Saturday, 12 January 2019

What is Faith and what is the Law

Messages for January 2019: Our Month of Unlimited Grace
Message for Sunday 6th January, 2019
Theme: Faith versus the works of the Law in our relationship with God
Topic: What is Faith and what is the Law
Introduction: As the world approaches the return of the Lord Jesus Christ, it has become absolutely necessary for the Church of Jesus Christ to begin to show the body of Christ the gospel of the Kingdom of God. if we flash back to the time when the Lord was prophesying of His second coming in the book of Matthew 24, He told His disciples that as a sign of the nearness of His return, this gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the nations of the earth and then the end would come. This means until the gospel of the kingdom is preached in all the nations of the earth, he would not return.
The signs of the times are clearly evident in the fulfilment of scriptures with current events in Israel and other nations of the earth so we know that this time, we cannot compromise the preaching of the gospel of the Kingdom. This is therefore the beginning of our series on the gospel of the Kingdom like never before.
What faith is:
What the Lord Jesus Christ taught: When the Lord walked the sands of time, this is what He said among other things from which we can draw our definition of faith:
1.     What we believe and keep saying over and over again without doubts in our hearts, is faith when we get what we say. This was His general definition of faith. Mark 11:23 and Rm.10:6-11
2.     Secondly, in relation to the faith for answers to prayers, He taught that when we stand praying, we should forgive if we have anything in our hearts against anyone so that we would be forgiven by our heavenly father to have our prayers answered. Why? God does not answer the prayer of sinners except they are in repentance. For a saint, they have to get rid of sin to have access because God is holy and one sin they must deal with is the sin of Unforgiveness. See Mk.11:24-26kjv, Lk.17:1-6 and Prov.15:8.
3.     Faith is based on what you hear. The Lord taught about qualitative and quantitative hearing. He puts it this way, take heed “what ye hear” Lk.8:18 qualitative hearing. Then take heed “how ye hear”- quantitative hearing. Mk.4:24
4.     Faith according to Apostle Paul comes by hearing and hearing the word of God. In other words, faith comes by the quantity of the word of God you hear. The more of the word of God you hear, the more faith you will have. Now the extent to which the faith will deliver to you has to do with the quality of the word of God you hear. Rm.10:17
5.     Quality comes when the truth is rightly divided. The fruit of truth rightly divided is measured by the love walk of the one serving the truth or by the one receiving the truth. If you serve the truth while walking in love, it is more easily convicting. If you receive the truth walking in love, you can more easily do it. See 2Tim.2:15; Mt.7:15-20; 12:33-35 and Jas.1:22-25. It is the doer of the word that is blessed by it.
What the Law is:
The Law is the means by which men used to relate with God prior to when the Lord paid the price for man’s redemption from sin on the Cross of Calvary where He said it is finished. When He said this, He meant the continuous plight of man as a result of sin was now over. This is the dispensation of grace. Jn.19:30; Deu.28:1-15.
·        Under the law, man was to cleanse with the blood of animals and ashes of a heifer. Heb.9:13
·        The commandments he had to obey to benefit from his covenant with God were carnal and his fleshly nature could not meet the demand as God wanted. This was clearly brought out by Apostle Paul in Rom.7:18-25. He could not be delivered from dead works to serve the living God in the flesh and by fleshly ordinances. Heb.9:14
·        The cleansing of man sanctified his flesh but could do nothing about his dead spirit or his perverted soul. This is the reason why God promised in the Old Testament a new day when He was going to give man a new spirit that he would write his laws in and lead man from. See Ezek.36:26-27; Heb.9:13-14 and 10:15-23.
Jesus Christ came to fulfil the law in Himself: Salvation grants us access to fulfilment in life. When we are saved by receiving Jesus Christ as our Saviour and Lord, we become one spirit with Him and His nature is imparted to us as we grow in our knowledge of Him so that we can live on earth exactly as he did when He lived in time. This is promise in Ezekiel 36:26-27 kept. Mt.5:17; Heb.9:11-28; 1Cor.6:17 and Jas 2:8.

Why were the laws and prophets replaced by the Kingdom of God? They were imperfect according to the Father’s standard because of sin. So He sent His Son to perfect it by introducing His own law which is the law of love also known as the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus. This law knocked off the law of sin and death under which man came as a result of the sin of Adam until it was taken away by the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary. See Rm.8:1; Heb.9:14 and Heb.8:7-13.
God’s Original plan restored with the Kingdom: In God’s Kingdom, we are to operate as spiritual people and not as carnal.
·        Spiritual people are spirit ruled while carnal people are flesh ruled.
·        Spirit ruled people can walk in love while flesh ruled people cannot walk in love because they are too selfish to. See Jn.13:34-35; 15:12-15 and Gal.5:22
·        Spiritual people are crucified with Christ and live by the faith of the Son of God. Carnal people are not submitted to the Crucified life. As a result they cannot yield to the leadership of the Holy Spirit. See Rm.12:1; Gal.2:20
·        The reason spirit ruled people are spiritual is that they yield to their hearts which are already influenced by the Holy Spirit through their spirits, to God. Rm.6:13-19
We look forward to the Millennium: This is a time God has promised that Christ will come to rule on earth for a thousand years. After this time, Satan would be allowed to come and deceive again for an undisclosed period of time before the final end when God will finally judge at the white throne judgement. This is the most dreadful day for God’s archenemy - Satan. See Rev.20:11-15 
Someone reading this blog now may be wondering if they could have their names written in the Lamb’s book of life and be sure. My answer to you is in the affirmative if you will say the following prayer out loud to begin your journey into newness of life in Christ Jesus:

Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:

Sunday, 6 January 2019

Welcome to the month of January 2019: Our Month of Unlimited Grace

And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace.
For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. Jn.1:16-17
He therefore that ministereth to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles among you, doeth he it by8 the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Gal.3:5

Once again, I welcome you to our year of Divine Favour. This month also, has been named by the Lord to be our month of Unlimited Grace. I consider this a great way to start a great year. As a matter of fact, towards the end of last year from the Month of September as I waited on the Lord concerning this year, the Lord began to put some scriptures in my mind for my meditations. The chief of these scriptures was Galatians 3:2 and 5. He also made me meditate on Rm.6:20 and Gal.2:16. He then went ahead to make me understand that he does not want me to be brought under the works of the Law but to operate with Him by faith because operating with Him by law would always bring condemnation because the law would reduce a person to walking in the flesh as opposed to walking in the spirit. That flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God but faith which works by love. Further, that by strength shall no man prevail. See 1Cor.15:50; Gal.5:6; 1Sam.2:9.
Thus to inherit the Kingdom of God, we must learn and walk in the ways of Abraham which is what the Lord Jesus Christ came to perfect in His body. Also, to be victorious over evil, we must learn and walk in the Lord Jesus Christ. This is why all the laws and prophets have been fulfilled in the Lord Jesus Christ. [Mt.5:17-20] So what then is unlimited grace?
Grace is divine favour and divine ability. Unlimited is the adjective the Lord used to qualify grace for us this month thus defining the extent of grace He is set to bless us with. In this case we shall be experiencing the grace of God without limit over our lives; Halleluiah!!! Divine favour is God’s good will or preference for us over others. When God wants to bless a people, He gives them favour like He exemplified with the children of Israel when He sent Moses and released them from the bondage of a four hundred year old slavery in Egypt. Just before He got them out, He promised to give them favor with the Egyptians who did not even like them. He faithfully kept the promise as he took them out of captivity. The favour caused the Egyptians to not let them go out of Egypt empty handed. Thus they went out of Egypt with great fortune. See Exod.3:21 and 12:36.
Favour is therefore the magnet that attract blessings to you. In our case, favour is the magnet placed by God on us to attract His blessings to us. This is why it is divine favour for us. However, blessings have a way of conferring responsibilities on us; when this happens, we must deliver on the demand of the responsibilities the favour has attracted to us. For some, the favour of God would attract you and your spouse to each other this year, but it would take grace to sustain the marriage. This brings me to the other side of the definition of grace. While divine favour attracts the blessing, grace will give you the ability to sustain it. Thus unlimited grace could be defined as unlimited divine favour and ability without limit to sustain the favour. This grace is also referred to as abundant Grace in the word of God. Really unlimited grace would usually be abundant. This is the kind of grace required to take up your Cross daily and follow the Lord Jesus Christ because only then would you be able to find and retain your God given destiny. See 2Cor.4:15 and 1Tim.1:14.
God is saying to us that this month, He will bless us with all he is set to bless us with and He will provide us with the ability to sustain the blessings He is giving to us. I believe that all the promises that God has made to us prior to this time are about finding fulfilment and God in His infinite mercy has determined to release His unlimited grace to make them happen for us. [Eph.2:8-10 and Rm.4-12]
However, these blessings will only be received by us on the platform of faith in God and not our works which would not meet divine standard but would be classified with the unfruitful works of darkness as flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God.
To this end, this month, we shall be looking at a theme I title: Faith versus the works of the Law in our relationship with God. We shall seek to look at faith and the works of the Law and try to understand why Apostle Paul taught that by the works of the Law shall no flesh be justified before God and show the role of works in the New Covenant and How we have to depend on the grace of God to do the good works which we have been ordained to do from the foundation of the earth. Further, we shall be looking at what Jesus actually taught regarding the Law and how He came to fulfill it. It took the revelation of the Holy Spirit through the founding fathers of the faith to make us see what the Lord sought to show mankind during His earthly ministry encapsulated in parables. See Jas.2:14-24; Heb.8:7-13 and Jn.16:12-13.
As He spoke to His disciples on one occasion, He told them that their eyes were blessed because what was hidden to others were revealed to them. In the same way blessed are your eyes for the revelations of the Holy Spirit to us at this time because of what is being sent to the earth now. Meanwhile, someone may be reading this blog that is yet to receive the unspeakable gift of God which is Jesus Christ [2Cor.9:15]. If you are that person, today is your day; you can start this year with that as your first resolution and the beauty of this is that you can fulfill that resolution right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be born again:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:

Waging war with the blood of Jesus Christ Rev.12:7-12

Waging war with the blood of Jesus Christ
Remember that death and life are in the power of the tongue. As you declare these words, the Holy Spirit will enforce them on your behalf – see: Num.14:28 Psalm 103:20; Mk.11:23 and 2Cor.4:13-14
By the blood of Jesus Christ, all my sins are forgiven
Eph.1:7 and Col.1:14.
By the blood of Jesus Christ, I am redeemed from the devil
Eph.1:7 and Col.1:14.
As I walk in the light, the blood of Jesus Christ is cleansing me now and continually from all sins.
I have been made righteous through the blood of Jesus Christ.
I am justified through the blood of Jesus Christ, without any guilt or condemnation. I have confidence before God through the blood of Jesus Christ Gal.3:11; Rm.8:30 and Rm.5:1
Through the blood of Jesus Christ, I overcome the devil and destroy all his evil speculations - Rev.12:11-12; 1Cor.1:27-28; 2Cor.10:4-5
Through the blood of Jesus Christ, I am holy, set apart to God therefore, the devil has no place in me, no claims over me and no unsettled claims against me; all has been settled by the blood of Jesus Christ - Exod.30:10 and Heb.10:5-18; 9:11-15
The blood of Jesus Christ is always speaking on my behalf. He is speaking grace and mercy over me right now as usual Heb.12:24; 1Jn.1:6-9 and 3:14-15.


“For thou, LORD, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield.” Psalm.5:12
For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. 2Cor.5:21
Beloved family, I welcome you to this great year 2019 which the Lord has graciously declared to us to be our year of Divine Favour. As I waited on the Lord for this year, He gave me this word following His decision to do a new thing in our lives as His people. He said, this is the beginning of the times that many of His servants the ancient prophets have long prophesied about even though many of them knew they would not live to see it. Beginning from this great year, God is going to separate the wheat from the tares as the time of the earth; as it presently is, will be winding up soon. [See Mt.13:24-30; 36-43; 25:31-46, Rm.11:25-32]
For His Church, He is bringing the age of the gentiles to an end and about to fulfill His word through Apostle Paul of manifesting to the world the One New Man when Jewish and Gentile Believers would come together as one. At this time, God is calling His Church to make their choice whether they would go with the Mystery Babylon or Him. [Rev.17:1-18 and Gen.11:1-9]
To help mankind make the right decision, He is going to be releasing an avalanche of His glory on His elect like never before. Please understand that the enemy of God will also seek to display his counterfeit power but the distinction between the two is that with the elect, you will find the love of God reigning in our midst. Truth is that the love of God is too real to be faked. All the gifts of the spirits except the word of wisdom has been and may be faked especially the prophetic and the working of signs and wonders, but the character of the spirit controlled believer cannot be faked. Therefore at this time for the true Church of God, walking in love is not optional; it has never been anyway but now God is calling us to be more responsible than we have ever been. True believers at this time will walk in the spirit and bear the fruit of the spirit. See Mt.7:15-17; Jn.15:8 Gal.5:16 and Gal.5:22-23, 25.  
Beginning from the first month of this year, God is going to be fulfilling His word in Joel 2:23 to us like never before. He will cause to be released on His body the rain, the former rain and the latter rain from the beginning. Therefore this calls for rejoicing from the true Church of God. I look forward to this year with great excitement because of what God is already doing.
To enable us participate in it, He has sent us this word of Divine Favour. Favour is to be given preference. When God was to use Mary to bring forth the Messiah, He first sent her a word of favour. When the angel Gabriel met her, he said to her: Hail thou that art highly favored; the Lord is with thee.  From here we would see immediately that the favour of the Lord is preceded by His presence which is demonstrated in His word being with you. See Luke 1:26-38. First Mary received the angelic messenger in faith when she said unto him after he had explained his mission to her that it should be unto her according to his word. Then the word became flesh in her. See Jn.1:14
For us, since last year, the Lord caused us to embark on a spiritual enlargement exercise which he also enabled us to do faithfully the best we could and now, he has sought to reward us like He promised to do last year when He said He would visit us. We were not only blessed with a lot of His visitations, both to correct us and to bless us with His presence and voice, he has caused us to meet His condition for His favour on people who are already His. We find this condition in Psa.102:13-22. When you favour the cause of God, He would also favour you. He has helped us to do just that this preceding year and is therefore set to favour us.
So this year is the year you have long waited for. God has taken care of long standing issues in our lives last year and this year, each of us shall begin to fulfill our divine destiny in a huge way. We are being favored by the Lord because no matter how skillful you are, it takes the favour of God to make that skill produce for you. God has chosen to use us to demonstrate His glory irrespective of all the oppositions to His move and the enemy cannot stop us because of Revelation 12:11-12.
Please also understand that the favour of God is the magnet that draws His blessing to us. In Egypt, just before He took the children of Israel out of captivity, He promised to favour them and when the time came He did. The result is that after four hundred years of slavery, Israel did not leave Egypt empty handed. See Exod.3:21-22 and 12:36.
To this end, this year, we shall by the grace of God be paying more attention to discipleship as never before; which is one of our ministry pillars. I believe that as we do so, more and more people will come to know the Lord personally for themselves which is the reason why He came in the first place. See John 15:1-5 and 17:1-3.
This year, it is the cry of my heart that more and more people especially children and young persons will come to know the Lord as never before and enlist as labourers in this end time global harvest as God is about to close the age of the gentiles. Rm.11:25-26.
As I draw the curtain here, I want to use this opportunity to invite anyone who feels the need of taking advantage of the work of the Lord Jesus Christ to become all that God wants them to become to do so right away by saying the following prayer in faith if you have never been born again or a backslidden believer and the Holy Spirit will take you up from there:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:
Flourish A. Nanna
Snr. Shepherd

How to overcome Evil

Messages for December 2018: Our Month of: The Ingathering
Message for Monday 31st December, 2018
Theme: Understanding Divine Evangelism
Topic: How to overcome Evil
Introduction: As we prepare for the return of the Lord in these last days it behoves us to be alert and to be ready for spiritual warfare all the time because we are the members of the body of Christ who would be responsible for closing the age of the gentiles and embracing the prophecy of one new man in Christ preceding the return of the Messiah. We are the triumphant Church prophesied of by John in Revelation 12:11. To this end, we ought to know how to take responsibility to cooperate with the Holy Spirit to fulfil the prophecy of the triumphant Church as shown us in Revelation 12:11.
Overcoming Evil is a commandment of God we must do: In the word of God, we learn many strategies of warfare as the Holy Spirit determines we need per time. The danger in trying to wage spiritual warfare without the Holy Spirit is that we would err attempting spiritual warfare without divine guidance.
In God’s word, we are commanded not to be overcome of evil but we should rather overcome evil with good. See Rm.12:9-21 which concludes with these words: “Be not overcome of evil but overcome evil with good.” The sub heading of these texts of scripture is: The marks of a true Christian. Also, see 1Pet.2:1-25; 3:8-13 – these texts show us how to know we are walking in the spirit. Every walk in the spirit is a walk that overcomes evil. In all these cited scriptures, we see some things we do contrary to what our flesh would rather do that overcome evil.
How to overcome evil: To enable us overcome evil, we have to first understand that evil is a person. That person is known in the Old Testament as Satan and in the New Testament as The Devil. The word Satan means the one who resists, resister, adversary and opposer. The word devil means the slanderer or accuser. He is a created being created by God not originally as evil but who became evil by his choice of the negative attitude of pride because of his beauty and influence. He abused his place and led one third of the angels of God astray in his evil and today is trying to lead as many men as possible against God even though Jesus Christ has died for them. His stories are told in Isa.14:12-15; Ezek.28:11-19 and Rev.12:7-11. The Lord Jesus Christ refers to our archenemy as the thief who comes to kill, steal and destroy in John 10:10 – anywhere he shows up, it is to fulfil any of these three missions. He also referred to him as the murderer, the liar and the father of all lies and that when he speaks a lie; he is speaking his own native language. Jn.8:44.
How the Devil works: Rev.12:9 - He works through deceit. Only after he has deceived can he do against us what he has planned. The real antidote for deceit is the word of God.  
The tempter entices us to do evil. He sets before us something worthwhile or attractive with the aim of making us disobey God.
He accuses us and tries to prove us guilty. If he can keep us feeling guilty, we would never be a match for him because we would not be able to rise up and take up the offensive against him.
His three objectives are to steal, kill and destroy. He steals what belongs to you to deprive you of what God already gave you. He tries to kill you to stop God’s plan from being actualised in your life and he even desires to destroy you in hell. Jn.10:10
Our Victory in Christ: But the good news is that Jesus Christ already defeated him at the Cross of Calvary. Thus in Christ Jesus, we triumph over him. In other words, we do not need to do the defeating ourselves; we simply celebrate the victory in the triumphal procession of the Lord Jesus Christ against the devil. See Col.2:14-15; 1Jn.3:8; 1Pet.5:8-9 and Heb.2:14-15.
At the Cross Jesus triumphed over Satan depriving him of his weapon of guilt. He provided forgiveness of sins and took the law that brought guilt out of the way nailing it to the Cross. When we come by faith to the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved, we are credited with His righteousness because he did not sin but became sin for us. See 2Cor.5:21 and 2Cor.2:14.
At the Cross, Jesus Christ rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the Kingdom of God. Consequently, total transition is made possible for us only through the Cross. Then God has sent us to go forth as His army to administer this victory over Satan. See Col.1:13; Lk.19:12-13 and Acts 26:15-18. We are His occupation force!
The warfare: The warfare we are engaged in is not Carnal or natural but spiritual. This is why we cannot put people’s faces in front of us as our enemies when we wage spiritual warfare. We are up against powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness. These forces are beings without bodies. They only inhabit bodies of persons or animals when they are conjured by their human agents. But we are already victorious over them. See Eph.6:10-18; Lk.10:17-19; 2Cor.10:3-6 – we do not fight defensively, we attack bringing down Satan’s fortresses. The most powerful weapon we could use at any time is the one the Holy Spirit directs us to use at that time. See John 5:19-20 – this was the secret of the success of the Ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ; He was always led of the Holy Spirit; he did nothing of His own. See Philippians 2:5-11
The most powerful weapon of our warfare today: Rev.12:11 discloses to us the means by which the Church teaming up with the angelic host would defeat the devil in these last days. Here we are told that we overcome the devil by the blood of the lamb and by the word of our testimony. Please understand that this conflict would be between individual believers and the devil. The believer would overcome the devil by the following means from this text of scripture.
The believer who will overcome would be one who is totally committed to the Lord – “They love not their lives” even unto death. This total commitment is what gives the believer the authority to wield our weapons of warfare.
The blood of the Lamb – in the Old Testament, it was a lamb without blemish as provided on the Passover from Egypt. See Exod.12:21-24; Jn.1:29 and 1Cor.1:7.
The word of God: This is what the Lord used to overcome the devil during his temptations. see Eph.6:13-17; Mt.4:1-11 and Lk.4:1-12.
The application of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ in our lives to enable us overcome evil is done by expressing faith in the blood by declaring what the word of God says the blood does for us.
1.     The blood brings us redemption and even the forgiveness of sin. Eph.1:7 – in Ps.107:2, the bible tells us that the redeemed of the Lord should say so. Also, in Ps.91:2, we are told to say of the Lord. In the same way, our means of the application of the blood is by affirming what the word says the blood did and does for us through Calvary’s victory. This makes up the word of our testimony. we can thus declare as follow:   
By the blood of Jesus Christ, all my sins are forgiven by God – Eph.1:7 and Col.1:14.
By the blood of Jesus Christ, I am redeemed from the devil.
2.     The blood of Jesus Christ enables us to walk in the light as we fellowship with the brethren. We are therefore cleansed continually from all sins. See 1Jn.1:6-9. We can thus declare as follows:
As I walk in the light, the blood of Jesus Christ is cleansing me now and continually from all sins.
3.     Through the blood of Jesus Christ, we are made righteous. We are standing right before God as if we have never sinned. 2Cor.5:21 Therefore we can declare as follows:
I have been made righteous through the blood of Jesus Christ.
4.     Through the blood of Jesus Christ, we are justified and therefore have an imputed right standing with God. So we can approach God without any sense of guilt and condemnation.  Gal.3:11; Rm.8:30 and Rm.5:1
I am justified through the blood of Jesus Christ, without any guilt or condemnation. I have confidence before God through the blood of Jesus Christ.
5.     Through the blood of Jesus Christ, I overcome the devil and destroy all his evil speculations. Rev.12:11-12; 1Cor.1:27-28; 2Cor.10:4-5
Through the blood of Jesus Christ, I overcome the devil and destroy all his evil speculations.
6.     Through the blood of Jesus Christ, I am made holy, set apart to God and what is set apart to God, the devil cannot touch. Therefore, the devil has no place in me, no claims over me, and no unsettled claims against me. All has been settled by the blood of Jesus Christ. Exod.30:10 and Heb.10:5-18; 9:11-15 – declare:
Through the blood of Jesus Christ, I am holy, set apart to God therefore, the devil has no place in me, no claims over me and no unsettled claims against me; all has been settled by the blood of Jesus Christ.  
7.     The blood of Jesus Christ is always speaking on my behalf. Daily, He speaks the mercy and grace of God over my life and destiny. Heb.12:24; 1Jn.1:6-9 and 3:14-15. – declare:
The blood of Jesus Christ is always speaking on my behalf. He is speaking grace and mercy over me right now as usual. Here, you can include whatever the word of God has said the blood of Jesus Christ is meant to do for you.

Four Enemies of Divine Evangelism

Messages for December 2018: Our Month of: The Ingathering
Message for Sunday 30th December, 2018
Theme: Understanding Divine Evangelism
Topic: Four Enemies of Divine Evangelism
Introduction: last week we looked at some steps we can take to effectively win the lost to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Today, we shall be concluding this series by looking at four enemies of divine evangelism. If not for these enemies hindering the work of God, by now, the Lord would have since returned for His Church and we would perhaps have been experiencing the millennial reign of The Lord Jesus Christ. Meanwhile, we shall list the five enemies below and show us how to overcome them and not allow them to hinder us from doing the work of evangelism anymore.
Four enemies of Evangelism: The following are five enemies of Divine evangelism we shall be looking at to be instructed on what they are and how to overcome all of them:
1.     Satan: He is also known as the devil, the ancient serpent, the hinderer and deceiver etc. His ministry is to steal, kill and destroy as Jesus Christ pointed out in Jn.10:10. He does this with the intent of hindering people from doing the work of God especially evangelism so that he can get more people to go to hell with him. [Mt.25:41] but if he is stopped, more people can be saved and turned to God and salvation from sin and eventually perdition.
How he works:
§  He deceives people about everything with the intent of causing them to disobey the word of God so that he can steal from them and possibly, kill them and eventually destroy them. See Gal.3:1 and Jn.10:10.
§  He works as the prince of the power of the air. This is the evil spirit responsible for the disobedient because it is the same spirit that reigns over the disobedient. So any time you are in disobedience, do not think you know what you are doing; you are under Satan’s influence. See Eph.2:2  
§  He blinds the minds of men so that they would not receive the gospel when they hear it as mind blindness will hide the light of the gospel to them. 2Cor.4:3-4
§  He slanders God and God’s genuine agents so that people would not agree to go to them or listen to them and become saved. Gen.3:1-7; Jer.9:4; Ps.101:5; Rm.3:8; 1Tim.3:11
§  He operates through false prophets with the intent to deceive and steal from men and because they are already deceived, they will see good as evil and evil as good. These kinds of people are not attracted to the true gospel, they become the products of those who deceive them and their minds remain twisted until they are prayed for to be set free from deception. Isa.5:20; 2Pet.2:15; Jude 1:11 and Rev.2:14, 20.
§  He provides men with the fake substitute of religion so that he can divert them from serving God. Jesus Christ did not come to start another religion; he came to give eternal life. Eternal life is a relationship while religion is a deception from the pit of hell. The end result of the first religion was death. The founder murdered the person who was right with God. Gen.4:1-12; Rm.1:18-32 and Jn.17:1-3.
The solution to Satan’s deceit is the revelation of the word of God and prayer. We have to pay attention to God’s word through reading and meditating on the bible. Then we take time to build up our most holy faith by praying in tongues because the victory that overcomes the enemy is faith. It takes faith to do the word and it is only the doer of the word that is blessed. We cannot obey God to engage in divine evangelism without faith. See Jn.1:4-5; 8:31-32; Jude 1:20; 1Jn.5:4; Mt.7:24-27 and Jas.1:22-25.
2.     The flesh: This is human nature and it is essentially selfish and loaded with deceitful lusts. This is the arena where Satan operates. The prophet Isaiah had a revelation from God that Satan already covenanted the flesh with death and hell so that man must end there as long as the flesh leads him. On the other hand, he deceives men to covenant with death and hell so that they would be protected. This kind of protection is fake and because he did not know how God was going to redeem man. So Jesus came and took the place of man and went to hell and having died, He also suffered in man’s place and obtained eternal redemption for man. See Isa.28:14-18; 1Cor.2:6-8; Heb.2:14-15 and Heb.9:11-12.
The flesh is the agent of corruption and it corrupts man through lust of the flesh, the eyes and the pride of life [1Jn.2:15-17 and Eph.4:20-24]. But the Lord through the Cross has brought us newness of life in righteousness and true holiness. We can therefore embark on divine evangelism when we walk in newness of life. Rm.6:3-7.
Lust of the flesh: The lust of the flesh is the selfishness of man that makes him want to have the preeminence all the time. However, the word of God tells us to prefer one another in love. So we can overcome this by walking in love and escape corruption thereby. When we overcome this, we can grow spiritually to become partakers of Divine nature. Then we can see when the Father is embarking on evangelism and join Him. See Gal.5:16-26; Jn.5:19-20 and 2Pet.1:3-4
Lust of the eyes: This is getting carried away by what you see; for men it could be a woman they find attractive and for women, it could be vain items like clothes and shoes they like or bigger things like someone else’ house or car. Whatever you develop a craving for that caught your attention by sight is a lust of the eyes especially if it is something beyond your ability to purchase. This is the reason for jealousy that could eventually degenerate to envy and in extreme cases; murder. A person like this cannot receive any teaching from the Spirit. Therefore they cannot be used for divine evangelism. See 1Jn.2:15-17 and 1Cor.2:13-14.
Pride of life: The pride of life is the over bloated self-image that makes a person want to always put themselves ahead of others. People like these are usually too over bearing for a team and seem to rob others off on the wrong side all the time. People who keep walking this way would not be able to operate in divine evangelism because God will resist them and they would not have the power to carry our this great commission. Jas.4:6-7 and 1Pet.5:5-6.
3.     Fear of man: Another enemy of divine evangelism is the fear of man; this is the reason why many religious folks are not saved because they are afraid of the reaction of people whose opinion matters to them. Truth is that it is better to fear God and embark on the great commission than to fear man and not make the effort. The fear of man brings a snare. It is better to fear God and be safe than to fear man and become trapped. See Prov.29:25; Acts 4:17-20
4.     Lack of Power: The Apostles were commanded by the Lord not to depart from Jerusalem to preach until they had been endued with power from heaven. They obeyed and when the power came, the former chicken hearted Peter preached in one day and 3,000 people were converted to Christ at once. People would tend to believe you more when they see signs and wonders. This is in the package of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. See Lk.24:49; Acts 2:1-4 and verses 39-41; 1Cor.12:7 and Jn.4:48.
On this note, we shall round off this message here today and we trust God you have been empowered to go and win the lost to the Lord. Meanwhile, someone may be reading this blog that is not yet saved so you cannot help anyone yet. But you say I desire to be part of this, then you have to get saved first and you can do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and the Holy Spirit will take you up from there and save you:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:

Five steps to Effective Divine Evangelism

Messages for December 2018: Our Month of: The Ingathering
Message for Sunday 23rd December, 2018
Theme: Understanding Divine Evangelism
Topic: Five steps to Effective Divine Evangelism
Introduction: Last week we saw how we can become evangelists as families. We learnt that we have to start at home just as charity begins at home. We also established that it was biblical. We took our queue from the book of Acts 1:8 where the Lord listed the progression of evangelism from Jerusalem through Samaria, Judea and to the uttermost part of the earth.
Today, we shall be looking at five simple steps we can take to make our evangelism efforts effective God’s way. We shall immediately go into these five steps listed below:
1.     Prayer: This is the beginning of everything we do especially in this kind of thing that involves representing God to men. We have no right telling anyone about God without first talking to God about them. The place where we do this is in prayer. Through prayer, we intercede for places, things and people before God. The beauty of this is that God has promised to answer this kind of prayer. As a matter of fact, He has said he has been seeking for people to stand in the gap on behalf of the land so that the land could be spared from destruction. If He finds no one to do it, He would have to do it himself. This means He can compel any of His true servants to arise and take up the challenge.  Ezek.22:30
§  When we pray, we intercede for the land because sin brings reproach to any people as it starts by contaminating their land making it barren and unproductive. When there are no intercessors, there would be no peace in and godliness in the land which means there could be chaos. See Prov.14:34; 1Tim.2:1-2.
§  We intercede for everyone in the land because it is the people that Jesus died for. For the saved among them who are not pulling their weight to save the lost, it could be as a result of ignorance. Our prayer can wake them up and there would be an awakening to God in the land as we take the responsibility of interceding for them. It is only when man invite God to get involved in the affairs of the earth that God can legally come. The means by which man invites God is prayer. See Ps.115:16 and Jer.33:3
§  We intercede for our unsaved neighbours, family and friends requesting for the salvation of their souls to actualize the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross for their redemption. See Acts 16:31 and Acts 6:4 and 7.
§  When we intercede for the lost, we are coming in direct conflict with the devil who has held them captive for a long time and would not want to let go without a fight. The truth is that in the place of prayer, we are taught by the Holy Spirit about how to take the particular territory we are interceding for and as we do what He tells us, the land and the people will be delivered to the Lord and the Kingdom of God can find full expression in that environment. God has promised to give us the heathen for our inheritance if we ask Him. See Ps.2:8; 2Cor.4:3-4; Eph.2:2-3; 6:10-18 and 2Cor.10:3-6.
2.     Model Christ to them by walking in love: The best complement we can pay to the Lord is our obedience to His word. The only way people can know that we are the Disciples of Christ is that they see us walking in love towards each other. This is what makes the gospel attractive enough to sinners that they want to get saved and become like us. The best description of walking in love is shown to us in the amplified version of 1Cor.13:4-8. See Jn.13:35
3.     Preach the gospel to them and win them to Christ: When we preach the gospel to the lost, it must be with the intention to get them to the point of being persuaded enough to embrace the faith in Christ Jesus. When they do, we have won a soul to Christ and this usually makes God happy because it is the fulfilment of the result of His effort on Calvary’s Cross. We read in that He shall see the travail of His soul and be satisfied. Isa.53:11. Apostle Paul singlehandedly delivered Asia Minor of His time to God through the preaching of the gospel in two years. See Acts 19:9-10.
4.     Disciple them: This aspect is like parenting. Once a parent, always a parent. This makes you a shepherd of a kind over your converts. It is not in all cases you actually have people making commitment. What we are actually sent to do is to bear witness to the resurrection of Christ and His second coming or His return on earth. see Acts 1:8;
5.     Follow them up with intercession until Christ is formed in them: Apostle Paul refers to the Church in Galatia in Gal.4:19 as his little children for whom he travails in birth again until Christ is formed in them. In other words, after people are saved through your evangelism efforts, you will need to finalize with prayers so that they can grow to manifest the nature of Christ and start bearing fruit to His glory and also become instrument in God’s hands to raise others for Christ. This is what God wants of us now. This is how the early Church fathers who preserved the faith for us lived. We must produce people in the image and after the likeness of Christ. For us to do this, we must first yield ourselves to the Holy Spirit for Him to do the work in our lives. See Philp.2:25-30.
We would draw the curtain on this message here today. Meanwhile, someone may be reading this blog right now who wants to be part of God’s program on earth today to see this kind of change we are talking about. You can start right away by saying the following prayers in faith and you will be born again by the work of the Holy Spirit:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email: