Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Welcome to the month of March 2018: Our Month of Glory

I have glorified thee on earth; I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.   Jn.17:4
Recently, I saw a broadcast precisely a prophetic documentary on the life of Dr.Billy Graham who just passed on from time and I learnt a great lesson from his story about destiny. A person is born into this world for a purpose, for the first twenty years of his/her life, they are on a quest to discover what that purpose is which is why they try out so many things until they come to a realisation of it. As soon as they know what it is, they begin to pursue that purpose until it is accomplished and they have to return to God. The death of Billy Graham has been said to be a landmark by some men of God including Dr. Benny Hinn, heralding the great move of God releasing His glory in time before the return of the Lord. It is going to be a move that would see previously hidden vessels of God especially women and children being used by God in very dramatic ways that would eliminate any doubt as to the reality of the Living God.
What then is glory? The word glory is drawn from the Hebrew word Kabod which means literally: weight. Glory as we know it today is the manifested presence of God that humans can relate with. In the book of Exodus 33:18-19, Moses asked God to show him His glory if he had found favour with Him and the Lord assured him that he would and in Exodus 34, He kept His word. Then in verses 6-7, He introduced himself in the following words which reveals His character to us in such a way as to bring us great encouragements in our relationship with Him:
And the LORD passed by before him, and proclaimed, The LORD, The LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth,
Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth generation.
This goes to tell us that the bulk of what can be said about God is that He is more merciful than we have dared to believe because of the level of perversion the enemy has corrupted the minds of men with. He wants to show mercy more than He wants to judge so he sent His only begotten son to take our place in judgment and be able to send us His Holy Spirit to help us live the life we were originally destined to live and to live it better just like Jesus Christ lived it. This is what I call walking in the Spirit as Apostle Paul shows us in the book of Gal.5:16. Also, God has made provision for us to be able to mortify the deeds of the flesh by the Holy Spirit in Rm.8:11 and 13.
The manifest presence of God comes on His children in weights and for any of us to be able to bear the weight of His glory, we have to position ourselves for it by walking in the spirit. This means, we must give up every kind of selfishness. Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God [1Cor.15:50]. Recently while prayerfully looking at Gal.5:16-23 and comparing the works of the flesh with the fruit of the spirit, I immediately observed many things about my life that were not really glorifying God. I asked help of the Holy Spirit to change them and the change brought me such dramatic recovery of my prayer and word study life that I was amazed at the new me. I decided to give up everything selfish that I could detect about me to enable me grow a more intimate relationship with the Lord. These changes reflected in every area of my life to the point of others around me at home being impacted positively and the changes were instant as though God had been waiting for me to make those changes.
A look at the story of the Lord Jesus Christ who is our perfect example shows that the means by which we glorify God is fulfilling the purpose for which He sent us into the world. We talk of fulfillment when we start and complete the mission He sent us into the world for. In John 17:4, the Lord said: I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.” What the Lord is saying here is that the beginning and completion of the work of God assigned to Him is the means by which God was to be glorified in Him. He said, He brought God glory because he had finished the work which God gave him to do. Also, in Matthew 5:13-16; He likened us to the salt and light of the earth. He said when we let our light shine before men, they will see our good works and glorify our father in heaven.
This month therefore, God wants each of us to step back from ourselves and examine our lives first to see if we are still in faith and secondly to see ways we may have strayed from him and what to do to get back on course with him. As we do so, God’s plan for us will be clarified and we would receive His grace to deliver on our mission in life. God wants to show mercy as that is His nature. He is calling us to do likewise so we can really gain the capacity to carry the weight of His glory as He wants to use us this season to reveal his goodness to the world around us so that people can be awakened to Him and seek Him with all their hearts until He is found by them. See 2Cor.13:5; Heb.12:6-11; Jer.29:11-13 and Jn.5:19, 30.
To this end, this month, we shall be looking at a series that would prepare us to be properly positioned for the glory of God to rest on us as He comes on earth this season. The reason is that the glory of God would only rest on prepared vessels. How do we get to prepare?
First, we must find out our specific place in the general plan of God.
Second we have to pay the price to build capacity for our assignments because whatever your God given vision is, it will be bigger than your present capacity if it is of God.
Thirdly, you have to work out your salvation or run diligently and wisely in the destiny course God has charted for you until you fulfil your purpose. [Philippians 2:12-13]
When your course is done, you will know it and you will be able to say like Jesus Christ that you have brought God glory by finishing the work He gave to you. See 2Tim.4:6-8 and 2Pet.1:13-15.
In this season, it is God’s desire to see all His children discovering and successfully pursuing their purpose until they are actualized.
The starting place for anyone reading this blog who is yet to be acquainted with God is to make that acquaintance right away.  The only access to God’s family is through the new birth experience. Jesus said we must be born again. If you want to take that step right away, you can do so by saying the following prayer in faith and you will be born again:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:

God’s will in Heaven is Eternal Life Part 2

Messages for February 2018: Our Month of Refreshing
Message for Sunday 25th February, 2018
Theme: Refreshing from the Effects of Heat
Topic: God’s will in Heaven is Eternal Life Part 2
Introduction: As we are already aware, the will of God in Heaven is already put together for our use on earth by God in the Bible. For that reason, as we seek to experience heaven on earth, we have the bible to turn to for counsel and power to actualize God’s will in heaven for our earthly triumph.
First, let us understand that Apostle Paul in his letter to the Church at Ephesus has helped to paint a picture of the possibility of our bringing heaven on earth in the first Chapter of the book of Ephesians. That scripture tells us in verse three that God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ. However, we should realize that those blessings are no good in the heavenly places if they cannot be brought down into the material realm for our actualization. The lifestyle that makes it possible to bring them down is eternal life which reflects to those around us that we know God and Jesus Christ whom God has sent. See Jn.17:3 and Col.3:1-3.
It was the spirit that got saved at new birth: When we got born again, it was our spirit that got saved; our souls and bodies remained the same. God’s intention is for us to cultivate our spirits in such a way that our souls and bodies would be led by our spirits so that we can reflect the nature of God here on earth thereby bringing heaven on earth. 
Please understand from above that this life is a life of the spirit because God is a spirit and He cannot relate with flesh. We must therefore cultivate our spirits to grow up to be able to get the best of this life. This is why the bible teaches us that to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. The carnal mind life style is distinguished from the spiritual in Gal.5:16-17; 18-23 and Rm.8:5-9    
In that relationship, we are introduced to God as His children and then we are expected to understand this:
1.     We must first get acquainted with God as long as we are in time. This is why God sent the Lord in the first place. In Jn.3:16, we learn that God so loved us that He gave His only begotten Son. He gave him for our redemption through the death, burial and resurrection on the Cross of Calvary. As we saw last week, this acquaintance with God is the beginning of eternal life for anyone who would receive it.
2.     The next step is to grow in this relationship. When we grow, we develop our spirits which gets born again to the point where we can begin to hear the voice of God and be led by the Holy Spirit. See Gal.4:1; 1Cor.3:1-3 and Heb.5:12-14.
How to develop the Spirit: It is very important for us to actualize our heritage of eternal life here on earth as it is in heaven by taking the time to grow up spiritually. The reason is that when we get saved, it is our spirits that get born again and they are born as new born babies into the kingdom of God. Consequently, we are supposed to take the time to develop our spirits so that they can mature enough to be led by God. To grow our spirits, some keys we can apply and are:
Ø The word of God: Just as every new born child needs to be fed to grow up in the natural, we also need to be fed spiritually to grow our spirits. We are taught in God’s word that the word of God is the food for our spirits. 1Pet.2:2 tells us to desire the sincere milk of the word of God to enable us grow up spiritually.
Desire alone would not do, we then need to read the word because it is in the reading of the word that we collate data from scriptures that the Holy Spirit can use to help us in our meditations.
The beauty of majoring on the word is that everything revolves around it [Col.1:16-17 and Jn.1:1-5]. We must meditate on it, speak it, do it, create with it etc. truth is that how our lives turn out has to do with what we do with the word of God. If we do not know it, we may not do it and failure to do it can rob us of God’s greater blessings. If we do it, we would have demonstrated faith which is the reason we are blessed. So we cannot take the word of God lightly. See Jas.1:21-25; 1Tim.4:13-16 and Jos.1:8. Finally, understand that the application of scriptures is as simple as reading, meditating and doing the word. If you read and meditate on the word of God, God will release the power to do it into you as shown in Jos.1:8. See Jn.8:31-32
Ø The blood of Jesus: The blood of Jesus Christ is the proof of our redemption before the throne of God. When the Lord was crucified on Calvary’s Cross, He moved from there in the spirit to hell to take our place in the punishment for sin. When God saw that the demands of justice for our sin was fully met, He raised Him from the dead having loosed the cords of death. From there the Lord went to the holiest place in Heaven and poured His blood on the mercy seat thereby obtaining eternal redemption for us. This is the mystery behind God forgiving every sin we repent of. This explains why the blood of Jesus Christ is present in every meeting the saints have with heaven. The blood is ever present to forgive all our sins cleanse us from all their unrighteous consequences. The grace here is in the ability to recognize that we have sinned. Failure to recognize this results in our not knowing we have what to repent of and the result is certain judgment because it would be tantamount to frustrating the grace of God. See 1Jn.1:8-10; Jn.1:17 and Gal.2:20-21. See also Heb.9:11-22; Rm.5:1, 9, 19; Heb.12:18-29.
Ø The name of Jesus: We have a power of attorney to use the name of Jesus in such a way that it could be taken that it was Jesus Christ himself speaking the order so that to whoever it is addressed, the person would respond as though it was Jesus Christ Himself speaking in person. The most important place we use the name is the throne room of God and this happens in the place of prayer. When we engage the name here we have access to God. This is the only name God has given by which we can be saved and therefore by which we can approach God and secure His audience. See Acts 2:22-35; 4:12; Mk.16:15-18 and Philippians 2:5-11. This is the most powerful name in the entire universe. It grants access to the greatest audience and enables us to get business done for God anywhere and at any time.
Ø Praise: Praise is the reason God made us so that each time we praise God we are fulfilling the purpose for which we are made. This enables us to enjoy favor with God and receive access to the secrets of His heart. It is the revelation of these secrets to us that puts the keys of the kingdom in our hands that help us to grow in grace on a consistent basis. The more we grow in grace, the more spiritual we become and the more we can fulfill our purpose in time to bring glory to God. In addition, praise brings us into God’s presence and causes God to descend and take over our battles thus increasing our faith. Do not forget that it takes faith to live this life and to please God. In God’s presence we enjoy fullness of joy which happens to be the bucket with which we draw water from the wells of salvation. Water from the wells of salvation speaks of spiritual understanding that only intimacy with God can deliver to us. See Isa.43:7; Lk.1:74-75; Ps.149:5-9; Ps.16:11; Isa.12:3 and Acts 16:25-31.
For want of time and space, we will draw the curtains here and tidy up this message on Wednesday by looking at Carnality as the main enemy of our heaven on earth. Meanwhile someone is reading this blog who desires to grow in the Lord but has not taken the first step of salvation. This is your opportunity; you can do so right away by saying the sinner’s prayer below and the Holy Spirit shall cause you to be born again:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:

God’s will in Heaven is Eternal Life

Messages for February 2018: Our Month of Refreshing
Message for Sunday 18th February, 2018
Theme: Refreshing from the Effects of Heat
Topic: God’s will in Heaven is Eternal Life
Introduction: As we are already aware, the will of God in Heaven is already packaged in the bible for our earthly applications. Therefore we are without excuse as to what that will is since ignorance of scriptures would not be an excuse for us. If we cannot read, there are audio bibles and if we have no audio bibles, there are people around who can read to us. This is why God set up the fivefold ministry gifts to enable us be able to know and live in God’s ways. As far as God is concerned, persistent ignorance indicates rejection of knowledge and this carries a generational curse of God. Believe me, no one can deliver from the curse of God except him and the only way He does this is get you to obey His word and that in my opinion is divine favour. See Ephesians 2:8-10; Hosea 4:6 and Heb.12:5-15.
God put teachers in the Church to clarify the word of God to the simple so that they can receive understanding. When teachers expound the word of God to us, it will enter into the simple to produce understanding and the simple can learn and become wiser so that they can walk in God’s ways. This is why we are looking at this topic today because the greatest thing the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ came to do for us is to provide us with eternal life and a close look at the word of God will open us up to what eternal life is and how to actualize it on earth.
Why Eternal life? This was the original plan of God for man which would have enabled him to live on and rule the earth as god representing the Almighty God on earth because earth is a protectorate of heaven. This was however aborted by sin which separated man from God through death. This happened because man listened to the woman who was deceived by Satan; God’s archenemy. Man lost his place and became a slave of the devil which explains all the evils on earth today. See Gen.1:26; Rm.5:12; 3:23 and 3:23. Therefore man needs eternal life for the following reasons:
1.     Man sinned against God: sin became a hindrance for man to reach God because man was spiritually dead as He was cut off from God – his source of life. God’s life is eternal and cannot coexist with death. Gen.3:1-7; 23:24 and Rm.3:23.
2.     Man was cursed to die: The Apostle Paul has explained this in His letter written to the Church in Rome that the wages of sin is death. See Rm.6:23; Gal.3:13 and Gen.3:19.
3.     Man became hopeless and helpless: This is why the Lord promised to send us another helper called the Holy Spirit who is to come and deliver us from the oppression of the devil through His guidance and leadership. Eph.2:12; Col.1:13 and Jn.14:15-18
What then is Eternal life: Contrary to the opinion of some people, eternal life is not a place. While we are praying for the will of God to be done on earth as it is in heaven, we also recognize that heaven is a place; the domain of God. Whereas we have eternal life there, it is not the definition of eternal life. Eternal life was defined for us by the Lord in John 17:3 thus:
And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the one true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.”  
A closer look at this text of scripture in other translations clarify this truth as follows:
This text according to the amplified bible means to perceive, recognize, become acquainted with and understand the only true God. From this we can gather that eternal life is a relationship and not a place.
How to receive Eternal life:
1.     Through the new birth experience: New birth grants us access into the family of God again. Here we are said to be restored back to God as His children. See Jn.3:1-7; 17:3 and 1Pet.1:23.
2.     Confession of our faith in God’s word: If you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, you shall be saved because the word says that everyone who believes in Him will not be put to shame. Rm.10:9-11 and Jn.3:16.
3.     Be a student of the word: Students read and learn through multiple means. In our case, we are called to read, meditate on and do the word of God. See Ps.1:1-3; Jos.1:8 and 1Tim.4:13.
4.     Do the word: Doing the word is the proof that you believe in that which you are taught. This has the power to make you a resounding success. Jas.1:22-25; Jos.1:8 and 1Tim.4:15.
We will draw the curtain here today. Next week by the grace of God will continue by looking at how to cultivate eternal life so we can grow up from baby to sons who can take responsibilities. This will enable us to bring heaven on earth as far as eternal life is concerned. Meanwhile, someone reading this may feel the need to take advantage of this opportunity to make peace with God. If you want, you can do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be born again:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:

God’s will in Heaven is our Total Health

Messages for February 2018: Our Month of Refreshing
Message for Sunday 11th February, 2018
Theme: Refreshing from the Effects of Heat
Topic: God’s will in Heaven is our Total Health
Introduction: As we are already aware, the will of God in Heaven is already documented and packaged on earth in form of the bible. Therefore to know what God’s will is in heaven concerning our health and how to appropriate it here on earth, we have to find out from the word of God. This is quite simple to do because the promises of God in His word and the demands stated in God’s word for making them happen are open secrets to His children.
God’s will in Heaven concerning Our Total health:
First we must understand that in heaven right now, there is not sickness and disease. In fact any saint who has transited from time into eternity with any kind of infirmity is immediately set free at the point of demise. Sickness and disease are all issues on earth that require resolution on earth. For that reason, when you get born again and are translated from the domain of darkness into the kingdom of God. In this kingdom, we transit from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to the Lord Jesus Christ. See Col.1:13; Acts 26:16-17.
Being in Health is God’s will above all for us: In 3Jn.1:2  We are told that God’s will for us above all things is that we prosper and be in health even as our souls prosper. To appropriate this promise, we have to develop our souls to conform to the word of God by renewing our minds to walk in the ways of God. If we live like God wants us to live then heaven’s blessing of divine health will be released on us on earth.
Healing is the Children’s meat: While on earth, even if for one reason or the other, you are sick, God heals sicknesses and disease. Seventy percent of the miracles Jesus performed were miracles of healings. On one occasion when a Syrophonecian woman came to the Lord for healing, he told her healing was the children’s meat; in other words, healing was meant for those who were under the Government of heaven and not for all [Mk.7:24-30]. The reason is that it is what obtains in Heaven which God wants us in His earthly protectorate to enjoy. This is why God used this sign to authenticate His approval of the Lord and His call on the early Church fathers. See Mt.4:23-24 and Acts 5:16.
When we serve God faithfully, Healing is in the package of His reward: In Exodus 23:25, we learn that if we serve the Lord our God, He will bless our food and water and take sicknesses away from our midst. Thus healing and protection is in God’s service package for us.
Healing is God’s way of rewarding faithfulness: In Prov.13:17, we learn that a faithful ambassador is health. Thus if as an ambassador of Christ, you are faithful in carrying out your duty for the Lord, you will enjoy divine health or health in a way that you never anticipated. In 2Cor.5:18, we are taught that we are ambassadors for Christ. As a result of being such, we have diplomatic immunity which includes our protection and health in the package. Every one of us who is born again is called by God to testify on His behalf as an ambassador here on earth to the lost so that more people can receive the testimony of His redemption word and choose to repent and be saved. If we do our duties as ambassadors, we will enjoy diplomatic immunity and divine provisions which includes our divine health.
Healing is God’s condition of service for us as we follow Him: When the Lord called His first disciples, He told them to follow him. As they followed Him, it got to a point where they were able to do what the master did as well. They were used by God to heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out devils and do many mighty works. See Jn.14:12; 12:26
Healing is one of God’s means of honoring His servants: In the reward package for service, Healing and health is a key player. This is why Jesus honors His servants with healing when there is the need for it or gives them the ability to heal those in need of it. See Jas.5:14-15.
God’s terms for healing the sick
Take it by faith: Anyone going to God for any kind of help including healing must do so in faith otherwise they cannot get it. The reason for this is that without faith it is impossible to please God because He wants anyone coming to Him to believe that He is and also a rewarder of those who seek Him diligently. See Heb.11:6 and Jas.5:14-15. It is prayer said for the sick in faith that God honors.
Faith is only completed when it is uttered because it is only what you say that you will have because death and life are in the power of the tongue. See Prov.18:21; Mk.11:23 and Rm.10:10 – confession made unto salvation here refers to whatever we are trusting God for with our confession.  
To reach out to help other people get healed:
Preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to them: When you preach to them, emphasize that the redemption package is a total one including healing and if your business is to help them get healed, preach from the scriptures on healing to them.
Show that when Jesus hung on the cross for our redemption, all he suffered was also to ensure our total deliverance from sickness. This will help them have faith for healing. See Isa.53:1-5; Rm.10:8-11; 1Pet.2:24; Mk.1:40-42.
Finally, encourage the lost to make a decision for the Lord Jesus Christ by inviting them to say the following prayer out loud in faith so as to incorporate them into the kingdom because healing is the children’s meat:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:

Saturday, 3 February 2018

On Earth as it is in Heaven

Messages for February 2018: Our Month of Refreshing
Message for Sunday 4th February, 2018
Theme: Refreshing from the Effects of Heat
Topic: On Earth as it is in Heaven
Introduction: Once again, I welcome you to the Month of February: Our Month of Refreshing. Like I said in the word of the month, this word for the month reveals the heart of God to us. God is really gracious and kind and abounding in loving kindness and mercy. Having experienced a time of spiritual warfare like we did last month, the Lord is calling us to a place of refreshing this month. When I checked the meaning of that scripture, one of the translation refers to those words as recovery from the effects of heat. In other words, this month, God wants us to recover from the side effects of battle and become the best He would have us be.
To recover from the effects of heat therefore, it would be wise to see what the will of God for us is like in heaven so that we can have faith to claim it here on earth thus bringing down heaven on earth as God intends for us to do. This is why we are looking at this topic today which is drawn from the Lord’s pattern of prayer in Matthew 6:9-15.
God’s will: God’s will refers to what God desires or wants done or not done. God is so gracious that He has not left us to guessing what His will is at all; as a matter of fact, He has it documented and made available to all and sundry. The document containing His will is called: The Holy Bible! The bible has been shown to be the bestselling book worldwide and it is the book that has been translated into the most number of languages on earth. In light of this, men are without excuse as to access to the will of God.
Just last month, God gave us his word as the word of the month. We saw the nature of the word and majored on the creative word and saw how we can engage the word to create since man has been given the sole right to create on earth since God gave man dominion on earth. This is why spirits cannot enter the earth without the cooperation of man. This explains why God has to use men and why we had to separate twenty one days last month to pray for divine intervention on earth. Man has to invite God before He can come on earth to do anything. Praying is really a great privilege especially when you are interceding for others. It gives you an opportunity to go out of yourself and be a blessing to others.   
Bringing Heaven on earth: One day, the disciples of Jesus Christ asked him to teach them how to pray. In answer to that request, Jesus taught them the pattern they needed to use in praying effectively. From that teaching comes our topic today. You will find this account in Matthew 6: 9-15. We are particularly interested in verse 10 where He said: “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. In this text of scripture is encapsulated any kind of desire we can have here that translates to bringing heaven on earth. There are many needs on earth and they are all covered in the will or word of God also known as the Bible.
How to bring Heaven on earth: To bring heaven on earth therefore, we must do these three letters A. S. K. These letters are; Ask, Seek and Knock. In Matthew 7:7-8 we read:
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: 
For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. 
The principle of prayer is clearly stated here and it has always been like that. When you need what is in heaven to be brought to you on earth, approach God in faith and the way you demonstrate your faith is by making the effort through prayer and when we pray, we ought to follow the pattern laid out for us by the Lord in our text scripture here. See Mt.6:9-15; Heb.11:1-2, 6, 32-37.
The attitude we approach God with is one of boldness because Heb.4:16 tells us to approach the throne of grace boldly to obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Trust me there would always be a time of need in this earth even though there are various kinds of it. 
We will always need something from God every day so we must learn to be bold to go to him in prayer daily. When we do this consistently, we can transform our lives to become heaven on earth and then influence others around us and then our Church and community and then we can go global with it.
Heaven on earth: I want to describe heaven here as what apostle Peter calls the experience of His divine nature which we get from the exceeding great and precious promises of God with the capacity to enable us fulfil our purpose because they would help us to escape the corruption that is in the world through lust and we can therefore, bear the fruit of the spirit. All these promises of God are packaged in the bible and the means through which we bring them to manifest in our lives and then reflect on earth is communion with God and the first step to that communion is prayer. This was Paul’s greatest benediction to the Church each time he wrote them an epistle. See 2Cor.13:14; 1Thess.5:28 and 1Cor.16:23. How does this work?
Ø We pray to get saved - Eph.2:8-10; Rm.10:8-11.
Ø Then we pray to know God – Phil.3:10-11, Ex.33:12-15; Ex.34:5-9 & Ps.103:7.
Ø Then we take action to read our bibles and then we discover God’s promises that he has blessed us with but are still located in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. See Eph.1:3;  
Ø Then we pray them down to earth by taking His promises back to him in our words in prayer and He would answer and make it happen on earth. If no one asks, those promises would remain hanging. I have found that the best way to do this which I call God’s short cut is to put his own ahead of ours by praying for His kingdom to expand on earth while the kingdom of darkness shrinks. When this is so, God can do more on earth in a shorter time than now and we would be the star beneficiaries of this goodness. See Mt.6:33; Prov.11:30; Dan.12:3; Jn.5:19 & 30; Isa.43:26; Mt.16:19 and 1kings 17:8-16.
Ø Every time we pray Matthew 6:10, we are telling God to bring to pass what He has promised us which are with him in heaven in Christ Jesus [Eph.1:3]. In other words, when you pray this way, even when you do not know what those things in heaven are as most of us do not know all that is in heaven; you can power you prayer by praying in the spirit thereafter and the faith of God will take over and cause those perfect plan of God to be unfolded and released to you on earth. Halleluiah!  
Some examples of God’s will in heaven that must be brought down to earth by our partnership with God through prayer:
1.     Divine health – The word tells us we were healed by His stripes but you feel sick, you can appropriate your healing by faith in the word through your prayer. See 1Pet.2:24; 3Jn.1:2 and Isa.53:1-5.
2.     Prosperity of our souls: We are not saved in our souls at new birth; only our spirits are saved. We labour to save the soul by hearing and doing the word of God. See Jas.1:21-25; Rm.12:2; Jos.1:8; 1Tim.4:13-15 and Mt.7:24-27.
3.     Eternal life: The weight of your eternal life is quantified by the quality of your relationship with God. This truth can be gleaned from how Jesus defines eternal life in Jn.17:3. The entire purpose of His coming was to bring us abundant life. It is abundant life that shrinks the kingdom of darkness and enlarges God’s kingdom to which we belong. So when you pray for the growth of God’s kingdom, you are doing his will. All the blessings many pursue are meant to be mere additions. See Jn.10:10 and Mt.10:1.
4.     Wealth: When we talk about wealth, restricting it to the possession of money alone would be doing injustice to that word. It is a way of thinking that makes all good things possible for you. This explains why the bible personifies wisdom and caused her to tell us that her treasures are more than money. This is not out of place because wisdom has the capacity to generate money as well. What God does is to give us the power to get wealth by planting His wisdom in our hearts as we feed on His word daily. Thus on a daily basis, as you read the word, ask the Holy Spirit to give you divine revelations that would change your status in life. This will activate your possession of your heavenly wealth on earth here. See Deu.8:18; 3Jn.1:2; Prov.8:10-17 and Ps.1:1-3.
5.     Great family and home: People who follow God’s ways regarding relationships and family life always enjoy great homes with lasting happiness. They walk in love and reap the fruit of very productive living and never have any regret going God’s way. This is prosperity; being whole in your soul; taking care to give more than get. This is the most emotionally healthy lifestyle. This is the life God has called us to live. This can be your portion through praying Mt.6:10 for your home and spouse and children. You can say “Lord let your will be done in the life of my family here on earth as it is in heaven in Jesus’ name”. Then you power your prayer by praying the rest in tongues. See Eph.5:21-31; Eph.6:1-4; Eph.6: 5-6 and 1Cor.13:4-8 [TAB].
6.     Godly friends: You can ask and God will give you godly friends. Every time you pray for God’s will to be done in your life on earth as it is in heaven regarding the friends He wants you to have, just like you are to pray for any other thing for His will to be done in your life as it is in heaven, He will bless you with people with great hearts who would love you in spite of your faults and together you can help to build each other up. See Jn.15:12-13 and 17:20-23. Just like the Lord was praying in this second text, you can pray that way to be blessed with real friends.
In summation here, an in depth study of this message when you review your notes would reveal to you that God wants us to grow in our prayer life. We should not lose the fire thinking that we are done with fasting. On the contrary, this fasting is meant to empower us to live a more consistent prayer life especially our private devotion. God wants us to do it daily so that we can enjoy a more intimate relationship with him. It is not how long it takes you to pray and read your bible that matters to God; it is how consistent you are at it. He wants you to do it at least one hour daily. You can even take advantage of the hours of prayer to help you build up. [Pastor tell them what the hour of prayer is].
More could be listed here but for time and space. A close look at this list would disclose to us the fact that they can be summarized in praying for the expansion of the kingdom of God and shrinking of the kingdom of darkness. If more people were genuinely saved and walking in love, we would enjoy more health, wealth and eternal life would be evident to all and God would always be glorified in our lives.
Someone is reading this blog right now and is wondering if these truths are real and desiring that if they are, they would like to be part of it. I want to take this opportunity to congratulate you in advance and make you understand that this is possible and God desires for you to have it immediately. If you will take Him at His word, please say the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be born again and begin to enjoy this new life right away:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
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