Monday, 15 February 2016

understanding the source of the true light

Messages for February, 2016: Our month of Divine Lights – John 1:1-5, Isa.8:20
Theme Understanding the Power of Lights
Message for Sunday the 7th of February, 2016
Topic: understanding the source of the true light
Introduction: Our theme for studies this month is “understanding the power of lights.” This presupposes that there are different kinds of lights we shall be looking at just as the plural added to light here indicates. These lights can be grouped into two namely the light that is of God and the light that is of the world where Satan has influence. However, we shall be focusing on the light that comes from God.
The acid test for the true light: Light from our text in John 1:1-5 speaks of knowledge. People are really rated by what they know. Your glory is only as great as the light you have. There are two kinds of knowledge namely natural knowledge and the revealed knowledge. The natural one is the type you become aware of with the use of your five senses and there is the divine one which you receive by divine revelation. Any other kind of knowledge you receive beyond this can only be darkness because they are perverted knowledge packaged by the devil to steal, kill and destroy the souls of men. The best way to protect yourself from this kind of knowledge or false light is to judge their contents with the bible. Isa.8:20 makes us understand that if these purported knowledge do not refer you to the law and testimony (the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ), there is no light in it.
Secondly, these kinds of light claim solution from the contents of the bible without acknowledging the source. In some cases where they make references to the source, they down play His power so much that the whole point God was making to man in this regard is missed. This is why the bible tells us they have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof. See 2Tim.3:5. For instance, they tell you how to prosper by every means excluding cultivating a relationship with God. They claim to help you get well by bible principles like forgiving, loving etc without acknowledging the source and directing you to Him. These are end time devils sent out to pervert the way of the truth and draw people further away from God with the intent to eventually destroy them. Run away from them. See Gal.1:6-12 and Jude 1:3-4.
The source of the True Light: The source of the true light is Jesus Christ for the following reasons:
He is God - John 1:1 and 1Jn.5:7.
All things (including the true light) were created by Him and for Him – Col.1:16 and John 1:3.
He is before all things – Gen.1:1 and Col.1:17
By Him all things consists – Col.1:16
He is the Son of God – Jn.1:33-34 and Lk.1:35.
He is the true light that enlightens everyone who comes into the world. Jn.1:9 and Eph.1:17-23.
He is the light of the world and when you follow Him, you cannot walk in darkness. Jn.8:12 and Eph.1:17-23.
How light comes: Light comes by the following means:
New birth: This grants you access into the family of God where you are delivered from the power of darkness into the kingdom of the Son of God who is the eternal light of the world. When man sinned against God from the first man, he fell short of the glory of God and into darkness. For man to be restored to his place in God’s glory, a sinless man had to die in his place. Since God found none to do it, he wore flesh and came into the world as man in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is why John referred to him as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. This free gift of eternal life is offered to all but access into it is by the choice of anyone who believes. When we believe and receive the free gift of God to us by faith, we activate the eternal life option which God has freely given to us all otherwise, we remain condemned.  See John 3:16-18; Rm.3:23; 6:23 and John 1:29; 35-36.
Divine guidance: In John 10:27, we learn that we can hear the voice of the Lord and be led by Him through His Spirit. When He leads us, He reveals truths to us that guarantee our safety on every occasion so that we would never perish like the world. See John 16:13 and 8:12. Darkness indicates confusion and lack of direction. As we hear the voice of the Lord and follow Him, we shall not walk in any kind of confusion but we shall have the light of life. When we have the light of life, we would never perish – we would never be stripped of dignity. Prov.29:18.
Reading and meditating on God’s word: When we read the word of God and take the time to meditate on it; it would eventually hatch understanding in us. When we gain understanding, then we are enlightened in the particular area where we have received understanding. When we access light this way, the result is that we acquire the kind of faith that would enable us to win on all fronts in the area where we have received the light. Our faith would show in our obedience to the word because you can only intentionally obey the word you have understood. When you gain understanding, it establishes you in what you believe and you cannot be tossed to and fro like the unsteady waves of the sea anymore. See Jos.1:8; Ps.1:1-3; Jas.1:21-25 and 1Tim.4:13-16.
We shall stop here today. Next week, we shall begin to look at lights for our exemption from all evil. I believe that by far the means of being divinely exempted from all evil is not unconnected with walking in the ways of God. Therefore we shall be seeing more of this in the days to come.
Meanwhile, like we have seen today, we must belong to the family of God as a first step in gaining access into the lights of God. If you have not yet made that decision, you can do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be born again:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name!
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:   
Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name!

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