Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Divine Guidance; The energy for a glorious Destiny Pt.2

Messages for July 2016: Our Month of Destiny
Message for Sunday the 24th of July 2016
Topic:  Divine Guidance; The energy for a glorious Destiny Pt.2
Introduction: Last week, we introduced this topic and saw that it is God’s will to guide us and saw what we stand to gain as we submit to His guidance. We also established that it is God that knows how best to lead us in the journey of life because He is our eternal creator and had a purpose in mind for making each and every one of us. 
However, if we do not know how to receive His guidance, we would waste this great grace of God and end up like the world in darkness even though we have the light of life with us. Therefore, today, we shall be looking at how to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. In other words; today, we shall learn how to know and follow the voice of God. When we know and follow the voice of God, it gives us energy to run on the course of a glorious destiny. 
Some steps to hearing the voice of God
1. Maintain the right environment: This means to make your life one where God wants to visit you and abide with you. What is the right environment?
New birth: After man sinned, he fell short of the glory of God; therefore, he left God’s presence and came under the influence of death where even though God tries to reach him, he is dead to the voice of God. To enable man receive the voice of God, he has to be brought back from spiritual death to eternal life through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. See John 5:24 and Rm.6:23.
Infilling with the Holy Spirit: When we are filled with the Holy Spirit for the first time, it is evidenced by speaking in other tongues as enabled by the Holy Spirit. This is the doorway to the supernatural that enables you connect with more grace for the fulfillment of your destiny. You will thus receive the ability to pray the mind of God always and therefore be in God’s perfect will instead of depending only on your understanding which is grossly limited. It therefore prepares you to walk in the spirit. See Acts 2:38-39 and Eph.5:16-18.
Walk in the Spirit: You would observe here that the capital letter S is used for Spirit here meaning the Spirit of God. So when we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we must walk in Him. In other words, we are to submit to His leading because that is what He came to do; to lead us into all truths. When we do so, then we have created the right environment where He can freely operate in our lives. He would empower us to be obedient enough to get to the next level each time. See Gal.5:16Jn.16:13 and Rom 8:14, 16.
Be filled with the word of God: we are told in the bible to let the word of God dwell in us richly [Col.3:16]. If we allow this to happen, then the Holy Spirit can relate easily with us because He would only speak to us on the platform of the word of God. If we are not friends with the scripture, we cannot hear when He speaks to us because we would not be able to comprehend His voice any other way. Ps.119:9, 11 and Jn.8:31-32.
Walk in obedience to the word of God: In John 14:23, we learn that when we do what Jesus tells us, then He and the Father would come and make their abode with us. This is called divine presence. This is what Moses and the children of Israel enjoyed on their way to the Promised Land. See Ex.33:13-17.
2. Take the steps Prophet Habakkuk taught in Hab.2:1-3
These steps are 
Stillness – maintain silence before the Lord instead of doing all the speaking without waiting to hear him. You can only hear someone speaking to you when you are silent and listening. 
Vision – when He speaks, you could visualize what he is saying to you with ease when you are full of the word. You would be able to see things from His perspective. 
Spontaneity – His voice is communicated to a renewed mind by a spontaneous flow of thoughts which goes on flowing into you through your thoughts until He is done except if you interrupt Him before He is done. 
Journaling – as soon as He begins to speak, write down what you hear him saying until He is done. It is better to hear him to the end before saying whatever you think you have to say. See Jer.36 and Rev.1:10-11.
Seven things you look out for to confirm that the leading you received was from God
1. It will not conflict with the scripture in principle. Isa.8:20; Jer.23:25-29 and 2Pet.1:19.
2. It will bring you peace. Phlp.4:6-7 and Ps.85:8
3. It will release joy into your heart. Ps.16:11 and Lk.24:46-53.
4. It will eventually come to pass if it is futuristic or accurate if it is not of the future but of the past and present. Deu.18:21-22 and Acts.11:28.
5. God confirms it with signs and wonders. See the example of Moses in Exodus and Jesus in the gospels and Acts 2:22.
6. It will not encourage hastiness. Isa.28:16 and Heb.6:12.  
7. It does not release fear but faith in your heart. 1Jn.4:18 and Rm.10:17.
We shall draw the curtain here for today. From what we have been looking at so far, if you are convicted by the Holy Spirit that you have not taken the first step of the new birth, you can do so right away. If you choose to do so,  you can by saying the following prayer out loud in faith:
Heavenly Father, 
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen. 
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nannaand on face book on Or email:    
Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name

Sunday, 17 July 2016

Divine Guidance: The energy for a glorious Destiny Pt.1

Messages for July 2016: Our Month of Destiny
Message for Sunday the 17th of July 2016
Topic: Divine Guidance: The energy for a glorious Destiny Pt.1
Introduction: Whereas vision sets the pace for destiny, divine guidance enables us to run correctly on the course of a glorious destiny. Destiny is the journey we make through life based on the choices we have made. For us to run accurately and with fulfilling speed, we need supernatural energy also known as the joy of The Lord. Peter calls it unspeakable joy full of glory [1Pet.1:8]. However, to access joy on a continuous basis, we must be in touch with God daily through hearing His voice. At the base of the joy of the Lord is His voice. See John 15:11. The good news here is that in the covenant of grace, it is our right to be blessed with the voice of the Lord on a continuous basis. See Jn.10:27 and Rm.8:14. Therefore, to   make the right choices on a consistent basis, we need God’s help [Ps.25:9 & 12] and we can get it based on our intimate relationship with Him [Jn.14:23].
Five reasons why we must receive divine Guidance
It is God’s will for us – Ps.32:8; Jn.10:27-28.
This is the ministry the Holy Spirit came to fulfill – Jn.16:13 and Rm.8:14-16.
We can only fulfil our destinies on the platform of divine guidance. Jer.29:11-13 and Acts 16:6-10.
We can only live profitably when He guides us. Isa.48:17-18.
When God guides us, He helps us by defending us, empowering us and protecting us. Ex.13:21-22; Ps.23; Ps.114 and 2Ch20n.20:1-24.
How God guides
By dreams and or visions: Job 33:14-18 and Dan.2:17-19.
The inward witness: This is the perception we receive from the indwelling Holy Spirit which we cannot prove naturally but we know it to be the truth and eventually, circumstances or future experiences would confirm it. Rm.8:14, 16 and Acts 27:10.
The still small voice of the Holy Spirit: See the example of Elijah in 1Kings 19:9-13.
Circumstances: 1Sam.17.
Prophets: 1Sam.10; Acts 11:28 and21:10-11.
By angels: Rev1:1 & Mt.1:18-25
The word: 1Sam. 3:21 & Lk.3:1-6.
Eight things that happen when He guides us on our destiny’s journey
He goes ahead of us. Is.45:2 and Acts 10 showing the example of God leading Cornelius to Peter for his salvation and that of his house.
He goes with us. See the example of Joseph in Egypt in the house of Potiphar. Gen.39:2-4 and Apostle Paul’s example in Acts 19:8-10 where the Lord gave them the entire Asia minor in 2 years. 
He defends us. Dan.3 and Num.12:1-12.
He causes us to profit in all areas of life. Isa.48:17; Jer.17:5-8.

He fills our hearts with unspeakable joy. 1Pet.1:8; Mt.2:1-2. 9-10.
We enjoy the peace of God. Ps.85:8 & Jn.14:27; 16:33.
We enter into the rest of God that only His faith can bring. Jn.10:27-28, Heb.4:2 and Rm.10:17.
We always triumph in the conflicts of life. See 2Cor.2:14 and 1Tim.6:12.
We shall draw the curtain here for today. From what we have been looking at so far, if you are convicted by the Holy Spirit that you have since been making bad choices, you can change that now. If you choose to do so, it starts only one way, you must first be born again and you can be saved by saying the following prayer out loud in faith:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:   
Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name!

The right thinking for a glorious Destiny

Messages for July 2016: Our Month of Destiny
Message for Wednesday the 13th of July 2016
Topic: The right thinking for a glorious Destiny

Introduction: Today I was talking with someone and was trying to make her see reason why she should stop striving with her former employer and she was not agreeing with me. She refused to even see where she was wrong. As I kept trying to make her see, I discovered that it was no use because her mind set was such that if I kept trying to make her see reason, it would blunt my thinking. I came to the conclusion that people are only as great as they think. It dawned on me that the company we keep is a major key to the way we think. This explains why the author of the book of proverbs teaches that he who companies with the wise shall be wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.
In light of this we shall be learning how to think right from the word of God in our Wednesday series of messages.
The seat of our thought life: The seat of our thought life is our mind. For us to understand what the mind is, we must understand the nature of man.
The nature of man: Man is spirit; he has a soul and lives in a body – 1Thess.5:23, Job 32:8, Eccl. The spirit is also known as the hidden man of the heart or the inner man. It is the real man that God speaks to or relates with. This is because God is a Spirit.
The soul is the intermediary between the spirit and the body. It is the part of man responsible for taking the information from the spirit to the body for awareness. It is the part of man that comprehends and makes decisions. It contains the mind, will and emotions.
The body is made up of the five senses of sight, smell, touch, hearing and feeling. It is the part of man that enables him to live on the earth. It is the visible part of man to the natural eyes. This part of man is what gives him authority on earth. See Jn.5:26-27 - Here, the Lord Jesus Christ showed us that he has authority on earth because he was the son of man. This meant that he had to take on a body to be able to have a voice here. See Ps.115:16; Heb.10:5-7. In the following text of scriptures, he exemplifies this power: Mt.9:6; 12:8 and Lk.5:24.
This part of man authorizes man on earth through the speech. This is why we are taught that we shall have whatever we say and that life and death are in the power of the tongue. See Mark 11:23 and Prov.18:20. In the first scripture, our belief influences what we say on a consistent basis and the result is that they come to pass. We believe in the heart or spirit. This is one scripture where heart is interchangeably used with the spirit of man. See Rm.10:8-10.
For our purpose, we shall be concerned with the soul and particularly the mind which is responsible for thinking and decision making. The will makes the decision based on the emotions and the thoughts. The thought creates the emotions which influences the decisions. This is why the bible says that man is what he thinks. See Prov.23:7.
Why we must learn to think
1. In destiny's journey, we are either blessings or burdens depending on how we think. This is because your thought pattern is who you are. Prov.23:7
2. Since we got saved, we've  been at a war fare between the flesh and the spirit. We win or lose based on how we  think.  Gal.5:17.
3. When we think right, we will walk in the spirit and not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Gal.5:16.
4. We overcome carnality with spirituality. Carnality is a destiny choice for death. Spirituality is a destiny choice for life. Carnality is a way of thinking that is essentially selfish. Spirituality is godly thinking. Deu.30:19-20, Rm.8:5-9.
How to think right
1. Keep the right company. Prov.20:13, Ps.1:1-3. See the example of Amnon and Jonadab in 2Sam.13.
2. Read the word daily.  1Tim.4:13
3. Let the word dwell in you richly through meditation. Jos.1:8, 2Tim.3:16.
4. Then consciously renew your mind. Rom.12:2. You do so by making use of your power to choose. You choose to follow God's thinking pattern and discard the world's way of thinking. See Deu.30:19-20; Rev.2:6.

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Vision: the foundation for a Glorious destiny

Messages for July 2016: Our Month of Destiny
Message for Sunday the 10th of July 2016
Topic:  Vision the foundation for a Glorious destiny 
IntroductionLast week, we established that one is running on either of two courses of destiny namely a glorious or a woeful destiny. Our studies in this series are going to be emphasizing the ways of God and therefore we are looking at running on the course of a glorious destiny. The ways of God when followed, always results in the pursuit of a glorious destiny. This is the destiny of life as opposed to that of death. Today, we shall be looking at vision in the light of its being the foundation that sets us on the course of the pursuit of a glorious destiny. We shall therefor list a few things that people have confused for vision that are not really it to enable us eliminate any possibility of misinterpreting vision for something else. 
What vision is not
1. Vision is not necessarily a dream of the night even though it can be communicated by it. Jer.23:25-32
2. Vision is not ambition without divine involvement. See Gal.1:9-16
3. Vision is not imagination drawn from any other source than God.It is not a product of sorcery. See the example of Saul with the witch of Endor in 1Sam.28:3-20.
4. Vision is not a personal impression that was not given by God.
5. Vision is not situation. This is a direction arrived at as a result of what one is going through at a particular time in life. See Jer.23:21
6. Vision is not reaction. This is a decision based on personal dissatisfaction with others. For instance going to start a business just because you do not like how you were being treated at your place of work or you want to be as successful as others you used to be at par with. Eccl.7:17
7. Vision does not confirm a decision not authored by God. The affirmation of others in deciding what steps to take in life does not amount to a vision. No amount of confirmation by people can put words in God’s mouth to give you that vision he has not purposed for you. See 1Kings 22:19-25.
8. It is not a product of association with other men. 1Sam.10:11.
9. It is not a natural instinct /inspiration. In most cases, God calls people without a natural ability for the job and engraces them with the ability. Moses is a very good example.
What then is vision?
Vision is a divine revelation of God’s purpose for your life to you. Mt.1:21; Gal.1:15-16.
It is a revelation of a preferred future that enables you to know your destination in life. This revelation was already in the mind of God before he made you. It is the reason why God made you. See Jer.1:4-5; 29:11
Vision cannot be invented because it is not original with man. It is a product of our discovery. We discover it from our manufacturer God. See Paul’s letter to the Galatians [Gal.1:15-16] where he talked about his experience in Acts 9.
Vision and destiny:
Whereas vision is God’s revelation to us about our purpose, destiny is the pursuit of that purpose until we arrive at the glorious destination intended by God for us in time and in eternity. 
All that can be truly called success in time are the arrival at the glorious destination [while we are still on earth] God had in mind for us before making us. Examples of these include all of the successes we record in our various mission outreaches, getting out of poverty into financial wealth God’s way and living in such a way that all grace is abounding towards us causing us to have all sufficiency in all things and abounding to every good work. See 2Cor.9:8.
Eventually, the pursuit of God’s plan and purpose for our lives also known as destiny, would land us in an eternity on God’s side and we would thereby be spared the throes of an eternity in heaven with regrets about not being and doing all we were ordained for or the extreme eternal loss of an eternity in hell. See 1Cor.9:24-27; Mt.5:30; 2Cor.5:9-10 and Rev.20:15.
In summation, let us understand that it is vision that sets the pace for the pursuit of a glorious destiny. Without vision, destiny cannot begin because vision unfolds the destiny plan of God for you to you then you start to run in it. See Hab.2:1-3.
We shall draw the curtain here for today. From what we have been looking at so far, if you are convicted by the Holy Spirit that you have since been living without a vision from God, you can change that now. If you choose to do so, it starts only one way, you must first be born again and you can be saved by saying the following prayer out loud in faith:
Heavenly Father, 
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen. 
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on Or email:    
Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name!

Saturday, 2 July 2016


Messages for July 2016: Our Month of Destiny
Message for Sunday the 3rd of July 2016
Topic:  TWO KINDS OF DESTINIES – Deu.30:19 and Jn.3:16
Introduction: As we enter into the second half of this year, there is no better time to take stock of our lives with more attention to the things that matter the most than now. This is because of the speed with which time seem to be running now. As we approach the end of the age, the flurry of activities in heaven keeps heralding the soon return of the Lord. All the signs of the time preceding his return have almost been fulfilled and we are what could be described as injury time now. God is observing our lives in relation to the harvest as we are to harvest into the kingdom as many people as possible now before the trumpet sounds. This is why this message is so apt for now. As we look at this series, let us understand that your life is only as relevant to God as the extent to which you participate in His end time harvest. Whatever you have been blessed with is meant for that purpose so let us be aware and fulfill our destinies.
What is Destiny? The Oxford dictionary of current English defines Destiny as a predetermined course of events. However, the word of God has a more comprehensive definition of destiny because of the addition of the very important element of choice. In Deu.30:19, we are told by God through Moses that He has offered us an option between life and death and blessing and cursing. He urged us to choose life.
Destiny can therefore be defined as a predetermined course of events determined by your choice. From our text, it is clear that we are presented with either of two choices namely life or death.
Secondly, destiny is the journey of life controlled by what choices we have made in respect of God’s purpose for our lives.
From our definition, it is clear that we are all going to take a journey of life based on what we choose to do with the word of God. What choice you make would determine where the end of your journey also known as your destination would be.
Choosing the Destiny of life:
When a person chooses the way of life, this is what his destiny would look life and how he will end up:
He will make good decisions that honor God and therefore would get born again when he hears the gospel preached. Jn.3:16 and Mark 16:16
He will tremble at the word of God and therefore, God would honor him. See Isa.66:1-2 and 1Sam.2:30.
He will cultivate an intimate relationship with God that will make God supervise the choices he would make. Ps.25:12 – God called David a man after his heart because he maintained the habit in Ps.1:1-3. He called Abraham his friend because of his prompt obedience and passion to pass on the legacy of walking with God to his children. See Gen.18:17-19; Isa.41:8 and Jn.15:14. What would you be most remembered for? Can God call you His friend? The choice is yours.
He would love the Lord with all his heart. See Jos.22:5; Mark 12:30 and Matt.22:37-40.
He will truly love people without any hidden agenda. See Matt.22:39; Jn.13:34-35 and Matt.7:12.
He will live to fulfill his destiny making impacts that are not only transgenerational but eternal. A good example of this is Apostle Paul whose letters to the Churches he planted is still being used to teach in Churches today. See Heb.11 about the heroes of faith in the word of God.
He will bear fruit of righteousness to God. Rm.7:4; Gal.5:22-23 and Jn.4:34-36
He will stay connected to God and would not be cut off for being fruitless. See Jn.15:1-8 and Matt.25:31-34 and  41.
Choosing the destiny of death:
He will make bad decisions that dishonor God and therefore would refuse to be saved. He will therefore be excluded from eternal life. See Jn.3:16-19; Jn.17:3 and the example of the rich young ruler in Mt.19:21-22 who went away sorrowful because of a bad decision.
 If they get saved, they live carnal lifestyles that eventually terminate in death and or eternal damnation as the proverbial dog in Rev.22:15. See 1Cor.2:14; Rm.8:5-9; Prov.26:11; 2Pet.2:22 and Gal.5:17.
He cannot cultivate an intimate relationship with God because he will not be on the same page with God. God is a Spirit and seek worshippers who would worship Him in spirit and in truth. See Jn.4:23-24 and 1Cor.2:12-14.
He does not have value for the word of God and so cannot fulfill his destiny which can only be fulfilled on the platform of walking with God. We cannot walk with God if we do not let his word abide in us richly. See 2Tim.3:15-17 and Ps.1:1-3.
He would end up a fruitless person. He cannot be productive in a way that would be of any positive eternal relevance no matter how hard he tries. See Jn.15:1-5, 8, 16; Rm.7:4 and 2Pet.1:8-9.
We shall draw the curtain here for today. From what we have been looking at so far, if you are convicted by the Holy Spirit that you have since been making bad choices, you can change that now. If you choose to do so, it starts only one way, you must first be born again and you can be saved by saying the following prayer out loud in faith:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:   
Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name!

Friday, 1 July 2016

Welcome to the month of July 2016: Our Month of Destiny

Welcome to the month of July 2016: Our Month of Destiny
Deut. 30:19-20; Jer.1:4-5, 29:11; Mt.1:21-23; Luk.1:76-77; Eph.3:8 and Gal.1:15-16
Several years ago when I was about the age of seven, I was standing in the front of a mirror in my parents’ room and looking back at the image staring at me from the mirror and all of a sudden, I was gripped by a strange fear I could not understand. Then a thought began to scroll through my mind. I was wondering who it was staring at me from the mirror. Where did this person come from and how did this person come about. Just as I thought I was going crazy as the thoughts were going beyond what my little mind could comprehend; a calm voice from inside me began to speak up. 
I heard this voice say to me by way of my own thoughts. People are born into this world, they grow up, get married, have children and raise them and after a while, they grow old and later die and the cycle begins again. After a while, these people are forgotten. All of a sudden, without realizing what I was doing, I responded to the thought aggressively with the answer that I will not pass through this world like every other person; I will not leave this world the way I met it. I will make a difference. The whole experience cleared up and I went back to being a child again. Little did I know that the voice I heard was God’s voice. I was not even born again then. I was even so rebellious that I used to steal the offering that was given to me to go to Church by not dropping it in the offering basket. I would rather go and buy bean cake with it at the street corner near the Church.
I thank God that about three years later, I got born again for the first time at the age of ten. My rebellious tendencies showed up again when at fifteen I told God I wanted to backslide because I felt it was too hard to serve him. However, about eight years later, I realized it was better for me to rededicate my life to Christ than to live outside him. This time, I sought to know how to stay saved and God revealed to me the importance of living by the word and I am so grateful for that because that marked the beginning of a glorious destiny for me.
I decided to share my story even though it may not sound interesting to you as you may not be able to relate with it. However, one thing is common to us all and that is the fact that each of us has a life to live. The way we choose to live it may vary from person to person and that is in order because each of us is unique. However, one thing is common to us all, and that is the truth that life on earth is a journey that would terminate one day in eternity. However, many of us are oblivious of this truth and as such are living as though everything starts and end here on earth. So people work so hard to acquire so much for themselves just to boost their personal ego without realizing that by their lifestyle, they have signed up for a destiny of frustration powered by lack of fulfillment.
Those who have ever made any difference in time that reflected in eternal relevance were people who encountered the author of life and became conscious of their purpose for living in time and fulfilled their purpose before the gift of time was taken from them and they came face to face with the creator.
What then is destiny? It is a predetermined course of events determined by the choices we make. When making choices in life, we are either making one for life or one for death. We choose life when we take responsibility to know the mind of God concerning our lives and live that way until all that he has written concerning us find expression [Deu.30:19-20]. Each of our days are written in God’s book and it behooves us to find out from Him our specific purpose and do so in time so as to fulfill our destinies having run our course with joy like the prophet Jeremiah, John the Baptist, Apostle Paul and the Lord Jesus Christ. The stories of people like Moses have outlived them because like these people, they were destiny conscious and purpose driven. See Ps.139:16 and all our text scriptures above.
Have you found out why you were born? Are you living to fulfill your purpose? Will you pass away with time or will you maintain eternal relevance? Will your good works be qualitative enough to endure the fire of God’s judgement and be sustained or will it pass as though you were never born?
These are the questions we will seek to be answering this month as we look at a series I title: UNDERSTANDING HOW TO FULFILL YOUR DESTINY. However, if you are reading this message and you have not made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, you are yet to commence on the path of a glorious destiny. We do not seek to fulfill a destiny that would not be glorious. Should you wish to run on this glorious destiny course, please do get enlisted by saying the following prayer out loud so you can be born again:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:   
Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name!