Thursday, 22 September 2016

How Faith Works

Messages for September 2016: Our Month of Divine Remembrance
Message for Sunday the 18th of September 2016
Theme: Understanding the dynamics of Faith for the fulfillment of the word of God.
Topic: How Faith Works – Rm.10:17; Gal.3:2, 5; Rm.3:3; 10:8-11 and Mk.11:22-23
Introduction: Last week, we looked at twelve reasons why we must have faith. We saw from there that faith does not just happen but is made to happen for some specific purposes. From the foregoing, it is therefore clear that God is very intentional about faith. This makes faith a subject that requires skills based on divine revelation to be made to work. Today therefore, we shall be looking at how we can engage the faith that would work every time it is applied.
How faith comes: From the foregoing, we must first see how faith works before anything else can be determined. From scriptures we are made to understand that faith does not just happen; it is made to happen. We therefore understand that faith like every other creation of God has a beginning. In Rm.10:17, we are told that faith comes by hearing the word of God. Also, Gal.3:2 makes us understand that we got saved by the hearing of faith. Therefore faith comes by hearing the word of God. The origin of faith is therefore the word of God revealed to the individual to which it is directed. Therefore for faith to work, it starts with the word of God revealed to us by his voice or any other means he chooses to use. God communicates His word through the following means:
v The voice of God – Acts 9:1-6 and 2Pet.1:16-19.
v Vision – Acts 9:10-18 and Acts 10:1-7.
v Dreams/visions of the night – Dan.2:19; Job 33:14-15 and Matt.2:12-15.
v Prophets – Ezra 5:1-2 and Acts 13:1-4.
v Teachers – Isa.30:20-21 and Eph.4:11-13.
v The inward witness – Rm.8:14 and Acts 16:16-18.
v Divinely orchestrated circumstances etc. see the entire book of Ruth and Esther.

To receive the word of God through any of these means, you have to position yourself for it through thanksgiving, praise, prayer and if necessary; fasting.
The receipt and residence of faith: When we have heard the word that births faith in us, we must take the next step to receive it. We receive it by believing it. When we believe it, we act on the word. It is the acting on the word we believe we heard from God that proves the existence of faith in us. This is also known as the receipt of faith. See Heb.11:7 and Gen.12:1-4 and 17:10-23.
When we receive faith, it comes to reside in our hearts. If it is not in our hearts, then it is merely in our heads. When what we call faith is merely in our heads, it is not faith but mental accent. At this level, we are standing on the fence between faith and unbelief. We must go the extra mile to move the faith from our heads to our hearts before it can truly be called faith or it will tip over the fence to the area of unbelief.
The difference between faith in the head and faith in the heart is that faith in the head has no performance ability and can easily be extinguished by doubt. On the other hand the faith in the heart usually provokes action in spite of doubt in the head. When faith is in the heart, doubt in the head cannot uproot it. As it continues to stay in the heart, it would eventually grow large enough to respond more quickly to your voice of faith. The strength of the voice of your faith is measured by how deep rooted it is in your heart. In other words, how much of it has entered from your head to your heart. When faith is in your heart in any area of life, you are said to be established in faith in that area. See Mk.11:23; Mk.4:30-32.  
How faith is processed and applied: Faith is processed by meditation and applied by love and action because faith can only work by love. First we read the word, and then we brood over it through meditation so that we can do the word. What you meditate on is what you will do. This is why God commanded Joshua the son of Nun to meditate on the word day and night so that he would be able to do it. This is because meditation is what empowers you to carry out actions of faith that births results of what the faith is meant for. See Jos.1:8; Ps.1:1-3.
It is meditation on the word of God on a consistent basis that takes us to the point where the word hatches understanding in us. When we receive understanding, we are said to receive light. Note that it is the entrance of the word that gives understanding. Until the word gains entrance into your heart, you do not have enough light to dispel the darkness of the situation you seek to dominate. This is because it is faith that resides in the heart that cannot be uprooted by doubt that brings unbelief. However, for the faith to work, we must mix it with walking in love. This is because love is the means by which the word of God gains root in us. See Mk.11:23; Gal.5:6; Eph.3:17; Ps.119:34, 135; Jn.13:34 – 35; 1Jn.2:9-11 and Rm.10:10.
How faith is released to work: The best that faith can do in your heart is to provide you a platform for receiving from God known as righteousness. See Rm.10:10 and the example of Abraham in Rm.4:17-22 and Gen.15:5-6. Note however that faith must leave the heart to find expression through the mouth by way of speech for it to provide the manifestation of one’s desire. This is why all the heroes of faith had what is known as confessions or professions of faith. See Heb.10:23 and 1Tim.6:12. More will be said on this next week by God’s grace.
Meanwhile, if you are yet to exercise faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross and are therefore not born again, this is your opportunity. You can do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud and you shall be born again:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:   

Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name! 

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Twelve reasons why we must have Faith?

Messages for September 2016: Our Month of Divine Remembrance
Message for Sunday the 11th of September 2016
Theme: Understanding the dynamics of Faith for the fulfillment of the word of God.
Topic: Twelve reasons why we must have Faith?
Introduction: The importance of faith cannot be overstated as it is what every human being needs to be able to truly live life to its fullest. There are different categories of faith. There is the natural faith based on physical circumstances like knowing that chair can hold your weight when you sit on it. There is the negative supernatural faith based on knowledge of the evil spiritual realm. There is the God kind of faith based on divine revelation. It is this kind of faith also known as the God kind of faith that we are presently interested in.
Why do we need to operate and live by this kind of faith? Below are twelve reasons why everyone must know and walk in this kind of faith. While these reasons are not exhaustive, they would help us understand why we must live the faith life:
1.     God commands us to have this kind of faith – See Mark 11:22-23.    
2.     It is the means by which we please God enough to get His attention. After the fall of man, he was unable to reach God on his own and so he created religion to try to bridge the gap. Religion has failed. This explains why God had to hatch his plan of eternal life through Jesus Christ. To please God therefore, we must receive His means of access back to him which is through Jesu Christ and this is only made possible by faith. Without this faith, it is impossible to please Him. See Heb.11:6; Rm.6:23; Jn.17:1-3 and Eph.2:8-10.
3.     The believer’s walk is a walk of faith. See 2Cor.5:7;
4.     Faith is the life of a believer. It is to a believer what oxygen is to living. Man fell from the glory of God because of sin. Since it takes faith to become saved, one cannot come alive from spiritual death without faith. In the same connection, one cannot stay alive without it. We are saved by faith, we live by faith, we walk by faith and whatever is not of faith is sin.  See Rm.14:23; Jn.3:16-18; Heb.10:38; Hab.2:4; Rm.1:17 and Gal.2:20.
5.     Faith grants us access to God; without this access, we are doomed. We cannot pray, praise or converse with God in any way without access to Him. Rm.5:2 and Eph.3:12.
6.     Faith is our means of justification before God, men and the devil. Rm.3:28; 5:1; Gal.2:16; 3:11 and 3:21.
7.     Faith is our victory for overcoming the world – 1Jn.5:4; 1Jn.2:15-17
8.     We can only forgive and walk in love by faith. See Heb.11:1-40 and Gal.3:11.
9.     Faith enables us to finish our destiny course with joy. See Acts 20:22-24.
10. Faith is required to mix the word of God for our profiting otherwise we cannot profit from the word of God no matter how powerful – Hen.4:2
11.  Faith is the means by which we enter into the rest of God – Heb.3:18; 4:1-12 and Num.14:28-35.  
12. Faith enables us to build and leave legacies for posterity. See Heb.6:12; Gen.18:17-19 and the example of the Rechabites in Jer.35:6, 8, 14, 16 and 19.
We shall stop here for now; next week by God’s grace, we shall be looking at how faith works. Meanwhile, if you are yet to exercise faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross and are therefore not born again, this is your opportunity. You can do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud and you shall be born again:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:   

Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name! 

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

What Faith Really is

Messages for September 2016: Our Month of Divine Remembrance
Message for Sunday the 4th of September 2016
Theme: Understanding the dynamics of Faith for the fulfillment of the word of God.
Topic: What Faith Really is
Introduction: In the few years I have walked with God, I have seen God replace man after man in his army. I have often wondered why this is so. I later came to a rude shock that failure of faith is mostly the reason why. For instance, some complain of lack of answer to prayer after they had prayed and fasted and done all they knew to get the answer without success. Some base their reason on the preposterous excuse of the behavior of so called Church leaders. This is really unreasonable because even those Church leaders are still humans who must win this war of faith. In addition, excuses show a lack of desire to take responsibility for one’s destiny. Every destiny experience is actually choice determined. Therefore, we cannot place the responsibility of fulfilling our destinies on the faith of others.
The reason many fail in faith therefore is that they have not applied themselves to the demands of understanding what faith is and how it works. God will never operate outside His set laws; so it behooves us to find out from His word what faith really is and how it works. This is what the theme of this month is intended for and I believe we would really be blessed and established in the basic understanding of faith to a reasonable extent in the course of this month so that God’s promises will no longer look like lies to us. 
Today therefore, we shall be looking at what faith really is from the bible definition of faith.
What faith is: In most places in the bible, faith is either described or demonstrated. For instance, the faith of Abraham was mostly demonstrated [Gen12:1-4 and Gen.17:23]. When Jesus taught faith, he both demonstrated and described some of its functions like speaking right [Mk.11:23 and Jn.11:38-44].However, God did not leave us in the dark about what faith really is and His desire to enable us understand it. In Col.1:9-11, we see that we can believe God in prayer for spiritual understanding. The faith walk is a major are of life we all need spiritual understanding in. see also the importance of getting understanding in Prov.4:7; Ps.119:144 and Dan.9:22.  
Faith is therefore clearly defined in Hebrews 11:1 (KJV) thus:
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
Faith assures us of things we expect and convinces us of the existence of things we cannot see.” God’s word translation
From multiple translations therefore, we understand the following truths aboutfaith:
1. Faith is something that is physically unseen when it starts: When God spoke to Abraham that he would become the father of many nations with a barren wife, he could not get it until God took him out at night and gave him a mental picture of the stars while comparing it with the extent he was going to multiply his offspring. When Abraham saw this, he became persuaded because of the mental picture God gave to him which he was to keep before his eyes until the actualization of the promise of God. Note here that the entire promise was not to be fulfilled in his lifetime and Abraham knew that. See Gen.15:1-6 and Heb.11:39-40.
2. It is triggered by words: What is believed for is communicated in words or pictures showing what can be described in words like a vision. The word is energized by the confidence reposed on it by the person to whom it is spoken. For instance when a person hears a promise from another and does not believe what that other says, he or she does not act on it or even remember the words.  In this case, there is no faith because the words even though was spoken and therefore created an offer of faith, the lack of belief in the words by the desired recipient makes it dormant and would therefore never find expression. For instance salvation is triggered by the preaching of the word of God. When it is believed, whoever believes it becomes the faithful and can therefore be a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. See Jn.3:16 and 8:30-32. From here it is clear that believing is just the beginning of faith. There must be continuity to get the freedom that faith brings. 
3. The strength of the faith is dependent on whose word is the back of it or substantiates it: Since the source of a belief system has to do with words to which the adherents believe, we can understand why we have so many kinds of faith. This is why every religion is viewed as a faith. For instance in the contest at Mount Carmel we see a conflict between a religious belief system and the word of God through a genuine prophet of God. I believe the worshippers of Baal used to call down fire prior, but on this fateful day, there was a context between their God and the true God. They were therefore incapacitated that day because the proof of who the true God was would have been His ability to bring fire down at that specific time and Baal was not the true God. See 1Kings 18:21-39. Please note that Jesus did not bring another religion. He brought us eternal life. Elijah was representing the God of the nation of Israel who was operating the covenant of God’s promise to Abraham that out of his offspring shall come forth the Messiah of mankind from Satan’s curses to God’s blessing. See Gen.12: 1-3 – He later rescued them from Pharaoh and gave them laws to help them live in their own land of promise just like he wanted people to live. His intention was to multiply his influence around the world through them. This is why the gospel has gone viral today and is entering every nation on earth and raising a people for God who would walk in His ways. 
Therefore, if your belief is based on the word of God, it cannot fail. If it is not based on God’s word, it may come to pass and it may not come to pass. Thus there is no assurance of it coming to pass if God is not the back of those words. People and devils have said things that came to pass before. But if those things had been confronted with God’s word, they would have failed. This explains why people had bad dreams that came to pass because they either did not know what to do about them or they were too lazy to do anything about them. 
4. Faith has evidence and these evidences are seen before the manifestation of what is desired: In a court room, what is used to substantiate claims is called evidence. Evidence is either documented or verbal through an eye witness. The witness must he credible enough for his or her evidence to be admissible. For example, the presentation of a genuine title deed is sufficient to substantiate a claim to the ownership of the property represented in the title deed. 
In the same vein, in the Court room of life, the only admissible evidence to claim any entitlement is the word of God promising you what you are trying to claim.
In the God kind of faith, the evidence is in two parts; the God part and the man’s part. 
▪ God’s part is the promise which he initiated that whoever believes in the Lord Jesus Christ would be saved. This is the foundation of the Church and our faith. Man’s part here is to believe enough to receive Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord [John3:1-6, 16 and Rm.10:6-11].
▪ Next evidence is seen in the God part after man believes and receives salvation, God begins to lead Him.  See Ps.23:1; Jn.1:12; Jn.16:13 and Rm.8:14-16. Every time the Holy Spirit shows us things to come, faith is again born and how we handle what he shows us is our faith walk.
▪ Then man in fulfilling his own part follows God’s leading and does what he is told. This is the faith life. As long as man keeps following God’s leading and doing what God tells him always, he would remain in faith and whatever promise God has made to him would come to fruition in God’s way and time when God considers the man to be fully persuaded of what God has promised. See Rm.4:17-22
We shall stop here for now. Next week, we shall continue to build on this. Meanwhile, someone reading this may feel the need to get into faith for the first time or be restored from backsliding due to former faith failure. Please do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud and continue to truly live:

Heavenly Father, 
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen. 
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on Or email:    
Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name!

Friday, 2 September 2016

Welcome to the month of September 2016: Our Month of Divine Remembrance

Gen.8:1; Gen.21:1-3; Mal.3:13-18 and Ps.73
As we approach the last quarter of the year, it has become very evident that God is faithful to His word. Towards the end of last year, He told us this year was going to be to us our year of divine exemption from all evil. It did not take long into the year for us to begin to experience the fulfilment of prophecy. While some were groaning and selling themselves for food, God has helped us in purchasing property and building houses and helping to feed others. 
Concerning this month also, which is the onset of the famous ember months which some believe to bear a bad omen as many evils are purportedly perpetuated by the wicked at this time; we have good news from heaven. The Lord has declared it to be our month of divine remembrance. It is going to be a time when God will cause His desires for us which are always good to find full expression. It shall be to us a month when God would deliver on all His promises to us [Gen.21:1-3]. 
This shall be a month when the righteous that seem to have been forgotten in spite of their faithfulness (while it appears the wicked are prospering) would be remembered and set apart by God as most distinguished.
However, some people do not experience the fulfilment of prophecy; not because it is not of God or that they did not receive it at first but because they do not possess the kind of faith the stays long enough to see the fulfillment of God’s word to them. 
This is the kind of faith that is too persistent to be denied. This faith would deliver every time no matter how long it has taken. This is the kind of faith that sets the men of faith apart from the boys of faith
Enoch and Elijah exercised this kind of faith and were raptured before the formal rapture. Noah exercised this kind of faith and endured a hundred and twenty years of shame preceding the glory and became the heir of the world [Gen.6:8-22 and 8:14-22]. Abraham exercised this kind of faith and became the father of many nations with a barren wife when the wife was ninety years old and he was a hundred years old [Gen.21:1-3 and Rm.4:1, 17-21]. Jesus Christ exercised this kind of faith and has become highly exalted and given the name above every other name that at His name, every knee shall bow. He also became the heir of ALL THINGS! [Philippians 2:5-11; Heb.1:1-4]. Apostle Paul exercised this kind of faith and arose to become the greatest apostle of his time. He left us a legacy of 2/3rd of the New Testament as it is today! Until now, the faith of these few examples remains relevant and would be so relevant for all eternity. 
Let us also not forget the heroes of faith in Hebrews Chapter 11 who through faith subdued kingdoms, lived godly lives and even though they knew that the promise of God was not to be fulfilled in their life time, remained faithful enough to bless us with the legacy of faith we have today [see Heb.11:8-16 and Gen.15:12-16].
We as a people have made up our mind not to be disobedient to the heavenly vision but be followers of those who through faith and patience obtain the promise. See Heb.4:2-3; 6:12; 11 and Jer.6:16-19
All the faith that has been sown from the beginning of time until now is about to be reaped and God wants us to be part of the harvest. It would however require this kind of absolute faith to be in this harvest. To this end, this month, we shall be looking at a series I have titleUnderstanding the dynamics of Faith for the fulfillment of the word of God.
Please understand that this is not a natural faith, we must be born into the family of God to be able to partake of this goodness. 
Someone reading this may be desiring how to be born into God’s family. The solution is right with you in your heart and mouth. All you need to do is to say the following prayer out loud in faith, you will get there immediately:
Heavenly Father, 
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen. 
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on Or email:    
Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name!

Enemies of Dreams and Visions

Messages for August 2016: Our Month of Dreams and Visions
Message for Wednesday the 31st of August 2016
Theme: Understanding Dream and Visions in relation to God’s plan – Joel 2:28; Jer.29:11; Acts 2:16-17; Acts 10; Matthew 1:18-25; Lk.1; Jn.5:39; Matt.4:10 & Rev.19:10
Topic: Enemies of Dreams and Visions
Introduction: Last week, we concluded the topic of Pride as an enemy of dreams and visions. Today, we are going to be rounding off this great theme of Understanding Visions and Dreams in relation to God’s plan by looking at what can constitute an enemy to the pursuit and fulfillment of your dreams and visions from the Lord. 
Let us understand that each of us is blessed with a glorious destiny from the Lord. However, the extent to which we would each fulfill our respective destinies is choice determined. Below are some life choices we can make that would work against the realization of our dreams and visions in the pursuit of our individual destinies. My aim here is to help you realize this and live differently so that you can enjoy all that God has in mind for you. 
1. The attitude of pride: Its blinding effects prevent us from experiencing visions and dreams. It also makes God resist us so that He cannot guide us in judgment. In addition, if the pride were to develop after the revelation, it has the ability to truncate the vision and dream and prevent it from materializing. See the example of Saul in 1Sam.15:10-31 and Ps.25:9.
2. FearFear is the opposite of faith. I consider it an evil spirit that comes to confirm demonic presence to enforce the devil’s agenda in a person’s life. Just as God offers us faith with His word to enable us have victory, Satan also offers us fear with his words and circumstances to bring us down in failure. This is why God specifically tells us not to fear in more than three hundred places in the bible. In fact just like faith, fear is given and that is why the Lord tells us to take no thought saying: “what shall we eat...” in Matthew 6:25 & 31. Also, we are told in 2Tim.1:7 that God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. We are also assured in Rm.8:15 that we have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but we have received the spirit of adoption by which we call God father. This goes to show us how much effort God has put into getting us out of the fear mode because destiny cannot be actualized with fear present in our lives. 
3. Procrastination: This simply means putting something you should do now off to a later time. This attitude steals time from us because time spent doing something else instead of what you should be doing now is time wasted. Remember, destiny is a journey that would terminate on a date you do not know. Therefore, we cannot be irresponsible with our time. No matter what you do with your time, it keeps reading. Time never stops because you stopped to do something else. This is why our outcome in life is a reflection of what we have done with our time. You are therefore giving in to an enemy of destiny when you procrastinate. Note the example of Abraham’s servant in Genesis 24 when he went to get a wife for Isaac and was told by the in-laws to wait ten day and he refused and went back immediately. Then compare it with the unnamed man in Judges who ended up not only losing his wife but generated the consequence of Israel almost wiping out an entire tribe due to the war that resulted from the complications arising from his procrastination. See Judges Chapters 19 to 21.
4. Slothfulness: Slothfulness simply put means laziness. No vision or dream fulfills itself in destiny. We fulfill them through hard work. Therefore to be slothful means failure to actualize the dreams and visions of God for our lives. This makes slothfulness an enemy in the realization of our visions and dreams. The antidote to slothfulness is to take responsibility. When we take responsibility for our visions and dreams by giving it the commensurate hard work it demands, we would soon stand in our dreams. See Prov.19:15; Eccl.10:18 and the example of the man with the one pound and one talent the parables of the pounds and talents in Luk.19:12-26 and Matt.25:14-30 respectively. 
5. Carnality: This is a spiritual state where our decisions are governed by the flesh instead of the leading of the Holy Spirit. A carnal believer cannot walk in the spirit and is therefore an enemy of God. No enemy of God can receive the fulfilment of their divine dreams and visions. In fact, they cannot even receive one from God as they would walk in deception as long as that state persists. But if they repent and start to walk in the spirit, God would show them mercy and help them dream and eventually stand in their dreams and visions. See Gal.5:16-17; Rm.8:5-9; Heb.5:11-14; 1Cor.3:1-7 and 1Cor.2:14.
6. Wrong company: By this, I mean wrong friends or close associates. We are told in 1Cor.15:33 not to be deceived; that evil communication corrupt good manners. Wrong company also includes the kind of books you read, the stuff you listen to and the kind of resources you put before your eyes. The Psalmist counsels that anyone who keeps away from this would flourish whereas those who do not would perish. In fact, the short cut to destruction is to keep company with a foolish person. See Prov.13:20; Ps.1:1-3; Isa.8:11-15 and Mt.23:2-12.
As we come to the end of this month, I believe that what we have learnt would live with us throughout our destiny journey. Meanwhile, someone may be reading this blog who is yet to commence their destiny’s journey because they have not made Jesus Christ the Lord of their lives yet. If that is you, you can do so right away if you wish to by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be saved:
Heavenly Father, 
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen. 
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nannaand on face book on Or email:    
Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name!

How to receive the fulfillment of Divine Dreams and Visions

Messages for August 2016: Our Month of Dreams and Visions
Message for Sunday the 28th of August 2016
Theme: Understanding Dream and Visions in relation to God’s plan – Joel 2:28; Jer.29:11; Acts 2:16-17; Acts 10; Matthew 1:18-25; Lk.1; Jn.5:39; Matt.4:10 & Rev.19:10
Topic:  How to receive the fulfillment of Divine Dreams and Visions
Introduction: Last week, we saw the role dreams and visions play in the pursuit and eventual fulfilment of Destiny. We were also made to understand that on our destiny journey, dreams and visions would merely be reduced to fantasies if they are not fulfilled. No dream fulfills itself. Dreams and visions are made to happen by cooperation with God and His ways. This is why Apostle Paul told His protégé Timothy to wage war with the prophecies that has gone ahead of him. See 1Tim.1:18. This is the war we must win in life for the manifestation of the glory of God in our lives. To help us in this battle we must learn to cultivate the right attitudes for the fulfilment of our dreams oand visions which would in turn guarantee the fulfilment of our destinies. 
Right attitude for the fulfillment of godly dreams and visions: Attitude can be defined as a complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways. While attitude may not be everything, it goes a long way to determine the extent to which you can actually fulfill your destiny. The good news is that the right attitudes that would guarantee that we run the race of life to the end in the fulfillment of dreams and visions are all encapsulated in the fruit of the spirit we bear. Therefore, anyone who would choose to walk in the spirit and not fulfill the lust of the flesh would in the process cultivate the right attitude for victory in the race of life. Below are some attitudes that would guarantee the fulfilment of our dreams and visions in destiny:  
1. Faith and patience: In Heb.6:12, we are enjoined to not be slothful but be followers of those who through faith and patience obtain the promise. I believe the author of Hebrews had Jer.6:16 in mind when he wrote this text to the Hebrews. God wants us to emulate good examples and faith and patience are excellent examples to follow in the fulfillment of our dreams and visions in our destinies. Faith enables you believe the visions and dreams of God to and patience enables you to stay believing until they are fulfilled. To cultivate this attitude, you need to walk in the spirit consciously living by doing the word of God. See Jos.1:8; Gal.5:16 and 5:22-23.
2. Humility: God’s intention is for us to be clothed with humility as it would protect us from the biting cold of pride which is a major destroyer of destiny. No matter the size of one’s visions and dreams, it can be cut off completely by pride. To overcome pride therefore, we are told to be clothed with humility. We are expected to put off pride from our lives and put on humility so we do not truncate out divine visions and dreams. I believe we do this consciously by requesting the grace to be clothed with humility from God. See Heb.4:16; Prov.22:4; Col.3:12 and 1Pet.5:5.
3. Obedience to divine instructions: To move from a lower level in life to a higher one demands obedience to instructions. This is why those who train people to fly are called flight instructors. You cannot really follow instructions when you do not hear them. This is why we are passionate about hearing the voice of God here at Kingdom Heirs. However, we must first see the written word as instructions to be obeyed and start to obey with what little understanding we have before we can graduate to hearing more from God. When we do not obey the one we know, God would not waste His time giving us new instructions. The result is that the person would become unfruitful and risk being cut off from the vine. The obedience that takes us up must be prompt and delightsome otherwise, it bears too much weight to lift us. Eli’s house lost their place of priesthood to disobedience and God blessed the Rechabites for their obedience to their father. See Jn.15:1-5; Jos.1:8; Lk.6:46-49; 1Sam.2:12, 17, 28-30; Jer.35:12-19 
4. Diligence: Diligence simply means hard work on a consistent basis. No dream or vision can deliver without this attitude because visions and dreams demand that you run with them and it takes hard work to run. If you are slothful, you will never fulfill your destiny. It is work that enables you to release and maximize your hidden abilities that would confirm and help you fulfill your visions and dreams. Apostle Paul did not frustrate God’s grace on his life but diligently took the entire Asia Minor in 2 years! [Acts 19:8-10 and 1Cor.15:10]. Also, it takes diligence to grow up spiritually [2Pet.1:4-11]. Spiritual growth is the main demand for the actualization of dreams and visions [Gal.4:1]. See Prov.22:29; 13:4; 20:4; Juges 18:9-10.
Steps to take to bring the visions and dreams of God to pass
1. Commit your visions and dreams to writing so that you will be able to keep it in view all the time. Also, when you do so, you can run with the vision. To run with the vision is to put effort in its pursuit until you are standing in your dream. See Hab.2:2; Jer.36:1-3; 21-24 and 28-32.
2. Pray and seek for knowledge, understanding and wisdom. See Prov.2:6; 4:7
3. To run with your vision, break it down into little workable bits. This will help you see the possibility of the fulfillment of your dream. It would also help you to build momentum that is required to give you staying power no matter what challenges come at you. Prov.24:3-6 and the example of Nehemiah
4. Then take the vision bit by bit and start to work it out until God finds you faithful enough to show you more until you complete the vision and He takes you to the next level. At that next level, you will have enough faith to pull another challenge through and on and on until your journey is doneSee Isa.28:10-13 and Acts 1:8. For instance, the instruction the Lord gave to the Apostle was to take the gospel first to Jerusalem, then to Judea and from there to Samaria and finally the uttermost part of the earth. This is how we must all run with our vision. 
As we come to the end of our month of visions and dreams, let us understand that it is a month where this grace is triggered in us; it is not intended to stop this month. However, there are some people reading this resource who are not yet born again, please understand that like we have been saying, you must be born again before you can really live otherwise, you are yet to commence living. Should you desire to live by God’s definition, please say the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be born again and begin to really live:
Heavenly Father, 
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen. 
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nannaand on face book on Or email:    
Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name!