Wednesday, 16 May 2018

The benefits of Grace and the right heart to enjoy it

Messages for May 2018: Our Month of Great Grace
Message for Sunday 13th May, 2018
Theme: Understanding the heart of man in relation to the grace of God
Topic: The benefits of Grace and the right heart to enjoy it
Introduction: Last week we looked at what grace is and what the heart of man is and we saw how the heart of man could influence the extent of grace a man could enjoy from God. Today, continuing along that line, we are going to be seeing some benefits of grace and the right heart to enjoy them.
Some benefits of the graces of God and the right heart for each:
In the book of Psalm 103:7 we learn that while the Lord showed the children of Israel His acts, He revealed His ways to Moses. The reason this was so was that Moses showed interest in knowing and following God more than in getting miracles from God. The children of Israel were more interested in the miraculous acts of God than in Him. See Exod.33:14-17 and Exod.34.
As a result of knowing the ways of God, Moses was able to command His acts. Therefore, the children of Israel relied on Moses to get their needs met instead of going to God straight. We in the New Testament Church are indeed more privileged than them because we now have God living in us and can cultivate intimate relationships with Him to enable us approach Him anytime we desire and learn from Him of His ways and walk in it. The following are therefore some benefits of the grace of God.
1.     Divine Favour:
This is to be treated with preference by God. It is the magnet that attracts blessings in your direction. This is what enables a person to speak a different language in the midst of adversity among others. This is because the person is divinely exempted from whatever evils are around from which others are suffering. When God wants to bless a person, He gives them favour. When God was to take Israel from captivity, He gave them favour for instance. This is because the favour of God is what sets the pace for our liberty from any kind of captivity; no matter how long standing the issue has been. See Ps.5:12; Exod.3:21 and 12:36.

2.     Divine ability to be and do the following:
Get saved and remain saved: I have asked myself several times why it is that everyone is not saved when indeed, God wants everyone to repent and come to the knowledge of the truth? But a closer look at scriptures reveal that God, while desiring that all get saved, makes it optional so that the will of man would not be violated. In John 3:16, we read that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. The “whosoever” included in that verse of scripture shows us that man’s choice is required to complete the process of salvation. In all the texts that addresses man’s need and God’s solution for salvation, man’s will is not violated. This explains why whoever gets saved did so by the grace and faith of God as shown to us in the book of Ephesians 2:8-10. It is also by the grace of God that after we get saved, we remain saved. The Lord orders us to bear fruit that abide; the means by which He keeps our fruit of souls abiding is by His grace because He is the one who keeps us from falling. See Jude 1:24; 2Pet.1:11. To engage the grace of God for whatever reason requires that you come boldly to God to ask for His grace and mercy as you need it. Heb.4:16.
To enjoy the grace of God to get saved and stay saved would require a humble and meek heart. A humble heart for instance would acknowledge they are sinners in need of redemption which they cannot give to themselves. No matter how moralistic such a person is, they would know that only by bowing to the demands of God can they be saved. See Isa.64:6; Rm.3:10 and 1Pet.5:6
However, to stay saved would require that you are meek. A meek person here is someone that is docile to God. It takes meekness to follow God as this is required to receive the word of God that would save the soul to the point where the souls could be saved to follow the spirit. This results in mind renewal that enables you to prove and do the perfect will of God always. See Rm.12:2; Jas1:21; 4:6-7 and Mt.11:28-29.
Grow in faith: Another thing the grace of God helps us to do is to grow in faith. This is because at new birth, every believer receives a measure of faith which God expects us to cultivate until no faith grows to become faith and little faith grows to become great faith and great faith grows to become exceeding great faith. The entire Christian race is known as the faith; thus any failure in faith is a failure indeed because without faith it is impossible to continue with God because He will not be pleased. [Heb.11:6] therefore whatever helps your faith has helped your life. This is why Jesus prayed for Peter that his faith should not fail. When He did, God supplied the grace that enabled Peter to make it. See Lk.22:31; 2Thess.1:3 and Lk.17:6. It is the grace of God that gives you faith for new birth and faith to continue to grow in the faith. We are told to desire the sincere milk of the word of God so that we may grow thereby. For us to desire and then feed on the word of God takes the grace of God. When God’s word is sown, it takes a good and honest heart to receive it and bear fruit with it. The more you hear the word and meditate on it, the more you would conform to it and the more you conform the more you will be able to do it. This is because, the word of God has the inherent ability in itself to fulfill itself. All these boil down to grace because the Lord says in Jn.15:5 that we can do nothing without Him and the means by which He helps us to do all things especially what we cannot do for ourselves is Grace. See Lk.8:15. In the process of growing in obedience to the word of God, we grow in grace as far as obedience to God’s word is concerned. Thus the grace of God would always be sufficient for us.
To be able to enjoy the grace of God to grow in faith, a heart of humility cannot be compromised because anyone who is proud cannot enjoy the grace of God at all not to talk of enjoying the ability to grow in faith. See Jas.4:6 and 1Pet.5:5.   
Grow in grace: Another blessing of grace is to enable you grow in grace. The truth is that the level of grace each believer enjoys varies from person to person. Apostle Paul said that he was what he was by the grace of God and that the grace given to him was not abused as he did not disappoint divine expectations of him because he laboured more abundantly than his peers. See 1Cor.15:9-10. From this text it is clear that another kind of person who can enjoy the grace of God is one who has a diligent attitude. Apostle Paul said God bestowed His grace upon him even though he did not qualify for it but that by the same grace he labored more than the others. This has proven to be true over time because he was instrumental in writing two third of the New Testament to the glory of God.
The means by which we can have access to the grace of God itself demands an attitude of humility and boldness. So to enjoy grace you need both humility and boldness. This is because you will need both to approach the throne of grace to obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. See Heb.4:16 and Jas.4:6.  
Walk in the spirit: It is the grace of God that enables us to walk in the spirit. If we walk in the spirit, we would not fulfill the lust of the flesh. This is because the flesh is constantly at war with the spirit for the control of the soul. God wants our souls and He can only get it by us listening to and obeying our spirits. Satan also wants our souls and he can only get it if we keep disobeying our spirits. In Rm.6:16, we learn that whoever we yield our bodies to in obedience becomes our master. It could be to sin which is the flesh or to righteousness which is the spirit. See Gal.4:1. From this text, it is evident that when we walk in the spirit, we would become and get the best God wants us to have out of life. The Holy Spirit only communicates with spiritual people and that makes walking in the spirit absolutely important for the saint.
To be able to walk in the spirit would however demand a meek and quiet spirit which the bible calls priceless before God [1Pet.3:4]. All it takes to do this also is grace. May the promise of great grace to us this month find full expression in the life of everyone here in Jesus’ name.
This grace requires self-denial and to be able to live this way, one must have a heart that is not afraid to make sacrifices for God giving up one’s own interest in favour of God’s interest. See Lk.9:23-26 and Jn.12:24-26.
For want of time and space, I will draw the curtain here today. However someone may he reading this blog who is yet to make any commitment to the Lord and as such may not understand the bulk of what is written here. But I have good news for you; you can make that commitment right away by saying the following prayers out loud in faith and you will be born again and you can immediately believe God for the grace to live for Him:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

What is grace and what is the heart of man?

Messages for May 2018: Our Month of Great Grace
Message for Sunday 6th May, 2018
Theme: Understanding the heart of man in relation to the grace of God
Topic: What is grace and what is the heart of man?
Introduction: This is the fifth month of the year and by the divine calendar, the fifth number is the number of grace. This month God has graciously named it our month of great grace which means we are not just going to enjoy the grace of God but we will enjoy grace in abundance because God; for His name’s sake wants to show us mercy. However over time and in scriptures, we have discovered that men have often frustrated the grace of God at different times and the reason had been because of their hearts. Thus we shall be commencing the series named as our theme above today. We will open the floor today by attempting to define grace and the heart of man to enable us understand what we are doing.
What then is grace and what is the heart of man? Grace is God’s gift given to man to enable him fulfill his destiny. Grace can be defined as unmerited favour. It is also defined as the divine ability to do what you cannot do naturally. Whereas favour creates opportunities for you; it is grace that enables you to deliver the demands of your opportunities. The bible tells us that we are saved by grace and not by ourselves; that it is a gift of God and not of any man’s effort lest any man should boast.
When we truly understand that grace is a gift given by God to enable us become the best we can become in the actualization of our divine purpose, we would become genuinely humble. This is because the qualification for increasing in the grace of God is actually humility. See Jas.4:6 and 10; 1Pet.5:6.
The heart of man on the other hand talks about the inner man or the hidden man of the heart as the bible puts it; and the soul. [Eph.3:16 and 1Pet.3:4] The word is used interchangeably in the word of God to refer to the two parts of man that are hidden from the natural eyes. Thus the heart sometimes refers to the spirit of man and at other times, it refers to the soul of man.
To enjoy the grace of God which at first is freely given, man must guard his heart with all diligence so that God would not waste His investments in man. Failure to guard the heart can result in spiritual leakage bringing about disappointments for the man. God is too principled to compromise His standards and He says His ways are not our ways and neither are His thoughts our thoughts. However because of the grace of God we can upgrade our ways to be able to walk in the ways of God.
To walk in the ways of God to enable us enjoy the grace of God, these are the demands:
1.     We must be born again: To get born again is the first requirement we must meet in order to access the grace of God. This is because sinful man without God cannot accommodate the grace of God until he first repents of his sin and becomes a member of the family to God through Jesus Christ the seed of Abraham. Thus every time sinful man is offered salvation through a preacher that is the mercy of God bringing him the grace if he would receive it. This is why we are taught in Eph.2:8-10 that we are saved by grace through faith and that faith not of yourself but it is a gift of God; not of works lest any man should boast. Please understand the grace and faith that saved you was given to you as a gift of God through the preacher who ministers to you for God. When we are born again we become entitled to the grace of God. See Ps.5:12; Jn.3:7 and Gal.3:16.
2.     We cultivate intimacy with God so His life can freely flow through us: When we get born again into God’s kingdom, we are born spiritual babies without a past anymore so we have a responsibility of developing ourselves to grow into spiritual adults who can now relate with God as sons and not just children. See Gal.4:1; 1Pet.2:2 and Jn.8:31-32. When you are intimate with God, He will open you up to an abundance of graces that would set you apart in your generation. Walking in the ways of God is made easier for you and you would find yourself fulfilling divine expectations for your life because that is why we are.
3.     We pray: Every time we pray, we are courting the grace of God by telling Him we cannot help ourselves we need His help. We are told in Hebrews 4:6 to come boldly to the throne of grace to obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. The means with which we do this is prayer. God in answer to our prayer grants us our desires and we in gratitude draw closer to Him so He can also be closer to us.
4.     We meditate on the word and let it control our lives: We read the word, meditate on it day and night so that we would be able to do it. In the course of doing this we would let the word of God dwell richly in us and the result is that we would be able to do it. As we embrace the word this way, our profiting will appear unto all. Jos.1:8; Ps.1:1-3; 1Tim.4:13-15; Rm.12:2 and Col.3:16.
5.     We do the word of God: We cannot get the best of the word of God working in our lives until we conscientiously do the word. If we do not do that word James 1:22-25 says we are deceiving ourselves. The Lord also said in Jn.14:23 that if we love Him; we would do His word and He and His father would love us and make His abode with us. Meditating on the word of God always is what empowers us to enjoy the grace to do the word because doing the word involves exercising your will to choose God’s word over and above any other.
When we live in this way, God will consider us humble and He would bless us with His grace. But if we choose to live for ourselves, He would consider us proud and would resist us.
Truly, attempting to live without the grace of God is suicidal because without the grace of God we are really nothing and can do nothing. See Jn.15:5; James 4:6 and 1Pet.5:5-6.
What Happens when you enjoy the grace of God?
1.     You enjoy the favour of God. Ps. 5:12; Zec.4:7
2.     You receive divine ability to do the right thing for the favour you enjoy to produce for you. 1Cor.15:10; 1Sam,17:43-51
3.     God reveals His secrets to you with which you rule your world. Ps.25:12-14; Job 29:3-6
4.     You can walk in the ways of God without any fear or condemnation. Rm.8:1; Lk.1:74-75.
5.     God tells you what choices you can make. Ps.25:12
6.     You enjoy divine guidance all the time. When God guides you, He goes with you, He goes before you to clear the way for you. He provides for you. He protects you. You will always be under an open heaven. See Exod.13:21-22; Ps.78:53; 106:9; 107:7
However if you are reading this article and you are yet to commit to the Lord Jesus Christ, today is your opportune day to do so. In Hebrews 4:16, we are told to boldly approach the throne of grace to obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. You can do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you’ll be saved:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Welcome to the month of May 2018: Our Month of Great Grace

KINGDOM HEIRS ministries int’l
Welcome to the month of May 2018: Our Month of Great Grace
And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus:
and great grace was upon them all. Acts 4:33
Divine visitation greetings family, I welcome you to the month of May 2018 which the Lord had graciously tagged our month of Great Grace. As I was meditating on this word, the Lord gave me the above text of scripture and I saw how timely this word is because we have followed the Lord’s instruction to pray more often than we were doing. In our text scripture above, the preceding verses reveal that the early Church fathers were at this time being persecuted by the Sanhedrin whose desire was to see that they stopped the spread of the gospel.
They came together and prayed for boldness to preach the gospel with power to bring glory to God and God in turn rewarded them with great grace. This was because they walked in love towards each other so that they were of one heart and soul and freely shared what they had with each other.
Since last month we have been praying day and night and we have one recurring theme in our prayers which is that God’s kingdom should come in our midst and His will should be done in our lives on earth as it is in heaven so that we can fulfill the purpose for which He brought us together. This is similar to what the early Church fathers prayed that God visited them with great grace.
What is great grace? When we take the word apart, we can clarify the definition. The word great means large in space; of much size; big; immense; enormous; opposed to small and little.
Grace on the other hand could be defined as divine favour and the supernatural ability to do what you cannot do naturally. Great grace therefore means to have immense divine favor and ability to do what we cannot naturally do.
Just like any other gift in the Kingdom, grace is first given to us in seed form at new birth, then we are expected to cultivate it until it matures in us to the point where it can increase to become great just like the early Church fathers enjoyed. This month, God is set to release great faith on us like He did with the early Church in answer to our prayers. Thus this month, we are to expect God to give great power to our witness of the resurrection and cause us to walk in love and experience the unity of the brethren like never before.
In light of the foregoing, we have to take advantage of this desire of God by pleasing Him through our obedience to take the gospel out like we have never done as a ministry. [Mk.16:15] This may seem herculean now but when we start, you will find it the most exciting thing to do. Therefore, I am calling on all who have not been a part of the spiritual enlargement exercise to take responsibility and enlist on a suitable day to start to participate in our two hour daily one hour prayer session. Those sessions have proven to be most fruitful and beneficial to us all.
In addition, we have also enlisted everyone to participate in the evangelism plan which would entitle you to reap harvests that would be both temporally and spiritually beneficial to you. See Jn.4:36; Isa.52:7 and Rm.10:15. This is the very reason God releases His grace on us in abundance.
As we commit to this this month, God is going to do what He did before in the early Church and cause his presence to reign in our midst and make His signs and wonders become common place among us.
However if you are reading this article and you are yet to commit to the Lord Jesus Christ, today is your opportune day to do so. In Hebrews 4:16, we are told to boldly approach the throne of grace to obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. You can do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you’ll be saved:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
  • Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:

The Faith of God for our Redemption pt.3 (Redeemed from Poverty)

Messages for April 2018: Our Month of The faith of God
Message for Sunday 29th April, 2018
Theme: Understanding the Faith of God
Topic: The Faith of God for our Redemption pt.3 (Redeemed from Poverty)
Introduction: Since the beginning of this month God has been blessing us big time with His engrafted word and saving our souls daily thereby. We have seen the purpose of the Lord in coming to redeem us. He has redeemed us from death, sickness and now we are going to be seeing His redemption from poverty. Two weeks ago, we established that we can find out from the bible whether we are really born again or not and we looked at seven qualities Apostle John taught in the book of 1John to prove that we are actually born again. The reason is that many just go to Church to observe a religion without actually first establishing a personal relationship with God. What Jesus came to do is give us eternal life and He defines eternal life as know God and Him in Jn.17:3.
Today therefore, we shall be looking at the third heading of redemption we have been examining which is to be redeemed from poverty.
What is poverty? It is interesting to know that each time poverty is mentioned, what comes to the mind of many people is the picture of a lack of money. While a lack of money to meet one’s basic need may be one of the symptoms of poverty, it is not a comprehensive definition of poverty. What then is poverty?
The Oxford Dictionary of current English defines poverty as penury, destitution and indigence. It spells out the following synonyms for poverty – pennilessness, privation, deprivation, beggarly, impoverishment, neediness, want, hardship, beggarly etc.
A second definition given here is a state of being inferior in quality or insufficient in amount. This could also be seen as scarcity, deficiency, dearth, shortage, paucity, insufficiency, inadequacy, absence, lack, want, deficit, meagerness, limitations, restrictions, sparseness, sparsity, inferiority, mediocrity, poorness, bareness, aridity, sterility.
World Bank defines poverty as the lack of multiple resources leading to physical deprivation. Poor people’s definition reveal important psychological aspects of poverty. Poor people are acutely aware of their lack of voice, power and independence which subjects them to exploitation.
A look at the bible would reveal to us that the true wealth of mankind is the ability to be productive. This is why the blessing of God that empowered man to fulfill his purpose of ruling over the earth within the ambit of divine permission is for man to be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth and have dominion over all within the ambit of his influence. As a matter of fact, when Jesus came to restore what man lost in the Garden of Eden, during His earthly ministry, He taught that it is the will of the father that we bear much fruit and that our fruit should remain. See Gen.1:28; Jn.15:1-5, 8 and 16.
In addition, when he first preached the gospel of the kingdom in the book of Luke, the first beneficiaries of the gospel we see here are the poor. This is further confirmed by Isaiah’s prophecy from which He taught in the synagogue on this occasion. See Lk.4:18 and Isa.61:1
This explains why the word of God also made us see that we are only as prosperous as our souls are. This goes to show that poverty is rooted in the soul of man or their thinking pattern. By the way the soul of man is the part of man containing his mind with which he thinks, his will and emotions. See 3Jn.1:2
What is the cause of Poverty? Simply put, poverty was caused by sin. Since man fell short of the glory of God, one of the aftermaths was poverty because his soul became corrupted and therefore he could no longer reason like God and get God’s results [Isa.55:8-9; Jer.17:9-10 ]. He was now less in value because he had become a child of the devil by the principle of Romans 6:16 that you become owned by the one to whom you yield yourself to obey. Man became lost from the day he sinned because he became cut off from God and became one with Satan who was already corrupt and had the power of death which he now used to afflict man. The afflictions of the devil presented in poverty as well as sickness and death. We already saw how Jesus has redeemed us from both death and sickness. A look at the curse of the Law enumerated by Moses in Deuteronomy 28:16-68 would disclose to us that all the curses could be summed up in poverty, sickness and death. In redemption, Jesus Christ destroyed the one with the power of death; the devil and delivered all who were all their lifetime subjected to bondage through fear of death. See Hebrews 2:14-15
Redeemed from Poverty: Since sin stripped man of all the dignity he had, Jesus Christ came to save us from our sin. See Matthew 1:21; Jn.1:29; 2Cor.5:21 and Rm.3:23-25. When man was stripped of his dignity, his wealth was also taken away from him and he became poor. His poverty was more than material; the worse was the poverty of his soul. The salvation of the soul is not included in the salvation package without the word of God being received by the saved man with meekness on a consistent basis. James tells us in James 1:21 how to cultivate the soul to conform to God’s ways so as to be able to enjoy the benefits of his redemption which includes prosperity. To cultivate the soul to align with the ways of God, redeemed man needs to do the following:
1. Understand that the prosperity you desire is only possible from an understanding of God’s perspective of what prosperity really is. See Isa.55:8-9 and 3Jn.1:2
2. Every material thing you get is never delivered by God to you as material things. He gives you the wisdom to create those things His way if you would take the time to let Him help you renew your mind which He intends to do daily through His word. See Jas.1:21
3. For you to be able to renew your mind, you have to consciously clear off the garbage of the belief system of the world and humble yourself before God so that you can receive His word with meekness. This means that in following God, you have to be docile to Him. See Rm.12:1-2.
4. You have to do the word of God revealed to you all the time. It is in doing the word that you get blessed otherwise you will be deceiving yourself. See Jas.1:22-25 and Jos.1:8
5. To empower you to do the word, you need to meditate on the word thereby allowing the word you read to dwell in you richly. When the word dwells richly in you, it will control what you say all the time. Then you would be able to make the right choices all the time because life will no longer be about you; it will be about God as you would be making choices that honor God all the time then. See Col.3:16; Jos.1:8 and Ps.1:1-3.
Some ways you know you have been redeemed from poverty: When you are redeemed from poverty, it is a total package of redemption that includes your spirit, soul and body. The following are proofs of redemption from poverty:
1. Intimacy with God through his word and consistent communion with the Holy Spirit. 1Cor.6:17; Jn.14:23 and Jn.17:3.
2. Divine guidance every day of your life from when you decide and take the steps required to follow the Lord in an intimate relationship. When God leads you, His presence goes with you, He provides for you so that you never lack any good thing and He protects you and what He gives to you. Jn.16:13; Ps.23:1-3; 32:8 and Isa.58:11.
3. You bear the fruit of the spirit which is the means by which you are identified as a child of God because the Lord said we shall be known by our fruits. Rm.8:5-8; Gal.5:22-23.
4. As a believer, you will seek God’s kingdom and His righteousness first. I consider this a breakthrough because it is one thing that the enemy of our souls hates with a passion because it makes you a laborer in the kingdom of God which is what God has said we should pray for. The quality of your life become so enhanced that you become the answer to people’s prayers. See Mt.6:33 and Jn.4:34
5. In any field of human endeavor you find yourself, God will cause you to be fruitful and multiply. You would always demonstrate the excellent spirit. This is the word of the blessing that makes prosperity possible. Gen.41:37-42 and Dan.1:8, 19-20. 
6. Your health will not be a concern as the wisdom to be in health will be delivered to you by God even your soul prospers. Isa.58:8 and 3Jn.1:2
7. You will be totally whole with nothing missing and nothing broken in your life. All your needs would be met without fail and you will even have more than enough to be instrumental in meeting the needs of others.
We will draw the curtains on this message here today for want of time and space. Please understand that as we have seen so far Redemption from poverty is tied to redemption from sin. This makes it necessary for you to get born again before you can enjoy the following benefits. If you are yet to make this choice and you desire to do so, please say the following prayer out loud in faith and you will become born again and be ready for your genuine prosperity:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email: