Monday, 1 August 2016

Welcome to the month of August 2016: Our Month of Visions and Dreams

Joel 2:28; Acts 2:16-17; Acts 9; Acts 10; Matthew 1:18-25; Lk.1; Jn.5:39; Matt.4:10 & Rev.19:10
As I consider the subject of visions and dreams, I cannot help remembering how this has helped to shape my life appropriately to enable me take my place in God’s big picture. I have discovered that many of the experiences people call dreams and visions are not really what they think it is because of a lack of understanding that has corrupted the entire human race due to the fall of man from the glory of God because of the inherited sin of Adam. In 1989, I received an invitation of the Lord to return to Him after eight years of backsliding. Then the journey of destiny began for me. I cannot say I have faithfully run on this course since that day, but I am grateful for all the many opportunities that God has graciously given to me. My major turning point came in 2010 when I heard the Lord say to me to come with Him to Ghana.
Since then, I have endeavored to follow His leading as much as possible as I have come to realize that God’s dreams for us cannot be actualized without his guidance. The result is that three and a half years, after obeying that call, God enabled me to plant a Church in Ghana without knowing anyone there and to broadcast the gospel in the entire ten regions of Ghana and fifteen Counties of Liberia through radio with a Church of a few people. I do not think we numbered more than forty people in Church attendance until I was called to move on from there. In addition, the Lord enabled me to write thirteen books; six of which are in hard prints out of which two are in audio format.
Furthermore, when I was leaving Ghana, I was enabled by God to leave behind a growing Church with a resident Pastor raised through the bible School we established and a Church hall and Parsonage God built for us with these few people helping out the best they could and the support of about nine family and friends from my home country.
Today six years later, God had taken us to four countries and had enabled us to purchase and develop our own real estate for His work in another two regions of Ghana and two states in Nigeria.
One of the most mind boggling experiences I have ever had came about when the Lord told me this year in March to go to Badagry and develop our property and build a Church hall and lodging place and fence the property in fifty two days without having money stacked up anywhere by the ministry or myself at this time. I promptly obeyed and called a friend who God told me would be able to help out with the training of Ministers. Lo and behold, in fifty two days, in spite of all the efforts of hell to stop us, the Church hall was built up and roofed and the lodging place was also built and roofed and our all Children Ministry now had a place of our own to meet. A week later, the Church was planted in spite of the unfinished state of the property. Interestingly, God opened the door to harvest as people have been coming and abiding in spite of the fact that we are merely using benches for now.
I have taken time to share my testimony to help us understand that we cannot doubt dreams and visions that God Himself confirms. We do not experience the hand of God so much because we are “too good of ourselves” to not flounder. As a matter of fact, that is far from true. We have seen the hand of God because of the dreams and visions He has graciously put in our hearts which obligates Him to help us because God is only obligated to do what He has called us to do. See 1Thess.5:24.
What then are dreams and visions?
Listening to Dr. Myles Munroe of Blessed memory one day, I head his say these: “A vision is the revelation of a preferred future.” He also defined it as the ability to see farther than our natural eyes can look.”
I want to add that dreams and visions are the implantation of God’s dream of our role in His big picture into our hearts. They help us to discover ourselves, our source, our purpose, and our individual potential and run successfully on the course of the glorious destiny that God has ordained for us from the foundation of the earth. By means of dreams and visions, God can also help us to receive understanding to strengthen us in the journey of destiny so that we can run to finishing strong. See Job 33:14-18; Prov.8:14 and Jn.15:11.  
As Apostle Paul puts it, they help us to go up. In Gal.2:2, he said to the Church that he went up by revelation and communicated the gospel to those who were before Him. This was to ensure that He was right in his destiny race. The reason for this is that Paul needed to ensure that what He was running with gave Him a place in God’s big picture otherwise; he would be out of order and not qualified to be part of the army of the Lord described in Joel 1:1-8.
The eighth month usually provides us with an opportunity for a new beginning considering that it is the first of another seventh day. God’s numbering system of days starts with one and ends with seven [see Gen.1:1-5, 31 and Gen.2:1-3]. Therefore, every time we have to count after the seven, we are looking at a new beginning. In this new month, beginning another set of seven, God wants to provide everyone another opportunity to start to run on their destiny’s course. Another opportunity is also provided for those who have been running on their course to reevaluate and determine to what extent the race they are running fits into God’s big picture of His purpose for us all. Also, those who either had missed it or have not started to run their destiny course for lack of vision or are running but may have burnt out, are going to receive fresh fire from God’s throne of Grace to be able to know and fulfill their destinies.
To this end, this month, by the grace of God; we shall be looking at a series titled: UNDERSTANDING VISIONS AND DREAMS IN RELATION TO GOD’S PLAN. I believe that this month, many will receive new visions of their divine purpose and the supernatural energy to run in it to its logical conclusion.  For those already running on the right course of their destinies, God would take them up to greater heights by divine revelations. For many, this will be a month of turning point just like it happen for Jacob in Laban’s house when he received a dream from the Lord that turned his economic life right side up. See Gen. 31:6-13.
From the account of Jacob, we see that there was what he had to do to step up. There is also what anyone reading this today who does not know Jesus Christ as their personal savior and Lord has to do to get to the next level or start to run on destiny’s course. You must be born again to commence this journey. Should you wish to do so, please say the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be born again:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:   

Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name! 

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