Message for Sunday 2nd September, 2018
Theme: Understanding and walking in the Love of God.
Topic: The Agape
of God defined
Introduction: Once again I welcome you to our month of
perfection when the Lord is set to perfect all that concerns you [Ps.138:8]. As
we saw in the word of the month, the perfection of all things is the love of
God. No matter what gift the Lord has given to any man, they will all pass with
time. One gift that would remain with us forever which is the pass key of our
access to the presence of God in eternity is the love of God. The reason for
this is that all the gifts we will use to display the glory and mercy of God
are only relevant to time. The love of God on the other hand describes Him and
His word. In 1Jn.2:17, we learn that doing the will of God keeps us forever.
The only will we have been called of God to do is to walk in love. See
Jn.13:34-35; Jn.15:8-14; 1Cor.13:1-3; 1Jn.2:1-11 and 1Jn.4:7-18.
What is Agape? The word translated agape is the Greek word
that defines the God kind of love. Greek Philosophers have put love under three
headings namely: Eros, Phileo and Agape. The bible refers to two kinds namely
Phileo and Agape. See Jn.21:15-17 and 1Sam.18:1-3.
Eros is where we get the erotic love from which is basically sensual and
humanistic. It originates in the Greek belief that Eros; one of their many gods
was the god of love. This type of love falls short of the standard of God and
would therefore not meet the demand of walking in love. It is the love that
exists between a man and a woman which spills into the expression of sensual
intimacy. This is a natural human love that cannot stand in the face of many
experiences in life. Many have made the mistake of entering into marriage based
on this kind of love and such marriages either hit the rocks or just exists
without fulfilling the purpose for marriage in the mind of God when He first
created it. This explains the confusion and competition in many families that
make it difficult for individuals to fulfill their destinies.
Phileo: This is the kind of love described as Philadelphia. This is the
brotherly love that exists in families. Also, this kind of love exists among
groups of people of similar cultures and profession. It is the love shared by
best friends like David and Jonathan in the bible. See 1Sam.18:1-3. We cannot
express this kind of love towards our enemies. This kind too cannot stand in
the face of selfishness because when personal interest come in, this kind of
love is jettisoned to satisfy a person’s selfish interests. This kind of love
may exists between best friends until their individual interests are touched.
In this end times, even family members are betraying each other just to fulfill
their selfish ambitions. Parents have betrayed their children on the altar of
personal ambition to get ahead in life and pretend it is for the best interest
of their families. This is the back of many families that have been
disintegrated in the name of the head of the family or the wife traveling
abroad to work. They claim it is for the best in the interest of the family.
They never return home but start the business of another family in the name of
getting papers; to be able to stay in the foreign country to work for money to
take care of their lustful desires. This kind of love therefore can fail.
Agape: This can best be described as the God kind of love. In fact the bible
defines this love as God. In 1Jn.4:8; we read: “He
that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.” In other words, the definition of love is God Himself. Whatever
describes God describes His love. The nature of the love of God is therefore
seen in the nature of His word.
We learn in 1Cor.13:8 that
this kind of love never fails. This is where we have our protection in the
Christian faith. No one who walks in this kind of love is blindsided. [1Jn.2:9-11]
This love keeps you seeing clearly and moving in the right direction until you
end up your eternity in God Himself because this kind of love pulls you towards
God on a daily basis. The more a person walks in this kind of love, the more
you are drawn to the Lord and the more of Him you can manifest to the world
meaning the more fruitful you will become as a believer. Jn.15:1-5 and 8.
The nature of the word and love of God: The nature of God’s word and
Also His love can be listed in these three words among many others;
Inexhaustible: This means what cannot be finished; what cannot
come to an end. It is incapable of being used up, emptied, wasted etc. It also
means incapable of being consumed or used up. When you walk in this kind of
love, your life is renewed daily and knows no end. Anyone living this way is
experiencing eternal life. This is the reason the Lord Jesus Christ came. This
explains the willingness of the early Church fathers to die for the faith and
all of them ended up as martyrs. This call for martyrdom is ringing loud and
clear from heaven again today as the world draws near to the end of time. See
Lam.3:22-23; Ex.34:5-9; 2Cor.12:14-15 and Jn.17:3.
Indestructible: To destroy means to damage without remedy. To
be indestructible therefore means incapable of decomposition or being
destroyed. When something decomposes, it is said to be damaged without remedy. It
also means long lasting and if you ask how much long lasting I would say
eternally long lasting. The life that the love of God therefore offers us to
live by is eternal. This is why it is impossible for anyone in the flesh to be
able to live this life. The love of God has the capacity to strip us of
everything flesh to be able to cause us to walk in the spirit. Every believer
in Christ is in the spirit and have the seed of the love of God in them through
their born again spirit. However, this seed would only remain a potential if
they do not walk in the spirit. Thus to activate the reality of our new life,
we must walk in the spirit so that we can manifest the love of God. This is the
entire purpose of our existence on earth. See Rm.8:9; Gal.2:20-21 & 5:16
and Rm.8:12-16.
Incorruptible: We are born again by the incorruptible seed of
the word of God which lives and abides forever. In the same vein, we are
actually saved by the incorruptible seed of the love of God which remains in us
as long as we allow it. See 1Jn.3:9; 1Pet.1:23. What does it mean for the love
of God to be incorruptible? It means incapable of being corrupted, incapable of
corruption; the quality of being honest; truthful etc. as a matter of fact, the
word of God is Truth. Therefore we are born of the truth and must manifest the
truth. Every believer has a potential to walk in truth but whether we do so or
not has to do with our willingness to renew our minds so that we can walk in
the truth. Thus the love of God makes us incorruptible. It is the love of God
that makes everything work because it is what makes faith work and if your
faith fails, your life will fail. Everything we get in life is actually faith
determined. See 1Cor.1:1-3; 6:9-10; 15:50 Gal.5:6, 21.
In summation here, we have seen what the love of
God offers us. By God’s grace, next week we shall be looking at the qualities
of the love of God. Our main text would be 1Cor.13:1-8 from the Amplified
version of the bible. It would help if we would meditate on these text against
next week. Meanwhile, someone is reading this blog who would like to enjoy
divine nature but has never known how or decided until now. If you are that
person, you can take advantage of this opportunity by saying the following
prayers out loud in faith and you will be born again:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus
died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore
declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the
fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you
for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you
grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:
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