Monday 17 June 2019

Welcome to the month of June 2019: Our Month of The El Shaddai

Beloved family meaning as many as have chosen to make the Lord Jesus Christ Our redeemer who died on Calvary’s Cross about two thousand years ago Saviour and Lord over their lives, I welcome you to this great month which the Lord has decided to name after himself – The El Shaddai. You will find our text in Gen.17:1. When God was about to fulfill a longstanding promise to Abraham, He gave him this word and entered a covenant of Circumcision with him. Abraham obeyed him and their covenant was cut which resulted in the Lord Jesus Christ the seed of promise. Since He came, the world has never been the same. All who receive him and choose to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth are blessed along with faithful Abraham. Gal.3:16 & 4:29.
I observe also from this discourse of Abraham and God that there was no third party involvement; meaning it was for Abraham to whom the Lord made the promise twenty four years earlier that the promise was to be fulfilled. Even the mistake of Abraham in incorporating Hagar into the family was not able to annul God’s plan.
Today as I write, I can very much identify with Abraham in my experience. I have also come to terms with the truth that God is no respecter of persons. This entire experience led me into studying the book of the beginnings very well and God clarified many things to me that would have left me confused had I not discovered them. God is indeed no respecter of persons. If he places you where you should deal fairly with people irrespective of their status, it behooves you to deal righteously. From my findings, I saw that the people to whom the oracles of God are committed are to stand for the truth no matter how the accuser may try to rubbish them. I made up my mind to do that irrespective of the slander and sorcery of the wicked.
In the course of this journey, God opened me up to a truth He had been communicating to me for years which I found difficult to absorb because of the traditions I met growing up [Mt.15:3, 6; Mk.7:9 & 13].
I believe this time around, God is opening Himself up to the entire world for whosoever will fall in line with him to embrace based on what the Lord Jesus Christ already accomplished for us on Calvary’s Cross.
Please understand that God’s commandments never changed; they are still the Ten Commandments written by His hand to Moses. What changed are the means of the actualization of these commandments before people can enjoy the benefits. At first, there was the building of the first Tabernacle in the wilderness which of course did not set aside the promise to Abraham made four hundred and thirty years prior. The failure of this method brings us to the conclusion that the doing of God’s word took more than the observance of carnal practices.
God sent prophets to warn the people over and over again, but they failed because of the lack of power to deliver. So God promised in Ezekiel 36:24-27 to write the commandments in our hearts through sending the Holy Spirit into our hearts. He fulfilled this in Christ Jesus about 2,000 years ago. [Acts 2:1-4 & Rm.6:4-14] Over the years, man has been able to walk in the newness of life who truly walks in the reality that Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the Law by becoming a curse for us on the Tree. See Gal.3:13-14 and Rm.8:13 and thus brought us under the blessing of Abraham as we received the promise of the Holy Spirit.
In spite of all of the activities of Apostle Paul and the other founding fathers of the faith, there still remains a rest for the people of God that would take us who have believed to enter into. This rest is found in the dependence on the Holy Spirit and the word of God to obey God’s word. See Heb.4:6-13 – this text teaches that we must enter that rest as God did when He finished His work of creation. See Gen.2:1-3, Exod.20:8-11; Ezek.20:10-20. This is very specifically referring to the covenant of the creator with His creation. The weekly day of the Sabbath never changed from the seventh to the first; it is still the Sabbath observed by the Lord Jesus Christ and all the apostles and early Church fathers before the government of Rome changed it in 320AD to Sunday in honor of the worship of the Roman Sun god. See Matt.28:1 – The resurrection day was the first day of the week and it does not in any way change God’s commandment to rest on the seventh.
Since God made the law, only He has the power to change it. Man cannot. For a clearer understanding of this truth, I want to recommend to you; a book titled: National Sunday Law by A. Jan Marcussen.
His word is still the Ten Commandments uncorrupted. This is what the Lord preached; he simply clarified to us that motives rank higher in divine assessments of our claims of obedience. See Mt.5:17-18.
As we approach the end of time, we should revisit the commandments and we would observe that the Lord came to show us how to fulfill it by example and tidied it up at the Cross so that as many as would look to the Cross in their hearts through His word; can be saved just like the children of Israel had to do in the wilderness when Moses lifted up the Serpent for them to look at and be freed from the Serpent’s venom. Since Calvary, all who look to the Lord Jesus Christ are thus saved from the venom that causes us to sin. See Jn.1:16-18 – This is the reason why I believe that baptism which is the means of identifying with the Lord Jesus Christ in His death, burial and resurrection is not optional if you want to walk in righteousness and true holiness. It has the power to remove the weight of the flesh and enable you to rise above the tide of this world to live the life God wants you to live as you depend on His ability.
Please understand that this Cross is not physical; so carrying idols around in the name of the cross does not really help you; no matter the lying sign you may get. Please do not confuse any fake miracles for Divine authentication. Thankfully, the truth is open to all and we all have access to the Holy Spirit by faith in Christ Jesus. See Rm.7 and 8. Man is carnal by nature sold under sin and therefore always would fall at any commandment. What God did in Christ was to show us the way of dependence on God for living right rather than trying to do it ourselves. This can only be by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. See Ephe.1:17-21 and 2:1-10 – Salvation raises our status to sit together in Christ far above principalities and powers and every name that is named in this world and that which is to come. However, obedience can make one look weak sometimes and is usually unattractive most of the time but it always pays in the long haul when it is done from the heart and with the right motive.
Thus all the revelation we have been receiving especially in discipleship is how to have victory over the flesh so that we can become more and more like the Lord Jesus Christ as shown us in John 15. The more like Him we become, the more victorious we are in this wicked world. Let us labour to find out more about Him so that we can live the life He has ordained for us and fulfill our destinies in him.
So far as believers in this part of the world where so much effort has entered into the spread of the gospel, we would think that we have it all made especially as we consider the level of influence we have attained to and the wealth we command. However, when we juxtapose our lives with the word of God, we would find many areas we would need to judge ourselves in.
In the course of looking at the book of Revelation for understanding what God’s program is for now considering we are in the last days, I saw written in Rev.12:17 that the Dragon was angry with the woman. I believe that woman stands for the Church born out of the nation of Israel through the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary about 2,000 years ago.
After His ascension to heaven, the Church has been fought by the dragon until this day. Now as the end draws nearer, the dragon is even angrier because he knows he has a short time and that the same way the Lord ascended to heaven, he would be returning for his bride and all eyes shall see him when he comes. By the way Rev.12:9 discloses that the dragon is the Devil also known as that ancient serpent.
In anger, the devil has spewed his flood of religion especially eastern religion to corrupt the Church through doctrinal errors so people would not be able to tell apart the holy from the profane. So far, the Church has defeated him on all grounds except for one and that is the fourth commandment.
Please observe that the remnant of the seed of the woman are those who keep God’s commandment and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. Meaning the Israelites who are now recognized by the Church body as the Messianic Jews and the Gentile Believers in Christ. Thus as a non-Jew, you must have subscribed to the testimony of Jesus Christ first through discipleship and then you can enter into the rest as commanded by God and not man. Man says we can do as we please but God lets us know that there is a way which seems right unto  men but the end thereof are the ways of death. See Prov.14:12; Gal.5:16-17 and Romans 8:5-8.
Thus as the beast makes plans to reawaken his rebellion against the true God, let us prepare our hearts to know that any carnal ordinance that comes to oppose the word of God should be resisted by our obedience to God. This will cost us our reputation. For instance, “as foolish yet making many wise” [2Cor.6:10]. The time has come for us to not love the world and the things that are in the world so as to prove our love for the father. See 1Jn.2:15-17 and 1Tim.6:6-12.
The days upon us are becoming more and more like the days of Noah than ever before but sadly many are still oblivious of the events that are playing out in the spirit realm and how more and more the politics of the world is fulfilling scriptures to the letter. Let us not forget the sons and daughters of who we are and fall in with the world because the coming of the Lord is nearer now than when we first began. What I mean here is that we are sons and daughters of the Most High God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary about 2,000 years ago. God only recognizes His only begotten Son who He also refers to as His first begotten from the dead in spiritual parenting [Rev.1:5 and Heb.1:1-14]. Please note here that the Lord’s love for righteousness and hatred for iniquity is emphasized by the father here. The only recognition He gives to His earthly servant is the extent to which they follow in His steps [1Pet.2:20-25; 1Cor.11:1 & Eph.5:1-11].
I am sorry if this offends any of His servants; but please, there is still room for repentance now instead of waiting for it to be too late. This is just intended to make the contribution that God has sent me to make to His body rather than strive with any. I pray this is received in the love of God just like I am sharing it in His love. I have been reluctant to share this until this morning knowing that prolonging this will do more harm than good to His Church. Please see it as it is; the word of God undiluted.
What He wants for us now is to enter into His rest properly and show it by honoring the day he blessed and sanctified for it which is the seventh day that many of us now know as Saturday. Everyone who truly has the testimony of Jesus Christ would come to the realization that as simple as this commandment is, it is God’s mark of authority over His own. In the days to come, it would take one truly walking in the Spirit to be able to obey this commandment which; like the Holy Spirit, will seal your redemption. See Eph.1:13; 4:30 and Rev 14:9-13. Thus this month, we shall be looking at teachings on spiritual growth by God’s grace. As we learn to grow in grace and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, we are preserved from the filth of the world and would not fall from our own steadfastness. 2Pet.3:18.
Please excuse my volume because this is one message that has generated so much controversy because the enemy of our souls wants us to be kept in the dark about this so that we can fall prey to his deception. Please take the time and look at the book: The National Sunday Law by A. Jan Marcussen I earlier suggested you get and read.
For Church leaders; this may be quite tough especially if you have been leading Churches with large numbers and spread far and wide. But please understand that you owe your members the obligation to tell them the truth so that you can also escape the wrath of God. Please see Rev.6 – those events are already occurring and the time has come for us to wash our garments with the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony. Please prepare; if you get used to living as a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, then you will be able to stand in the days to come. Please read the word daily and do it. See Rm.12:1-2 & Jas.1:22. Please beware of the leaven of the Pharisees which is hypocrisy. Don’t feed on the leaven of Herod also, they tend to destruction in these end times. More would be published on this in my next message on my blog. If you are yet to have the testimony of Jesus Christ, all your purported obedience would be a nullity without first committing to the Lord Jesus Christ through the new birth experience. You can start right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be born again then get baptized immediately and seek the infilling of the Holy Spirit and receive Him. Then commence to be trained as a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan plus his unfruitful works of darkness and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
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