Thursday, 9 August 2018

Kingdom Stewardship – What it is

Messages for August 2018: Our Month of Stewardship
Message for Sunday 5th August, 2018
Theme: Exploring the Adventures of Stewardship
Topic: Kingdom Stewardship – What it is
Introduction: Once again I welcome you to the month of August: Our Month of Stewardship. Today we shall commence this great message in this series of Adventures of Stewardship by looking at what stewardship actually is from God’s perspective and finding out how we can serve in a manner that God would consider acceptable. This is because stewardship is only rewarded by God when it is certified acceptable by Him. In Hebrews 12:28, we are exhorted to have grace to serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. See Heb.4:16.
What is stewardship? Stewardship can be defined as follows:
1.     The job of taking care of something such as a property or an organization.
2.     It is the responsibility handed to us by life in general like growing up and being responsible for ourselves and others.
3.     It is the pursuit of your divine purpose.
4.     It is the art of rendering any kind of service.
Stewardship in the Body of Christ: In the body of Christ, while stewardship still retains its meaning of service rendered, it takes on a somewhat more responsible meaning in the sense that it is the art of becoming the servant of God to all. As a matter of fact, the Lord clearly said it is not like that of the world. Then He went ahead to exemplify what He meant when He laid down His life for us on Calvary’s Cross to serve God’s interest. Therefore when we serve the Lord’s interest, we are stewards in the body of Christ. See Mk.9:35; 10:42-45 and Jn.12:26.
In light of the foregoing let us see Stewardship in the Body of Christ:
1.     They are servants of Christ. Jn.12:26; Rev.17:14 and Jn.15:16
2.     They are the laborers who are only assigned to you in answer to prayer which is why the Lord specifically tells us to pray to God for laborers who will be instrumental in His hand to reap the harvest. See Mt.9:35-38 and Lk.10:1-2
3.     They are keepers of the mysteries of God. 1Cor.4:1
4.     They are friends of God. When we faithfully follow the Lord to a point, we graduate to becoming His friends and at this level, He grants us access into His secrets. Jn.15:15 and Ps.25:14
5.     They are God’s servants who serve the interest of the kingdom of God on the earth. 1Cor.4:1-2.
6.     They are Church leaders in the form of foundation layers – Apostles and prophets.
7.     They are God’s servants entrusted with the responsibility of feeding the flock of God with knowledge and understanding like Pastors and teachers. Jer.3:15-16.
8.     They are God’s servants who announce Him everywhere like evangelists. Acts 8:5-8; Isa.52:7 and Rm.10:15.
9.     They are the helpers of God’s servants to carry out God’s instructions for service. When they do this, they become God’s instrument for the following:
Intercession: As intercessors, they bring the hand of God down on earth to accomplish his plan for any work He wants to do on earth with man. They do this through praying the will of God on earth. They can pray in their understanding and in tongues. God speaks to them and gives them dreams and visions and causes them to pray in accordance with what he reveals to them so that His purpose can be actualized in the work He has ordained them to do. The beauty of God’s work is that He can work with many or few. Thus the number of people who intercede does not matter; God is looking for a man to stand in the gap and make up the edge. However, the more the merrier because one can chase a thousand and two can put 10,000 to flight. See Ezekiel 22:30; Gal.4:19; Lev.26:8; Deu.32:30 and Isa.66:6-12.  
Church planting: Through stewards, the Holy Spirit raises Church planters through his prophets and teachers just like He did with Paul and Barnabas when He separated them and raised them to become Apostles. See Acts 13:1-3; 19:1-10 and Acts 14:14.
Church growth: When an Apostle is used of God to plant a Church, He cannot at the same time pastor all the Churches he plants directly because all the other branches must be pastored by a Shepherd each. Through fruit bearing, the Apostle is used by God to raise others who could pastor the Churches. If these working under the apostle are faithful stewards to God, God promotes them to become apostolic pastors. Apostolic pastors are those who faithfully serve under a faithful apostle and God in turn empowers them to accomplish similar results as the Shepherd God sets over them. A good example of this is Timothy who served God faithfully under the ministry of Apostle Paul and later grew to become an apostle himself. These are the fruits of a growing Church. We cannot have Church growth without the continuous spiritual growth of God’s stewards in any capacity. So aim for fruitfulness which comes as a result of faithfulness. God only rewards the faithful and not the successful. This is because we were created and recreated to bear fruit to the glory of God. See [Mt.25:20-21 and Luke 12:41-48]; Gen.1:26-28; Jn.15:8, 16 and Rm.7:4.  
Church establishments: When Churches are planted and grown to a point, a shepherd may be changed for another that will help to continue in the work of its continuous establishment. It is at this point that God causes the Apostle to send another Pastor to continue the work so that it can be better than it was and the ministers can receive more opportunities of being trained to become better. This is what we mean by pruning. The Gardener who is the Father sees the hearts of men and determines who is fruitful and who is not and who needs to be pruned to bear more fruits. He removes the unfruitful and replaces him or her with the productive one so His work can be established and expand. See the example of the switching of Mark with Timothy. I believe in this case God wanted to give Timothy another chance which Barnabas must have sensed but Paul did not have the patience for that. So Barnabas took it upon himself to help Mark. At the end everyone was happy because Paul requested for Mark that he was useful to him in the ministry. By the way, Mark wrote the gospel of Mark. See Acts 15:36-41 and 2Tim.4:11. 
Praise /worship ministry: This is the help ministry of the minstrels. They include singers and instrumentalists in Church. They set the pace for the release of God’s voice to the congregation as their ministry has the ability to bring down the presence of God. This is one ministry that the enemy attacks a lot because if we have worship leaders and followers who are not carnal, there would be no limit to the release of the glory of God in that congregation. When God comes, He can freely speak to His people and through His voice, our enemies are defeated and we receive clear guidance from God and fulfill our divine purpose. In the place of high praises also, God will judge all our enemies. This explains why David set up a Tabernacle of praise to keep the glory of God with Israel 24/7. This Tabernacle is about to be raised again among the non-Jewish Church preceding the return of the Lord. See Isa.16:5; 30:29:32; Amos 9:6 and Acts 15:16.   
Raising the next generation: This is accomplished through serving in the Children ministry. The children will grow to become the adults who would continue the legacy of the Lord in the next generation. The ministry to children is not attractive to many because people in this ministry are really not seen except through the impact they make in the life of the children. Without the ministry of teachers to these ones, a Church has no future. I started as a children’s minister. When God sent me to this ministry, I thought he wanted to punish me because I did not think I had the patience for it. Over time however, I have come to realize how valuable ministry to children is. It is the heartbeat of God at this time. The Lord uses children to model those He considers qualified for His kingdom. Isa.61:3; Mt.19:13-15; Mk.10:13-16 and Lk.18:15-17.
More could be said here about other helps ministries in the Church like evangelism but for want of space and time, it is compressed in missions which is the going forth service in the Church which we would be looking at in a subsequent topic in our series. Jesus told us to make disciples of all nations for him. The means by which we do this is actually Church planting where people can gather on a consistent basis to pray and be taught how to walk with God. We shall however draw the curtains here today. Meanwhile, someone is reading this blog that is yet to be born again. These words may therefore seem too rigid for you because you cannot understand them. But if you are interested, the Lord will give you understanding if you will take the step that grants you access to him; you must be born again. If you want to do so right away, you can say the following prayer out loud in faith and you are welcome into God’s family:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please worship with us at Kingdom Joint Heirs Family Churches 25/27 David Adesanya Str. 0ff Akarapa Rd. Igborosun Badagry L. G. A. Lagos or visit our website at and our blogs at; Or email:

Saturday, 4 August 2018

Welcome to the month of August 2018: Our Month of Stewardship

Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: Heb.12:28

Welcome family to the month of August which the Lord has graciously tagged for us our month of stewardship. In this great year of divine visitation, God wants us to see one of the things He does when He visits His own. Since the completion of the earthly ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Church has been looking forward to His return to the earth to rule the earth for a thousand years showing all what true leadership is as well as a true state of utopia.
As we approach the end of time, the Lord has been signaling to His Church that His soon return was getting nearer by the day. Anyone who has been a student of bible prophecy would have observed that almost all the signs preceding the return of the Lord foretold in the Bible have come to pass already. At the end of last year, the Lord declared this to be our year of divine visitation and He gave us the following scripture with another as our anchor scripture for the year:
“And, behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me; to give to every man according as his work shall be” … Rev.22:12
The other scripture He gave us is in Genesis 21:1 where we are told that the Lord visited Sarah as He promised and did unto her as He had spoken and she conceived and gave birth to a son for Abraham in his old age even though the promise was made by God about twenty five years earlier to Abraham. God brought it to pass as part of His reward to Abraham and his wife when He told them to leave for an unknown location and they obeyed Him without question.
In our year of divine visitation also, God has promised to visit us and fulfil for us especially long standing promises He has made to us. However, there is something we ought to understand in our walk with God and that is the fact that for God to visit and reward us, there must be some form of commitment from us to Him which will constitute the basis of His reward. When we walk with God, we serve His interest and He in turn blesses us with His reward.
Since the commencement of the kingdom of God on earth from the day of Pentecost, the Church has been planted by God and is growing by the day through the activity of the Holy Spirit among us. From the first Century when the Church was planted until now, the Church has grown exponentially.
The foundation of the Church is the revelation that Jesus is the anointed one and the builder of the Church. See Mt.16:18-19. He sends his Apostles and prophets to plant the Churches and causes others to build on it but He is the one who is responsible for its increase. [1Cor.3:6-7] Since then, everyone who is part of the body of Christ has been engaging in one form of service or the other in the Kingdom of God. Everyone who is born again, is a part of the body of Christ and belongs to this great kingdom of the Son of God prophesied of by men of God like Daniel in Dan.2:44.
The time draws nearer now when this ever growing Kingdom of God is about to be brought down to concrete existence with the Lord Himself reigning physically on earth with us and ruling over it for a thousand years preceding the final end. The Lord promises to come quickly with His reward to be given to everyone laboring in His kingdom according to the quality, content and quantity of his or her labor.
For our stewardship which means service in God’s Kingdom to qualify for a reward, God has to certify it as acceptable as we have seen in our first text scripture. Make no mistake, serving in God’s Kingdom is the best place to be because no institution pays like God does. For example in the Old Testament, we are assured of divine provision, protection, no miscarriage or bareness and fulfillment of our days if we subscribe to serving the Lord. In the New Testament, we are guaranteed divine health and prosperity – wholeness with nothing missing and nothing broken together with fertile mentality and divine presence.  See Mt.28:18-20; Mk.16:15-20; 3Jn.1:2 and 2Tim.1:7. At the end when He returns we are also promised eternal life and multitude of packages to go with it as indicated in Revelation Chapters 2 and 3.
In light of the foregoing, we shall be embarking on an adventure this month to understand what the requirements for acceptable stewardship are from God’s perspective and how we can line up with them to be positioned for His reward. Thus we shall be looking at a series I title: Exploring the Adventures of Stewardship This month God wants to set us up to be positioned for His reward. In fact, stewardship is stage by stage and in every stage God rewards those who serve His interest. The beauty of service in God’s Kingdom is that it is open ended and you can therefore choose to serve anywhere you deem fit to further God’s interest. In addition, stewardship is not a gift; it is a choice you make. If you have made the choice to serve God, then you do not wait for opportunities to do so; you create the opportunity. As soon as Saul who became Paul encountered Christ, he began to preach the gospel; he was not originally an apostle; he became one through His service of God’s interest. This month, I see God helping each of us with His zeal to live ready for Him as we serve His interest in any capacity in anticipation of His soon return.
Someone may be reading this blog now that is yet to make that noble decision for Christ; I have good news for you, you can do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will become initiated into the family of God through the new birth experience:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:

How to stay connected to the vine

Messages for July 2018: Our Month of Excellence
Message for Sunday 22nd July, 2018
Theme: Understanding the Benefits of Discipleship
Topic: How to stay connected to the vine
Introduction: Since this month began, we have been looking at how to stay connected to the vine. Last week, we identified the vine as the Lord, the Vine dresser as the Father and the disciples as the branches. We established that staying connected to the vine is the hallmark of a true disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ or else we would be fruitless.
To ensure that we bear fruit therefore, we have to stay connected to the vine because that is the only demand for us to bear fruit to God as the Lord teaches us in Jn.15:1-5. We can stay connected by continuing in the word of God; this should be done daily [Jn.8:29-31].
The following are therefore some habits that would help us stay connected to the vine:
1.     Doing the word of God in our daily living: By this I mean that every decision we make daily, is based on our convictions from the word of God. If we live this way, we would be living by faith and therefore pleasing God. If we refuse to live this way, we would he walking in the flesh and therefore displeasing God because without faith, it is impossible to please Him. The truth is that when we walk in the Spirit, we walk in the word of God and therefore in faith [Rm.8:1, 5, 8-9]. This is how to live to please God otherwise we would be doing our own things and walking in the flesh pretending to walk in the spirit. This is why spiritual maturity is measured by being led by the Holy Spirit. See Rm.8:14-16 – that you are walking in the spirit is proven by your walking fear free.  
To be able to do the word, we need to:
a.     Read the word daily to feed our spirits to grow spiritually: we are taught to desire the word of God as we desire food. This is so apt because just as food is needed by the body to live on earth, the word of God is needed by our spirits to walk in the spirit on earth. 1Pet.2:2
b.     Meditate on the word or God to enable us process it within us until it hatches understanding to enable us to have faith to do the word of God. This is because the application of the word to our individual life requires faith and the level of faith we can walk in is dependent on the level of understanding we have of the word of God. See Rm.10:17; Jos.1:8 and Col.1:9-10
c.      Give the word of God first place in your life: When we prioritize giving the word of God first place in our lives, it enables us to put it to practice. In other words, we get to do it. It is the word you do that is the spiritual seed you sow. The more of the word of God we do, the more we are blessed because it is the doer of the word that is blessed and not just the hearer. In summation here, it is the doing of the word of God that is walking in the spirit. This is what it means to have faith because the proof of your faith in God is your action in obedience to God’s word. See James 1:22-25; 1Tim.4:13-15 and Mt.7:24-27
2.     Observing quiet times before the Lord: These are times we separate to pray and hear from the Lord. In Habakkuk 2:1-2 the prophet talked about setting aside a time to hear and speak back to the Lord and even receive instructions to write what he hears the Lord say preceding its accomplishment. Quiet times can be observed daily first thing in the morning and last thing at night. The one we observe in the morning gives us the opportunity to enjoy divine guidance which sets the pace for the day and the one at night helps us to know how and why we should live for the Lord that day. The one we observe at night gives us the opportunity to assess ourselves and see how well we have done in relation to God’s plans and purposes to us in particular and to our group if we have leadership responsibility over any group. This is a sure way to stay on course and walk in the spirit. It will make us true followers of the Lord Jesus Christ because he used to awake a great while before day and sought a solitary place to pray. This enabled him to keep his spiritual battery always charged. This habit will guarantee that we abide in the Lord and His word would abide in us and we can bear fruit and be His disciples indeed. We would thus enjoy consistent answers to prayers. See Jn.15:7-8; Mk.1:35 and Gal.5:16.
3.     Observing the Holy Communion mystery: When Jesus Christ was about to finish His earthly ministry, He instituted the Holy Communion mystery and instructed the Church to observe it often in remembrance of Him. The early Church took the Holy Communion daily and it showed. See Mt.26:26-29; Mk.14:22-25; Lk.22:14-20; Acts 2:46-47 and 1Cor.11:17-34. This mystery was not really new even though this was the only one that referred to the cup as the blood of Jesus Christ and the bread as His body. In Genesis 14:18-20, Melchizedek served Abraham bread and wine as the priest of the Most High God and received tithes from Abraham and blessed him. Since we were not told more there, we can only infer that as priest, he performed in his priestly office serving bread and wine and then received the tithes. The book of Proverbs in Chapter 9:4-6 refers to wisdom’s invitation to take of His bread and wine. I believe that that is a fore shadow of the Holy Communion mystery. In Exodus 12 where the first instruction about slaying a spotless lamb and using its blood for sprinkling to protect the children of Israel from the destroyer’s plague, we see a fore shadow of the Lord’s Calvary’s experience there and it turns out that the communion table helps us to put in remembrance all that the Lord has done for us in redemption so that we can be effective as we put on this helmet of salvation which is the hope of our redemption. See Eph. 6:17 and 1Thess.5:8.  When we eat His flesh and drink His blood, we abide in Him thereby. See John 6: 56.
4.     Finally, be responsible: Take up your Cross daily and follow the Lord; not lead Him. The Cross each of us need to take up are not necessarily the same for each man but the principle of responsibility weaves through them all. We determine what our responsibility is from the Lord when we wait on Him and whatever He tells us to do, we do and as we do His word, His blessing will be visible in our lives. This is why we have diversity of gifts and other responsibilities. If we all live this way in the body of Christ, there would be no strife. People will not compare themselves with themselves demonstrating foolishness. See 2Cor.10:12; 1Cor.12 and Rm.12:3-10  
We shall draw the curtain on today’s message for now and by God’s grace, next week, we shall continue looking at the last of this theme for the month of excellence. Meanwhile, for anyone reading this blog who is yet to become one of His and so desires, please you can take advantage of this opportunity by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be born again:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:

Proof of Discipleship – Fruitfulness.

Messages for July 2018: Our Month of Excellence
Message for Sunday 15th July, 2018 – By Pastor Alero Nanna
Theme: Understanding the Benefits of Discipleship
Topic: Proof of Discipleship – Fruitfulness.
Introduction: From the beginning of this month, we began to examine this great topic. So far we have learnt that the reason we are saved is that we may be enabled to bear fruit that would abide for the Lord. Before His departure after His earthly ministry, the Lord told His disciples the importance of fruit bearing in the Kingdom. In fact, He made them to understand that he chose and ordained them to bear fruit that would abide and also made them to know what they stood to benefit if they would bear fruit.
The vine and the branches: His disciples this great lesson on discipleship when He sought to show them the need for discipleship and the benefit it holds for anyone who would take responsibility to be a disciple indeed like he offered those Jewish converts in John 8:29-31. His main demand was that the converts continue in His word so as to indeed become His disciples. The main understanding of discipleship is clarified by the Lord with this analogy of the vine and its branches. His lesson goes thus:
Jesus Christ is the true vine: The vine is the plant that produces the fruits we call grapes. They are sweet juicy fruits that come in green and purple color variables. The special feature of this plant is that the vine releases nutrients to its branches so that the branches can bear fruits. The branches are productive to the extent that they stay connected to the vine. Staying connected to the Lord is therefore the key to effective discipleship and guarantee that we would become branches bearing much fruit. See Jn.15:5-8
The father – God is the vinedresser: As the vine dresser, the father is responsible for determining which branches were fruitful and which branches were not. What he does with the fruitful ones is to prune them so they would bear more fruit and what He does with the unfruitful ones is to cut them off the vine so as to prevent corruption of the vine. Please understand that it is therefore not in the place of any man to judge especially against God’s counsel who is fruitful and who is not. To stay protected from judgment, it is therefore safe not to be judgmental. See Jn.15:1-5 and Mt.7:1-5
The disciples are the branches: Anyone who becomes a disciple of the Lord by continuing in the word of God to hear and do it, would be able to produce fruits in abundance. When we bear fruit this way we would be fulfilling our purpose for being born again. See Rm.7:4; Jn.15:8, 16; Isa.5:1-7 and Gen.12:2.
The disciple and their fruit: The means by which God has ordained that the quality of life people live is measured is the kind of fruit they bear. According to the Lord, a good tree would bear good fruits and a bad tree would bear bad fruits. See Mt.12:34-37. In our particular study here, the tree is the disciple also likened to the branch of the vine in this analogy of the Lord’s vine and branches. The fruit usually borne by the vine is the grape through the branches attached to the vine. As Disciples of Christ, the fruit God looks for in us is the Lord’s quality. This is why Apostle Paul teaches that we should let the mindset of the Lord Jesus Christ be our mindset. See Philippians 2:5 so that our lives will turn out exactly like His and we would be able to bear much fruit like Him. See Jn.15:5-8.
What fruit do we bear that make us like Christ? The fruit we bear is called the fruit of the spirit. These are the character traits of the recreated human spirit. It is summed up in the word of the only commandment that the Lord has given to the Church found in John 13:34-35 thus:
“A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. 
By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
This explains why the fruit of the spirit is mentioned in the singular in Galatians 5:22-23 where the Apostle Paul begins his sentence by saying: “The fruit of the spirit is …” and goes on to list nine Character traits of love drawn from describing the fruit of the spirit. In the amplified version of the bible the text is taught this way (– the work which the presence of the Holy Spirit within us accomplishes is…) What are these traits?
1.     Love: The full description of love is found in 1Cor.13:4-8 in the amplified version of the bible. love
2.     Joy: gladness, does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness but rejoices when right and truth prevail
3.     Peace: peace
4.     Longsuffering: patience, an even temper, forbearance, endures long bearing up under anything and everything that comes and is ready to believe the best of every person.
5.     Gentleness: kindness, takes no account of evil done to it.
6.     Goodness: benevolence – does not pay attention to a suffered wrong.
7.     Faith: faithfulness
8.     Meekness: humility
9.     Temperance: Self-control, self-restraint and continence.
A look at the full description of love in the account below is actually a description of the fruit of a true disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ because they are people who have learnt to be controlled by their recreated human spirits instead of the flesh. Thus they behave like the Lord Jesus Christ. See also 1Cor.13:4-8 in the amplified bible translation.
However, the first step we must take to bearing fruit is the subscription to the new birth experience through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. If you want to subscribe today, please do so at once by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be saved:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email: