The government of the Nations are on the shoulders of the Lord Jesus Christ. The head of the Church is Christ and the body of Christ is the Church. The shoulders are within the body. To this end, if my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and heal their land. This is how I bear the government of the nations on my shoulders says the Lord. We do not war against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers and against the rulers of the darkness of this world.
A mixture of Prophecy, word of knowledge and word of wisdom:
There is an ongoing revolution. This began at the beginning of last decade and intensified in momentum between 2003 and 2004. It is a revolution that will bring about a change in systems and governance around the world. It is a mindset revolution that would see the flushing away of the present crop of rulership to be replaced by the leadership style of the Lord Jesus Christ. When people go to school, they go to learn to think in a certain way. In the same connection, one of the reasons we go to Church is to learn to think like Christ Jesus. He is the greatest leader who ever walked on the sands of time.
For every Pastor around the world:
Here is the word of the Lord. The wind of the Spirit is blowing in the direction of change in leadership style in preparation for the Lord’s return. You will do well to mount this wind. The next generation of leaders are the youth of today. And I am fishing them out even among teenagers now. There is an ongoing selection process and many who were given the opportunity and have not applied themselves until now are being replaced by teenagers.
To this end, set up leadership training scheme for yourselves and your church with emphasis on your youth.
No matter how anointed you are, you are not a good leader until you apply yourself to the demands of training required for leadership. If you fail to do this within the window of opportunity given to you, your place would be given to a worthier vessel than you.
Please understand that this program will not accommodate pride, petty jealousies and envy. Locate a good leader around you and submit to their tutelage by pouring into their relevant literature for your training. Buy their books and electronic messages and learn of me through them. Says the Lord for the change I am bringing about will birth many surprises beginning this year.
You cannot worship God and mammon. Says the Lord. Mammon will make a lousy god to you and end up wasting you. Worship the true and living God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ. And obey His voice all the time.
Be a sheep and not a serpent. Serpents are killed but the sheep is protected by the shepherd.
Leadership should not be confused for fame or popularity. Fame is the platform or house top God gives you to express what He has whispered in your ears. Popularity on the other hand boarders on people’s response to divine favour bestowed on you by God. however, if you are truly God’s servant, a time comes when you have to sacrifice popularity for divine approval because that which is highly esteemed among men is an abomination to God.
Do not be an Absalom to your fathers in the faith because Absaloms die. It is even better to be a prodigal son because the prodigal son will always come to himself and return to his father.
However, it is wiser not to be either of them because the prodigal son who is too laid back to go to his father within the window of opportunity allotted to him may NEVER get that opportunity again and this could be quite devastating as he/she would find out that in the midst of greatness, yet they are not great because they would not take advantage in time.
Every purpose is timed, do not let yours time out. Run the race that is set before you with the determination to obtain. Seek to apprehend that for which you were apprehended. Those who give up divine approval for human ones have sealed their doom like Saul and have already been displaced by Davids.
The Moseses of this generation are presently transferring their mantles to their Joshuas. If you are a Moses, you will know when to allow your Joshua to exercise in his office. We are in a time when Moses does not have to die for Joshua to come on board.
This is the wisdom day of the Church. If you make your relationship with me the most important experience of your life, you will be most secure says the Lord.
Any Church leader who would not lay this to heart would fade into oblivion as he would have lost relevance. Those who lay it to heart would be ushered into the next level of the program of God. I AM THE LORD!
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