Messages for July 2017: Our Month of Destiny
Message for Sunday the 16th of July, 2017
Theme: Understanding the Pursuit of our Purpose
Topic: Who we are in Christ in relation to our divine purpose part 2.
Introduction: Last week, we began to look at this topic and we saw what redemption has turned us into so that in Christ, we can boldly conclude that we are new creations and as new creations we are both light and salt of the earth. Also, the new creation life gives us the ability to exercise the eternal life nature of Christ and walk in love just like God and be able to exercise all the powers of God in Christ Jesus to the extent God wants us to.
Today, we shall be looking at the relationship between our identity and purpose. Meanwhile let us understand here again that identity is who we are in Christ while purpose is the reason why we are who we are. This is why our identities are pointers to our purpose or what we were made and put in this world to accomplish. See Jer.1:4-5; 1Pet.2:9.
Our identity and our purpose: having identified ourselves from the eyes of our maker through redemption, let us now see what our purpose on earth is. Simply put, everyone born of God is entitled to become an ambassador of Christ on earth while they are still here.
1. As an ambassador of Christ, we carry out the specific functions of representing God to the people on earth who are yet to know him.
As Ambassadors of Christ on earth, our purpose is to bring reconciliation between lost man and God. We represent them to God in prayer which makes us their priest and we represent God to them through evangelism with proofs. See Acts 10:38 and 2:22; Mk.16:20; Mt.28:18-20 and 1Pet.2:9.
Man sinned and fell short of the glory of God. Since then, man has been looking for God and God has also been desirous to get man back to himself. All the religious attempts of man through all the religions of the earth are man’s vain efforts in trying to reach God his own way. When Jesus came, He taught us in Jn.10:8-10 that He is the only means by which mankind can access God and all the religions of the world are mere attempts of the thief coming to steal kill and destroy [the thief is the devil and he used Cain to found religion in Gen.4:1-16]. Therefore as ambassadors of Christ, we are to fulfill the divine purpose of leading the unsaved to Christ God’s way and getting them rooted and grounded in the love of God so that they would never perish again. See Jn.15:1-5; 8; 16; Col.2:6-7 and Eph.3:16-19.
2. We are the light of the world: As light, our purpose is to provide direction to others. We direct them on how to reach God and walk with him. We also lead them in our areas of specialization for which we have been blessed with the spirit of excellence. See the example of Daniel, Joseph, the Lord Jesus Christ and Apostle Paul. In Gen.41:38-44 we see here where Pharaoh admitted that because of the solution Joseph provided because of his light, there was no one as qualified as him for the job of the prime minister of Egypt at that time; we see where our identity as the light of the world qualifies us to fulfill the purpose of providing solution to the needs of the world. Also, in Daniel 5:11-12, we read this testimony of Daniel: “There is a man in thy kingdom, in whom is the spirit of the holy gods; and in the days of thy father light and understanding and wisdom, like the wisdom of the gods, was found in him; whom the king Nebuchadnezzar… made master of the magicians, astrologers, Chaldeans and soothsayers… forasmuch as an excellent spirit, knowledge and understanding and shewing of hard sentences and dissolving of doubts were found in the same Daniel whom the king named Belteshazzer: now let Daniel be called and he will shew the interpretation.” For more of these kinds of examples see these texts: Jn.18:33-37; Heb.10:5-10; 2Tim.4:6-7 andActs 9:15-16.
3. We are the salt of the earth: As salt, we preserve from decadence and influence positively the quality of life of the people around us. We are identified as salt because salt helps to preserve from decay. If we bear godly fruits as believers in Christ, our life style of praying and living right would influence others around us so that the level of corruption in our environment would greatly reduce and God would be glorified. Further because of our presence in the world, God can still show mercy so that people are given more time to change than they would otherwise have had. See Mt.5:13; Gen.18:17-33; 1Chrn.7:14 and Jn.15:8, 16. See the example of Abraham here where he was interceding for Sodom and Gomorrah.
4. We are kings and priests called to reign on earth: When the righteous is reigning, people would rejoice because of the blessing they carry. On the other hand, when the wicked is in power people suffer. This explains the calamity in the world today wherever they devil’s agents are in places of authority. If as a believer you excel in your area of calling, you would be a leader there and as such you will reign. The greatest leaders were never politicians even though a politician who walks with God can grow to become a great leader just like Daniel and Joseph. While they were not politicians, they influenced the governments’ decisions to the point where they were able to solve problems for the nations that were humanly impossible to solve. See Rev.1:5-6; 5:9-10; Rm.5:17; Prv.29:2 and Dan.1:17-21.If we take the responsibility of the kingly anointing that the Lord has given to us, we shall reign on earth in such a way as to leave enduring legacies for our generations and posterity. Daniel outlived kings in relevance for a period of seventy years. This is what I call perpetuity in relevance.
We shall close this teaching here for now even though more can be said about living intentionally to fulfil our divine purpose. Meanwhile, there is someone reading this resource that is yet to commence the journey of destiny because the foundation for actualizing destiny is acquaintance with divinity through the new birth experience. If you are that person and want to make that acquaintance today, you can do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be born again:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
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