Messages for September 2016: Our
Month of Divine Remembrance
Message for
Sunday the 18th of September 2016
Theme: Understanding the dynamics of
Faith for the fulfillment of the word of God.
Topic: How Faith Works – Rm.10:17; Gal.3:2, 5; Rm.3:3; 10:8-11 and Mk.11:22-23
Last week, we looked at twelve
reasons why we must have faith. We
saw from there that faith does not just happen but is made to happen for some
specific purposes. From the foregoing, it is therefore clear that God is very
intentional about faith. This makes faith a subject that requires skills based
on divine revelation to be made to work. Today therefore, we shall be looking
at how we can engage the faith that would work every time it is applied.
How faith
comes: From the foregoing, we must
first see how faith works before anything else can be determined. From
scriptures we are made to understand that faith does not just happen; it is
made to happen. We therefore understand that faith like every other creation of
God has a beginning. In Rm.10:17, we are told that faith comes by hearing the
word of God. Also, Gal.3:2 makes us understand that we got saved by the hearing
of faith. Therefore faith comes by hearing the word of God. The origin of faith
is therefore the word of God revealed to the individual to which it is
directed. Therefore for faith to work, it starts with the word of God revealed
to us by his voice or any other means he chooses to use. God communicates His
word through the following means:
v The voice of God – Acts 9:1-6 and 2Pet.1:16-19.
v Vision – Acts 9:10-18 and Acts 10:1-7.
v Dreams/visions of the night – Dan.2:19; Job 33:14-15
and Matt.2:12-15.
v Prophets – Ezra 5:1-2 and Acts 13:1-4.
v Teachers – Isa.30:20-21 and Eph.4:11-13.
v The inward witness – Rm.8:14 and Acts 16:16-18.
v Divinely orchestrated circumstances etc. see the
entire book of Ruth and Esther.
To receive the word of God through any of these means,
you have to position yourself for it through thanksgiving, praise, prayer and
if necessary; fasting.
The receipt
and residence of faith: When we have
heard the word that births faith in us, we must take the next step to receive
it. We receive it by believing it. When we believe it, we act on the word. It
is the acting on the word we believe we heard from God that proves the
existence of faith in us. This is also known as the receipt of faith. See
Heb.11:7 and Gen.12:1-4 and 17:10-23.
When we receive faith, it comes to reside in our
hearts. If it is not in our hearts, then it is merely in our heads. When what
we call faith is merely in our heads, it is not faith but mental accent. At
this level, we are standing on the fence between faith and unbelief. We must go
the extra mile to move the faith from our heads to our hearts before it can
truly be called faith or it will tip over the fence to the area of unbelief.
The difference between faith in the head and faith in
the heart is that faith in the head has no performance ability and can easily
be extinguished by doubt. On the other hand the faith in the heart usually
provokes action in spite of doubt in the head. When faith is in the heart,
doubt in the head cannot uproot it. As it continues to stay in the heart, it
would eventually grow large enough to respond more quickly to your voice of
faith. The strength of the voice of your faith is measured by how deep rooted
it is in your heart. In other words, how much of it has entered from your head
to your heart. When faith is in your heart in any area of life, you are said to
be established in faith in that area. See Mk.11:23; Mk.4:30-32.
How faith is
processed and applied: Faith is
processed by meditation and applied by love and action because faith can only
work by love. First we read the word, and then we brood over it through
meditation so that we can do the word. What you meditate on is what you will
do. This is why God commanded Joshua the son of Nun to meditate on the word day
and night so that he would be able to do it. This is because meditation is what
empowers you to carry out actions of faith that births results of what the
faith is meant for. See Jos.1:8; Ps.1:1-3.
It is meditation on the word of God on a consistent
basis that takes us to the point where the word hatches understanding in us.
When we receive understanding, we are said to receive light. Note that it is
the entrance of the word that gives understanding. Until the word gains
entrance into your heart, you do not have enough light to dispel the darkness
of the situation you seek to dominate. This is because it is faith that resides
in the heart that cannot be uprooted by doubt that brings unbelief. However,
for the faith to work, we must mix it with walking in love. This is because
love is the means by which the word of God gains root in us. See Mk.11:23;
Gal.5:6; Eph.3:17; Ps.119:34, 135; Jn.13:34 – 35; 1Jn.2:9-11 and Rm.10:10.
How faith is
released to work: The best that faith
can do in your heart is to provide you a platform for receiving from God known
as righteousness. See Rm.10:10 and the example of Abraham in Rm.4:17-22 and
Gen.15:5-6. Note however that faith must leave the heart to find expression
through the mouth by way of speech for it to provide the manifestation of one’s
desire. This is why all the heroes of faith had what is known as confessions or
professions of faith. See Heb.10:23 and 1Tim.6:12. More will be said on this
next week by God’s grace.
Meanwhile, if you are yet to exercise faith in the finished
work of Jesus Christ on the Cross and are therefore not born again, this is
your opportunity. You can do so right away by saying the following prayer out
loud and you shall be born again:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus
died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore
declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the
fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you
for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources
that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face
book on; Or email:
Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name!