Messages for
November 2018: Our Month of Gratitude
and Praise
Message for Sunday 25th November, 2018
Theme: understanding the Mystery of thanksgiving, Praise and Worship
Topic: worship and Sanctification
Introduction: Last week, we concluded
our definition of Gratitude, praise and worship. We saw from our exploration
that worship is far more than many know about it. From our studies we also saw
that worship would deliver to us much more than we know. If we look at the
benefits of worship, we would conclude that they are really incomprehensible.
The best that can be known of worship is what the worshipper experiences and
the bulk of it cannot be really put into words; you have to experience them to
know. For instance Moses’ face took on the form of God’s glory in the place of
worship and Moses did not even know it; it was others who saw it and drew his
attention to it. He could not really explain the experience so he put a veil on
his face to prevent the distraction to the people.
One of the benefits of
worship is the actualization of our genuine separation to God which is what we
are going to be looking at today.
What is
This word is a noun
defined by the Farlex English Dictionary as:
The act of being holy or the state of being made Holy.
The act of consecrating or set apart for a noble purpose. In
2Thess.2:13, we read that God has chosen us to salvation through sanctification
of the spirit and belief of the truth. See also Jn.17:17-19
The above definition leads
us to further examine what it means to be holy. You would recall that from our
definition of worship, we saw that worship reveals God’s holiness to us. When
we come face to face with the holiness of God, we are changed into the same
image as God. In 2Cor.3:18, we learn that we all with open face beholding as in
a glass or mirror the glory of God are changed into the same image from glory
to glory by the Spirit of God.
God is seeking
a certain people: When the Lord walked the sands of time, He revealed to us a hunger in
the heart of God that moves Him to seek a certain kind of people to worship
Him. I believe that when He finds them, He would not let them God. When I came
to realize this, I decided to belong to this group of people who God would not
let go because I would not let Him go either. Who are these people? Those who
will worship Him:
1. In spirit – this is when the human spirit is made alive through the new birth
experience and comes into alignment with the Holy Spirit and start experiencing
the guidance of the spirit as he grows through feeding on the word of God –
2Pet.2:2 and Jas.1:21
2. In truth. – This is when man begins to make choices that honour God to the
point where his decisions and actions are easily controlled by the Holy Spirit.
2Tim.2:18-21 and Gal.5:16
In Jn.4:23-24, He tells us
God’s desire and the kind of people He would consider His true worshippers and
why. These are people who will worship Him in spirit and in Truth. The reason
for this from God’s perspective is that He is a spirit and therefore only
spiritual people like Him can truly worship Him.
A look at our text reveals
to us that the words “in spirit” starts with a small letter for spirit thus
referring to the human spirit. The word truth also starts with a small letter
referring to the sincerity of hear based on what God calls sincerity. This
leads us to the next question. From the above we see that God has a role to
play in our sanctification and so does man.
What is God’s
role in sanctification?
1. He chose to separate
mankind to Himself from the beginning. Gen.1:26-28 and 2Thes.2:13
2. He knew his choice would
disappoint him just like we see in Genesis 3 so He proactively prepared a lamb
for our redemption from the foundation of the world. Rev.13:8
3. At the fullness of time,
the lamb turned out to be His only begotten Son: Jesus Christ [Mt.3:16-17 and
Mk.9:7]. What many saw as his defeat on Calvary turns out to be the road to His
victory in His combat for our lives. See Mt.27:42 – if he had come down from
the Cross, He would have failed in God’s perspective to redeem us from our sin.
This is why flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God because there is
a perspective difference with God. See also the belief of the men who walked
with the Lord on the road to Emmaus after His resurrection but did not
recognize Him. Lk.24:19-21 and what God said through Paul the Apostle in
Rm.10:6-11. See also Isa.53:6-12 and Acts 8:32.
4. When Jesus rose from the
dead, the plan of God for our redemption became a reality, but the Holy Spirit
had to come to make it manifest which happened on the day of Pentecost in Acts
2:1-4. From that day, the Holy Spirit has been here and all we need do to enjoy
Him is receive Him by faith as Paul offered the saints in Ephesus in Acts 19:1.
All the evidence show that
God has played His role without question. What therefore is man’s role in Sanctification
in relation to worship?
Based on what we already
established that in worship we acknowledge the Holiness of God and that
beholding it would help to change us from glory to glory. Please note that we
behold the glory of God when we come into true oneness with him in worship then
His Spirit can guide us into His truth which will actually change us. Only
truth revealed to us by His holiness can change us. His holiness is also what
is referred to as His glory.
Man’s role in
1. Choose life – Deu.30:19-20; 2Tim.2:19-22
2. Submit to God – you do this through submission to God’s method of salvation which is
receiving Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord. Jn.3:3-7; 16-19 and Rm.10:8-10
3. Resist the devil – this is because light and darkness cannot coexist. If we want the
light of God in our lives, we have to get rid of the darkness with the revealed
truth of God’s word. Then we are empowered to say no to the devil. Mt.4:10-11; Jas.4:6-7
and 1Pet.5:8-9
4. Draw nearer to God: When we do this, God has promised to draw near to us in return. Jas.4:7
5. Worship Him and He will reveal Himself to you. What happens when we
truly worship God?
We are empowered by the
Holy Spirit – Acts 16:25-31 and Rm.8:13
We can then crucify the
flesh - Gal.3:1-17
We can walk in the spirit
We make choices that
honour God.
A good illustration of one
who had this kind of victory is seen in the account of the temptation and
victory of the Lord over Satan. See Mt.4:1-11 and Lk.4:1-13
On this note, we close the
message for this month of Thanksgiving, praise and worship. A reflection on
what we have seen this month would disclose to us that choosing and living the
way of righteousness is possible only by the help of the Holy Spirit and the
revealed word of God which we can really get in the place of the true worship
of God.
Like we already
established, the commencement of the true worship of God is at the Cross where
we renounce our old life and take on the life of Christ through new birth. If
you are reading this blog and convicted that you need to do this, you can do so
right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be
born again and start the journey:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus
died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore
declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the
fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you
for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you
grow in this new life, please visit our website at
and our blogs at
and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on;
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