benefits from God the best of which is to be taught and led by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can only teach spiritual people because He is Spirit and spirits only communicate with spirits. As a matter of fact, we learn from the word that the Spirit cannot communicate with the flesh because they would never agree with each other. See Gal.5:16-17; Rm.8:5-8 and 1Cor.2:14. This therefore means that every time we put into our spiritual development to enable us grow up spiritually is time invested.
3.     Knowledge of the truth: When we talk about knowledge here, it is not the natural kind of knowledge but the divine revelation of the Holy Spirit into our Spirits as the Holy Spirit gives us understanding. When we get saved, only our spirits are saved; our souls and bodies remain the same. Please understand there that according to 1Thess.5:23 that as humans, we are each a spirit, we have a soul and live in a body. So the real man is the spirit as we see in some texts from the bible. See Lk.16:19-31. Apostle Peter describes the spirit of man as the hidden man of the heart [1Pet.3:13-14]. Apostle Paul describes it as the inner man [Eph.3:16]. Therefore, when we get to know the word of God from His perspective as unfolded to us by the Holy Spirit, we become free as far as that truth revealed to us is concerned. If the truth carries instructions with it, we would be free as we take the responsibility to carry out the said instruction because it is not just the hearer of the word but the doer who is blessed. So let us see some truths we can discover and how they make us free:
The truth of our redemption: From the word of God, we get to know that we have been redeemed from the curse of the law. Let me give us a little analogy here. If you have a million Naira in the bank and are not aware of it, you could be begging to eat even though in reality you have a million. The reason you would keep being hungry in spite of your millionaire status is that you are ignorant of what you have. This is the same with many believers; some are suffering from infirmities even though Jesus Christ has redeemed us from the curse which includes sickness. The reason they keep serving infirmity is that they do not know how to draw from their heavenly account of divine health and actualize their healing. They do not know because they have not taken responsibility to find out how to take it directly from God and His word. The word tells us in Hosea 4:6 that God’s people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Mental accent of what the word says is not enough to take delivery of what the word offers us; we must receive revelation knowledge because it is only Revelation knowledge that has the power to transform one. We cannot do the word we have not understood. To understand the word, we need the insight only the Holy Spirit can give and only a spiritual person can receive this. See 1Cor.2:14; Jos.1:8; Jas.1:22-25 and Jas.2:26. The proof that a person understands the word is that they do it because faith without works is dead.
The truth about our new life style: Another truth we must receive is the truth about our life style as believers. If we do not learn and know how to live for God after we are saved, we would not be able to enjoy victory in our daily walk with God; we would keep trying and falling and trying until we give up in frustration. Any price you pay to know how to live for God and do it is not too much because what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul? The word of God tells us how to live for God in the following texts: Jos.1:8; Ps.1:1-3; Rm.12:1-2; Gal.5:16.
The enemy of our soul: We need to know that the enemy has been defeated. In other words we do not fear him but we must come against him with faith in the word of God. If we are not aware of his defeat and the victory we are destined to have over him, we would be preys to his fears and that can rob a person of faith. This is a very dangerous place to be because faith is the victory needed to overcome the world. See 1Jn.5:4; Jn.16:7-8; Rev. 12:7-12; 20:10
His war for our destiny: Another truth we need to know is the truth of the war of the enemy of our souls against us. In Jn.10:10, the Lord makes us understand that the enemy of our soul is a thief and his mission is to steal, kill and destroy but that He Jesus Christ came to give us life in abundance. From the word, we also discover that the chief weapon of our enemy is deception. His aim is to deceive people away from the course that God has charted for them so they do not get to fulfill their destinies. The best way to checkmate him here therefore is to subscribe to being led by the Holy Spirit. When we are led by the Holy Spirit, we would walk in the ways of God and this makes us the commander of His acts. See Ps.103:7 – Moses who knew the ways of God controlled His acts but the children of Israel who didn’t know his ways kept falling into different kinds of mischief until the bulk of them were unable to get to the Promised Land.     
How to overcome all his antics: For you to overcome his antics, you must get to know and understand the nature of warfare we are into. The first thing we must recognize is that our warfare is not against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. It therefore means that the weapon we engage for warfare are not carnal weapons but mighty weapons through our Lord Jesus Christ. The enemy battles our thoughts and if not checked, begins to battle our imagination and if not arrested, goes to build mental strongholds with which to control us if he can. Our weapons have the power to pull down strongholds, cast down imaginations and take every thought captive to the obedience of the Lord Jesus Christ. See 2Cor.10:6; Eph.6:10-18; Rm.8:13 and Heb.5:13-14.
From here we gather that we win the battle against the enemy of our souls   by making use of the following spiritual arsenals among others:
·        Prayer – Mt.7:7-8; Acts4:24-30; 12:5; 1Thess.5:17 and Lk.18:1.
·        The skillful use of the word – Heb.5:13-14; Rm.10:8-11; 1Tim.4:13, 15.
·        Divine guidance – Ps.32:8; Jn.16:13
·        Prophetic acts – Jn.9:11; 2Kings 2:19-22 and Lk.17:12-19
·        The mysteries of the Kingdom also known as keys of the kingdom – Mt.16:17-19.
Prophetic mantles – Mt.9:20-22; Acts 5:14-15 and 19:11-12;
The Holy Communion mystery – Mt.26:26-29,
The blood of sprinkling mystery – Ex.12:21-24; Heb.12:18-25
The anointing oil mystery – Mk.6:12-13 and Jas.5:14-15
We shall draw the curtain for the series of this month here believing God that these truths would really enforce the truth of our new creation status for our benefits to the glory of God. Meanwhile someone reading this may be longing for the expression of these lights in their lives but find it impossible because they are not saved. The first step to coming into the reality of these truths is the new birth. Should you desire to take advantage of this opportunity to be born again, you can do so right away by saying the following prayers our loud in faith:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

What and why is the New Creation? Pt.3

Messages for September 2017: Our Month of New Things
Message for Sunday 17th of September, 2017
Theme: Understanding the New Creation Life
Topic: What and why is the New Creation? Pt.3
Introduction: Now that we have looked at the life account of the Lord; the Lamb of God for our redemption, we can now see how the new creation works and what we benefit for receiving in faith what the Lord accomplished for us on the Cross of Calvary.
Why the New Creation? Following the consequence of the sin of man, it became impossible for man to access God which was a mortal challenge. Man because of sin could no more commune with God on the intimate level like before. This meant that man was separated from his source of life. It has become imperative therefore for man to get back to his source. This explains the incidence of religion. Religion was satanic substitute to mankind for accessing God. It could not satisfy God’s demands of justice and therefore increased the problem of man as it took mankind farther away from God.
Note that:
1.     The first effort to access God on man’s terms [religion] was made by Cain who tried to access God through the altar of the product of the curse and God was not pleased with his effort and rejected it. Gen.4:3-10 and 1Jn.3:12
2.     Abel his brother on the other hand knew that what was required was blood so he brought the tithe of his animals which he reared. His sacrifice was accepted and the reason for it was that God adjudged him to have done the right thing. Why? First he brought the tithe [firstlings] of his effort. Secondly, he approached God by way of the blood of his best animals. See Gen.4:3-10 Heb.9:22 and Heb.11:4.
3.     Another effort made by men to reach God was shown in the account of people calling on the name of God in Genesis 4:26 but following this incidence was the entry of what is popularly known as the Nephilim into the earth. The seed of man became corrupted by fallen angels and God was compelled to destroy the earth and man who he made with the flood of the time of Noah leaving only Noah’s house. See Gen.6:1-8 Jude 1:6 and 1Pet.3:18-20.
4.     God called Abraham and entered into a covenant with him sealed by blood sacrifice. But the blood of animals just foreshadowed what was to come. See Gen.15; 17 etc.
5.     During the time of Moses the legal implication of the blood on the altar was made known to us. It was impossible for the blood of animals to take away the sin of man. The entire purpose of the blood sacrifice was clarified in the Law of Moses where he was instructed by God to set out a law for governing the children of Israel. [Lev.17:11] He was ordered to build a temple in the wilderness in accordance with the pattern shown him on the mountain when He had encounters with God. The pattern he was given was what God had its prototype in heaven depicting the ultimate Sacrifice Jesus Christ was to later come and make for the redemption of man. [Exod.25:8-9 and Heb.8:4-5]. This is because without the shedding of blood there can be no remission of sin because the life of the flesh is in the blood. [Lev.17:11]. God gave them the blood as atonement for life which is why they were to use the blood as atonement for sin. The consequence of sin is death but to get the life back again, blood was required for the sacrifice. See Gen.15:8-15; Ex.12:12-13 and Hebrews 9:22.
None of all these blood was good enough to take away the sin of man so that he can become born again into the family of God. Since God foresaw this coming, He prepared himself a lamb from the foundation of the earth [Rev.13:8]. At the fullness of time, the Lord Jesus Christ came and lived the exemplary life God expects of us and he was later crucified and He died and was buried and on the third day, He was raised from the dead by the Holy Spirit so that if any man believes in him, such a person would be saved and the Holy Spirit would make the person a new creation and start living on the inside of the person. Thus the entire plan of redemption is that the blood of Jesus Christ poured out on God’s mercy seat in heaven grants access back to God by man. When this is done, man gets born again a new creation that has never existed before. This is why we must be born again. God and sin cannot coexist. Jesus Christ by His ultimate sacrifice provides the blood for the cleansing of man from his sinful nature so he can receive the nature of God also known as divine nature. With the nature of God in place man becomes more comfortable living in holiness than in sin. See 2Pet.1:3-4; Heb.8:7-13 and 9:12-20; 10:6-10; John 3:3-6; Col.1:27.
Benefits of the New Creation life:
When we get born again, it is for our own good because many benefits accrue to us including the following:
1.     Our sins are forgiven. Heb.8:12; Isa.43:25
2.     We are born again into the family of God. We thus become children of God born of the Spirit of God. See Jn.3:3-6; 1Pet.1:23.
3.     We pass from death to life – Jn.5:24; 3:3-5.
4.     We receive power to be children of God. Jn.1:12; Gal.3:29
5.     We have eternal life. Jn.6:47 and 1Jn.
6.     We are a chosen generation 1Pet.2:9
7.     We are a royal family. See Rev.1:5-6; 5:10 and Rm.5:17
8.     We are a family of priests. This means we can stand on behalf of the Lord as intermediaries between God and fallen man to bring them to salvation and all the benefits God has for them in the His family. See 1Pet.2:9 and Rev.1:5-6.
9.     We are the righteousness of God in Christ. The judgement of death due to sin is taken away from us and we are no more under condemnation 2Cor.5:21 and Rm.8:1.
10.                        We are more than conquerors. This is why our fight of faith is the good fight because we have been preordained to be victorious in Christ Jesus. See Rm.8:37; 1Tim.6:12 and 2Cor.2:14.
11.                        We are ambassadors for Christ. As we spread the good news of Jesus Christ in obedience to the great commission we fulfill this ministry and like ambassadors, we issue visas through the invitation to be saved to sinners providing them with the opportunity to enter into the family of God passing from death to life. See Mt.28:18-19; Mk.16:15-17 and 2Cor.5:20
12.                        We can do all things through Christ that strengthens us. Jesus baptizes us with the Holy Spirit and fire with which we are empowered to become His witnesses. The result of this is that we can never be in want of power. Note that power is the ability to do work and the Holy Spirit is always available to help us every time we engage Him. See Acts 1:8 and Phil.4:13.
We will draw the curtains on this message for today for want of time and space. By the grace of God, next week we shall be tidying up by looking at the topic I title: Saved but not free. I believe God will use that message to open our eyes to many truths that would help us in balancing the new creation message.
Meanwhile someone may be reading this that is yet to make the right decision concerning the sacrifice the Lord Jesus Christ made for us on Calvary’s Cross; this is your opportunity. You can do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be born again:

Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:

What and why is the New Creation? Pt.2

Messages for September 2017: Our Month of New Things
Message for Sunday 10th of September, 2017
Theme: Understanding the New Creation Life
Topic: What and why is the New Creation? Pt.2
Introduction: last week we began to look at this topic and we were able to trace the history of man from the beginning to the fall and we looked briefly at the consequence of the sin of man which simply put, was death. We saw that man died in three ways namely the loss of his eternal life by being cut of God; his source. Secondly, he died physically because his body became subject to decay. Thirdly, if not redeemed, he would die eternally in the lake of fire and brimstone which is the second death. By second death here, we are talking about the death after dying in hell for sin without salvation.
God’s Redemption plan: In Genesis 3:15, God’s redemption plan was unfolded when he said to the serpent that the seed of the woman shall bruise the head of the serpent. To bring this plan to pass, God’s blessing of multiplying men on earth was left intact.
As men began to multiply, it became increasingly difficult for the serpent to be able to pin point anyone he could determine to be the seed of the woman so he came up with his own plan. The plan of the devil was to corrupt the human race with his seed. So in Gen.6:2, Sons of God referred to by many as fallen angels began to mix up with the seed of men with the intent to corrupt the human race so as to frustrate the plan of God. This so grieved God about man that he destroyed the entire human race leaving only Noah and his family who were not contaminated so as to start again to build up his world. All those angels who did not maintain their angelic place were judged by God and chained in hell awaiting God’s final judgement in the lake of fire and brimstone and the entire human race was wiped out by God’s flood except for Noah, his wife and sons and their wives. See Jude 1:6 and 2Pet.3:3-7.
Later, God found Abraham faithful to Him so he entered into covenant with him and in the word of the covenant, he promised that the seed of Abraham would bless the world [Gen.12:1-4]. In the New Testament, Apostle Paul clarified this truth when he said the seed referred to the Lord Jesus Christ in Gal.3:16. See also Jn.1:29; 36 and Matthew 1:21.
Through Jesus Christ the Lamb of God, the entire human race now received access to God through the redemption He paid for with his own blood. See Gal.3:13-14; Gal.4:28; Rm.5:8-10 and Heb.9:11-28.
The fulfillment of the plan of God in Christ: When the Lord Jesus Christ came into the world, he came in fulfillment of various prophecies given after the first one in Gen.3:15. Isaiah testified of him in Isa. 7:14 and Isaiah 9:6-7 and Zechariah the father of John the Baptist did testify of him also in Luke 1:67-79 referring to Him as the daystar from on high. When the angel Gabriel revealed the virgin conception and birth to Mary, he told her that he would save the people from their sin. You will find this account in Matthew 1:21. So we see that the fulfillment of the various prophecies concerning the Lord goes to show that his birth and life on earth was nothing short of the plan of God for the redemption of the human race.
His life and Ministry: As a man, he lived a normal family life with his parents and siblings until the time came for him to begin to fulfill His ministry. Concerning His early life, Luke 2:51-52 tells us that He grew up submissive to his parents and God caused Him to increase in wisdom and stature and in favour with God and man. He was filled with the Holy Spirit at conception because the angel Gabriel who brought the message to his mother told her that she would be overshadowed by the Holy Spirit and she received the word and it became flesh in her. See Luke 1:25-38; Dan.2:44-45; Jn.1:1-5; 12 and 14.
His Temptation: At the fullness of time, the Lord went to be baptized by John the Baptist who recognized him because of the sign that God gave him with which to recognize him; that the Spirit of the Lord shall descend on him in bodily form as a dove. See Mt.3:13-17; Jn.1:31-34. His baptism marked the beginning if His Ministry. After his baptism, He was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. His victory over the temptation of the devil caused his voice to be heard as his fame thus spread abroad thereby. See Lk.4:13-14 and Mt.4:13-16.
At his baptism, God the father confirmed that the Lord Jesus Christ was His Son. Immediately after that the devil came trying to tempt him by flatteries telling him that he could do many things if he were really the Son of God. For instance he asked him to turn stones to bread, jump down a hill and then he attempted to tempt him with the wealth of this world. Jesus overcame all of his temptations and began His Ministry.   
From His temptations we gather that Satan’s target was to get Jesus distracted from fulfilling his purpose for coming. For example in the book of Hebrews 10:6-10, we see the prophecy of the pre-incarnate Jesus Christ in which we see the Lord agreeing to come and offer Himself as the sacrifice for our redemption. Also, in John 17:4-5; Jn.8:58; Ex.3:13-15 we see proof of the pre-incarnate Jesus Christ which also confirms to us that the Lord was the Lamb of God slain before the foundation of the world referred to in the book of Revelation 13:8.
His ministry/Message: From the word of God we can gather that Jesus came to restore mankind back to God, restore man’s dominion over the earth and finally silence death and the devil forever. To this end, the message he preached could be summed up in the prophecy of prophet Isaiah in Isa.61:1-4; 53:1-5 and some of the things he said in the gospels when He walked the sands of time. He preached the message of the coming kingdom of God and that access to that kingdom was going to be by true repentance and faith. See Lk.4:16-30; 19:10; Mk.1:14-15.
Talking about his life and ministry, Apostle Peter said He was anointed by God and went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil. This truth was confirmed by Apostle John when he said he wished above all things that the Church members would prosper and be in health even as their soul prospered. Also the writer of Hebrews showed us that Jesus came to fulfill prophecy as the Lamb of God slain for our redemption. That the sacrifice of himself on Calvary’s Cross was enough to obtain eternal redemption for all of mankind forever. All these truths were received in great details and delivered to us by Apostle Paul when he said in Romans 10:6-11 that our salvation was already easily accessible to us by faith in Christ Jesus. See Acts 10:38-48; 3Jn.1:2 and Heb.10:4-10.      
His death and burial: Of his death and resurrection Apostle Peter had this to say among other things in Acts 2:12-19:
“… Ye denied the Holy one and the just and desired a murderer to be granted unto you;
And killed the Prince of life, whom God hath raised from the dead; whereof we are witnesses…” verses 14 and 15.
The religious leaders of his time claimed to be killing Him for blasphemy which they could neither prove nor establish but Pilate knew that they killed him out of envy. See Mt.27:17-18 and Mk.15:9-11. Everything about His life, ministry, death, burial and resurrection was preordained by God and prophesied by the ancient prophets; some who even lived up to 300 years before He was born and they all came to pass. After He was crucified a secret disciple; Joseph of Arimathaea who was a rich man, took his body and buried him in the tomb he prepared for himself in which none was ever laid. See Mt.27:45-66; Mk.15:33-47; Isa.53 and Ps.22. 
His resurrection: Also, in accordance with the word of God, the Lord was raised by the power of God from the dead on the third day to die no more. By this means, He destroyed him that had the power of death so as to deliver all who were subject to bondage through their fear of death so that we can be restored to God as His sons and daughters. This has entitled us to become heirs of God and joint heirs with the Lord Jesus Christ. When He rose from the dead, He appeared to many. The bible records that he instructed five hundred disciples to await the promise of the father. When the promise was fulfilled only 120 of them were available to receive. See 1Cor.15:6; Acts 1:1-14; Heb.2:14-15; Mt.28:6-7; Mk.16:1-14; Lk.24:1-8; Mt.28:18-20 and Mk.16:15-20.
The fulfillment of His post resurrection ministry: When John the Baptist announced Him to all his followers, he made it clear that the person to baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire was going to be the one who came after Him. When He met the Lord at the Lord’s baptism, he was able to recognize the Lord as the Messiah and the one who would baptize believers with the Holy Spirit and fire. The Lord confirmed this to his disciples in the following texts of scripture among others: Mt.3:11; Mk.1:6-8; Lk.3:16; Jn.16:13; Lk.24:46-49 and Acts 1:4. See also Mt.3:11 and Lk.3:16. However, this ministry of baptizing with the Holy Spirit was going to be His post resurrection ministry. This explains why the Lord said to his disciples that if they understood better they would desire his departure because it was necessary for Him to depart before the Holy Spirit could come for them. Finally, in Acts 1:8, he told them that they would receive power to be witnesses for Him when the Holy Spirit comes on them. After His ascension following His resurrection, forty days later, He fulfilled His ministry as the Baptizer with the Holy Spirit. He is still doing this till today. See Acts 2:1-4; 2:38-39; 10:44-46 and 19:1-6.
His legacy: His legacy were the eleven men left of the twelve He discipled. One of them Judas Iscariot did not make it because he became a son of perdition and had to be replaced. Men replaced him with Matthias but the Lord replaced him with Saul who later became Apostle Paul. See Acts 1:15-26 and Acts 9:1-6 and verses 10 to 20. He invested so wisely in them that it was easy for the Holy Spirit to continue to disciple and multiply them from where He finished. Today, the voices of His disciples are still resounding on earth and still multiplying the flock for him. Indeed what he brought us was eternal life. See Mt.4:17-20; Lk.5:8-11; Jn.10:7-18 and Jn.17:1-4.
We shall draw the curtain here for today because of time and space. We shall continue next week with the remaining part of this topic.
Meanwhile anyone reading this that has yet to decide for Christ as their Messiah, this is your opportunity to do so. If you want to decide for the Lord Jesus Christ right away, please do so by saying following prayer out loud in faith and the Holy Spirit will take you up from there:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:

What and why is the New Creation? Pt.1

Message for Sunday 3rd of September, 2017
Theme: Understanding the New Creation Life
Topic: What and why is the New Creation?
Introduction: Once again, I welcome you to our month of New Things. This ninth month for us prophetically is a time for the delivery of all the Lord has intended for us for our year of Rehoboth to begin to speak. The ninth month like it happens for pregnancy and delivery of a human is symbolic of the time of the manifestation of the vision for the year and all the outstanding of God’s word to us even before this year. To this end, we are going back to the foundation to help us know what adjustments to make to enable us enter into the fulfillment of the word of the Lord for our lives. Every vision of God speaks at the end. If it is time for God’s word to begin to speak for us and we are not seeing it speak, then we may need to make some necessary adjustments in our understanding to enable us actualize God’s promise to us. Besides even if it is speaking and we feel we can have more, then we must learn this series for this moth to help us recover all without fail. See Hab.2:3
This is the reason why we are going back in history to see why every human must be born again and how to handle the new life God gives to us at new birth and to nurture it to perfection.
What is the New Creation? We learn from 2Cor.5:17 that if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things are passed away and all things have become new. This simply means that everyone who becomes joined to Christ by faith become one spirit with him. The old fallen spirit of the man is taken away and he receives a new spirit from the Lord that can accommodate the Holy Spirit. [1Cor.6:17]
In the course of this month of New Things more would be said about why it became necessary for man to become a new creation; meanwhile, let us go back in time to find out why it became necessary for man to become a new breed.
Why New Creation? In the beginning, God decided to build a family for himself which made it necessary for Him to create man in his image and after His likeness. We would see the purpose statement for the creation of man in Genesis 1:26-28.
God loved man and wanted man to reciprocate His affection of his own free will. So God gave man a free will. Man was therefore not designed as a robot so he could make his own decisions based on his choices.
The first test of man’s choice is seen in Gen.2:19 where God brought all the animals God made to man to see what man would call them and whatever man called them was their name. This meant God’s man shared God’s thoughts about His creation; they were one. So it was not difficult for Adam to be able to tell his wife when he met her because he was in living contact with his maker.
Man suffered loss: The man was not good enough without the helper – Gen.2:18; so God performed the first surgery without spilling blood and took a rib of the man out of which He formed the woman. Adam immediately recognized her as her helper when he saw her.
In Gen.2:16-17, the Lord gave liberty to the man to eat of every tree of the garden. Then He commanded the man not to eat of one of them which was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because if he ever ate of that tree he was surely going to die.
The woman did not know the gravity of this command when she came so the devil who had vowed to destroy man possessed the serpent and persuaded the woman against God’s counsel making God to look like a liar. The woman then disobeyed God and influenced the man to do the same and they both sinned against God and died spiritually as a result.
What is death?
Please understand that there are three kinds of death namely: spiritual death which is separation from God and oneness with Satan. This is the kind of death Adam died. The second type is physical death which is the separation of the spirit from the body. Finally the third type of death with is the eternal loss of a soul in an eternity of the lake of fire and brimstone. The other two deaths are the consequence of spiritual death.
By spiritual death, man became one with Satan and received Satan’s nature and therefore condemned to eternal destruction just like Satan. Man became a child of the devil instead of a child of God and therefore driven away from the presence of God and could no longer walk with God like he used to do in the cool of the day. See Gen.3:1-24 (6-10) Jas.2:26; Rm.3:23; 6:23; Jn.8:44.
The Result of the fall of man:
1.     Death passed down to all men through the bloodline. See 1Cor.15:21-22 and Rm.3:23.
2.     Man lost his place as god of this world to Satan who became the god of this world. See 2Cor.4:4 and Eph.2:2.
3.     Man became a victim of fear and with fear came sickness, poverty and physical death as well. See Isa.54:14; Rm.6:23; 8:15; 2Tim.1:7 and Gal.3:13-14
4.     The blessing was taken from man and replaced with the curse of God; the curse of man and the curse of Satan. Gen.3 and Gal.3:13.
5.      Man could not find his way back to God, so he created religion and the founder of religion became the first murderer after Satan. Gen.4:1-6 and Jn.8:44.
6.     Man came under the death sentence from which only blood could save him. The quality of blood required here is the pure blood of a man without sin. Heb.9:22. Rm.6:23; Rm.5:6-9.
7.     There was none found on earth who could meet that demand and so man came under the frustration of hopelessness. See Eph.2:12-18 and Rev.4:4
8.     It became necessary for God to take on human form and come to redeem us from the death caused by sin. God saw this coming before the foundation of the earth, so He provided himself a lamb without blemish to be slain for the redemption of man from the foundation of the earth so that man can be reconciled back to God. Rev.13:8.
Why New creation?
 In light of the foregoing, access to God by man was completely impossible because God is Holy, righteous and just but man had become a sinner through association with God’s arch enemy the devil. For man to be able to relate with God as before the fall of man, he has first suffer the consequence of his sin until the demands of God’s justice are fully met and then change his nature.
Man was incapable of doing this by himself. This made it necessary for the involvement of a mediator between God and man. God saw this coming before the foundation of the world so he struck a deal with the Son Jesus Christ to take the place of man in death and hell until the demands of justice were fully met and man can be set free again by his old nature being taken away and God making him a brand new man.  See Heb.10:1-20; Heb.4:3; 9:26; 1Pet.1:16-21; 2Cor.5:18-19 and Rev.13:8.
We shall draw the curtain here for today because of time and space. We shall continue next week by concluding this topic and we will go ahead to look at how redemption works.
Meanwhile anyone reading this that has yet to decide for Christ as their Messiah, this is your opportunity to do so. If you want to decide for the Lord Jesus Christ right away, please do so by saying following prayer out loud in faith and the Holy Spirit will take you up from there:

Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

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