Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Gratitude and Praise as Weapons of spiritual warfare

Messages for October 2016: Our Month of Victory
Message for Sunday the 2nd of October 2016
Theme: Understanding the Power of Gratitude and Praise in receiving and sustaining our victory
Topic: Gratitude and Praise as Weapons of spiritual warfare
2Cor.10:3-6; Matt.16:19; Ps.149; Rev.12:11 and 2Cor.2:14
Introduction: In the realm of the spirit, there is a real war going on all the time and the target is to gain control over mankind. God created man in His image and after His likeness and intended for them to rule over the earth on his behalf. Sadly, man gave in to the temptation of God’s archenemy called the devil. The devil’s intention was to take over God’s earth and man and try to control them against God with the intent of causing God grief. Contrary to his expectation, God came in the form of man and rescued mankind from the dominion of darkness where Satan had taken man so that we can reign as kings and priest on earth with the Lord against the desire of the enemy of God. Jesus defeated Satan and arose from the dead so that we can also live eternally if we believe in him. See Jn.5:24 and Col.1:12-13.
Since then, all who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ is faced with the constant conflict with the enemy who works through the flesh to bring man down to his evil domain again. However, Jesus did a thorough work at redemption and did not leave Himself without a witness. He raised men of God who were led by the Holy Spirit to put His word together in writing and it has become the creator’s manual for mankind and his environment. He said that He would give us the keys of the kingdom of God to enable us bind and loose. From God’s word, we have seen that a major key we have been given to bind and lose on earth is the key of gratitude and praise. With this, we can defeat the enemy every time if we understand how and when to use it.  
Gratitude and Praise as weapons of war: Clearly, gratitude or thanksgiving can be defined as appreciating God for what He has done. Praise on the other hand is appreciating God for who He is. These two go hand in hand as they are the protocol of access to God at any time. See Ps.100:4.
A common misconception about these two is that they must be presented to God in song. While we can render them in songs, they are essentially the fruit of our lips based on the meditations of our hearts. If we just sing songs to God without the heart connection, we would merely be singing songs and neither praise nor thanksgiving would truly be communicated as God works with the heart. See Isa.29:13; Mt.15:8; Mk.7:6; Rm.3:13; Ps.9:1; Ps.111:1; Jer.17:9-10 and Heb.13:5.
As weapons, no scripture lists out this principle like Ps.149. we learn the following lessons from this scripture about the use of praise and thanksgiving as weapons:
1.     It starts with a covenant – “Let Israel rejoice in him that made him: let the children of Zion be joyful in their King …” The name Israel and Zion are both names issuing from a covenant with God. God changed Jacob’s name to Israel to enable Him establish his covenant which devolved on Jacob from Isaac the son of Abraham. Therefore, for one to be able to use praise as a weapon, the person must have entered into covenant relationship with God through the new birth experience. In other words, you must first belong to God’s family. See Jn.3:3-8; Gen.34:24-28 and Ps.22:3.
2.     It is activated by a personal relationship with God: So many people sing songs they call praise without any impact. If the one praising lacks this vital relationship, it is so easy for such a person to become a casualty in spiritual warfare just like the sons of Sceva in Acts 19:13-16. See also Jn.3:16-19 and Rm.6:23.
3.     When they are rendered in songs or high praises, they must be done joyfully: The reason for this is that joy is the activator of the power of God to produce. Where there is no joy, there would be bareness. When this is the case, this weapon would not be able to produce the harvest of victory. See Joel 1:12 and Isa.12:3.
4.     This weapon executes the word of God’s Judgment on the wicked faster than any other: We are made to understand in 2Cor.10:3-6 that our weapons are mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds and has the capacity to enforce obedience of the judged only when our obedience is complete.
5.     This weapon is used in righteousness: This again takes us to the heart because we believe with the heart and become justified or righteous before God. Then we are expected to use this weapon in obedience. This makes this weapon most effective when we use it by the leading of the Holy Spirit. It will rout the enemy of our souls any day and any time. See Rm.10:9-10; Ps.149:5-9 and 2Chron.20:1-24.
6.     This weapon can be used anywhere and taking any posture: You can use this weapon lying down on your bed or walking along the road or carrying out your chores at home. Ps.149:5-9.  
We shall stop here for now. More would be said on this next week. Meanwhile, if you are reading this resource and are yet to make a commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ, this is your opportunity. You can do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud and you will be saved:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at www.kingdomheirsministries.org and our blogs at www.flourishinggirl.blogspot.com and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on www.facebook.com/flourishinggirl www.facebook.com/khmii2015; www.facebook.com/thewellbeingcenter. Or www.facebook.com/kingdomjointheirsfamily email:  jointheirsfamily@gmail.com.   

Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name! 

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