Messages for April 2017: Our Month of Divine
Message for Sunday
the 23rd of April, 2017
Theme: Understanding our
right to Divine Healing and Health in the Covenant of Grace
Topic: The Great Physician’s
prescription pt.2
Introduction: Last week, we began to look at the first part of the
above topic. We already established in the course of this series that it is
God’s will that we should not only be healed but to be in health even as our
souls prosper. In the course of exploring the prosperity of our souls, we saw
that the extent to which we can prosper in our bodies and minds is determined
by the extent to which our souls have prospered. Consequently, that the health
status of our bodies indicates the extent to which we have had our minds
renewed regarding God’s will for our total health.
We also learnt that God is not only interested in
healing us and causing us to stay healthy, he also wants to make us agents of
His healing grace. It is to this end he has given us his prescription for our
total healing and health which we began to examine last week. We also saw the
prescription of the word and the gift and ministry of the Holy Spirit last
week. Today, we shall continue with some more prescriptions for our total
healing and health.
The great Physician’s prescription:
3. The keys
of the kingdom of heaven: In Matthew 16:19 after Peter had confessed
the Lordship of Christ, Jesus said the following words to the Church including
you and I: “… And I will give thee the
keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be
bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt lose on earth shalt be losed in
heaven.” From this text, we can see that there are certain keys that belong
to heaven which if delivered to the saints on earth would enable us to bind and
lose. Please understand that we can bind and lose many things. For our purpose
here, we can bind sickness and disease and remove them from ourselves and
others and lose the healing virtue of God upon ourselves and them through the
use of the keys of the kingdom of heaven. When we operate these keys of the
kingdom of heaven here on earth, heaven approves of them through the
manifestation of the glory of God by healing signs and wonders wrought by God
to prove his approval. See Acts 2:22 and John 5:36.
When Jesus walked the sands of time, he taught us in
Matt.5:14-16 that we are the light of the world and that the means by which we
shine as lights is our good works. A look at the word of God tells us that good
works include the healing of sickness and disease. For instance in Acts 10:38,
we are made to understand that the good works Jesus Christ was that he went
about doing was healing all that were oppressed of the devil. So from that
text, we know that sickness is an oppression of the devil and that the good
work required to stop it was healing the sick. Furthermore about seventy
percent of the miracles that Jesus worked were healing related.
Jesus said he did nothing by himself and that he
only did what he saw the father doing. As at this time, only he had access to
the father enough to see what the father was doing. For us at this time, the
keys of the Kingdom that Jesus talks about in Matthew 16:19 refers to the
mysteries Apostle Paul was talking about in Col.1:26-27 that the salvation of
Jews and gentiles together is a mystery to be summed up in the words “Christ in
you the hope of glory”. To this end, by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in
each of us, we have a legal right of access to all that God is and has which is
another definition of His glory. See Rm.8:11 and Eph.3:14-20.
From our text, we see that the Lord packages the
keys of the kingdom in mysteries hidden for our glory.
What are mysteries: They are secrets embedded in
scriptures and revealed by God to His holy apostles and prophets for their use
to bring help to the Church and glorify God. These mysteries; when applied as
prescribed by God are always authenticated by Him with signs and wonders. Some
of these mysteries were applied by the ancients in the bible to work such
miraculous signs by which God has glorified himself over and over again to set
himself apart from all other gods. A good example was the crossing of the Red Sea by Moses just stretching his rod towards the sea.
Please understand that the proof that these signs are from God is that the
persons applying them must do so to glorify God and not self. Also, understand
that signs and wonders are not the sole means of divine authentication; the
persons operating them must bear the fruit of the spirit. This explains why
Jesus Christ said by their fruits you shall know them. See Mt.7:15-27. Some of
these mysteries are as follows:
mystery of forgiveness of the wrong of others to you: The healing of sickness and
disease and the ability to stay healthy is God relationship based. Therefore
access into these graces is by faith in God. In the exercise of our faith, we
must play by the rules. For instance if we trust God to heal us and keep us
healthy, our access would be by the prayer of faith. Going to God by this means places a demand of
walking in forgiveness on the one who wants to access God for healing and
divine health. If the person fails to meet this demand, healing and divine
health become a mirage to such a person. The result is that the person may have
to manage their health by the weak help of man all their lives and this may
even affect their ability to fulfill their destinies. See Mk.11:24-26 [KJV];
Mt.6:14-16 and the analogy of the unmerciful servant Jesus taught about in the
book of Matthew chapter 18. Please understand that this was the first key of
the Kingdom Jesus gave to us after he talked about giving us the keys of the
kingdom. Examples abound in our dispensation of people who only got healed
after they were led to do this word of God by the Holy Spirit and they obeyed. I personally had this experience once in the
mission field when I was just not getting healed of typhoid. When I sought to
know from God why I was not getting healed in spite of all the faith I had
released, He told me he had not found my love walk perfect. At the time, I knew
of someone I needed to forgive and I released the person immediately and
immediately began to recover from that day. By this time, my situation had left
me so weak that I had to go for Medicare as I did not have the strength to keep
exercising faith at the time. Forgiveness is necessary because faith works by
love and one of the demonstrations of the love of God is the ability to
forgive. See Gal.5:6.
mystery of healing by points of contacts: This is a ministry of the
Holy Spirit through his Apostles and Prophets designed by the Lord to take care
of mass healings especially when access to the said minister of God is difficult
or impossible because of the multitude of people seeking help at the time. The
bible refers to these points of contacts as mantles. This was exemplified by
the story of the woman with the issue of blood for twelve years who got healed
after she touched the hem of the garment of the Lord Jesus Christ in Mrk.5 and
the multitude of people who got healed
just from doing the same thing in Mt.14:35-36 and Mark 6:56. Also, in the early
Church, this mystery was applied by the disciples in Acts 5:12-16 and Acts
mystery of tithing: Tithing is a law set by God in the Old Testament to enable to him fend
for his servants at the time. Failure to tithe at this time was viewed as
robbing God and visited with sever consequences. The consequence of not tithing
would include disease and sickness which are some of the devourers God promised
to rebuke if we tithe. See Mal.3:8-12 and Gen.14:18-20; Lev.27:30 and
Num.18:28. The principle of tithing was ratified in the New Testament by the
Lord in Matthew 23:23 where He said we ought to do it and the word of God in
Hebrews Chapter 7 where we learn that tithing is a spiritual transaction
between the saint and God; Jesus Christ being our High Priest. When we tithe on
earth, Jesus Christ receives it from us in heaven. See Heb.3:1.
The Holy
Communion mystery: This mystery was instituted by the Lord before His death, burial and
resurrection when he had the last supper with his disciples. He told them to do
this often in remembrance of him. When we do this, we remember that he shed his
blood so that we can be forgiven our sins by God because without the shedding
of blood there can be no remission [Heb.9:22-28]. His blood was the only
acceptable one for our eternal redemption. Secondly, we remember the injury
with which he was inflicted which was done for our healing. [Isa.53:1-5;
1Pet.2:24 and Mt.8:17]. Please understand that sin was the means by which Satan
was able to afflict mankind with disease and sickness. When we embrace the
sacrifice of the blood of Jesus Christ on the Cross, we receive forgiveness of
sin and become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus [2Cor.5:21]. Therefore,
we can be healed of any sickness thereby [1Pet.2:24]. In addition, when we do
the word of God to remember him and take the Holy Communion often, we can walk
in divine health for real. This is the means by which God gave me victory over
sickness and he will do the same for any one who believes. Please understand
that this mystery can be administered on children contrary to some religious
persuasions because they are the perfect example Jesus presented to us of those
to whom the Kingdom of heaven pertain [see Mt.18:1-5; 19:13-14; Mk.10:14-15 and
Lk.18:16-17]. Further, Apostle Paul clarifies in 1Cor.11:20-34 that a proper
administration of the Holy Communion would keep us from being sickly, weak or
dying untimely. See
Mt. 26:26-29;
Mk.14:22-25; Jn.6:48-58 and Lk.22:15-20.
I will stop here today but more
can be said on the keys of the kingdom next time as the Lord permits. Meanwhile
the first access to the grace of God is the new birth experience. If you are
reading this content and are yet to make Jesus Christ your Lord, today is your
day. Please do so right away to assure your healing and staying healthy by the
covenant of grace by saying the following prayer out loud in faith:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a
sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the
dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour
and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus
Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more
information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please
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