Wednesday, 26 April 2017

The Great Physician’s prescription pt.2

Messages for April 2017: Our Month of Divine Health
Message for Sunday the 23rd of April, 2017
Theme: Understanding our right to Divine Healing and Health in the Covenant of Grace
Topic: The Great Physician’s prescription pt.2
Introduction: Last week, we began to look at the first part of the above topic. We already established in the course of this series that it is God’s will that we should not only be healed but to be in health even as our souls prosper. In the course of exploring the prosperity of our souls, we saw that the extent to which we can prosper in our bodies and minds is determined by the extent to which our souls have prospered. Consequently, that the health status of our bodies indicates the extent to which we have had our minds renewed regarding God’s will for our total health.
We also learnt that God is not only interested in healing us and causing us to stay healthy, he also wants to make us agents of His healing grace. It is to this end he has given us his prescription for our total healing and health which we began to examine last week. We also saw the prescription of the word and the gift and ministry of the Holy Spirit last week. Today, we shall continue with some more prescriptions for our total healing and health.
The great Physician’s prescription:
3. The keys of the kingdom of heaven: In Matthew 16:19 after Peter had confessed the Lordship of Christ, Jesus said the following words to the Church including you and I: “… And I will give thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt lose on earth shalt be losed in heaven.” From this text, we can see that there are certain keys that belong to heaven which if delivered to the saints on earth would enable us to bind and lose. Please understand that we can bind and lose many things. For our purpose here, we can bind sickness and disease and remove them from ourselves and others and lose the healing virtue of God upon ourselves and them through the use of the keys of the kingdom of heaven. When we operate these keys of the kingdom of heaven here on earth, heaven approves of them through the manifestation of the glory of God by healing signs and wonders wrought by God to prove his approval. See Acts 2:22 and John 5:36.
When Jesus walked the sands of time, he taught us in Matt.5:14-16 that we are the light of the world and that the means by which we shine as lights is our good works. A look at the word of God tells us that good works include the healing of sickness and disease. For instance in Acts 10:38, we are made to understand that the good works Jesus Christ was that he went about doing was healing all that were oppressed of the devil. So from that text, we know that sickness is an oppression of the devil and that the good work required to stop it was healing the sick. Furthermore about seventy percent of the miracles that Jesus worked were healing related.
Jesus said he did nothing by himself and that he only did what he saw the father doing. As at this time, only he had access to the father enough to see what the father was doing. For us at this time, the keys of the Kingdom that Jesus talks about in Matthew 16:19 refers to the mysteries Apostle Paul was talking about in Col.1:26-27 that the salvation of Jews and gentiles together is a mystery to be summed up in the words “Christ in you the hope of glory”. To this end, by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in each of us, we have a legal right of access to all that God is and has which is another definition of His glory. See Rm.8:11 and Eph.3:14-20.
From our text, we see that the Lord packages the keys of the kingdom in mysteries hidden for our glory.
What are mysteries: They are secrets embedded in scriptures and revealed by God to His holy apostles and prophets for their use to bring help to the Church and glorify God. These mysteries; when applied as prescribed by God are always authenticated by Him with signs and wonders. Some of these mysteries were applied by the ancients in the bible to work such miraculous signs by which God has glorified himself over and over again to set himself apart from all other gods. A good example was the crossing of the Red Sea by Moses just stretching his rod towards the sea. Please understand that the proof that these signs are from God is that the persons applying them must do so to glorify God and not self. Also, understand that signs and wonders are not the sole means of divine authentication; the persons operating them must bear the fruit of the spirit. This explains why Jesus Christ said by their fruits you shall know them. See Mt.7:15-27. Some of these mysteries are as follows:
1.     The mystery of forgiveness of the wrong of others to you: The healing of sickness and disease and the ability to stay healthy is God relationship based. Therefore access into these graces is by faith in God. In the exercise of our faith, we must play by the rules. For instance if we trust God to heal us and keep us healthy, our access would be by the prayer of faith.  Going to God by this means places a demand of walking in forgiveness on the one who wants to access God for healing and divine health. If the person fails to meet this demand, healing and divine health become a mirage to such a person. The result is that the person may have to manage their health by the weak help of man all their lives and this may even affect their ability to fulfill their destinies. See Mk.11:24-26 [KJV]; Mt.6:14-16 and the analogy of the unmerciful servant Jesus taught about in the book of Matthew chapter 18. Please understand that this was the first key of the Kingdom Jesus gave to us after he talked about giving us the keys of the kingdom. Examples abound in our dispensation of people who only got healed after they were led to do this word of God by the Holy Spirit and they obeyed.  I personally had this experience once in the mission field when I was just not getting healed of typhoid. When I sought to know from God why I was not getting healed in spite of all the faith I had released, He told me he had not found my love walk perfect. At the time, I knew of someone I needed to forgive and I released the person immediately and immediately began to recover from that day. By this time, my situation had left me so weak that I had to go for Medicare as I did not have the strength to keep exercising faith at the time. Forgiveness is necessary because faith works by love and one of the demonstrations of the love of God is the ability to forgive. See Gal.5:6. 
2.     The mystery of healing by points of contacts: This is a ministry of the Holy Spirit through his Apostles and Prophets designed by the Lord to take care of mass healings especially when access to the said minister of God is difficult or impossible because of the multitude of people seeking help at the time. The bible refers to these points of contacts as mantles. This was exemplified by the story of the woman with the issue of blood for twelve years who got healed after she touched the hem of the garment of the Lord Jesus Christ in Mrk.5 and the multitude of  people who got healed just from doing the same thing in Mt.14:35-36 and Mark 6:56. Also, in the early Church, this mystery was applied by the disciples in Acts 5:12-16 and Acts 19:11-12.
3.     The mystery of tithing: Tithing is a law set by God in the Old Testament to enable to him fend for his servants at the time. Failure to tithe at this time was viewed as robbing God and visited with sever consequences. The consequence of not tithing would include disease and sickness which are some of the devourers God promised to rebuke if we tithe. See Mal.3:8-12 and Gen.14:18-20; Lev.27:30 and Num.18:28. The principle of tithing was ratified in the New Testament by the Lord in Matthew 23:23 where He said we ought to do it and the word of God in Hebrews Chapter 7 where we learn that tithing is a spiritual transaction between the saint and God; Jesus Christ being our High Priest. When we tithe on earth, Jesus Christ receives it from us in heaven. See Heb.3:1.
4.     The Holy Communion mystery: This mystery was instituted by the Lord before His death, burial and resurrection when he had the last supper with his disciples. He told them to do this often in remembrance of him. When we do this, we remember that he shed his blood so that we can be forgiven our sins by God because without the shedding of blood there can be no remission [Heb.9:22-28]. His blood was the only acceptable one for our eternal redemption. Secondly, we remember the injury with which he was inflicted which was done for our healing. [Isa.53:1-5; 1Pet.2:24 and Mt.8:17]. Please understand that sin was the means by which Satan was able to afflict mankind with disease and sickness. When we embrace the sacrifice of the blood of Jesus Christ on the Cross, we receive forgiveness of sin and become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus [2Cor.5:21]. Therefore, we can be healed of any sickness thereby [1Pet.2:24]. In addition, when we do the word of God to remember him and take the Holy Communion often, we can walk in divine health for real. This is the means by which God gave me victory over sickness and he will do the same for any one who believes. Please understand that this mystery can be administered on children contrary to some religious persuasions because they are the perfect example Jesus presented to us of those to whom the Kingdom of heaven pertain [see Mt.18:1-5; 19:13-14; Mk.10:14-15 and Lk.18:16-17]. Further, Apostle Paul clarifies in 1Cor.11:20-34 that a proper administration of the Holy Communion would keep us from being sickly, weak or dying untimely. See Mt. 26:26-29; Mk.14:22-25; Jn.6:48-58 and Lk.22:15-20. 
I will stop here today but more can be said on the keys of the kingdom next time as the Lord permits. Meanwhile the first access to the grace of God is the new birth experience. If you are reading this content and are yet to make Jesus Christ your Lord, today is your day. Please do so right away to assure your healing and staying healthy by the covenant of grace by saying the following prayer out loud in faith:

Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:    

Monday, 17 April 2017

The Great Physician’s prescription Pt.1

Messages for April 2017: Our Month of Divine Health
Message for Sunday the 16th of April, 2017
Theme: Understanding our right to Divine Healing and Health in the Covenant of Grace
Topic: The Great Physician’s prescription Pt.1
Introduction: We began to see who the great physician is last week and we also looked at our covenant of divine healing and health. Today, having established that Jesus Christ is the one the Bible refers to as the great physician; we want to take the time to look at some of his prescription for out total healing and health.
When we go to the medics for any kind of health issue, we expect them to be able to investigate our complaints and come up with a diagnosis and possible cure or management of the health situation as the case may be. In the same way, because we recognize the Lord as the great physician, we can go to him like we go to the doctor and have our health issues resolved. The difference between the Lord and other doctors is that in His clinic, every health issue can receive healing. In addition, there is no hopeless case with him when He is properly consulted because even the dead are raised in His clinic. A good example of this is the raising of a four days old dead called Lazarus in John 11. Now let us see his healing methods and prescription here.
The great Physician’s prescriptions for total healing and health:
1.     The first and most important prescription for total healing and health the great physician offers is his word. This is the greatest prescription because His word is the source and maker of all good things visible and invisible whether thrones or dominion. All things were made by his word and for His word. See John 1:1-3; Col.1:16-17; Ps.33:6, 9; 107:19-20; Mt.8:16 and Prov.4:20-22.
How the word works:
·        As medicine, it cures you of any sickness when it is released through speech in faith. It is released in faith when it is coming from a heart connected to the Lord especially in an intimate relationship. The closer you are in fellowship with God, the faster it works for you. As the word is released through speech, it cuts through the joints and goes straight to the bone marrow and multiplies white blood cells in your marrow responsible for destroying the disease until the patient is completely healed. The word required for this is the word of God on healing revealed by the Holy Spirit to you and confirmed with the word of God on that occasion. See Heb.4:12; Isa.53:1-5; Ps.107:20; Mt.8:14-17 and 1Pet.2:24.
·        Where surgery is required, the word carries out surgical functions and removes the source of infirmity without causing the patient’s blood to be spilled in any way. Don’t forget that the great physician is also the greatest surgeon in all existence. It was by occupying His office as a surgeon that He brought out the first woman from the first man after causing the man to fall into a deep sleep. See Gen.2:18-23 and 1Tim.2:13-15.
·        Where body parts are missing, the word has the creative ability to create new body parts. See the example of the healing of the man born blind healed by Jesus Christ during his earthly ministry and the lame man healed by him through his apostles after his ascension. Please understand that God is wiser than any human manufacturer; if mere men can be responsible enough to make spare parts for their products, how much more God! There are spares of all our body parts in heaven; if there is need for any, we can receive them by faith. See Jn.9:1-9 and Acts 3:1-10.
·        The word heals psychological issues. This is why the diseases of the mind also known as mental illnesses which are merely managed by men can be healed by the word of God through casting out devils and mind renewal. See Rm.12:1-2; Jos.1:8; Mt.8:16; Mk.16:17; Lk.13:32 and Jas.1:21.

2.     The gifts and Ministry of the Holy Spirit: On his first coming, before going to the Cross and taking our place, the Lord promised that when He departed, He was going to send us the gift of the Holy Spirit from the father who would teach us all things, lead us into all truths; show us things to come and take of the father and him and show unto us. See John 14:26 and 16:13-14. True to His word, on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2, the Holy Ghost came and filled the disciples and has been around in the world since then. The disciples were then empowered to do everything the Lord did during his earthly ministry like healing the sick, casting out devils and raising the dead. See Acts 1:8.
·        Through the gifts of the Spirit listed in 1Cor.12:7-11: These gifts are diverse but it is the working of the same Holy Spirit towards achieving the same objective in the mind of God and the goal is to glorify God. See 1Cor.13:1-13 on the means of making these gifts work effectively.
·        The Holy Spirit works through ministry gifts: There are five fold ministry gifts listed for us in the bible in Eph.4:7-16. These gifts are people separated by God from the foundation of the world to fulfill His purpose of bringing healing and health to his body so we can grow up in him to do the work of the ministry and grow into the fullness of Christ where sicknesses and diseases are completely eliminated. See Gal.1:15-20 and Lk.6:12-19; 10:1 and Acts 13:1-3.
·        He works through divine guidance showing us things from the father and the Son so that we begin to do what they are doing just like Jesus always sought to do what the father was doing. See Jn.14:26; 16:13; Jn.5:19-21; verse 30 and Acts 16:7-10.
We shall stop here for today. We will continue with the second part of this message next week as we will be looking at using the mysteries or keys of the Kingdom of God which Jesus promised us to unlock the solution to infirmity and come on top of all our health challenges in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Meanwhile, anyone reading this piece that is yet to make Jesus Christ the Lord of their lives will have to do so to enjoy all these benefits we are talking about because healing is the children’s bread [Mk.7:25-27]. Therefore the first step to taking advantage of all we are looking at today is that you must be born again. Now that you know; if you have decided to make this choice; please say the following prayer out loud in faith with me and you will be born again:

Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:    

Saturday, 8 April 2017

The great physician and our right to healing

Messages for April 2017: Our Month of Divine Health
Message for Sunday the 9th of April, 2017
Theme: Understanding our right to Divine Healing and Health in the Covenant of Grace
Topic: The great physician and our right to healing 
Introduction: Last week we established that sickness was never part of the plan of God for man but was introduced by the devil to man as a consequence of man’s sin and has passed on from generation to generation. Jesus Christ came to destroy the works of the devil like we are told in 1John 3:8 a major work of the devil we know of is sickness. No wonder we are told by Apostle Peter in Acts 10:38 that God anointed Jesus Christ of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and power and that he went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil because God was with him. We also saw from our text scripture last week that God’s perfect will is that we be in health. In this case we should be so endued with divine nature that sickness can no longer hang around us.

Who is the great physician?  The great physician also referred to as the balm in Gilead is the Lord Jesus Christ. In the Old Testament, he is the Lord that healeth us and the one by whose stripes we are healed. In the New Testament, He is the one who himself took our infirmities and carried our sicknesses. He is the one by whose stripes we were healed. See Ex.15:26; 23:25-26; Jer.8:22; 46:11; Mt.8:17; 1Pet.2:24; Lk.4:23; Mt.4:23-24; 12:15; 15:30-31 and Lk.6:17-19.
Our right to divine healing and health is a covenant:
What is a covenant?
A covenant is an unbreakable bond between two parties with terms and conditions which make it become binding after the parties have fulfilled their respective obligations. It is then sealed with blood. In the Old Testament, it was sealed by the blood of animals like goats and bulls. See Heb.9:19-22.
In the New Testament, the most powerful covenant recognized by God in all of existence was sealed by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary. It is the most potent of all covenants and overrides any other kind of covenant. See Heb.8:7-13 and 9:8-15.
In the Old Testament, the children of Israel enjoyed the covenant passed down from Abraham to Isaac his son and subsequently to Jacob. Packaged within this covenant as we would later discover is healing for them even when others around them were plagued by sickness. In fact God promised not to put any of the diseases of those not in the covenant on them.
A list of healing covenants:
1.     Freedom from all the diseases of Egypt. Please note that Egypt for us is a type of the life of bondage to sin which we were born into before we received the salvation Jesus wrought for us. We become entitled to this when we get saved and are therefore delivered from the dominion of darkness. See Deu.7:15; Ex.11:7 and Col.1:13.
2.     Healing for service: healing was also promised in the Old Testament when people met the condition of serving the Lord. See Ex.23:25-26.
3.     Healing for forgiveness: healing is given as proof that God has forgiven us our sins: see Ps.103:1-5 and Mk.2:5-11.
4.     Healing in anticipation of God’s restoration of the seed of Adam: Gen.3:15; 1Cor.15:20-22 and Isa.53:1-5 and 1Pet.2:24. Please understand that if you ever experience sickness, you have a right to receive healing if you take advantage of 2Cor.5:21 and also forgive anyone you begrudge. See Mt.6:15-16 and the example of the unforgiving servant in Mt.18.

Our right to Divine health: This is God’s perfect will for us. In 3Jn.1:2, we read that God’s wish for us above all things is that we prosper and be in health even as our soul prospers. We took time to unpack this text last week. Today, we are going to see how this works in the life of the believer in Christ.
Note the following truths when we are saved:
1.     We are delivered from the rule of the prince of darkness who is the ruler of the kingdom of darkness. Darkness means ignorance. When we are free from him, we receive access to light which comes through the word of God. The more of the word of God we know and understand, the more faith we have and therefore the more we can walk in health because our access to all that God has for us including divine health; is by faith. See Col.1:13; Jn.1:1-5; Ps.119:130; Prv.22:3; 27:12; 16:22 and Eph.4:18.
2.     We cross over from darkness to light: in other words, we now receive on the spot the potential of receiving enough light and understanding from the word of God to be able to walk in the light. This is when our souls are said to prosper because as we receive the engrafted word of God with meekness, it would cause our souls to be saved and freed from the habits that make us carnal and keep us under the control of the prince of darkness.
3.     We receive divine nature which if we cultivate, we would bear the fruit of the spirit and as we do so, we would be able to manifest as authentic children of God bearing much fruit including the fruit of living in health. See 2Cor.5:17; 2Pet.1:4; Gal.5:16; 22-23; 1Cor.13:1-8; Rm.7:4 and Jn.15:1-8.
4.     In the Eternal life package is revelation knowledge which comes from our ability to hear God for ourselves and be led by His Spirit. When we are led by the Holy Spirit, making the right choices become a norm for us and as long as we stay this connected to God, we cannot walk in disease. The reason is that the Holy Spirit would lead us to eat right, rest when necessary, give us revelation knowledge of any demonic attempt at our health and show us the way to overcome them. See Ex.13:17-18; Gal.2:2; Eph.1:17-21 and Acts 10:38.

Whereas this message may not have exhausted all that could be said about God’s will for divine healing and health, I believe this is enough to cause us to pay more attention to the word of God with the intent of finding out more of what He has in mind concerning healing and divine health for us and how we can take advantage of them.
Meanwhile access to this mercy of God to enjoy health that comes from only him is through the New Birth experience. Someone is reading this material today that is yet to make a decision for Christ, please take advantage of this opportunity today to access eternal life and begin to enjoy the heritage of the redeemed from now on. If you desire to do so right away please say the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be born again:

Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:    

God’s will for us is to be in Health

Messages for April 2017: Our Month of Divine Health
Message for Sunday the 2nd of April, 2017
Theme: Understanding our right to Divine Healing and Health in the Covenant of Grace
Topic: God’s will for us is to be in Health
Introduction: Apostle John was one of the founding apostles of the Christian faith whose life really demonstrated eternal life by the inability of the early Church persecutors to kill him because all their efforts to do so proved abortive. He was the only apostle who died a natural death because all the persecutions he faced like being thrown into a pot of hot oil to fry had no effect on him just like the three Hebrew boys in Daniel 3. This great man of God operated in so much light and understanding that it was impossible to kill him.
He brought us this revelation of God’s will for our health from God in his third letter to the Church in 3rd Jn.1:2 where he wrote:
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”
This presupposes that God’s wish for us above all other things includes being in health to the extent of the prosperity of our souls. This truth is what we are going to be unpacking from the word of God today.
The wish of God above all things: from our text scripture here we can glean that above all things, God wants us to:
1.     Prosper: This means to be whole with nothing missing and nothing broken. Much as many have reduced the value of prosperity to only the possession of money, the truth still remains that money is just a fragment of the prosperity life. In fact money is needed only to accomplish two things namely create more options for us and give us the ability to expand the kingdom of God and help others in need. See Zechariah 1:17; Isa.58:10-12 and Acts 4:32-35. Please understand that to be whole means to be complete just as God originally intended before creating us. If we come short of divine expectations, then this does not describe us. Last month, we looked at success from God’s perspective and concluded it to mean knowing and diligently pursuing God’s purpose for our lives to completion in time. With that understanding in mind, it should be easy for us to know that the extent to which we can prosper and be in health is the extent to which our souls are prospered. Therefore for more clarity, let us look at the prosperity of the soul first.
2.     The prosperity of the soul: From the word of God, we understand the nature of man to be triune to wit – man is a spirit, he has a soul and lives in a body. The spirit of man is the real man also known as the inner man or the hidden man of the heart. It is the part of man which gets born again. The soul and body do not get born again; they must therefore be cultivated to obey the dictates of the spirit who is under the influence of the Holy Spirit. See 1Thess.5:23; Prv.18:14; Prv.20:27; Jn.3:6; Eph.3:16 and 1Pet.3:3-4. Your body is the part of you that enables you to live on earth. It is made up of your five senses with which you live on earth. These senses are sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste. The soul is the part of you that makes the connection between your spirit and body possible. It is made up of your mind, will and emotions. With the mind, you think, reason and create. With the will you make decisions and with the emotions you feel strong enough to act on your thinking and decision. This is the part of you that controls your passion. It is so important that it enables a leader enjoy his best friend otherwise known as momentum.
Even though the soul does not get born again at new birth, it can be developed to conform to the new life through the renewal of the mind. When we get saved, our souls and bodies remain the same until they are worked on by us. Please understand that the development of the soul is the responsibility of the individual through making the right choices [Deu.30:19-20]. The means by which we develop our souls has to do with what we do with the word of God. We are expected to renew our minds with God’s word and the word of God is replete with the how to of mind renewal. When our minds are renewed effectively, the result is the prosperity of the soul which in turn impacts on the prosperity of the body and our environments. What our text scriptures show us is that the extent to which we can be in health is determined by the extent to which we have been enlightened in our souls in the area of God’s will being our total healing and health. See Rm.12:1-2; Jas.1:21-25; 1Tim.4:13-16; Jos.1:8; Ps.1:1-3; Ps.119:105 and 130; Pr.24:13-14; Prov.17:22 and Acts 4:13.
3.     Being in Health: Now that we have understood the prosperity of the spirit and soul, we are now ready to see what the mind of God is here:
First God’s will above all things is that:
1.     We prosper
2.     Our soul prospers
3.     We are in health to the extent our soul prospers.
Let us therefore understand that meditating on this text in 3rd Jn.1:2 will hatch this understanding to us:
First, God’s perfect will is our total prosperity.
Second, His method for our prosperity is as prescribed by His word. Therefore if we use the word of God to cultivate our souls, we would save our souls from wrong thinking, wrong decisions and wrong emotions and consequently a poverty lifestyle. See Ps.1:1-2; Jer.17:5-8 and 1Tim.4:13-15.
Third, when our souls are saved, healing of our spirits, souls and bodies become automatic so that we can be said to bring heaven on earth by our lifestyles. See Gal.5:16-17; vv22-23; Prv.18:14. It is through the salvation of our souls that we get to know our rights to be healed and stay healthy in the word of God and how to apply that knowledge for the manifestation of the glory of God in our lives. See Ps.82:5-6; Jn.1:1-5.
As we all know, the stating point for healing and divine health is to first be rid of sin which is the source of all sickness. Jesus Christ paid the full price for that on the Cross of Calvary. All we need to do to activate it in our lives is to receive Him as our savior and Lord. If you are reading this and are yet to do so, please you can do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be born again by the activity of the Holy Spirit who is waiting right now to help you:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:    

Welcome to the month of April 2017: Our Month of Divine Health

Welcome to the month of April 2017: Our Month of Divine Health
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3Jn.1:2
Beloved, I welcome you to the month of April 2017 which God has graciously named to us our month of Divine Health. Please understand that He does not say divine healing but divine health. In other words, God’s perfect will for us is not to manage our health in such a way that we fall sick and seek healing from infirmity. Sickness was never in the plan of God for man from the beginning. Sickness was an interruption into God’s excellent creation to corrupt it as a consequence of sin.
In Genesis 1:31, we are told that after God had carried out His work of creation, He looked at all that He had made and concluded that they were very good. This goes to prove that God did not include sickness and consequently healing in His original plan for man.
In addition, when God first mentioned what He separated for man as his food in Gen.1:29, medication was not in the package.
The question is how did medication come in? In Genesis 3 we see the sad story of man rebelling against God and thus sinning when he allowed himself to fall for the deceit of the devil through the serpent. The consequence of this sin was death. The death was not just a physical death even though it eventually culminated in it. It was a spiritual death resulting from the separation of man from the source of his sustenance - God. This is why Apostle Paul declared in Romans 3:23 that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. To come short of God’s glory meant that man who was originally created to be and look like God was now reduced to a mere mortal subject to corruption which presents in gradual decomposition and eventually death. From 1Cor.15:20-22, we are made to understand that the sin of Adam passed on to all men. The only one who escaped this curse was the Lord Jesus Christ because of his supernatural conception.
Consequent on the foregoing, sickness which is a manifestation of the curse of death became the norm among mankind. This explains why the destruction of sickness is a very visible part of the redemption package. A look at scripture would show that when Jesus Christ first came, about seventy percent of his works among men was healing of sickness and disease.
1John 3:8 shows us that Jesus Christ was manifested to destroy the works of the devil of which sickness is major since about seventy percent of His miracles were miracles of healing. Even after His resurrection, the early Church fathers continued this legacy of healings because it is the will of God to perfect his creation. See Acts 3:1-16 and 5:12-16.
We therefore understand that healing was part of the redemptive package for which Jesus Christ died on the Cross of Calvary. We can therefore conclude that God’s perfect will for man is divine health and not necessarily to heal him when he falls a victim to sickness.
Sickness was introduced to man by Satan after man fell from the glory of God and became a slave to sin and therefore a child of the devil. Herbs and other kinds of medicines were introduced to manage fallen man’s health because of the consequence of the sin of man a major part of which is sickness and disease. When God began to introduce divine health to man after the fall, it was done as a covenant. He first found a man called Abraham with whom he covenanted and made custodian of the blessing of mankind from God. You will find this account in Gen.12:1-4. He promised Abraham that out of His seed the entire world would bless themselves. This truth was clarified by the Apostle Paul in Gal.3:16 when he said:
Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He sayeth not, to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.
He further emphasized in verses 17 to 18 of the same chapter that the covenant that was confirmed before of God in Christ could not be annulled by the law which came more than four hundred years after and make the promise of divine healing and health which were in the covenant package of no effect. Even the law was put in place to enable the descendants of Abraham who were to a large extent damaged through slavery learn how to live again as free men in a community God considered civilized.
Consequently, God’s will for us through Christ and accessible by the Abrahamic covenant of the blessing is total healing and eventually divine health depending on the level of light we can access through the eternal life relationship Jesus came to restore to us. In John 5:24, the Lord said if we hear His word and believe in God because of it, we can access eternal life and will pass from death to life. Eternal life is a relationship as He shows us in John 17:3. It is the knowledge of God through Jesus Christ whom he sent.
Within the package of eternal life; is a sickness free life and the ability to destroy the works of the devil which includes sickness. This is why Jesus Christ and all who believe in him can destroy the works of the devil. We are said to be the light of the world just like Christ in Mt.5:14-16 and that the means by which we shine our light is the good works which we do that the world can see and glorify our father in heaven. In John 1:1-5, we come very clear with the truth that the dominion of light over darkness is instant and unquestionable. Every time we show up with light and understanding from the word of God, the darkness of ignorance in that area gives way and people can walk in the liberty for which Christ came into this world and died and was buried and raised from the dead eventually by the glory of God!
To this end therefore, this month of our Divine Health, we shall be looking at a series I title: “UNDERSTANDING OUR RIGHT TO DIVINE HEALING AND HEALTH IN THE COVENANT OF GRACE”.
As I welcome you to this great month you have long waited for, I want to start by first introducing everyone who is yet to take advantage of the redemption story of the Lord Jesus Christ through the New Birth experience to do so right away because that is the basis on which we can take advantage of the work of God in Christ Jesus. If you are reading this resource and are yet to take advantage of the sacrifice of the Lord and desire to do so now, you can do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be born again though the ministry of the Holy Spirit:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:

The Archenemy of our Success

Messages for March 2017: Our Month of Felicitations
Message for Sunday the 26th and Wed.29th of March 2017
Theme Understanding God’s Principles of Success
Topic: The Archenemy of our Success
Introduction: Last week, we saw what to do to succeed God’s way. Please understand that there are good and bad successes. When success is of God, it is good because God saw that everything He created was very good [Gen.1:31 and Jos.1:8]. It is really good success that the enemy attacks. He has no business with the bad one because those ones are already doomed to his domain. This explains why we want to unmask the archenemy of our success today so that we can recognize them, understand their devices and know how to subdue and defeat them.
The archenemy of our success therefore is the devil especially when he operates as the accuser of the brethren. As accuser of the brethren, he operates by means of the triplet of slander, gossip and offense. However, he cannot do this without the cooperation of people in the Church. He releases his agents into the Church and uses them to further his cause. We shall therefore be looking today at how he does this and why he has been so good at it and what God has done to checkmate him and how we can choose to cooperate with God to overcome him all the time.
The accuser of the Brethren: This is another description of Satan our archenemy from the beginning. The word translated Satan is Shatan which means adversary or one who breaks faith. This is the reason why in these last days, you have so many trucebreakers as shown in 1Tim.3:3. In Rev.12:9-10 we read:
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called the devil, and Satan which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him.
And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, now is come salvation and strength, and the kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.”   
This scripture leaves us in no doubt that the accuser is the devil. Let us understand that our wrestle is not against flesh and blood so that we do not misfire at the wrong target. See Eph.6:10-18 and 1Pet.5:8-10.
Now that we understand who our real enemy is, let us see how he works. When Satan wants to operate as the accuser of the brethren, he uses this triplet instrument of slander, gossip and offence.
Slander: This is the first transgression recorded in Genesis 3 at the fall of the first man. Slander is a damaging statement about someone’s character or reputation. It is casting aspersion on another. The result is that the individual being slandered is seen differently by the person to whom they are slandered. In this account, Satan rode on the serpent to slander God. When he told Eve that she would not surely die if she disobeyed God and ate of the forbidden fruit, he deceived her into breaking faith with God because Eve did not really understand the instruction as much as Adam so she was easily deceived. Adam on the other hand knew what the instruction was and had a right of choice to stop the conversation and order the serpent out of the garden but chose to remain and therefore got spell bound by the devil enough to rebel against God. See 1Tim.2:13-15.
When slander is operating, faith and trust in the character of the person slandered is broken. So we no longer see them the same way again. This is what happened to Eve in the garden.
Slander is actually a form of witchcraft. Witchcraft has its root in the Greek word Pharmacia which is where we get the word pharmacy from. It means illicit drugs that put people in an altered state of consciousness. Drugs that manipulate and control; thus when Eve was listening to the Serpent, she was being spell bound.
Serpent on the other hand means divination. Every time you listen to the accuser, you are being brought under a spell. The intention of the devil is to make you eventually disobey the truth. This explains why people hear the truth and not do it. See Gal.3:1-5. The antidote to this evil is shown us by James 1:21; Php.4:8-9 and Eph.4:27.
Please understand that the accuser never comes directly to you as the devil except you are consciously his agent. He works through people especially those who know or claim to know you. How he does it brings us to the second of the evil triplet of Satan.
Gossip: Gossip is a casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people typically involving details which are not confirmed as true. Also a gossip is a person who likes talking about other people’s private lives. Every time a person engages in gossip, that person is being a pharmacist releasing spells that would bewitch the listener until the listener enters into an altered state of consciousness and begins to do things irrationally. Note here that the slander originates from the devil and the means by which he spreads it are people. Sadly most of the devil’s slander against the Church is spread by some in the Church who are born again and Spirit filled.
The results of slander:
1.     People are bewitched. Gal.3:1-5 and Acts 19:24-29. Note here that God just cleansed people from witchcraft in the city. This was the reaction of the kingdom of darkness. They used Demetrius to perpetrate the slander that bewitched the people and they began to behave irrationally. See Acts 19:19-20.
2.     They no longer obey the truth – Gal.3:1 and Jas.1:21-25.
3.     They lose confidence in God’s agents to them. See Gal.4:13-26.
4.     They can no longer walk in love – 1Jn.2:4-6;
5.     They are blinded by hate because they now hate who they once loved. See Jn.5:24; 1Jn.2:9-11 and 1Jn.3:14.
6.     Slander, gossip and offence are substances from the under world that can stagnate people and keep them from fulfilling their destinies. It can keep people from realizing God’s purpose for their lives and abort their destinies. This is what happened to Eve.

Thirdly, the result of slander and gossip is offence. If the devil cannot get you to do either of the two for him, he uses his agents to provoke you and you could become the victim of his slander. If you are innocent before God, he would fight for you and protect you provided you repent of extreme cases of offence that has caused you to sin in any way and sincerely from your heart forgive.
Offence is therefore a thing that constitutes a violation of what is judged to be right. It can also be defined as a lack of politeness or failure to show regards for others; wounding the feelings of others.
Offence could also be described as the feeling of anger caused by being offended.
Aspersion which is a manifestation of slander and gossip is to speak in such a way as to discredit a person or an institution. This could become offensive to the person or institution. At the end of the day, if the person offended is not large hearted enough to forgive; they also become tools in the hands of the devil when they try to fight back on the devil’s terms. This is how Satan tries to tear down ministries. When you are offended and refuse to forgive, you hold the person in prison and you become the prison warder and have to remain in the prison with the person. This way, you do not get to fulfill your destiny just like the other person. But if you choose to forgive, you come out of the prison and come in a position to be able to help the person out of their prison through the love of God.
Overcoming the Accuser: To overcome the accuser, first recognize that the accuser is not the person who slandered you or gossiped of you or even offended you. These people are mere agents through which the devil worked. Note Ephesians 6:10-12
Then take the following steps:
1.     Remember that you have also been guilty of sinning for which God has forgiven you so many times. A good example is the story of the unforgiving servant in Mt.18 and the challenge of Jesus to the accusers of the woman in Jn.8:10.
2.     Forgive: whether the person asks your forgiveness or not. Forgiveness is for you and not the person. We are told in the word of God that if we refuse to forgive, our prayers would not be answered, God also would not forgive us. See Mt.6:15-16; Mk.11:24-25KJV. Note that forgiveness gives you the freedom to move on with your life.
3.     Understand that only the devil gains from this: His target is to try to get us to lose our place like he did to Adam and Eve before. Please refuse to allow him and do not reduce your status as a king and priest to that of a slave to sin. See Rev.1:5-6; 1Pet.2:9; Gal.4:1; 1Cor.3:1-3 and Rm.6:1-6
4.     Refuse: to lend your tongue to accusations that are unfounded and should you ever get involved, it should be with the intention of helping and not aggravating the slander. Acts 23:20, 35. Always seek to hear both sides before reaching a conclusion. Acts 25:16-18 and 2Cor.13:1.
5.     Understand that when you are a false accuser, you are under the spell of the accuser of the brethren and therefore fulfilling negative prophecy of the spirit of the last days. See 2Tim.3:3 and Titus 2:3. Understand that until we get rid of the accuser, salvation will be with held from many. Rev.12:10
6.     Take a stand against tale bearers: Turn away from such people and refuse to keep company with them or else Ps.1:1-3 would be adversely fulfilled for you. See 2Tim.3:1-5; Pr.20:19 and 26:20, 22.
7.     Walk in love towards all men: This is the only commandment we are enjoined to keep. Obedience to the word of God enables us to always experience victory. Besides all these, love never fails. See Jn.13:34-35; 1Jn.2:10; Mt.5:43-46; Jn.14:21-23 and 1Cor.13:8.
I believe God that as we put this to work in our lives, we would see the glory of God. Please understand that this message is meant for the Church. The accuser of the brethren has nothing to gain from hurting his own. If you therefore are not yet born again, you can make a change today and enter into a covenant with God that can exclude you from being an instrument in the hands of the devil as you cooperate with God.
Should you desire to make this necessary change, please say the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be born again:  

Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:    

Please note that the bulk of my resources for this message were drawn from the book Unmasking the Accuser by Kynan Bridges. you can google him on you tube to learn more. Thank you.