Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Events from the Cross to the Resurrection morning

Messages for April 2018: Our Month of The faith of God
Message for Sunday 1st April, 2018
Theme: Understanding the Faith of God
Topic: Events from the Cross to the Resurrection morning
Introduction: Today has been marked by some nations of the earth as the day to celebrate what they call Easter. It is a celebration of worship to a goddess they call Esther from the old Roman Empire mythology. They believe she is responsible for fertility and therefore dedicate the time to worship her for their fertility. This to us however is the day we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead having gone to hell to pay the full price for our sin and obtaining eternal redemption for us. Today, we shall be looking from the bible at the events from the cross to the resurrection morning and drawing from the word of God to proofs of how this entire process proves the fulfilment of the promise of God to save us and the step by step process the Lord took to actualize that promise. These prophesies are in Isa.53; Ps.22:1ff; Heb.10:6-10 etc. then the fulfillment was found in Mt.27-28; Gal.3:13-14; Col.2:14-15.
1.     At the cross: Let us first understand that what happened at the Cross is a direct fulfillment of prophecy which now speaks volumes over the years since its fulfillment. Therefore we are going to be looking at the prophecy and showing how it was fulfilled and what the purpose of its fulfilment was.
§  Jesus was spat upon: Ps.22 – This was proof of his being despised and rejected of men so that we would be accepted in the beloved. Eph.1:6
§  He was bruised: This was done for our iniquity so that we can be free from the curse resulting from inherited sin as God had promised to not remember our iniquity anymore. See Heb.8:12 and 10:17
§  His hands and feet were nailed/pierced to the Cross.
§  He was scourged thirty nine stripes with the Roman whip: This together with his pierced hands took care of our sicknesses and diseases. See Gal3:13-14. Also see Deu. 28 to determine what the curse of the law is and you can sum it up to these three: Poverty; sickness and death.
§  He was rejected and a murderer was chosen by the people instead: This takes care of all the injustice we were to suffer for what we are innocent of. Mk.15:6-15.
§  He is falsely accused of what he was innocent of but he did not fight back. See Mt.27:13-14 and Isa.42:1-4
2.     When he gave up the ghost at the Cross, he died physically: He died separated from the favorable presence of God. He was taken from the camp and separated like a leper out of the camp to bear the iniquity of us all. See 1Pet.3:18-19
§  His side was pieced by a Roman soldier and blood and water came gushing out of his side. Jn.19:28-35
§  He was taken down from the cross by a rich man who laid him in his own unused tomb. Jn.19:38
3.     At the grave
§  His soul was taken to hell – here, he drank the cup of God’s wrath to satisfy His justice. Rev.14:9-10 – this was the cup he prayed to pass over him subject to the will of God. Mt.26:39.
§  He was tortured in hell for three days and night
§  All the punishment for the sin of man from the foundation of the world until the end was laid on Him.
§  The depression of man was laid on him
§  The desolation of man was laid on him.
§  The regret and pain of man was laid on him.
§  The hopelessness of man was laid on him.
§  The chastisement of man’s sin was laid on him. In fact he was tortured beyond breaking point.
4.     At the resurrection morning:
§  God’s demand of justice for sin was fully met in the Lord Jesus Christ.
§  God put an end to His affliction in hell
§  God by the power of the Holy Spirit raised Him from the dead to die no more.
§  The devil came to bow to him handing him the keys of death and hell.
§  He is now the only one with the power to open and shut.
§  The keys of the kingdom of God on earth was delivered to him so that he alone has the power in heaven and earth to bind and to loose.
5.     He came out of hell and moved on from there through the earth to the throne room in heaven.
§  He took His blood to the holiest place in heaven and poured it out on God’s mercy seat to obtain eternal redemption for us.
§  God now sits in mercy over all who would believe him.
§  Jesus Christ thus became our high priest forever
§  He makes intercession for us daily.
§  As High priest, He takes the word we speak in line with God’s will and executes it. Heb.3:1
More could be said here as far as our faith in the resurrection is concerned but we shall draw the curtain here for want of time and space. Meanwhile if there is someone here today that is yet to make this Choice of the faith of God through Jesus Christ because of the Cross and you want to make that choice now, this is your opportunity to make it right away as you say the following prayer out loud in faith and God will birth you into his family:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at www.kingdomheirsministries.org and our blogs at www.flourishinggirl.blogspot.com and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on www.facebook.com/flourishinggirl www.facebook.com/khmii2015; www.facebook.com/thewellbeingcenter. Or www.facebook.com/kingdomjointheirsfamily email:  jointheirsfamily@gmail.com.

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