Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Some Benefits of Evangelism

Messages for November 2016: Our Month of Evangelism
Message for Sunday the 20th of November 2016
Theme: understanding the Publication of the Gospel
Topic: Some Benefits of Evangelism
Ex.23:25-26; Mt.6:33; Prov.11:30; Dan.12:3; Jn.12:24
Introduction: From the beginning of this month we have been looking at the publication of the gospel with special emphasis on understanding evangelism and how it works. So far we have seen what evangelism is and why we evangelize. We have also looked at how to effectively evangelize to the glory of God.
Just as everything else we do with God is very beneficial; so is this most important commission to spread the gospel in this entire world. For this reason, it would be my joy to show us some of what we stand to benefit as we obey God in this great commission called evangelism today.
Some Benefits of Evangelism: As we already know, Evangelism is what we do in service to God in the obedience to the great commission to which we have been assigned. What happens to all who take this great commission seriously is that God considers us to be in His service. Anyone in the service of God sets himself or herself up for all the benefits that accrue to God’s servants some of which we shall be listing below:
1.     Honour:  In John 12:26, the Lord teaches us that if we serve Him, we will follow Him and when we do so, God would honour us. This explains why men and women who have been recognized to walk with God are treated with the same respect people give to God. For instance, Daniel and his companions in the land of Babylon enjoyed the worship of the kings of their time because they stood for God in the face of imminent death if they did not deny their faith in God. See Dan.2:46-49; 3:28-30.
2.     Wages from God: When we work in any institution, we are paid for the work we do by our employer. When we choose to obey the great commission and evangelize, we would have chosen to enlist in God’s work force to win the lost over from the side of Satan to His own side. The result is that we must get paid by God our employer. The beauty of His kind of payment is that the benefits are relevant for time and eternity. We are paid in cash and kind physically and we are also entitled to fruits which we gather for all eternity. So we cannot overemphasize these benefits. See John 4:35-36 and Rev.22:12.
3.     Blessing from God: In Exodus 23:25-26, we learn that when we serve the Lord our God, He in return would bless our food and water and take sickness away from us and forbid bareness and unproductivity of any kind in our lives. This is awesome considering that there are no health benefits of this kind attached to any known employment package in this world. Even those who call themselves gods who are not God cannot boast of this kind of benefit.
4.     Opportunity to display the wisdom of God: In Prov.4:7, we learn that wisdom is the principal subject of life which we must all endeavor to pass and while at that, we must get understanding. We also realize that a lack of understanding is a proof that a person is foolish. In Ecclesiastes 10:15 we are taught that the labour of the foolish wearies every one of them because they do not know how to get to the city. In summation here, we can say that because a soul winner is said to be wise, winning the lost to Christ is a means by which we display the wisdom of God. When Jesus worked signs and wonders in His life time in demonstration of the Gospel, people wondered at him and said among themselves, “what wisdom is this?” As we obey the great commission, we display the wisdom of God and we show that we are wise. See Prov.11:30 and Mk.6:2.
5.     Things others are dying to get become ours cheaply: On one of those occasions when Jesus was teaching, he gave us the key to being able to attain to all that we need to attain to in Matthew 6:33. He said when we seek the kingdom of God and the right way of life in this kingdom; all other things which others are dying to get would be added to us. See His example in Mt.28:18-19 and Jn.17:4 when he fulfilled his divine mission, all power in heaven and on earth was freely given to Him by the father.  You would recall that Satan tempted him with earthly power in Mt.4:8-11 but he overcame the temptation and chose to do things God’s way. Remember those who seek to gain their lives in this world would lose it and those who lose their lives for His sake would gain it. Lk.9:23-25.
6.     Temporal and Eternal glory: In Dan.12:3 we are told that in the end all who are wise would shine like the brightness of the firmament and all who led many to righteousness [winning the lost to Christ] as the stars forever. Note here that the brightness of the firmament is the sun and the stars forever refer to another level of glory. So when we win the lost to Christ, we shall enjoy the star level of Glory. However, the Sun level of glory is reserved for those who continue to win many more to Christ and get them established in faith.
I will draw the curtain for this message here for this week, this message will continue next week with the part two. Meanwhile, someone may be reading this that is yet to make a decision for Christ and has just seen the need for this decision and desires to do so right now, you can do it now by saying the following prayer out loud in faith:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:

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