Sunday, 21 February 2016

understanding the light for fruitfulness

Messages for February, 2016: Our month of Divine Lights – John 1:1-5, Isa.8:20
Theme Understanding the Power of Lights
Message for Sunday the 21st of February, 2016
Topic: understanding the light for fruitfulness
Introduction: In God’s purpose statement for man in Genesis 1:26, His intention for us to be fruitful is clearly stated when he said “let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” This intention of God did not even change after the fall of man because in His covenant with Noah in Genesis 9:1, He told Noah and his sons to be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth. When we come to the New Testament after the redemption of man was actualized by the Lord Jesus Christ, this intention of God is clearly stated by the Lord in John 15:8 and John 15:16 where He said it is the will of the father that we should bear much fruit and that we had not chosen him but that he has chosen us that we should bear fruit and that our fruit should abide. Further, Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 7:4 that we are dead to the law by Jesus Christ that we should be married to Him who is raised from the dead so that we should bring forth fruit unto God.
What does it mean to be fruitful?
To be fruitful means the following among others:
To be able to proliferate or give birth to children like you. In Gen. 4:1-2 and 25, Adam exemplified this with the birth of Cain, Abel and Seth respectively. 
To be able to produce fruits of wisdom also known as children. In Matthew 11:19 and Luke 7:35 respectively, Jesus said wisdom is justified of all her children. In other words, when we walk wisely, we become productive in whatever area we are wise and the positive results of our productivity is called our wisdom child. Note here that to walk wisely means to walk in obedience to the word of God. See Mt.7:24-27.
To build legacies of other people your life has impacted positively. You are said to have a legacy when your work endures beyond your tenure in a place where you served or your life time or both. For example, when Jesus came, he impacted 12 men and a few other men and women thoroughly and they in turn continued the legacy from generation to generation until date. This was a wisdom God saw in Abraham that caused Him to confide in Abraham as a friend in Genesis 18:17-19. Up till today, God wants us to follow the example of Abraham and Sarah. From their example, it is evident that any relationship cultivated with God would always result in fruitfulness. See Isa.51:2.
Godly character showing you are indeed a new creation. This is called bearing the fruit of the spirit. In Gal.5:22-23, the fruits of the spirit are listed and we are told that anyone who makes the choice to cultivate these would have no law working against him or her.
To build institutional legacies demonstrating the good works with which we shine to show that we are the light of the world indeed. In Matthew 5:16, Jesus said we should let our lights so shine that men may see our good work and glorify our father in heaven. So we shine by good works. See Isa.60:1-3.
Fruitfulness is a blessing from God: In God’s purpose statement for man, after He made him, the first thing He did was to pronounce a blessing on the man and the woman he made. In Gen. 1:28, He said to them “… be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion…” this explains why when people are not fruitful in any of the ways mentioned here like in their bodies [biological fertility], minds [mental productivity], character [spiritual fruitfulness] and the work of their hands, they are viewed as failures.
Fruitfulness is a commandment of God that must be obeyed within the right confines. Paul said to Timothy in 2Tim.2:5 that if we strive for mastery, it is important that we strive lawfully to guarantee our being crowned. In other words, any kind of fruitfulness is honorable when it is engaged at the right time and in the right way. For instance, bodily fruitfulness must be done within the confines of marriage. Mental fruitfulness must be done within the ambit of what the word allows. Spiritual fruitfulness occurs only when one walks in the spirit. No one walking in the flesh can generate the result of the spirit.
We cannot be said to be truly fruitful by any other means than that allowed by God. This is why the Psalmist says in Ps.127:1 that except the Lord builds a house, those who labour to build would do so in vain. This is why we have so many trying to build without any perpetuity in relevance because God is not the one building for them. These kinds of efforts are wasted and cannot leave any eternal values behind. For instance, all the founders of the different religions have left a legacy of pain and destruction for mankind. The only road to true and lasting peace was given by the way Himself [Jesus Christ] and that road is eternal life: knowing God in experience and Jesus Christ whom he sent. As much as men have tried to make a religion of this, it has never been one. This is the only relationship between God and man that has proven to be authentic time and again.
On the other hand, unfruitfulness is a curse. God’s solution to this curse is the blessing. We would find this in Gen.1:28; Galatians 3:13-14 and Gen.12:1-4. As we draw the curtain on today’s message, the challenge to us all is whether we have been fruitful in ways that are adding eternal values or not. For instance, since I got saved, how many people have come to know Jesus Christ through my good works?
We shall stop here for today; next week, we shall be looking at how to be fruitful in all the ways we have mentioned here. Meanwhile, we must belong to the family of God as a first step in gaining access to the fruitfulness that only God can give. If you have not yet made that decision, you can do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be born again:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name!
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:   
Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name!

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

understanding the light for our Protection from harm

Messages for February, 2016: Our month of Divine Lights – John 1:1-5, Isa.8:20
Theme Understanding the Power of Lights
Message for Sunday the 14th of February, 2016
Topic: understanding the light for our Protection from harm
Introduction: Last week, we began to look at our theme of understanding the power of lights. We established that the quality of life we live is determined by the quality of light available to us. for instance if your access to light is only by the five senses of sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing; you will only gain access to 5% of light. If you access lights from other sources than God, your light would be great darkness. The only means of access to all the lights required to live in the fullness of God is by divine revelation given to us by the Holy Spirit. All that the Holy Spirit will reveal to you about how to live or walk in the ways of God will always be in agreement with the principles of the scriptures. Today, we shall see that the lights of God in His kingdom are given to us in form of keys to unlock the glory He has hidden for us in the kingdom [1Cor.2:7]. One of the arears we need these keys to unlock to us this year is divine protection because this year, God has determined to protect us from all evils. 
Why protection? Since the fall of man from grace through Adam in the Garden of Eden, man had become very vulnerable to evil and its influences until the Lord Jesus Christ came to deliver us by His death on the Cross and resurrection from the dead [Gen.3:10 and Rm.6:23]. However, salvation is not automatic; it must be ratified by man when he takes the step of faith to receive Jesus Christ as His Saviour and Lord [Jn.1:12]. Unfortunately, many do not believe in this redemption message because of the blindness on their minds placed by the devil [2Cor.4:3-4 and Eph.2:2]. However, as many as receive the Lord, receive the power to become the children of God born of the Spirit of God [Jn.3:5-7]We are therefore protected for the following reasons among others:
1. To be preserved in this world to which we do not belong pending the day of our glorious redemption. See Jn.17:14-16.
2. To be protected from the hatred of the world. Jn.17:14
3. To be distinguished as those who serve God from those who do not serve him. Malachi 3:16-18; Prov.11:8.
4. To show forth the praises of our God who is indeed a covenant keeping God. 1Pet.2:9; Deu.8:18. One of the ways we are protected is by being blessed financially and God does this to keep His Covenant because the bible says in Eccl.7:12 that money is a defence.
5. To effectively occupy until Jesus Christ returns for His Church.Luk.19:3 – when Jesus defeated Satan, he left us in charge of the earth to occupy the earth enforcing His word until He returns. For us to do this effectively, we must enjoy His protection against all the unseen forces of wickedness we are up against. See Luk.10:19 and 2Cor.10:3-6.
6. To show the reality of God to the world so as to attract more people into the faith. Isa.49:24-26 and Is.43:1-4.
7. To fulfill God’s promise of adding the things the world is dying to get to us as we seek Him and His righteousness first. Mat.6:33 and Ex.23:28.
Keys to divine protection: Keys are used to unlock doors to enable us gain access into our desired place. When Peter gave the correct answer to The Lord when he sought to hear from them what their perception of him was, Jesus promised to give him the keys of the Kingdom that would enable him to control things on earth with heaven’s involvement. I believe that the principle of “what I say unto you I say to all” [Mk.13:36]; applies here so that this revelation benefits not only Peter;but the entire Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. That text in Matthew 16:15-19 reads:
He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? 
And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. 
And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. 
And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. 
And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
When we read on from here, we would observe that Jesus didn’t hand over a physical bunch of keys to Peter. What he did was to give him lights or insights on how to live victoriously in the kingdom of God. On one occasion, Peter asked him how often we should forgive those who offend us. Jesus told him seven times seventy times in a day. In other words, in God’s kingdom, there is zero tolerance for unforgiveness [Mt.18:21-22]. We can only exercise our right to bind and lose in this kingdom when we do so without any unforgiveness in our hearts. This is clearly walking in the ways of God. The world does not and will not live like this. On the other hand, we must live this way to get things done in God’s kingdom. 

Key steps to take to enjoy divine protection: To enjoy divine protection therefore, there are steps we can take which would constitute keys to unlocking this grace to us and keeping us there. Let us look at the following steps among others:
1. The new birth: To enjoy the protection of the kingdom of Heaven, we must first belong. The means by which we belong to this glorious kingdom is by the new birth experience. No matter how much a part of a family a dog is for instance, the DNA of a man is not in it. Therefore, he cannot speak or really be human. In the same way, no matter how religious a person is or how much they attend Church or live with and be friends to God’s children, they cannot become children of God until they receive the free gift of salvation by faith and get born again. Until a person experiences the new birth, God’s DNA would not be in him and therefore, he cannot really lay claims to God’s covenant of protection. John 3:3-7; 1Pet.1:23; Rm.10:8-10 and.Mt.15:26 – This point was made in the drama that ensued between the Syrophonecian woman and the Lord when the Lord said it is not right to give the children’s bread to dogs. In other words, dogs here referring to those that are not in the kingdom of God do not have a legal right to benefits of the kingdom and one of these benefits; apart from healing, is divine protection. See Mrk.4:11 and Rev.22:15.
2. Infilling with the Holy Spirit: When we get born again, we receive the Holy Spirit as a seal of our redemption [Eph.1:12-14]. However, to effectively serve our purpose in the Kingdom, we must receive the power for service. Jesus said in Acts 1:8 that we shall receive power after the Holy Spirit is come on us and we shall be witnesses unto Him. One of the things we testify to is Divine protection by our lives and lifestyles. This is activated by our faithful service in God’s kingdom [Ps.105:12-15]. With the infilling of the Holy Spirit, we could gain access into spiritual gifts that put us ahead of our adversaries and keeps us safe in God. See Jn.16:13 and 1Cor.12:1-11. The Lord can also impart spiritual gifts to us with the intention that we should be established. One area where we become established is the area of divine protection. See Romans 1:11.
3. Walking in the ways of God: When we walk in the ways of God, our protection from evil is guaranteed. For example, there is a culture in the kingdom of how to talk. As long as we speak the way we are supposed to in the Kingdom, we are kept secure in God’s promise. For example, death and life are in the power of the tongue [Prov.18:20] and we shall have whatsoever we say [Mk.11:23]. If we speak death words, we would be denying ourselves the right to life because we are told in Deu.30:19 to choose life. We make a choice for life when we speak life words because Jesus says in Matthew 12:34-37 that we speak based on what we fill our hearts with and as we speak, we create what we say by our words and eventually, we are either justified or condemned based on our utterances. If we speak life words; [words that agree with what God says about us], we will eat the fruits of life [Prov.18:20]. Thus to enjoy divine protection, we have a part to play, we must speak God’s language of his protection over our lives. For instance in Ps.91:16, we are promised long life and the last time God made a pronouncement on life span in Gen.6:3, he pegged the life of a sinner at 120 years. The claim of 70 or 80 years is the lamentation of Moses over the children of Israel who were wasted in the wilderness for forty years for wrong speaking. See Num.14:28 and Ps.90:1-12. More can be said on this but this is meant to inspire us to search out more contents from God that guarantee our protection in this wicked world. 
Meanwhile, like we have seen today, we must belong to the family of God as a first step in gaining access to the protection of God. If you have not yet made that decision, you can do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be born again:
Heavenly Father, 
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name!
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on Or email:    
Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name!

Monday, 15 February 2016

understanding the source of the true light

Messages for February, 2016: Our month of Divine Lights – John 1:1-5, Isa.8:20
Theme Understanding the Power of Lights
Message for Sunday the 7th of February, 2016
Topic: understanding the source of the true light
Introduction: Our theme for studies this month is “understanding the power of lights.” This presupposes that there are different kinds of lights we shall be looking at just as the plural added to light here indicates. These lights can be grouped into two namely the light that is of God and the light that is of the world where Satan has influence. However, we shall be focusing on the light that comes from God.
The acid test for the true light: Light from our text in John 1:1-5 speaks of knowledge. People are really rated by what they know. Your glory is only as great as the light you have. There are two kinds of knowledge namely natural knowledge and the revealed knowledge. The natural one is the type you become aware of with the use of your five senses and there is the divine one which you receive by divine revelation. Any other kind of knowledge you receive beyond this can only be darkness because they are perverted knowledge packaged by the devil to steal, kill and destroy the souls of men. The best way to protect yourself from this kind of knowledge or false light is to judge their contents with the bible. Isa.8:20 makes us understand that if these purported knowledge do not refer you to the law and testimony (the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ), there is no light in it.
Secondly, these kinds of light claim solution from the contents of the bible without acknowledging the source. In some cases where they make references to the source, they down play His power so much that the whole point God was making to man in this regard is missed. This is why the bible tells us they have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof. See 2Tim.3:5. For instance, they tell you how to prosper by every means excluding cultivating a relationship with God. They claim to help you get well by bible principles like forgiving, loving etc without acknowledging the source and directing you to Him. These are end time devils sent out to pervert the way of the truth and draw people further away from God with the intent to eventually destroy them. Run away from them. See Gal.1:6-12 and Jude 1:3-4.
The source of the True Light: The source of the true light is Jesus Christ for the following reasons:
He is God - John 1:1 and 1Jn.5:7.
All things (including the true light) were created by Him and for Him – Col.1:16 and John 1:3.
He is before all things – Gen.1:1 and Col.1:17
By Him all things consists – Col.1:16
He is the Son of God – Jn.1:33-34 and Lk.1:35.
He is the true light that enlightens everyone who comes into the world. Jn.1:9 and Eph.1:17-23.
He is the light of the world and when you follow Him, you cannot walk in darkness. Jn.8:12 and Eph.1:17-23.
How light comes: Light comes by the following means:
New birth: This grants you access into the family of God where you are delivered from the power of darkness into the kingdom of the Son of God who is the eternal light of the world. When man sinned against God from the first man, he fell short of the glory of God and into darkness. For man to be restored to his place in God’s glory, a sinless man had to die in his place. Since God found none to do it, he wore flesh and came into the world as man in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is why John referred to him as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. This free gift of eternal life is offered to all but access into it is by the choice of anyone who believes. When we believe and receive the free gift of God to us by faith, we activate the eternal life option which God has freely given to us all otherwise, we remain condemned.  See John 3:16-18; Rm.3:23; 6:23 and John 1:29; 35-36.
Divine guidance: In John 10:27, we learn that we can hear the voice of the Lord and be led by Him through His Spirit. When He leads us, He reveals truths to us that guarantee our safety on every occasion so that we would never perish like the world. See John 16:13 and 8:12. Darkness indicates confusion and lack of direction. As we hear the voice of the Lord and follow Him, we shall not walk in any kind of confusion but we shall have the light of life. When we have the light of life, we would never perish – we would never be stripped of dignity. Prov.29:18.
Reading and meditating on God’s word: When we read the word of God and take the time to meditate on it; it would eventually hatch understanding in us. When we gain understanding, then we are enlightened in the particular area where we have received understanding. When we access light this way, the result is that we acquire the kind of faith that would enable us to win on all fronts in the area where we have received the light. Our faith would show in our obedience to the word because you can only intentionally obey the word you have understood. When you gain understanding, it establishes you in what you believe and you cannot be tossed to and fro like the unsteady waves of the sea anymore. See Jos.1:8; Ps.1:1-3; Jas.1:21-25 and 1Tim.4:13-16.
We shall stop here today. Next week, we shall begin to look at lights for our exemption from all evil. I believe that by far the means of being divinely exempted from all evil is not unconnected with walking in the ways of God. Therefore we shall be seeing more of this in the days to come.
Meanwhile, like we have seen today, we must belong to the family of God as a first step in gaining access into the lights of God. If you have not yet made that decision, you can do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be born again:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name!
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:   
Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name!

Monday, 1 February 2016


Some years ago, an old man for whom I had a lot of respect told me that in spite of his wealth, he could have been more than he was if he was not illiterate. While I concede to an extent with this man, I want to point out here that there is a worst kind of illiteracy than the one we fail to get from going to circular schools. This is spiritual illiteracy.
The superiority of spiritual literacy over the natural one cannot be overstated. Dr. Caroline Leaf a renowned Christian neuro scientist said that scientific discoveries have shown that only 5% of what can be known is accessible to the natural man. In other words, if you lack divine revelation, your entire life would be restricted to 5% of light. The thought of this is really scary!  This month, God’s intention for us is to help us understand the difference between the two and to take advantage of our redemptive rights to the type of literacy he wants us to have more than anything.
Literacy generally could be defined as enlightenment for our purpose. However, if we do not understand the difference, we could confuse divine lights with the natural. For our purpose, lights or enlightenment are two kinds; the first which is common to all is the natural enlightenment or light and the second which is not accessible to all is the divine enlightenment. Divine simply means that which is of God. In John 1:1-5, we come face to face with the true light that lightens everyone who comes to this world. The word translated light in these texts of scripture is KNOWLEDGE. Thus there are two kinds of knowledge namely the natural one and the divine one.
The type of knowledge you embrace is going to determine what your life would look like. Today, there is a lot of teaching going on telling people how to live successfully without including the true light. They steal all the principles from the word of God to try to provide self-help to people without acknowledging the true light – Jesus Christ. In natural parlance, this is called intellectual theft. No wonder the Lord calls the devil who perpetrates these doctrines through the new agers – the thief. In John 10:10, He said the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy whereas He came that we might have abundant life. This explains why self-help can only help to an extent and does not really do a total work on humans and their environment because the true light was not involved.
Please understand that except the Lord builds a house; the builders would build in vain. God’s intention is for each of us to become His dwelling place where He wants to build his life and wealth into us and through us to others. The kind of light God gives is only accessible to us through His spirit if we invite Him to dwell in us. God wants to reveal his true light to us. This light is not like any other. It is only given to us by His revelation. He has also given us the Bible as the acid test for confirming his revelation to us. This is why prophet Isaiah tells us by divine revelation in Isaiah 8:20 that if we are instructed of any purported supernatural light, without reference to the Law (the word of God) and to the Testimony – The Spirit of Prophecy; it is because there is no light in them. Remember that Revelation 19:10 tells us that the Testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy. This truth is further affirmed by the Lord in John 5:39 when He told his detractors that they should search the scriptures because they think they would have eternal life in them. But interestingly, the scriptures testify of him, yet they would not acknowledge Him and be saved!   
This is exactly what is going on today; people are searching for lights in all the wrong places to meet the different needs in their lives to no avail. Sadly, the master’s out stretched hands calling them to the true light are ignored day by day as they sink deeper and deeper into darkness. This is what I call frustrating the grace of God!
However, this month, I have good news from heaven for you reading this piece: God wants to enlighten you by Himself if you would cooperate with him. Understand that the light of God destroys any kind of darkness and delivers to you any kind of solution required to meet any kind of need you have. In the hospital of Jesus Christ for instance, there is no hopeless case. It is only in His hospital that a four days old corpse is admitted and healed and fully restored. No matter what your situation is, there is no terminal case that His light cannot terminate and He wants to do just that for you beginning from this month.
Should you desire to take advantage of this offer, all the demand it places on you is to repent and be converted so that you can receive the gift of the Holy Spirit whose ministry it is to bring you into your redemptive inheritance. If you want to meet this demand today, let us start first by saying this prayer below out loud in faith and you will be born again:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name!
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:   

Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name!