Friday, 2 August 2019

Welcome to the month of August 2019: Our Month of The New wine

I have learnt from Isaac; Abraham's son that when God has ordained you for any great thing in life, men and nations may strive against it, but in His own time, God will bring the beauty of His word out in such a way that it cannot be denied that He is God indeed.
Enoch walked with God and was not for God took him; Elijah walked with God and was made to ride off with God in a pillar of fire disappearing from time to the point we are still expecting him to come and testify on behalf of the Lord as a witness against the evil of his time pending the return of the Lord. I am not a prophet to the best of my knowledge; nor do I consider myself as one called into the prophetic office. I am just a woman really in love with the God of Abraham; Isaac and Jacob. I met and fell in love with Him about thirty years ago when I answered the altar call to make Jesus Christ who died for me on Calvary’s Cross the Lord of my life. I can say authoritatively that these past thirty years, He has never disappointed me. He will not and never will disappoint me because of His unfailing love. His loving kindness is better than life; thus will I praise him forever.   
I want to say here that like Isaiah in Isaiah 50:7 that the Lord God will help me; therefore will I not be confounded. Therefore have I set my face like a flint and I know I will not be ashamed. As we walk through time, God sends His word over and over again and man always resists him. However, when His soul would not strive with man again, He gives in but prefers to influence man’s life span. From what little I know of the Lord; He usually comes through with His truth. He would never leave nor forsake His own.
One day, the Lord was preaching in a certain place as he walked through the sands of time; He made this remark: For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it. I believe He said this to highlight three things about the life of people together with their destiny choices. Some are born and remain the way they are, some choose to change the way they are and others are compelled by men to change them into what they are not. Recently, when I heard of a context people were engaging in, the Lord told me that He cannot be mocked; that whatever a man sows, he must reap. Those who sow to the flesh reap corruption for themselves by themselves. Those who sow to the spirit will reap everlasting life. I do not say this because I have attained unto perfection because I do not deem myself even qualified to write this because the word of God has said through Apostle Paul to not suffer a woman to preach nor usurp authority over the man.
I have learnt from the word of God that if I preach the gospel unwillingly, then like Jonah, necessity is upon me to do so because a dispensation of the gospel has been committee to me. See 1Cor.9 where the Apostle Paul took the time to testify of His apostolic ministry and its demands. When I began to walk with God, I never knew that it would go this way, I was just one in love with God and the truth and now I find myself caught in a strife with men on behalf of God. I now understand what God underwent in Gen.6:1-8 when after striving with man, He decided to let man have his way and do his own thing while he sent the flood.
The good news is that God has promised to not send the flood again. Now, man has to face the fire of God. However, preceding the fire, He would send warnings and then take His true Church from time. He would unleash several calamities on earth to compel men to give up their evil ways and sorceries in the hope they would change but they still would not before He would finally judge the quick and the dead. The dead in Christ will rise first and those on earth still faithful to Him at the time of His return would meet with Him in the air and be with the Lord forever.
The truth is that the entire earth is so permeated with wickedness that people have devised various means to defy the God of Israel. Many have become insensitive and dead to the conscience God Himself gave them at new birth that they do not want to hear what God has to say to them anymore. Some are even going about saying that the promise of the return of the Lord is not real and that people can go on living as they please without due regard to holiness and peace with all men without which no man shall see God. Let me quickly say here that peace with all men means strife with God. I do not subscribe to this at any time because I would rather strive with man if God permits than strive with God. The bible says woe unto you when all men speak well of you because they did the same to false prophets. This came from the mouth of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thus if as a man or woman of God now, all men are speaking well of you, then examine your heart and see if your faith is really in the Lord Jesus Christ who died for us on Calvary’s Cross and promised to return for His Church soon and set up His physical kingdom on earth for a thousand years before he would finally return to carry out his white throne judgment.
As I waited on the Lord concerning the strife in my last mission in my country, He told me to check out His word in Matthew 13 from the 24th verse about the parable of the wheat and tares. However, I also strove with him knowing the graveness of the consequences of that in the hope people would see that this is the word of God and genuinely repent. Sadly, men want to always have their way and they were much more aggressive than I could bear. I eventually came to the conclusion that God deliberately left men with the choice determined destiny to enable them exercise their will in such a way that when He eventually judges them, they would not call Him unfair.
I am not writing this as a prophet because I do not consider myself one. I am writing this as one called to birth the work of God like the one described in Isa.54 in the hope that this seed would birth a multitude of seeds into God’s Kingdom knowing that as long as the earth remains, seed time and harvest shall not cease. It takes a life willing to be sown to birth others like it. This life does not forbid marrying and giving in marriage because all these must be taking place when the Lord Jesus Christ returns. This shall be as it was in the days of Noah. Sadly, the flood of the new age has come and are taking over many altars on earth today without their shepherds knowing. The narrow way has been hidden from many because fewer and fewer people are finding it.
The multitude of the flock has wandered after the beast and today my heart bleeds at the vanity of man and the vexation of the spirit it brings to God. You do not have to find a broad way Church; all you need is to just come out of your house and you will find one waiting for you there. However, no Broadway Church carries life transforming power because their shepherds have become servants of men rather than servants of God. Our love for God and His undiluted word must over ride our interest in pleasing people and carrying out their evil objectives rather than pleasing men and losing all the juice of our destinies to the pursuit of human will.
As the clock of God ticks over the destiny of the earth; it never cease to amaze me that many can still die because of the mundane when God is pleading with his creation to tidy up and prepare to meet with him and live with him forever.
The question is are we ready? In preparation this month, we shall be taking a critical look at the book of Matthew chapter 24 and compare with Revelation Chapters 1-3 and 11-17 to see what the mind of God is for man now. Please understand that these truths must be told even though most people called to it would not want to take this responsibility because of its demands. In time to come, I believe these contents would be a treasure to so many people presently under the spell of this evil and adulterous generation.
May these words bear the fruit of the spirit in its reader. Anyone reading this may wish to make peace with God right away; why not? You can do so by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be saved. Then get baptized and commit to discipleship to grow into the fullness of Christ until you become perfected to do the work of the ministry being no more children tossed and carried about by every wind of doctrine and not after Christ. By the way; please stop the scheming; they do not minister grace to you; they only bring pains because Jesus Christ was not a schemer; He is the Son of God who came in the flesh and died on Calvary’s Cross for our redemption. He will be back soon to judge the quick and the dead. Do not be fooled by the pretexes; people are not usually what they seem; get born again and stay saved so your name is not blotted out of the book of life:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan plus his unfruitful works of darkness and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:

Welcome to the month of July 2019: Our Month of Divine Guidance

KINGDOM HEIRS ministries int’l Inc.
Welcome to the month of July 2019: Our Month of Divine Guidance
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them and they follow me. And I give them eternal life and they shall never perish; neither shall any one snatch them out of my hand. My father who has given them to me is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of my hand. Jn.10:27-29
Beloved family, I welcome you to the Month of July 2019 which the Lord has graciously named to be our Month of Divine Guidance. As I write, I am on a mission in another Country and for some time, the Lord had been speaking to me that from here, I would begin a journey to Jerusalem to carry out my next assignment for Him. I did not get it for a while because I had been thinking of visiting Israel for some time now and I thought He actually meant the natural nation of Israel until the early hours of this morning when he started clarifying to me what He had been trying to communicate to me.
In fact, I saw that this answered a prayer we spent some weeks praying during this project knowing that it would only take God to get me to do it. Left to myself, I would never dream of it not to talk of planning and praying for it. I believe this is the safest way to follow God if we want to actualize our destinies in the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us first understand that the beginning of divine guidance is a revelation of divine purpose. Purpose has to do with the reason why you are. Then you have to first discover the reason why you are and then trust God to guide you step by step into it.
I believe that we all would be very much aware by now why we are especially if we have ever been part of any of our Nehemiah projects. This month, I trust God that He would come to guide us a right where we have been missing Him and put us on course with Him causing us to see life from His perspective so that we can run accurately in His purpose for our lives. As I awoke this morning, while conversing with the Lord, I wanted to understand a few things from Him and He was teaching me that walking with Him is superior to walking before Him as the former has to do with coming into real oneness with Him. This takes time and a lot of spiritual investment and love. Why many fail to attain to this is actually because they want what others have instead of being content with their own and running on their own course. Another challenge is that they misunderstand God’s real plan for them and sometimes assume God is referring to them when they are called to intercede for others. This has been the reason why many intercessors have become casualties to witchcraft. One who stands in the gap for another, takes that person’s place in prayer. Consequently, they have access to information about God’s plan for that person which is usually glorious. Sadly, some covet it and become thieves in the process. This has brought about the curse in many families which they increase their problem by trying to avert it by any means other than God’s. This is a sad situation which is very common these days. May the Lord give us understanding.  
As a matter for fact, a call to intercession is needed now more than ever before because of the change of dispensation that is upon us. This is why any Church I pastor, all the members are immediately conscripted into intercession. However, the sad part is that any intercessor who does not walk in the spirit at this time, would become a cheap instrument in the hands of the devil for betrayal. Thus in these end times, we want to ensure the purity of our hearts and motives in our walk of faith so that we would not be judged for wrong motives, the use of wrong methods and substandard materials in the building of our lives, homes, Churches and nations.
I have found from what the Lord has taught me therefore that for us to meet this demand, we must have to develop our spirit, souls and bodies to walk in the spirit so that we can be accurately led by the Holy Spirit – God’s agent for divine guidance. This month, we shall thus be learning how to develop the triune man for the fulfilment of our divine destinies.
From the scriptures, we learn that man is spirit, he has a soul and lives in a body. The spirit of man is the real man. His soul is the part of him that is responsible for his decision making as it contains the mind, will and emotions; the body is the physical part of man that relates with his environment through the five senses of sight, smell, touch, hearing and smelling. Remember, we are His sheep; we hear His voice. This month, we should trust His ability to speak to us more than in our ability to hear Him. Please when you are very clear He is the one speaking to you, act on what you hear; this is when you will see the demonstration of His power.
Once again, I welcome you to the month of July: Our month of divine guidance.  Someone reading this blog now may desire to make the necessary change that would enable them to make the decision for Christ following true repentance from the sin of disobedience that would have denied us the mark of the Lord Jesus Christ in the times we are in. if you are that person, please take advantage of this opportunity to repent and make Jesus Christ the Saviour and Lord of your life by saying the following prayers out loud in faith:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan plus his unfruitful works of darkness and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email: