Welcome to August, Destiny 2012 our Month of New Beginnings. As I examined the book of the beginnings lately, I discovered that beginning again did not start with us. God has had to begin again several times. In Genesis 1: 1 we are made to understand that in the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth. In verse 2, we learn that the earth became formless and void and darkness covered the face of the deep and we see the Spirit of God hovering over the devastation that the earth had become. Then in verse 3, God did something very remarkable. He decided to start all over again to create a new earth. Do you know what He began with? He began with creating light.
In this new beginning, God is beginning with you by enlightening all your dark areas to enable you know where you may have missed it in the past and what you can do to get back on track. He told us as a Ministry that all our past mistakes and reproach has been wiped off together with their consequences. Halleluiah! This is God’s mercy and grace at work for us.
As I continued in my quest in the book of the beginnings, I realized that God gave our patriarchs in the faith new beginnings as well. For instance, Adam and Eve received a New Beginning following the loss of their first two sons after Cain murdered his brother Abel and ran away from home. God gave them Seth from whom the generations were eventually named. In fact when he was born, Eve exclaimed that God had given them another male child to replace Abel whom Cain murdered [Gen.4:25].
Noah received a New Beginning when God decided to wipe out the then world because of violence. In fact with this new beginning came the institution of the law of seed time and harvest in Gen.8:22.
Abraham was given a New Beginning at the age of seventy five when God told him to relocate to the Promised Land. So you are not too old to start again!
Isaac got a New Beginning when in Gen.26, God directed him to remain in Gerar and he sowed and reaped a hundred fold in a year of famine and the bible says he “waxed great and went forward and grew until he became very great”; to the point of arousing the envy of his neighbors.
Jacob got two chances of a New Beginning in his life when he had to flee to Laban and when he came back and wrestled with an angel until he got a change of name and status.
Joseph was also blessed with a new beginning when he was brought before Pharaoh to interpret his dream and received for that grace the position of the number 2 man in Egypt of that day.
The Nation of Israel received a New Beginning when they all had to relocate to Egypt owing to the famine in the land of Canaan.
Dear reader, this month, God wants you to begin afresh with Him at a higher level that only His grace can make happen for you. He has pardoned your past mistakes and is willing to give you another and a better chance in life. Welcome to your month of New Beginnings. To this end, we shall be looking at How to walk in God’s perfect will and not stumble in spite of the corruption in this world and the mounting pressure of hell against humans walking in righteousness. We shall be drawing from the experience of the Patriarchs and as such our texts will be from the book of the beginnings.
Once again, welcome to our month of New Beginnings. For more details and our resource materials, log on to also, check out our page on face book at aleronanna1/kingdom joint heirs family churches. Also see: Healing and Restoration Time with Pastor Alero Nanna on face book.
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