Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Vision: the foundation for a Glorious destiny

Messages for July 2016: Our Month of Destiny
Message for Sunday the 10th of July 2016
Topic:  Vision the foundation for a Glorious destiny 
IntroductionLast week, we established that one is running on either of two courses of destiny namely a glorious or a woeful destiny. Our studies in this series are going to be emphasizing the ways of God and therefore we are looking at running on the course of a glorious destiny. The ways of God when followed, always results in the pursuit of a glorious destiny. This is the destiny of life as opposed to that of death. Today, we shall be looking at vision in the light of its being the foundation that sets us on the course of the pursuit of a glorious destiny. We shall therefor list a few things that people have confused for vision that are not really it to enable us eliminate any possibility of misinterpreting vision for something else. 
What vision is not
1. Vision is not necessarily a dream of the night even though it can be communicated by it. Jer.23:25-32
2. Vision is not ambition without divine involvement. See Gal.1:9-16
3. Vision is not imagination drawn from any other source than God.It is not a product of sorcery. See the example of Saul with the witch of Endor in 1Sam.28:3-20.
4. Vision is not a personal impression that was not given by God.
5. Vision is not situation. This is a direction arrived at as a result of what one is going through at a particular time in life. See Jer.23:21
6. Vision is not reaction. This is a decision based on personal dissatisfaction with others. For instance going to start a business just because you do not like how you were being treated at your place of work or you want to be as successful as others you used to be at par with. Eccl.7:17
7. Vision does not confirm a decision not authored by God. The affirmation of others in deciding what steps to take in life does not amount to a vision. No amount of confirmation by people can put words in God’s mouth to give you that vision he has not purposed for you. See 1Kings 22:19-25.
8. It is not a product of association with other men. 1Sam.10:11.
9. It is not a natural instinct /inspiration. In most cases, God calls people without a natural ability for the job and engraces them with the ability. Moses is a very good example.
What then is vision?
Vision is a divine revelation of God’s purpose for your life to you. Mt.1:21; Gal.1:15-16.
It is a revelation of a preferred future that enables you to know your destination in life. This revelation was already in the mind of God before he made you. It is the reason why God made you. See Jer.1:4-5; 29:11
Vision cannot be invented because it is not original with man. It is a product of our discovery. We discover it from our manufacturer God. See Paul’s letter to the Galatians [Gal.1:15-16] where he talked about his experience in Acts 9.
Vision and destiny:
Whereas vision is God’s revelation to us about our purpose, destiny is the pursuit of that purpose until we arrive at the glorious destination intended by God for us in time and in eternity. 
All that can be truly called success in time are the arrival at the glorious destination [while we are still on earth] God had in mind for us before making us. Examples of these include all of the successes we record in our various mission outreaches, getting out of poverty into financial wealth God’s way and living in such a way that all grace is abounding towards us causing us to have all sufficiency in all things and abounding to every good work. See 2Cor.9:8.
Eventually, the pursuit of God’s plan and purpose for our lives also known as destiny, would land us in an eternity on God’s side and we would thereby be spared the throes of an eternity in heaven with regrets about not being and doing all we were ordained for or the extreme eternal loss of an eternity in hell. See 1Cor.9:24-27; Mt.5:30; 2Cor.5:9-10 and Rev.20:15.
In summation, let us understand that it is vision that sets the pace for the pursuit of a glorious destiny. Without vision, destiny cannot begin because vision unfolds the destiny plan of God for you to you then you start to run in it. See Hab.2:1-3.
We shall draw the curtain here for today. From what we have been looking at so far, if you are convicted by the Holy Spirit that you have since been living without a vision from God, you can change that now. If you choose to do so, it starts only one way, you must first be born again and you can be saved by saying the following prayer out loud in faith:
Heavenly Father, 
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen. 
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on Or email:    
Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name!

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