As we enter into the tenth month of the year, we celebrate the goodness of God for all He has done and is still doing in and through us. God has graciously named this our month of Divine Manifestations. This is so prophetic because when we liken it to the period of gestation preceding the delivery of a child; we can say that all that God has been processing in us for the past nine month will begin to speak this month.
When we look at the meaning of manifestations in this context, we observe that manifestation means the disclosure of a presence or nature of someone. In other words, as a city set on a hill, we can no longer be hidden. We would shine as the light we are. In John chapter 2 when Jesus turns water into wine, he was said to have manifested his glory by that act. We also, would be used of God individually and corporately this month to demonstrate His glory.
Also, we are told that God’s desire is to manifest Himself to us for our profiting. In 1Cor.12:7, we are made to see that the manifestation of the Holy Spirit is given to every man for their benefit. In the same way, God has blessed us with huge potential for our profits and that of others. This is why the entire creation of God wants us to manifest these potential so that they can be blessed. See Romans 8:19.
This month, God is set to use us to demonstrate His glory by working in us to will and to do of His good pleasure to bring about the release of His purpose on earth. This is a long desired breakthrough for the entire creation of God. The time has come for God to grant grace for us to enter into his plan to turn our world around into the glorious world He originally intended for it.
In light of aligning with the plan of God for us, this month, we shall be looking at the theme: understanding the Glory of God. The reason for this is that our divine manifestation is not only aimed at glorifying God; it is rooted in the Glory of God. In John 15:1-8, the Lord makes it clear that we are to him what the branches of a vine are to the vine. Therefore, whatever kind of manifestation [fruit] is found in our lives must flow from Him because we cannot do anything without Him. See John 15:5. When we understand that the glory of God is all that God is and has, we would also learn that if we can learn to walk in His glory, we can bring heaven on earth in our lives because the atmosphere of heaven is governed by the glory of God. When we bring heaven on earth, we would be manifesting as the sons of God and not mere men [Psalm 82:6; John10:34]. Therefore, whatever cannot be found in heaven right now cannot be found in and around us.
However, this blessing is meant for those who have entered into the covenant relationship of the New Birth with the Lord. The bible says that Christ in you is the hope of glory and this mystery was hidden from the foundation of the world for our glory. They are not hidden from us but for us to be able to discover them. If you desire this new birth experience so as to take advantage of what God has given us, you can do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be saved and granted access to the mysteries of God that would enable you manifest His glory on earth. When Jesus was about to round off His mission on earth, he said he had brought glory to God by fulfilling His purpose. See John 17:4. If you want to be able to say the same thing when the time comes, please say the following prayer out loud and God would honor your faith:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name!
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:
Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name!
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