Friday, 2 December 2016

Welcome to the month of December 2016: Our Month of Gratitude and Praise

Welcome to the month of December 2016: Our Month of Gratitude and Praise
2Chron.20:1-24; Ps.67:5-7; 149; 150; Luke 17; 12-19; Acts 16:25
As I meditated on the word for the month, I recall what the Lord just told me concerning the month of December 2016 thus:
“You shall be bursting forth with gratitude to me this December and as you and your team come to show your appreciation of me, I will do great and terrible things in righteousness. I am the Lord.”
The Lord has graciously declared this month to be our month of gratitude and praise. He said to me among other things that He brought to my mind the remembrance of the song of gratitude he gave to me earlier this year because that is the mood He wants us in. He said He has been good to us even if we do not say it. He said He is taking us through this month of December with a greater awareness of his presence with us.
To this end, this month, in addition to the Kingdom Heirs tradition of lifting up gratitude for the year being concluded and praise for the coming year, we shall be building capacity to accommodate His greater presence with us by praying in the spirit for the first two hours of each of the twelve days representing a month of the concluding year and a month of next year. This program will start on the first day of December and be concluded on the twelfth day.
 As we appreciate the Lord in gratitude and praise this year, we shall enjoy His greater grace as the year terminates and throughout next year.
We cannot deny that God has indeed been faithful to us. He declared 2016 to be our year of divine exemption from all evils and told us that while others are begging to feed, we shall be feeding others and buying land and building houses. All these have come to pass this year as He told us.
As a Ministry, we have planted more Churches this year. The Accra Church has planted a baby Church and from Kingdom Heirs United States, the Nigerian Church has been planted this year on the twelfth of June in Badagry on our own property and also in this same year in October the young Nigerian Church has planted a branch Church in Tosuvi Badagry LGA of Lagos state.  God helped us to start developing our property in Badagry, and now we have built a Church hall there.
This year, the Lord enabled me to buy property and build my own house from where I am writing this now. What can I say about our testimonies from Ghana? Time would fail me to mention all.
This year, God gave us the grace to start developing our Ama krom branch Church property in Ghana and as I speak, in Nigeria, we have three building projects going on by the hand of God. Indeed, this is a month of gratitude and praise for us. As we celebrate the Lord this month, He would indeed do terrible things in righteousness.
As I draw the curtain here, I want to say a big thank you also to all who have joined me to partner with God to see His word come to pass for us as individuals, families and ministries. The Lord will bless and cause His face to shine on us all in Jesus name.
            For a better understanding of the word of the Lord to us for the month, we shall be looking at a series I want to call understanding the power in Appreciating the Lord. In addition, in all of our services this month, we shall be lifting up high praises to God to enable us execute the judgement the Lord has written against all our adversaries. I see each of us entering next year in grand style by the hand of the Lord. Please remember that what His mouth has spoken, His hand is able to bring to pass.
            Someone may be reading this and desiring to partake of this grace. I have good news for you; you can partake of it if you belong to the family of God. Should you desire to belong, it starts by becoming initiated into God’s family through the new birth experience. If you want this experience, you can receive it right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:    

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