In the time which we live in, the need to hear the
voice of God in order to be guided by Him in our daily lives cannot be over
emphasized. This is why it is so important for us to hear his voice. Sadly,
many hear without realizing it because Jesus said in John 10:27 that His sheep
hear His voice. Also, we see from Ps.32:8 where God said He will instruct and
teach us in the way we must go that it is God’s will to cause us to hear His
In light of the foregoing, we shall examine four
simple steps we must take to consciously receive the voice of God. These four
steps are set out in Hab.2:1-3. That text reads thus in the King James Version
of the bible:
“I will stand upon my watch, and
set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what He will say unto me and what
I shall answer when I am reproved.
And the Lord answered me, and
said, write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that
readeth it;
For the vision is yet for an
appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie; though it tarry,
wait for it because it will surely come, it will not tarry”
1. Stillness: This
is keeping still before God with absolute concentration and a determination to
receive a revelation of your God given purpose from God or any other thing you
may desire to know of the mind of God. A good example of this is found in the
story of Elijah in 1Kings 19:9-21 in the Old Testament and Paul in the New
Testament. Acts 9:1-20.
2. Vision: When God speaks, it paints a picture in the
canvass of your mind. Where you have difficulty with comprehending this, God
could even use something you can see physically to give you a vision because
God works with what we can envision. This is the good use of the power of
imagination God talks about in Gen.11:6. For example, God had to make Abram
look at the sky to see and attempt to count the number of the stars in the sky
until he lost count just to help him get a vision of how numerous his offspring
will be even though he was said to be childless at that time and his wife Sarai
was pronounced barren. See Gen.15:1-6.
3. Spontaneity: The
still voice of God that is not physically audible comes to you through a chain
of spontaneous thoughts. You have no control over the thoughts. They just flow
and when God is through with Speaking, they stop. There is no thought original
with man. Thoughts are taken. This explains why Jesus said in Mat.6:25, 34 that
we should not take thoughts that result in anxiety. These thoughts are words
that are conveyed to the spirit of man which must first be picked by the soul.
The spirit realm controls the physical one. This is why Paul says in Rm.8:14,
16 that as many as are led by the spirit of God are the sons of God. That the
Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the sons of God. See
1Thessalonians 5:23 which makes us understand that man is spirit, soul and
body. Your spirit is the real you made in the image and likeness of God and
which departure from your body causes physical death as revealed to us in James
2:26. Your soul is the intermediary between your spirit and body and contains
your mind (seat of memory and creativity), your will (seat of decision making),
and your emotion (responsible for the direction of your will and general drive
in life). Your body is the physical you made up of the five senses of the
central nervous system – sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing. Whereas your
body controlled by your physical senses had dictated the way you have lived as
a natural man because of the separation of your spirit from God’s through the
fall of Adam, now that you are born again, you have to retrain your body to
follow the dictates of your spirit which is now led by the Holy Spirit as we
saw earlier. This is the real battle of the new creation man. The only way we
can win this war is to allow the word of God renew our minds to have the
mindset God wants us to have. When this takes place, our wills and emotions
would easily follow divine directives and cause our bodies to act accordingly.
See Romans 12:1-2.
4. Journaling: Then
you move on to the next step which is journaling. If you try to understand
everything God is telling you at the moment, you will lose concentration and
may not be able to receive everything God is telling you so you journal for the
duration of the flow of thought and later, you can read through what you
journaled and you will get the true picture of what God is telling you. This is
how the ancient prophets kept records of what they were told (see 2Tim.3:16-17;
2Pet.1:19-21). God exemplified this when He gave Moses the law he wrote on
tables of stone and to tell you how important this was to God, when Moses in
his anger at the behavior of the Israelites destroyed the tablets, God called
him up to the mountain again and made him get two other tablets of stone and He
wrote the same commandments on these new tablets of stone. You will find this
account in Ex.24:12; 31:18; 34:4. Moses recalled these incidents in his final
speech to the children of Israel packaged in Deut.5:22. I believe that the
importance of journaling what God tells you cannot be overemphasized. This is
why God commands us to write the vision and make it plain on tables so someone
can read it and run with it. If what God told the ancient prophets in the past
was not journaled, Peter would not have had a more sure word of Prophecy to
refer to in 2Pet.1:19. For example, Jeremiah the prophet wrote down what God
told him and more than seventy years later, Daniel read it and ran with it. It
enabled him to pray for the freedom of the children of Israel from captivity.
You will find these accounts in Jer.36 and Daniel 9:1-4. Even when in
Jeremiah’s life time, the king tried to destroy the writings of Jerimiah, God
caused him to preserve it by telling him to write another which Jeremiah did.
See Jer.361-4 and 27-32.
A word
from the Lord on the 1st day of April 2011 when I taught this
message in a seminar in Hohoe, Volta region, Ghana.
“A new day has
dawned for you because you have obeyed me in spite of all odds I will cause my
voice to be heard in all the nations of the world through what we have done
here tonight. Remember that through the voice of the Lord shall the Assyrian be
beaten down who smote with a rod. I am your God and there is no one who put
their confidence in me who shall be disappointed. I do not relate by the ways of
men for my ways are higher and my thoughts are higher. I will be exalted in the
earth I will be exalted among the heathen because of the trumpet I shall sound
by you in a short while. This is my mind for all my own.”
The Sinner's prayerYou may have stumbled on this and you are not born again yet. This steps pertain to only those who are born again but the good news is that you can be born again now by saying the following prayer out loud meaning it with all your heart and God would immediately kick you off on this journey of being led by His Spirit.
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name!
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our blogs at and and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on . Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name!
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