Sunday, 17 July 2016

The right thinking for a glorious Destiny

Messages for July 2016: Our Month of Destiny
Message for Wednesday the 13th of July 2016
Topic: The right thinking for a glorious Destiny

Introduction: Today I was talking with someone and was trying to make her see reason why she should stop striving with her former employer and she was not agreeing with me. She refused to even see where she was wrong. As I kept trying to make her see, I discovered that it was no use because her mind set was such that if I kept trying to make her see reason, it would blunt my thinking. I came to the conclusion that people are only as great as they think. It dawned on me that the company we keep is a major key to the way we think. This explains why the author of the book of proverbs teaches that he who companies with the wise shall be wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.
In light of this we shall be learning how to think right from the word of God in our Wednesday series of messages.
The seat of our thought life: The seat of our thought life is our mind. For us to understand what the mind is, we must understand the nature of man.
The nature of man: Man is spirit; he has a soul and lives in a body – 1Thess.5:23, Job 32:8, Eccl. The spirit is also known as the hidden man of the heart or the inner man. It is the real man that God speaks to or relates with. This is because God is a Spirit.
The soul is the intermediary between the spirit and the body. It is the part of man responsible for taking the information from the spirit to the body for awareness. It is the part of man that comprehends and makes decisions. It contains the mind, will and emotions.
The body is made up of the five senses of sight, smell, touch, hearing and feeling. It is the part of man that enables him to live on the earth. It is the visible part of man to the natural eyes. This part of man is what gives him authority on earth. See Jn.5:26-27 - Here, the Lord Jesus Christ showed us that he has authority on earth because he was the son of man. This meant that he had to take on a body to be able to have a voice here. See Ps.115:16; Heb.10:5-7. In the following text of scriptures, he exemplifies this power: Mt.9:6; 12:8 and Lk.5:24.
This part of man authorizes man on earth through the speech. This is why we are taught that we shall have whatever we say and that life and death are in the power of the tongue. See Mark 11:23 and Prov.18:20. In the first scripture, our belief influences what we say on a consistent basis and the result is that they come to pass. We believe in the heart or spirit. This is one scripture where heart is interchangeably used with the spirit of man. See Rm.10:8-10.
For our purpose, we shall be concerned with the soul and particularly the mind which is responsible for thinking and decision making. The will makes the decision based on the emotions and the thoughts. The thought creates the emotions which influences the decisions. This is why the bible says that man is what he thinks. See Prov.23:7.
Why we must learn to think
1. In destiny's journey, we are either blessings or burdens depending on how we think. This is because your thought pattern is who you are. Prov.23:7
2. Since we got saved, we've  been at a war fare between the flesh and the spirit. We win or lose based on how we  think.  Gal.5:17.
3. When we think right, we will walk in the spirit and not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Gal.5:16.
4. We overcome carnality with spirituality. Carnality is a destiny choice for death. Spirituality is a destiny choice for life. Carnality is a way of thinking that is essentially selfish. Spirituality is godly thinking. Deu.30:19-20, Rm.8:5-9.
How to think right
1. Keep the right company. Prov.20:13, Ps.1:1-3. See the example of Amnon and Jonadab in 2Sam.13.
2. Read the word daily.  1Tim.4:13
3. Let the word dwell in you richly through meditation. Jos.1:8, 2Tim.3:16.
4. Then consciously renew your mind. Rom.12:2. You do so by making use of your power to choose. You choose to follow God's thinking pattern and discard the world's way of thinking. See Deu.30:19-20; Rev.2:6.

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