Messages for November
2015: Our Month of the Holy Spirit
John 14:18, 26; John
16:13; 1Cor.12:7
Message for Sunday 1st November, 2015
Theme: Understanding the Gift and
Ministry of The Holy Spirit.
Topic: Who the Holy
Spirit is and what He does
Introduction: a look at the word of God reveals to
us the names of the Holy Spirit through His multiple personalities. In Genesis
1:1-3, He is the first of the Godhead introduced to us as the Spirit of God. We
know from the Bible that God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit [1John 5:7, Matthew
3:16-17]. He is on earth to accomplish a mission we shall be looking at in more
details in the course of this month. According to the Lord Jesus Christ, His
mission among other things is to bring conviction to the world with the aim of
saving mankind and his environment and reveal God and His mind to us. See John
16:7-13, Rom.8:19-22 and Acts 3:19-21.
Who then is the Holy
To understand who He is, we have to go back to God’s word to
find our answers. From the scriptures, we are made to know that He
A person described in the male gender. In John 16:13, the Lord Jesus
Christ gives us this insight when He refers to Him as follows: “When He the
Spirit of truth is come, He shall…” and went on to describe His mission to us.
In talking about His purpose on Earth from John 16:8-15, the Lord refers to Him
as a person in the male gender. Until you recognize Him as a person, you will not
be able to establish a working relationship with you and that would be very
devastating considering what His purpose is on earth in relation to our
fulfilling God’s purpose for us.
He is God: As God, He has all the power and
backing of the Godhead. Whenever He speaks to us, He speaks on behalf of the
Father and the Son. Like we saw earlier, He is the first of the Godhead
introduced to us in the bible. In Gen.1:3, we see Him hovering over the face of
the deep before the father could issue the command that triggered the
recreation of the Earth as it is today. See 1John 5:7 and Matthew 3:16-17.
He is also known as The Lord: When we compare the places when He
ministered in the Old Testament and some of what was reported about those same
texts in the New Testament, this truth is made very evident. For instance, when
we compare Hebrews 10:15-17 with Ezekiel 36:22-28, we see that Ezekiel was
prophesying what was to be discussed in our Hebrew text here as having been
fulfilled. Ezekiel refers to Him as The Lord God while Paul calls Him The Holy
Spirit or Holy Ghost.
He is the author of the entire Bible
from Genesis to Revelation: As a Spirit, He could only work on Earth through human vessels. This is
why we are told that He moved on Holy men to put the scriptures together. He is
therefore, the most authentic source of bible interpretation. See 2Peter
1:14-21 where Peter left his legacy affirming the authority of the word of God,
He makes us realize that He witnessed God Speaking and that Holy men of Old
also heard God speak to them and documented them in writing which now makes up
the scriptures. Also, Apostle Paul in 2Tim.3:16 makes us see that the
Scriptures were not original with men but that they were given to men by the
Holy Spirit to show us how to live well. This is why the Bible is God’s manual
for our lives and environment.
Why is the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is on Earth today for the following reasons:
To bring Conviction to the world: He convicts the world of sin
showing us that we are all sinners and lost and hell bound and in need of
salvation [John 16:7-13; Rom.3:23;
6:23]. Then, He convicts us of righteousness that could only be found in Christ
Jesus because we were not eyewitnesses to his death, burial and resurrection.
Even many who witness it like Pilate could not understand it. All to the
understanding given to Apostle Paul like the one in 1Cor.15:1-5 came by the
revelation of the Holy Spirit. See Gal.1:12; 2:2 and Eph.3:3. Also, when People
sought to know what they must do to be saved, the Holy Spirit used the
disciples to show them. See Acts 2:37-39 and Acts 16:31. This is his ministry
of showing the world true righteousness. See also Ephesians 2:8-10. Finally, He
shows us the defeat of our archenemy and that we need not fear him anymore as
all power has been given to the Lord Jesus Christ including the power he once stole
from Adam. This is what gives us the audacity to bind him and cast him out. See
Matthew 28:18; Mark 16;17 and Revelation 12:7-11 and 20:10.
To give us vision: Vision is God’s
revelation of our purpose to us: Like we already know, a life without a purpose is a
meaningless life. In every right thinking person; is a desire to know why they
are on earth and the only person that can reveal it to us is our manufacturer –
God. This is why Jesus said He would take of Him and the father and show it to
us. Then He added that He would show us things to come. See John 16:13. The
importance of vision for each of us cannot be overemphasized. It is what gives
us direction and the proper pursuit of it brings out the best in us. Every one
without a vision lacks beauty and dignity; they perish. See Prov.29:18. Vision
is the compass for life that enables us to know where to go. As we receive and
follow divine instructions on a consistent basis, we will get there. The
example of Joseph is very instructive here. See his story in Genesis 36-42. He
knew his calling and lived a life that honored God until He was standing in his
To bring us all the revelation
required to fulfill our purpose: Every time we read the bible, we need the Holy Spirit to
open our understanding to help us see the secrets embedded in the scriptures.
Jesus said He will teach us all things in John 14:26 [all things means exactly
that and includes everything about life including our profession]. It is an
understanding of these mysteries that provides us with the wisdom to master our
world. If it is not given to us to know the mysteries of the kingdom, we cannot
know them on our own. It is the Holy Spirit that gives us to know. See Mark
4:11, Ps.127:1, Luke 24:13-31. Without the revelation from God to pursue our
God given purpose, our vision will look like a lie because it would never find
expression as we would not know what to do to bring it to pass. This is why the
preacher says in Ecclesiastes 10:15 that the labour of the foolish brings them
weariness as they do not know how to get to the city.
To help us with the power we need on
the journey: He does
this by filling our hearts with the Joy of the Lord. Peter refers to this joy
as joy unspeakable full of glory. It is joy that provides us with the energy
required to make it to the end of our journey on earth. See 1Peter 1:8,
However, this blessing is meant for those who have entered into the covenant relationship of the New Birth with the Lord. The bible says that Christ in you is the hope of glory and this mystery was hidden from the foundation of the world for our glory. They are not hidden from us but for us to be able to discover them. If you desire this new birth experience so as to take advantage of what God has given us, you can do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be saved and granted access to the mysteries of God that would enable you manifest His glory on earth. When Jesus was about to round off His mission on earth, he said he had brought glory to God by fulfilling His purpose. See John 17:4. If you want to be able to say the same thing when the time comes, please say the following prayer out loud and God would honor your faith:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died
for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore
declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the
fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you
for this father in Jesus’ name!
Congratulations! For more information and resources that
would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at
alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:
Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name!
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ReplyDeletePlease, what is your point? because you have not said anything new. All the letters of Paul and the words of Jesus Christ and the other Church fathers simply did what Jesus Christ said He came to do. "I have not come to destroy the laws and the prophets but to fulfill it" [Matthew 5:17] which He did in HIs body. Just like the early Church fathers, we learn more through the Holy Spirit as He opens up scriptures to us. He did not teach them doctrines that conflicted with the known scripture of their time. He simply enlarged them which are now packaged for us to have easy acess to. So I do not see anything new that you have said. Anyway, thanks for your input.