Thursday, 10 December 2015

Understanding the use of the blood for our deliverance/victory. Part 2

Theme: The overcoming power of the blood of the Lamb and our testimonies
Message for Sunday 13th Dec. 2015
Topic: Understanding the use of the blood for our deliverance/victory. Part 2
Introduction: Last week, we saw the origin of the use of the blood. Today, we shall continue along that line but with more emphasis on the purpose of the blood for our dispensation. In looking at the origin of the blood last week, we saw that in the Old Testament, the blood of animals was used to raise altars to God and to get victory based on the covenants the ancients cut with God and sealed with the blood of the covenant. In the New Testament however, the Lord instituted the Holy Communion after making His disciples understand that his flesh [the bread] was His life which He was giving for the world and the wine was his blood of the New Covenant which was to be shed for the remission of our sin. [Matthew 26:26-29; Jn.6:51; 1Cor.11:23-25 & Heb.9:12-15].
With this understanding, let us see some of the ways the blood helps us to work out our victory in the conflicts of life:
1.     The blood grants us access to God and enables us to reconnect to our maker so that we can be plugged back to Him: in the Old Testament, the blood of animals was used to cover man’s sin to enable Him access the favour of God and therefore receive God’s help to overcome his enemies. This is why Abel and his sacrifice were accepted because he gave blood on the altar but Cain and his sacrifice were rejected because there was no blood on the altar.
In the New Testament however, we have a better covenant. The blood of Christ does not just cover our sin; it removes it and makes us righteous as though we never sinned. It reconciles us back to God so that we are reconnected or plugged back to him like Adam was a part of him before the fall. Better than that, we are new creations with better rights and privileges than Adam had. See 2Cor.5:17-21; Heb.8:1-13 and Col.1:14. What separated man from God was sin. When sin is taken care of, man is reconnected back to God. As one with God, man can exercise all the powers of God and therefore win in all the conflicts of life.  That power rules over heaven and earth. See Matthew 28:18-20 and Rev.5:9-10.
2.     Deliverance is impossible without the blood: Israel was in bondage for four hundred years and when God tried to deliver them, all the plagues he sent against Pharaoh were resisted until blood sacrifice was offered to God and the bible says they were actually thrust out of Egypt because the blood brought judgment on pharaoh and all the gods of Egypt resulting in the death of their first and best. When Israel left, they left with substance. In the New Testament, the blood of Christ redeems us and causes us to be delivered from the domain of darkness and translated into the kingdom of Christ [Col.1:12-14; 1John 1:7 and Heb.12:24]. As the blood is administered by sprinkling today, I see judgment coming on your enemies and all your long standing challenges giving up on you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. What is meant for you that has been withheld until now, will be gathered to you in the name of Jesus! See Ex.11:1; 12:20-24 and 2Cor.5:7.
3.     Victory is made possible through the blood: Victory connotes that a battle must be fought and won. The victorious party is known at the conclusion of the conflict in battle by the outcome. No one can truly be victorious on their own; we all need God to help us and fight for us. To access the help of God, we must do first things first; we must go by way of the blood. See Heb.4:16; 10:15-22 and Rev.12:11.
4.     Eternal Life is only accessible by the blood of Christ: You cannot truly experience a relationship with God without first receiving the blood sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ. Eternal life is superior to the natural life and will always triumph over the devil while natural life is under the influence of the devil and is flesh ruled and an enemy of God. The natural life makes it impossible for the Holy Spirit to teach a person the ways of God. Therefore the person would be cut off from the wisdom of God and therefore live below God’s intended dignity for him or her. See John 6:51-58; 17:1-3; 1Cor.2:13-14; Rom.8:5-8 and Gal.5:16-18.
5.     Revelation knowledge is accessible by the blood: until the Lamb that was slain appeared, there was much weeping by John because the book remained sealed. When a book is sealed, even when you read it, you cannot understand its contents. In the same way, understanding is only accessible by revelation knowledge and therefore impossible without the blood. When light or understanding is hidden from a people, their weeping continues because they are confused, harassed and helpless. This is the description Jesus gave to sheep without a shepherd. This is why as a shepherd; I hunt for understanding every day and my heart yens to know as much of God as I could receive. In fact, the revelation of the word of God terminates the tears of men. See Rev.5:1-5; Hosea 4:6; Ps.119:144; Mark 4:11 and Rev.22:15.
More can be said on the blood but for want of space and time, we shall draw the curtains here today. Next week, we shall see how a combination of the blood and the word of our testimony make victory happen so that at the end, all of the blessings intended for us for this year that are still hanging will be harvested and gathered in with the help of the Lord.
Like we have seen today, access to eternal life and our triumph in the conflicts of life is impossible without the blood because the blood first cleanses us from the sin nature we inherited from our forefather Adam that made us become unacceptable to God like Cain. However, since the coming of Christ; all that can be changed by saying this simple prayer if you have not yet done so:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name!
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:   

Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name!

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