Saturday, 17 December 2016

Why we appreciate God in Thanksgiving

Messages for December 2016: Our Month of Gratitude and Praise
Ps.92:1-2; Philippians 4:6-7; Ps.100:4; Lk.17:12-19; 1Thess.5:18 & Heb.10:35-36
Message for Sunday the 11th of December 2016
Theme: Understanding the power in Appreciating the Lord
Topic: Why we appreciate God in Thanksgiving
Introduction: We learn from Ps.103:7 the distinction between Moses and the children of Israel. We must have wondered why several times, just after seeing the act of God, the children of Israel would immediately begin to provoke God with their murmuring and complaining. Then we wonder whether they are learning anything or not. This situation persisted until God had to eliminate an entire generation for their ingratitude.
The distinction between Moses and the children of Israel was that Moses knew the ways of God whereas the children of Israel merely knew his acts. The result was that Moses could command his acts at will. The children of Israel on the other hand never saw a way out of their challenges until Moses who knew the ways of God helped them out. A major way of God we shall therefore be looking at today is the way of gratitude which would enable us command his acts and not fall prey like the children of Israel.
Why we must be thankful to God:
We must therefore be thankful to God for the following reasons:
1.     Thanksgiving is a good thing and therefore not being thankful is a bad thing. God is good and can only be associated with good things. See Ex.34:6; Ps.92:1-2.
2.     Thanksgiving takes you from a request zone to a request free zone because whatever you are thankful for appreciates and causes God to show you more favour. See the example of the story of the ten lepers in Lk.17:12-19.
3.     It is doing God’s will and when we do God’s will, we are blessed. See 1Thess.5:18; Heb.10:35-36; Jos.1:8 and Jas.1:22-25.
4.     It is the means by which we secure heaven’s attention. See Ps.100:4 and Philippians 4:6.
Lessons from the grateful ex leper in Lk.17:12-19
1.     Ten of them came for help from the Lord and all ten followed the Lord’s instruction to go and show themselves to the priests and make the legal sacrifices as required by the Law of Moses. They all obeyed to go but were cleansed on the way there.
2.     When he saw he was cleansed, he paused to go and give thanks to the Lord. His thanksgiving was so loud as to draw the attention of the Lord to bring Him to a standstill.
3.     The Lord asked if he was the only one cleansed and why the others did not do likewise. This shows that God wants us to be thankful in this way. Many of us postpone sharing our testimonies of God’s goodness. This is not what God wants from us.
4.     The man was a Samaritan and therefore not in covenant like the other nine who we can infer from the Lord’s statement that they were Jews. The Lord referred to him as “this stranger”. Meaning the others were not strangers. They took God for granted and became too grounded to be thankful.
5.     Unlike the other nine ex lepers who were merely cleansed, the faith of this man expressed through thanksgiving made him whole. The implication is that he was left with no evidence that he was ever a leper! God gave him a brand new life.
With this, we shall bring our message for today to a close here. Meanwhile someone may be reading this who has just come to terms with his or her ingratitude in not receiving the gospel in spite of all the attempts of the Lord to reach him or her over the years and is now willing to act on this challenge by giving his or her life to Christ in appreciation of the Lord’s Calvary trip for him or her. You can do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be born again and experience more and more reasons to be thankful on a dialing basis:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Appreciating God’s goodness this year

Messages for December 2016: Our Month of Gratitude and Praise
2Chron.20:1-24; Ps.67:5-7; 149; 150; Luke 17; 12-19; Acts 16:25
Message for Sunday the 4th of December 2016
Theme: Understanding the power in Appreciating the Lord
Topic: Appreciating God’s goodness this year
Introduction: some years back, I was reading a very interesting piece about the power of what we say has over the work of our hands. I understand that an experiment was carried out where some crops planted were divided into two sections and to one section, the farmers spoke negative words over and to the other, the farmer spoke positive words over. The two sets of plants were nurtured alike but for the words spoken over them.
After a while, the crops over which positive words were spoken blossomed while the one over which negative words were spoken began to wither in spite of the similar great condition or their environments. I came to a conclusion after that study that what you do not appreciate would ultimately depreciate. In the same way if we do not appreciate our relationship with God, it would depreciate and that is not a place we want to find ourselves.
The good hand of the Lord has been there for us:
From the time of our conception in our mothers’ wombs, God’s hand has been the one keeping us to the point where we can grow up to old age and not have any situation where any of our body parts would require a replacement because of his carelessness. He has been faithful. All the evil that has befallen humanity has been sin actuated. When we give up sin and give in to Him, he keeps us and fulfills His word of health and protection over our lives. We must therefore appreciate God for the following reasons:
He created and made us: Ps. 33:6 & 9 tells us that God created the heavens by the word of His mouth.  Also, we are called to worship and bow down and kneel before the Lord our God and maker Ps.95:3-7. Also Ps.100:3 tells us that we are God’s product and we did not make ourselves.
He protects us: When his people were few in number and strangers in the Promised Land, He did not permit anyone to do them wrong. He reproved kings for their sakes saying they should not touch His anointed and should not do his prophets any harm. See 1Chron.16:19-22 and Ps.105:12-15. From the end of last year, He told us that this year shall be our year of divine exemption from all evil and he has since kept his word.  See also Ps.91:7.
He provides for us even when others around us are in lack: Just as He told us concerning this year that like it was in Goshen when God sent his plague on Egypt so would it be for us this year and it has been so. When the Egyptians were selling themselves for food, Israel was buying property and building. See Gen.47:20-21 & 27. This year, He has provided so much for us that we were able to provide support for others.
He guides us in the way of life: The Lord Jesus Christ promised us that when the Spirit of truth comes, He would guide us into all truth. Since the Holy Spirit came, that is what He has been doing and this has kept us in the way of life. See Jn.16:13-14; Is.58:11 and Prov.12:28. Through divine guidance this year, a Church arm has been planted in Nigeria together with a branch. Also through divine guidance, the Ghana branch has also planted another branch. Through these branches, more people would be raised to harvest with us and know the Lord intimately!
He gives us eternal life: With the sin of Adam came death on the entire human race. At the fullness of time, God sent his only begotten son to take our place in death and suffer the punishment we would have suffered eternally for our sin so that we could gain access to him that we lost in the fall of Adam. With this access comes eternal life which is the relationship we enjoy from knowing God the father and the Lord Jesus Christ. This relationship is what has given us exemption from all the evil around us. See Jn.17:1-4; Col.1:25-29 and 1Cor.15:21-22. This year, we have seen God save many through his word on this altar and He has helped us to plant some Churches as well.  Also, this year, God has helped us to train and raise more people to hear His voice and be led by Him into our high places.
More could be said for why we should appreciate God because we cannot exhaust counting our blessings but for space and time, we shall stop here for now. Meanwhile, there may be someone here to whom all these may be strange because you have faced so much trouble that eternal life seem farfetched to you. To that one, I have good news, you can get acquainted with eternal life right away by saying the following prayer out loud to become born again and commence this new life: 
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:    

Friday, 2 December 2016

Welcome to the month of December 2016: Our Month of Gratitude and Praise

Welcome to the month of December 2016: Our Month of Gratitude and Praise
2Chron.20:1-24; Ps.67:5-7; 149; 150; Luke 17; 12-19; Acts 16:25
As I meditated on the word for the month, I recall what the Lord just told me concerning the month of December 2016 thus:
“You shall be bursting forth with gratitude to me this December and as you and your team come to show your appreciation of me, I will do great and terrible things in righteousness. I am the Lord.”
The Lord has graciously declared this month to be our month of gratitude and praise. He said to me among other things that He brought to my mind the remembrance of the song of gratitude he gave to me earlier this year because that is the mood He wants us in. He said He has been good to us even if we do not say it. He said He is taking us through this month of December with a greater awareness of his presence with us.
To this end, this month, in addition to the Kingdom Heirs tradition of lifting up gratitude for the year being concluded and praise for the coming year, we shall be building capacity to accommodate His greater presence with us by praying in the spirit for the first two hours of each of the twelve days representing a month of the concluding year and a month of next year. This program will start on the first day of December and be concluded on the twelfth day.
 As we appreciate the Lord in gratitude and praise this year, we shall enjoy His greater grace as the year terminates and throughout next year.
We cannot deny that God has indeed been faithful to us. He declared 2016 to be our year of divine exemption from all evils and told us that while others are begging to feed, we shall be feeding others and buying land and building houses. All these have come to pass this year as He told us.
As a Ministry, we have planted more Churches this year. The Accra Church has planted a baby Church and from Kingdom Heirs United States, the Nigerian Church has been planted this year on the twelfth of June in Badagry on our own property and also in this same year in October the young Nigerian Church has planted a branch Church in Tosuvi Badagry LGA of Lagos state.  God helped us to start developing our property in Badagry, and now we have built a Church hall there.
This year, the Lord enabled me to buy property and build my own house from where I am writing this now. What can I say about our testimonies from Ghana? Time would fail me to mention all.
This year, God gave us the grace to start developing our Ama krom branch Church property in Ghana and as I speak, in Nigeria, we have three building projects going on by the hand of God. Indeed, this is a month of gratitude and praise for us. As we celebrate the Lord this month, He would indeed do terrible things in righteousness.
As I draw the curtain here, I want to say a big thank you also to all who have joined me to partner with God to see His word come to pass for us as individuals, families and ministries. The Lord will bless and cause His face to shine on us all in Jesus name.
            For a better understanding of the word of the Lord to us for the month, we shall be looking at a series I want to call understanding the power in Appreciating the Lord. In addition, in all of our services this month, we shall be lifting up high praises to God to enable us execute the judgement the Lord has written against all our adversaries. I see each of us entering next year in grand style by the hand of the Lord. Please remember that what His mouth has spoken, His hand is able to bring to pass.
            Someone may be reading this and desiring to partake of this grace. I have good news for you; you can partake of it if you belong to the family of God. Should you desire to belong, it starts by becoming initiated into God’s family through the new birth experience. If you want this experience, you can receive it right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:    

Engaging the Holy Spirit for Evangelism

Messages for November 2016: Our Month of Evangelism
Message for Sunday the 27th of November 2016
Theme: understanding the Publication of the Gospel
Topic: Engaging the Holy Spirit for Evangelism
Jn.14:26; 16:7-13; Acts 1:8; Rm.8:11; 26; 1Cor.12:1-11; Jude 1:20
Introduction: When the Lord had fulfilled His earthly mission on His first advent, He promised His disciples that He was not going to leave them comfortless but that He was going to send them the comforter who He described as the Holy Spirit. He promised many things the Holy Spirit would accomplish in His absence for us. All of these accomplishments of the Holy Spirit are aimed at helping us effectively represent the Lord and testify of Him to a lost world. See Jn.16:7-13
 Thus engaging the ministry of the Holy Spirit in evangelism is the greatest and the best way to get the job of the harvest to which we have been entrusted done. We are therefore going to be looking at the Ministry of the Holy Spirit in evangelism today to enable us understand how we can take advantage of His presence in our lives to win the lost world to the Lord Jesus Christ.
How the Holy Spirit helps us to evangelize: To take advantage of this great gift of God to us in evangelizing, we must first understand that He is God’s special gift to us and therefore cannot be bought with money or earned by good works. He is God’s gift which we must receive by faith to take advantage of. See Acts 1:4-8; Acts 2:38-39; Acts 19:2 and Acts 8:18-24.
Steps to take to involve the Holy Spirit in Evangelism:
1.     The first step anyone must take to be involved in this great harvest is the new birth experience. It is the disciples who are told to make disciples of all nations; not all men. You must first belong; your access point is to be born again. It is only those who are born again that have the privilege to lead other people to Christ. See Jn.3:3-7 and Rm.10:8-10.
2.     The next step is to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. [He has been here since that day of Pentecost when the first century Church first received Him in Acts 2.] This is evidenced in speaking in other tongues as the Holy Spirit empowers you. This is the access point to the supernatural because the Holy Spirit will give you His language which only God and His own angels understand. Also the infilling with the Holy Spirit is one of the signs that marks out a believer and separates him or her from the world. See 1Cor.14:2; 1Cor.13:1 and Mk.16:17.
3.     Pray to God to send labourers into His harvest and ensure you enlist as a labourer. As a labourer, you become an answer to prayer and are instrumental in bringing the good news to others. Some would believe and be saved and some would not believe and be damned. See Mk.16:16; Mt.9:37-38; Lk.10:2 and Jn.4:34-38.
4.     Pray in the Holy Spirit daily to build spiritual capacity for the work of evangelism and be in tune with the Holy Spirit so that He can always use you to help people to know Him. Even when we do not know what and how we should pray, the Holy Spirit will help our weakness. See Rm.8:11 and 26. With His help, we cannot pray amiss [Jas.4:3].
5.     The Holy Spirit will lead you to specific places and people He has prepared to harvest and the work is made easy for you. See the example of Philip helping the Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8:26-40. Also see Acts 16:7-10.
6.     We must demonstrate the gospel we preach by signs and wonders. To move in this realm, we have to understand that we can only work signs and wonders as the Holy Spirit wills and in obedience to His promptings [1Cor.12:11]. This is why we pray in the spirit always to enable us build capacity to hear him easily and obey Him promptly.  Signs happen when you hear a divine command and promptly obey. See Acts 14:8-11; Jn.5:19-22; 30.
7.     When we demonstrate the gospel we preach with signs, multitudes will gather to hear us and be saved because people will not believe except they see signs. Signs are proofs of divine approval. See Jn.4:49; 20:25; 5:36; Acts 2:22 and Mt.4:23-25.
As we come to the end of our month of evangelism, let us understand that it is the beginning of ministering to the lost with greater impact for us and that this habit of evangelism will not pass with this month but will live with us until Jesus comes.
Meanwhile, someone may be reading this that is yet to make a decision for Christ and has just seen the need for this decision and desires to do so right now, you can do it now by saying the following prayer out loud in faith:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:    

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Some Benefits of Evangelism

Messages for November 2016: Our Month of Evangelism
Message for Sunday the 20th of November 2016
Theme: understanding the Publication of the Gospel
Topic: Some Benefits of Evangelism
Ex.23:25-26; Mt.6:33; Prov.11:30; Dan.12:3; Jn.12:24
Introduction: From the beginning of this month we have been looking at the publication of the gospel with special emphasis on understanding evangelism and how it works. So far we have seen what evangelism is and why we evangelize. We have also looked at how to effectively evangelize to the glory of God.
Just as everything else we do with God is very beneficial; so is this most important commission to spread the gospel in this entire world. For this reason, it would be my joy to show us some of what we stand to benefit as we obey God in this great commission called evangelism today.
Some Benefits of Evangelism: As we already know, Evangelism is what we do in service to God in the obedience to the great commission to which we have been assigned. What happens to all who take this great commission seriously is that God considers us to be in His service. Anyone in the service of God sets himself or herself up for all the benefits that accrue to God’s servants some of which we shall be listing below:
1.     Honour:  In John 12:26, the Lord teaches us that if we serve Him, we will follow Him and when we do so, God would honour us. This explains why men and women who have been recognized to walk with God are treated with the same respect people give to God. For instance, Daniel and his companions in the land of Babylon enjoyed the worship of the kings of their time because they stood for God in the face of imminent death if they did not deny their faith in God. See Dan.2:46-49; 3:28-30.
2.     Wages from God: When we work in any institution, we are paid for the work we do by our employer. When we choose to obey the great commission and evangelize, we would have chosen to enlist in God’s work force to win the lost over from the side of Satan to His own side. The result is that we must get paid by God our employer. The beauty of His kind of payment is that the benefits are relevant for time and eternity. We are paid in cash and kind physically and we are also entitled to fruits which we gather for all eternity. So we cannot overemphasize these benefits. See John 4:35-36 and Rev.22:12.
3.     Blessing from God: In Exodus 23:25-26, we learn that when we serve the Lord our God, He in return would bless our food and water and take sickness away from us and forbid bareness and unproductivity of any kind in our lives. This is awesome considering that there are no health benefits of this kind attached to any known employment package in this world. Even those who call themselves gods who are not God cannot boast of this kind of benefit.
4.     Opportunity to display the wisdom of God: In Prov.4:7, we learn that wisdom is the principal subject of life which we must all endeavor to pass and while at that, we must get understanding. We also realize that a lack of understanding is a proof that a person is foolish. In Ecclesiastes 10:15 we are taught that the labour of the foolish wearies every one of them because they do not know how to get to the city. In summation here, we can say that because a soul winner is said to be wise, winning the lost to Christ is a means by which we display the wisdom of God. When Jesus worked signs and wonders in His life time in demonstration of the Gospel, people wondered at him and said among themselves, “what wisdom is this?” As we obey the great commission, we display the wisdom of God and we show that we are wise. See Prov.11:30 and Mk.6:2.
5.     Things others are dying to get become ours cheaply: On one of those occasions when Jesus was teaching, he gave us the key to being able to attain to all that we need to attain to in Matthew 6:33. He said when we seek the kingdom of God and the right way of life in this kingdom; all other things which others are dying to get would be added to us. See His example in Mt.28:18-19 and Jn.17:4 when he fulfilled his divine mission, all power in heaven and on earth was freely given to Him by the father.  You would recall that Satan tempted him with earthly power in Mt.4:8-11 but he overcame the temptation and chose to do things God’s way. Remember those who seek to gain their lives in this world would lose it and those who lose their lives for His sake would gain it. Lk.9:23-25.
6.     Temporal and Eternal glory: In Dan.12:3 we are told that in the end all who are wise would shine like the brightness of the firmament and all who led many to righteousness [winning the lost to Christ] as the stars forever. Note here that the brightness of the firmament is the sun and the stars forever refer to another level of glory. So when we win the lost to Christ, we shall enjoy the star level of Glory. However, the Sun level of glory is reserved for those who continue to win many more to Christ and get them established in faith.
I will draw the curtain for this message here for this week, this message will continue next week with the part two. Meanwhile, someone may be reading this that is yet to make a decision for Christ and has just seen the need for this decision and desires to do so right now, you can do it now by saying the following prayer out loud in faith:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

How to win the unsaved to Christ

Messages for November 2016: Our Month of Evangelism
Message for Sunday the 13th of November 2016
Theme: understanding the Publication of the Gospel
Topic: How to win the unsaved to Christ
Matthew 28:18-20; Mk.16:15-20; Lk.10:1-5; Mt.10:1; Ps.2:8 and Acts 16:30-31
Introduction: Last week, we began this series by looking at what evangelism is and why we must evangelize. we also established that we were looking at evangelism in relation to the great commission handed down to us by the Lord Jesus Christ to make disciples of people of all nation until His eventual return at the second coming. 
For our purpose here, the unsaved refer to people who are yet to make Jesus Christ the Lord of their lives. In Mark 16:16, we are taught by the Lord that whoever believes and is baptized shall be saved and that whoever does not believe in the gospel shall be damned. Therefore, the unsaved are unbelievers whether they have ever heard the gospel or not. Our business is to ensure everyone hears and persuade as many as are given to us to get saved and help them become established in faith. 
Three steps to winning the Lost to Christ 
Step 1 – IntercessionThe salvation of any man or woman vests with God through the Holy Spirit. It is not a humanly possible venture. It is therefore required that we involve God through the prayer of intercession where we stand in the gap on behalf of people requesting for their salvation. When people are saved, God would heal their land and therefore the world around us.  2Chron.7:14.
Note here that God has promised to save the lost at our request. See Ps.2:8. He has also promised to save us and our house if we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. See Acts 16:30-31.  
When we take this first step, God will swing into action as the Holy Spirit and begin to work in the hearts of men to tilt them in his direction. Secondly, He will raise labourers who will be instrumental in harvesting them into the kingdom. He could even raise you as a labourer in the matter. See Luke 10:1-10 and Jn.4:35-38.
Step 2 – ModellingThe second step to take is to model Christ to them so that they can be attracted to the faith. You model Christ to them by walking in the spirit and endeavoring to cultivate and live a godly life. In Gal.5:16, we learn that if we walk in the spirit, we will not fulfill the lust of the flesh. It is only as we live like this, that the lost can find us attractive enough to want to be like us. When we walk in the Spirit, we will bear the fruit of the Spirit as listed in Gal.5:22-23. 
To walk in the spirit, we just need to pay attention to Romans 12:2; 1Tim.4:13-15 and Joshua 1:8 and live that way. 
Step 3 – Publication via evangelism: This is the means by which we cause people to hear the good news to the point of becoming fully persuaded to follow Jesus Christ and become His disciples in deed.  The method Jesus used was preaching, teaching and healing. In other words, He preached, taught and demonstrated the word of God until the people received his message and began to walk in the newness of life. We are expected to do likewise. See Mt.4:23 and Mt.9:35 and also the testimony of the first Century Church in Acts 19:8-12 and Acts 8:1-8.
As we approach the end of today’s message, let us not forget it is our month of evangelism. We must take responsibility to publish this great news. Please note however that only those who are saved can be privileged to publish this great news. If you are not saved yet and wish to get saved right away, please say the following prayer out loud with me in faith and you will be enlisted for this great privilege:
Heavenly Father, 
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen. 
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nannaand on face book on Or email:

What Evangelism is and Why Evangelism

Messages for November 2016: Our Month of Evangelism
Message for Sunday the 6th of November 2016
Theme: understanding the Publication of the Gospel
Topic: what Evangelism is and Why?
Matthew 28:18-20; Mk.16:15-20; Lk.10:1-5 and Mt.10:1
Introduction: Evangelism in the word of God is known popularly as the great commission. It is a great commission because it is actually the master’s last will and Testament to his Church for all generation until His eventual return. This is what the first century Church of Jesus Christ lived and died for and God ensured that the shedding of their blood was not in vain as the gospel has persisted until now. 
In this series, we shall attempt by God’s grace to bring light in this most important great commission to enable us see it’s full import the best we can and to show us how to effectively communicate the gospel God’s way so as to be able to bring in the great harvest that has been assigned to us for this end time. 
What evangelism isFor our purpose, evangelism could be defined as – 
1. To instruct in the gospel. To preach to convert to Christianity. Note here that it is inspired by God and not human motivation. See Matthew 28:19-20; Mk.16:15-20.
2. To preach and attempt to convert people to one’s firmly held belief. Note here that the belief we are talking about here is as spelt out by Apostle Paul in 1Cor.15:1-5 and Jn.3:1-7 and 16-18. This excludes human motivation and embraces divine inspiration. If not, the best people would get here is another religion.
3. It is God’s method for triggering the recolonization of His earth. God originally made man to rule over the earth on His behalf as a colony of heaven. Heaven is a place and eternal life is the way of life of the people from there. It is a relationship with God God’s way. Everyone who gets born again receives eternal life as a gift from God. See John 5:24; 17:3 and John 6:47. Our business on God’s behalf is to recolonize the world by using what the bible has taught us through the help of the Holy Spirit to renew the minds of the converts until they can become established in the faith and repeat the cycle until the earth is filled with the knowledge of God in the hearts of men. This is done effectively through Church planting. See Acts 19:1-20; Rm.16:4 and 1Cor.16:4.
Why Evangelism?
1. It is God’s commandment which we must obey. See Mark 16:15-20; Acts 1:8; 1Cor.9:16-20.
2. Through evangelism, we can help many find their places in destiny and also escape the consequence of eternal destruction which is the destiny of the lost. See John 3:16-20; 17:3-4; Acts 8.
3. Through evangelism, we can plant Churches and with these Churches, we can raise people for God whose minds would be renewed to walk in the ways of God and further the colonization drive of God. Rm.12:2; 1Tim.4:13-16 and 1Titus 1:5
4. This is the fastest means to receive all that God has planned for us. see Mt.6:33 and Lk.22:35
5. It is the means by which we reap God’s harvest and gather fruits unto eternal life and become qualified for divine wages. See Jon.4:34-38and Rev.14:13.
6. We enjoy divine favour thereby. Jn.12:24-26; Lk.22:30 and Mt.19:28.
More could be said on this but for now, we shall draw the curtains. Meanwhile, if you are reading this and are yet to make a decision for Christ, you are yet to qualify to evangelize because it is only disciples who evangelize because it is to them that the Lord committed the great commission assignment. You must therefore be born again first before you can begin to grow to become a disciple. Should you wish to change your present status now, you can say the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be admitted into God’s family and then you can start your journey of growth until you become discipled enough to start taking advantage of this great privilege of participating in the great commission:
Heavenly Father, 
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen. 
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nannaand on face book on Or email:

Welcome to November our month of Evangelism

Welcome to the month of November 2016: Our Month of Evangelism
Matthew 28:18-20; Mk.16:15-20 and Matthew 10:1
As I meditate on the prophetic direction the Lord has given to us for this month, I cannot help but imagine how important the last desire of a loved one expressed to us could be. Now just before the Lord tidied up His work on earth during his first advent, he left us with this very important instruction to make disciples of all nations before his soon return. Some of the early Church fathers like Apostle Paul have taken this instruction so seriously that it resulted in the entire Asia Minor hearing the Gospel in two years. This is an awesome report of victory considering the level of the media reach then. There were neither televisions nor satellites at this time. The people relied on one on one evangelism; and in two years, they had influenced the entire Asia Minor with the gospel.
A closer look at this instruction of the Lord would reveal to us that God’s intention for us is to become instruments in His hands to colonize the entire world to His glory. This was His original intention with the first Adam but Adam rebelled against Him and teamed up with his archenemy Satan. The result is the deplorable state the world is in today. Therefore God had to send the Lord Jesus Christ also known as the last Adam to redeem man to his original place of exercising dominion over the earth to the glory of God. The means by which God has done this is the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord on our behalf and our identification with Him through baptism.  See 1Cor.15:21-22; Gen.2:15-17; Rm.6:4; Col.2:12 and 1Pet.3:21.
Now that we are saved from sin and consequently spiritual death, we have received a new mandate for dominion over the earth which mandated has a broader influence now as we stand and act in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. He said in Matthew 28:18 that all power in heaven and on earth has been delivered to him following His victory on the Cross and eventual resurrection by the faith of the operation of God the Holy Spirit. Now we are called to spread this great news around the world until the kingdom of this world is so saturated with the power of our God and His Christ that the colonization of earth by heaven can no longer be in doubt. In addition, people would no longer be confused as tp who is really in Charge here. Jesus Christ through His death burial and resurrection has raised for himself a nation of kings and priests unto our God and we are expected to reign with Him in the earth. See Rev.1:5-6; Rev.5:9-10 and Rm.5:17.
The bible says in Proverbs 14:28 that in the multitude of people is the King’s honour but in the want of people is the destruction of the prince. This explains why we must evangelize the world telling them the good news of our redemption and further disciple them to walk in the ways of God so that the entire earth would become filled with the knowledge of the glory of God as the waters cover the sea. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the GREAT COMMISSION. Our business as labourers in this end time global harvest season is to win the lost to the Lord and get them established in faith to the point they can repeat the cycle until all come to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. See Num.14:21; Isa.60:1-3; Isa.11:9; Hab.2:14; Mat.28:18-20; Mt.10:1-20; Lk.10:1-2 and Mk16:15-20.
This great month of evangelism is expected to trigger an unprecedented move of God that would cause all other moves of God yet to pale in significance. This time around, would witness the manifestation of the sons of God for which the entire creation has been awaiting as a woman in labour preceding the delivery of her child. This period is going to witness the transformation of lives with such divine speed and beauty that would cause the world to wonder after God and His Church. 
In light of the foregoing, we are going to be looking at the bible way of winning the lost and getting them established in faith. We shall therefore learn how to preach the gospel with convincing signs and wonders so as to win the lost and disciple them for Christ so that indeed on His return, the Lord would find a people prepared.
In the event you are just hearing these truths for the first time or you may have been hearing them and never taken them seriously until now and want to do something about your life, you can do so immediately by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be initiated into the family of God. You canalso follow up your salvation with a discipleship program by contacting us to that effect.
Heavenly Father, 
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen. 
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nannaand on face book on Or email:

Enemies of victory

Messages for October 2016: Our Month of Victory
Message for Sunday the 30th of October 2016
Theme: Understanding the Power of Gratitude and Praise in receiving and sustaining our victory
Topic: Enemies of Victory
Introduction: As we have seen so far in the course of the month, victory is our birthright as believers in Christ. We are even told in 2Cor.2:14 to give thanks to God who always causes us to triumph in Christ. We are also made to understand in 1Tim.6:12 that the fight we are involved in as believers is a good fight. The bible calls it the fight of faith.  It is described as a good fight because we are destined to be victorious in it for several reasons. Some of these reasons are that we have been ordained by God to win. For this reasons, He has blessed us with spiritual weapons that guarantee our victory all the time. 
However, the use of these weapons place certain demands on us that if we fail to attend to these demands, we make ourselves vulnerable and make God look like a liar in our lives when we fail to attain to divine expectations. There are reasons for this kind of failure and I want to tag it the enemies of faith which we shall be looking at today. I believe that as we gain understanding of these truths and make the necessary adjustments in our lives, our victory which is guaranteed cannot be tampered with no matter how hard the enemy tries. 
Enemies of Victory: below are some enemies of victory that I want to identify from the word of God:
1. Unbelief: We are told in 1Jn.5:4 that the victory that overcomes the world is our faith. Therefore, without faith, we cannot begin to talk about victory. Even the fight we are engaged in is referred to as the good fight of faith. The reason it is a good fight is that where faith is present, victory is guaranteed. On the other hand, unbelief is the opposite of faith. In fact, people end up in hell forever because of unbelief. In Jn.3:17-18, we learn that the reason for condemnation to eternal destruction is unbelief. On another occasion, Jesus made his disciples to understand that they were unable to cast out an evil spirit because of their unbelief. See Mt.17:19-20 – also, without faith, it is impossible to please God and we must please God to be assured victory. In Heb.11:6, we are told that it is impossible to please God without faith. Thus when there is unbelief in a person’s heart, faith cannot be there at the same time. This makes unbelief an enemy of our victory. The solution to this problem is to be in the word day and night so as to build enough faith to destroy unbelief and establish faith in our heart to enable us manifest the victory we have been destined for in Christ Jesus.
2. Fear: Fear is an evil spirit sent by the devil to cripple us from exercising faith that would help to establish our dominion over the obstacles of life. In Numbers 13:25-33, we see an example of a people defeated by fear and therefore prevented from entering the Promised Land. If one does not overcome fear with faith and courage, then its crippling effects could hinder its victim and rob the person of their divinely determined victory. We are destined to triumph always in Christ Jesus. God assures us that if fear tempts us, it is not given by Him and makes us understand in 1Tim.1:7 that He has given us the spirit of Power, love and a sound mind.  
3. Carnality: Carnality is the sensual nature of man which is always at war with the Lord. See Rm.8:5-9 and Gal.5:17. Anything that fights against God is indeed an enemy of our victory because we are only victorious through Christ. Consequently, we cannot be victorious without God. this makes carnality one of our greatest enemies. See Jn.15:5 Rm.8:37-39
4. Unforgiveness: One of the keys of the kingdom of God which Jesus Christ handed over to us is the key of forgiveness. The only commandment we are given as New Testament saints is to love one another as Jesus Christ has exemplified to us. This is why the Lord immediately told Peter and His other disciples about the importance of forgiving those who offend us just after He promised to give them the keys of the kingdom about forgiveness in the book of Matthew chapter 18. Further on two occasions when the Lord taught on faith and prayer that would yield results, he showed us that the condition for victory is that we forgive when we have ought against anyone. Also,  our sacrifices to God would not be accepted by Him if there is unforgiveness in our hearts. Therefore unforgiveness would make victory impossible for the believer even though we are destined to win in all the battles of life. This makes unforgiveness a great enemy of victory. See Mk.11:23-26 [kjv]; Matthew 6:12-15; 18:15-35; Jn.13:34-35 and Jn.15:5.
5. Discouragement: Someone once said that God can never use a discouraged servant. To be discouraged means in other words to give up your confidence. Simply put, victory cannot be demonstrated without confidence in God and what He has made you. After the demise of Moses, the first thing God told Joshua whom He raised to continue the work was that he should be of good courage so that he would be able to successfully implement his task of settling God’s people in the promised land. From the events that followed God’s instructions here, it is quite clear that courage was the back bone of Joshua’s victories. In prophecy, the Messiah Jesus Christ was described as one who would not be discouraged until he has set judgement on the earth. See Joshua 1:8-9; Isa.42:1-3 and Acts 2:22.
6. Ingratitude: When people forget the kindness of other people to them and reciprocate the good of others with evil, they are said to be ungrateful. The greatest victim of the ingratitude of people is God. The reason is that in spite of all that we benefit from God, many of us are still unthankful. We murmur and complain at the slightest inconvenience we experience in life. The result of persistent murmuring and complaining is that one ends up incurring the wrath of God and the murmurer would fail in any battle contrary to God’s desire to give them victory. See the story of Israel in Numbers 13-14 especially 14:28. Also, see Lk.17:11-19 and Prov.17:13.
7. Pride: This is a very repulsive attitude in the sight of God as it heralds Satan’s nature operating in a person. The result is that pride announces the fall of the proud as it guarantees the failure of anyone who has embraced that attitude in the conflicts of life. This is why we are told that pride goes before a fall. Anyone who is given to this attitude cannot enjoy victory because this carnal nature would make him or her an enemy of God. God will not give victory to his enemy. The proud must therefore be denied victory. This makes pride an enemy of our victory. No matter how well a person has been doing, if God finds pride in the person, the person would lose grace and enter into disgrace. So pride is an enemy of victory. To enjoy victory consistently, you must overcome pride. See Prov.16:18; Jas.4:6 and 1Pet.5:5-6. 
If you are reading this and find what we are saying strange, it may be because you are yet to make a decision for the Lord. The good news is that you are not far from the kingdom. You can come in right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you shall be saved:
Heavenly Father, 
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name!
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nannaand on face book on Or email:    
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