Introduction: At the beginning of the month, we saw that Refreshing can be defined as reviving or reanimating. We also saw that it is to impart vitality and energy. Whereas the manifestation of God’s promise to you is a kind of rest, you actually enter into rest before the physical manifestation of the promise. Today therefore, we are going to be looking at how you know that you have entered into rest and refreshing; even without a physical manifestation yet.
In Heb.4:2-3, we are told that when we mix the word of God we hear with faith, it profits us and we enter into rest. This is why for the past two weeks; we have been looking at faith and rest to help us see how we can mix the word of God with faith. We also learnt that faith is the key that unlocks the door to rest and refreshing for us.
The following are some of the evidence of things in a person’s life that point to rest and refreshing:
Peace: Peace is the quiet proof of the existence of faith in a person’s heart. It is usually known as quiet faith. When God speaks to us individually, we have a basis for faith in whatever He tells us. Two ways we know that this is the voice of God are that what we hear brings peace to our hearts that we cannot explain and also, it agrees with the word of God in principle. In Ps.85:8, we are told that when God speaks to His people, He shall speak peace. In other words, the content of His word releases peace in your heart. When you believe in what He says to you and act on it, you automatically enter into His rest and consequently, His refreshing. See also, 2Peter 1:19-21; here, we are made to understand the word of God packaged in the bible is the more sure word of prophecy so that when we hear from the Lord, the authentic way we can verify it is God who spoke is that the contents do not conflict with the principles of The Bible. See 2Tim.3:16-17, John 16:33.
Joy: Joy is also known as celebrating faith in anticipation of the physical manifestation of God’s promise to you. For instance when in 2Chronicles 20:12-24, God told Jehoshaphat and the children of Judah to set themselves in anticipation of the victory He would get for them from their enemies; they consulted with the ministers of God and realized that they were to set themselves by praise. As they did this, demonstrating that the Joy of the Lord was their strength, they entered into rest and were refreshed as they carted away the spoils of victory without having to fight the enemy physically. This is why Jesus said He speaks to us so that we can be joyful. See John 15:11 – indeed when we are joyful after we hear from God, we are in the rest of faith.
The fulfillment of what was promised: See Romans 4:17-21 – this is the most visible demonstration of our rest and refreshing; when there is an actual physical manifestation of what God promised. When this happens, it is usually evident to all that God brought it to pass by the following means:
Divine Presence: A good illustration of this is the deliverance of the children of Israel from the 400 years bondage of Egypt. God went with Moses and made him a god to Pharaoh and led them out by a mighty hand going before them in a pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night. See Ex.7:1-3; 13:21-22 & Acts 3:19. Note here that refreshing usually comes from the presence of the Lord.
Divine Favour: when God is set to bring about the manifestation of His word to a person or people, He usually releases the tool of divine favour to enable the actualization of what He has promised. In Ex.3:21, God promised to give the children of Israel favour before the Egyptians to enable them go with substance. See Ex.12:36, Luk.1:28, 48-50.
Miraculous signs: These are usually the proof of God’s approval for the persons he is fulfilling His promise on their behalf. This is usually necessary especially when the actualization of the promise of God would demand the deliverance of another. For instance God had to demonstrate signs and wonders in Egypt to free Israel. See Ex.3-14. When Jesus came, God had to prove that He was sent by Him by approving His ministry with signs and wonders bringing relief to his people. See John 5:36 and Acts 2:22
Divine Solutions: Usually, when God fulfills His promise to a person, it is usually clear to all; both the discerning and undiscerning that this came to pass purely by the hand of God. For instance the rise of Joseph from the prison to the palace within 24 hours was purely by the miraculous workings of God. See Gen.41 especially verses 37-44. Another example is Daniel; a slave in Babylon rising overnight to become the prime minister. See Daniel 2.
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