Messages for
April 2018: Our Month of The faith
of God
Message for Sunday 22nd April, 2018
Theme: Understanding the Faith of God
Topic: The Faith
of God for our Redemption pt.2 (Redeemed from sickness)
Introduction: So far we have been looking at understanding the
faith of God and I believe the best place to start is the faith of God for our
redemption from sin as it is what cost us paradise; because the entire faith of the bible is the story of paradise lost
and the regaining of paradise for us by God. The means by which God has caused
us to regain paradise is the redemption plan. The plan of redemption brings us
into freedom from the three deadly triplets of poverty, sickness and death.
God came in Christ to pay the full price for our
sin which was the cause of death resulting in poverty, sickness and death. The
work of Jesus Christ from the Cross to the throne room in heaven saw us
delivered from the dominion of darkness into the kingdom of God where we now
have redemption through His blood together with the forgiveness of sin
[Col.1:12-14]. The result of this is that we are delivered from death, sickness
and poverty. Last week we saw our deliverance from death; this week therefore,
we shall be looking at deliverance from sickness.
The origin of Sickness: Sickness was not provided for at the
beginning when God made man because man was not designed to be sick ever. Man
had life drawn from his constant connection to God; his source. When man
sinned, he was cut off from God and therefore came under the influence of
death. Under this influence, man became a victim of the curse which includes
sickness and disease and other kinds of mishaps which ultimately results in
death. See Gen.2:17; 3:
Redeemed from Sickness: To redeem means to recover
ownership of a lost possession by paying the required price for it. The English
Dictionary puts it this way: “To gain or regain possession of something in
exchange for payment”. In our case God gave us redemption through the blood of
Jesus Christ because it is the principle of God that the life of the flesh is
in the blood and God has given blood on the altar to make atonement for the
soul. See Lev.17:11. This is why we are told in Heb.9:22 that without the
shedding of blood, there is no remission. Thus Jesus Christ went into the
Holiest place in Heaven with His own blood to obtain eternal redemption for us.
See Heb.9:12. This is how much God values us; we are worth His life!!!
Sickness is an oppression of the devil: After man fell from grace, he
came under the influence of the devil and the devil began to oppress him. One
of the means by which the devil oppresses man is sickness. Some are more severe
than others but they all ultimately lead to death if not arrested. When the Lord
came into time, He was anointed with the Holy Spirit and power and He went
about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil. Then when He
finished the plan of redemption, the Holy Spirit was released on the believers
and they too can now under the anointing go about doing good and healing all
that are oppressed of the devil. See Acts 10:38; 5:16; Mt.4:24; 8:16 and
Our current redemptive status: Our current redemptive status
as far as health and healing is concerned, is summed up in these text of
Scriptures which we would do well to read out loud in faith and claim: Mt.8:17;
Gal.3:13-14 and 1Pet.2:24.
Why some people are not healed in spite of claiming faith
in the word: I may not be able
to claim knowledge of all the answer to this question because as long as we are
still in time, we just know in part. However, a major challenge to people
getting healed which many are not aware of and have therefore not addressed is
the fact that diseases are rooted in the soul and eventually manifest in the
body. If the root is not addressed, then the infirmity can only be managed. It
would be like plucking fruits off a tree while the root remains; the fruits
will come back again and trouble the victim. This explains why Apostle John
says that He wishes above all things that we prosper and be in health even as
our souls proper. 3Jn.1:2
The place of the souls for real healing and health: As we all know, man is a
spirit, he has a soul and lives in a body. The spirit is the real man also
known as hidden man of the heart or inner man. See Eph.3:16 and 1Pet.3:4. The
body is the part of you that is visible for all to see. It is what gives us the
ability to live on earth. Apostle Paul calls it our earthly houses of this tabernacle
in 2Cor.5:1 and Peter calls it this Tabernacle in 2Pet.1:13-15. The soul is
the mid region of man that serves the body and the spirit. It is the part of
man that contains his mind, will and emotions. The mind is used to think,
reason and create; the will is responsible for decision making. The strength of
the will is determined by the extent to which the man is renewed in his mind.
The will of man will always make godly decisions even when they have to
struggle in areas of weakness when the mind is renewed by the word of God. The
emotion is the part of man’s soul that feels or powers his or her zeal and is
responsible for driving him in the direction of that feeling or zeal.
We are told to guard our hearts with all
diligence because out of it flows the issues of life. The reason is that
whatever gets into your mind and stays long enough seeps into your subconscious
and begins to control you without your even realizing it. If the contents are
God’s word, they would help you to bear the fruit of the spirit but if they are
not, they would defile you and even result in bitterness that can really
constitute a problem for the soul. Prv.4:20-23; Mt.12:34-35; Rm.12:2.
Out of the abundance of the heart: [Mt.12:33-37; Pr.4:20-24;
18:20-21]. Whatever gets into your soul
goes in there to constitute your treasures. If what you have been allowing into
your soul are God’s thoughts, they sink down into your subconscious mind to
constitute good treasures. If what you have been allowing into your soul is
from the world, they sink down and form the tree of good and evil treasures.
Thus in your soul, there are trees; some are good trees, planted by God while
some are evil trees planted by the devil, the world and the flesh. The trigger
for the tree of your life is your tongue and the tongue would help you
determine life or death for your own life. When you speak the word of God, you
are using your tongue wisely and you will speak life; then the seed of the
words you speak will grow into the tree of life [Lk.8:11]. When you speak the
words of the world, you are abusing your tongue and therefore speaking evil.
The result of this is that you use your tongue to plant the tree of death over
your life so doing [Prv.18:21]. This is how sickness is festered in
people. The wrong use of your tongue can
bring about the works of the flesh in a believer’s life whereas the right use
of the tongue can bring about the bearing of the fruit of the spirit in a
believer’s life. What is going to determine how each believer turns out is the
choice they make with their will. Some make choices that make them healthy,
some make choices that make them sick. You determine with your will to speak
life from your heart cultivated with the word of God and you will be healthy.
See Ps.63:4; 34:1; Jn.20:25; Dan.3:16-18.
To stay healthy: Let your
soul become filled with the word of God to the overflow; when this happens, you
will always produce the good fruit of a healthy life because the word of God is
medicine to our bodies. Prv.4:22; Col.3:16; Mt.12:33-35.
The doorway to the soul: Access to the soul is through
the five senses of sight, smell, touch, hearing and feeling. What your eye
sees, will inform your decision to purchase for instance if it is a ware. Also
whatever you view long enough, you conform to. Secondly, what you hear often;
you tend to believe and when you believe it, it becomes your reality over time.
Further you cannot have appetite for a food you have never tasted because there
is nothing to inform your brain that you need that food except in special
circumstances when after a prolonged fast, you choose to take the meal even
though your brain does not inspire you to .
When we are told to guard our hearts with all
diligence, it refers to protecting our souls from the information communicated
through the five senses that have the ability to influence our levels of faith.
This is why we can only be in health to the extent our souls are healthy. Faith
comes by hearing and understanding the word, so hear and speak God’s word. See
3Jn.1:2; Rm.10:17 and Jn.6:63.
Soul wounds must be healed: The bible talks about a
wounded soul. Souls can be wounded through sins and iniquity. When a
soul is wounded, it is described as down cast. It is also referred to as the
root of bitterness that defiles many. Roots of bitterness are caused by
inherited sins as well as the inability of a person to forgive an offence. The
result is that they cause the same affliction on the body and the mind as they
caused for the ancestors of the victim when the sin is inherited. This is why
certain sicknesses are resident in some families like cancer, diabetes etc. see
Deu.28:59; Ps.17:13; 42:5-6; 11 and Ps.43:5.
How to be healed of soul wounds: Please understand that
certain sicknesses would never be healed unless the injury to the soul is first
taken care of. These are as a result of the portals created by devils in the
souls because of the legal right they had to do so through sins and iniquity.
Therefore to get rid of the source of sickness, we have to take the following
Get saved: salvation destroys the curse
of the law which includes sickness and disease and grants us access to the
Abrahamic blessing which makes you an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ
with an inheritance of divine health among other things. See Gal.3:13-14; 1Pet.2:24;
Receive the
engrafted word of God: The engrafted word of God has the capacity to save your soul. Soul
salvation includes deliverance and freedom from soul injuries through
bitterness that kept the victim in his own prison prior. See Jas.1:22-25;
Meditate on
the word of God day and night: When you do this, you will have good success in the area of the healing
of soul wounds. See Jos.1:8; Ps.1:1-3 and 1Tim.4:13-15.
Walk in Love: Because love never fails, it
will always help to heal your soul because a lover forgives which is the
prerequisite for answered prayer when you pray for God to meet any need
including healing. Also we are wired for loving and therefore it is our natural
habitat to decide to and actually walk in love. See 1Cor.13:4-8; Prv.10:12 and
Trust in God
like the Psalmist exhorted: Instead of allowing your soul to be downcast, trust in the Lord and put
your hope in Him. Ps.17:13; 43:5.
Offer up
sacrifices of praise: At this time in a person’s experience, there is no joy with which to
praise God; thus praising God is really a sacrifice and if you praise God in
spite of your feeling, God would send His word to heal and restore you. See Ps.107:20;
Ps.42:5; 11.
Speak to yourself
in Psalms Hymns and spiritual songs: When you do this, it is a most exciting way to
speak the word of God back to yourself. The word of God is the sword of the
Spirit and with this action you are launching an offensive to the devil
responsible for the injury and you can receive speedy healing. See Eph.5:18-19
Go to the
Court in heaven and address the matter to God as the greatest judge who judges
righteously: As a solicitor, I
find this method so appealing that it has produced a huge store of harvest for
me. Any case brought before a judge convincingly based on correct
interpretation of statutes and the effective use of judicial precedence with
binding authority must deliver a verdict in your favour. Please understand that
Luke in the gospel of Luke was instrumental to God in revealing three
relationships we enjoy with God in the place of prayer. The first is that God
is our heavenly father whose pleasure it is to give us good things we ask of
him. The second is that God is our friend who would give us things based on the
friendship relationship we have cultivated with Him provided we are persistent.
Finally, God is the righteous judge who will give us that which we come to His
court for should we ask properly. As father, He delightfully gives us our
entitlements when we make the request. See Lk.11:1-4; 5-13 and Lk.18:1-8. From
the progression in these text, it is clear that if your approach to God as
father does not seem to work, you may need to approach him as your friend by
your persistence and this shows in midnight prayers. If that too seem to fail,
it is time to go to Him as the judge. Now our texts above reveals that the
third case has to do with casting out of devils because iniquity is the result
of roots of bitterness springing forth that defiles many; to wit subsequent
generations. This requires that the Son of man would find faith in the person
desiring help to be able to help him. Now let us help your faith here; when you
approach God your father as a judge, you cannot return without a verdict in
your favour because Jesus Christ our advocate [1Jn.2:1] does not lose a case. The reason is we became believers through the
faith of God [Eph.2:8-10]. Our understanding of this faith shows that we are
adopted children of God through the promised seed of Abraham called Jesus
Christ. Jesus gave us the gift promised by the Father also known as the Holy
Spirit so that we would not be like orphans in the world. The Holy Spirit helps
us to read and know the word of God and the right word for any situation we may
need to approach God for [Job 6:25 and Ps.107:20]. See Gal.3:16; Col.2:14-15; Jn.14:18
(Amplified) and Jn.16:13. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can always plead
our case correctly before God and get the verdict in our favor. A test case is
like if you are plagued by what disease is adjudged by men as incurable but
manageable like high blood pressure and diabetes, you approach God as the judge
of the supreme court of the universe, the Lord would advocate for you as the
High Priest and take your words that line up with His for your healing and
apply His blood which is the evidence of God’s mercy prevailing over judgement
[Jas.2:13 & 3:17] and get the verdict in your favour. At this point, you
are due for judgement to be executed in your favour because you have been
praying for healing or whatever the need is. So an executor of divine order is
sent by heaven to execute the judgement in your favour. Sometimes you may
receive the instruction to render high praises to God which will make your
answer speedier than any other method of prayer you could apply because
Ps.149:6-9 tells us that high praises is used for the execution of the
judgement written which is a honor given only to the saints of God. What
immediately follows is your healing. God will tell you the life style most
suitable to stay healthy as His friend. Please do not misunderstand me God
knows better than any doctor the best habits to cultivate to stay healthy
because He is your manufacturer. For your healing from God, there can be no
guess work. Every incurable disease is a work of the forces of darkness
[Eph.6:12] and if they do not leave at new birth, they had a legal ground they
are relying on to remain. But we have nothing to fear because we have superior
weapons of warfare [2Cor.10:3-6]. The first thing we need to do here is just
check out our family history and if we see that pattern repeating itself, we
can apply the blood of Jesus all the way up our blood line to Noah or Adam if
you want and break every ancestral covenants known or unknown to you that gave
the enemy their legality and undo all the curses that came with them and
release the blessing all the way from Adam down your blood line to you. I
applied this recently and someone with insanity for over thirty years was set
free by the verdict of the Lord. You would observe that in our third text, the
woman was praying for vengeance over her adversaries. That is what you need
now. Use it; it will not fail. This is not based on your good works; it is
based on resurrection power. God is able to do exceeding above all you can ask
or think according to His power that works in you. The power working in you
right now is resurrection power. See Rm.8:11 and Eph.3:20. God is able to do
more than you have been asking Him for.
Be thankful: This helps you to remember
the acts of God in your life and gives you access to the throne of grace to
obtain mercy and find grace to help your soul heal fast. Eph.5:20; Heb.4:16 and
We shall draw the curtain here for today and
trust God that whoever has not made the decision for Christ would do so right
away because this is the only access to God in prayer to get any need met including
your need for healing and divine health need. If you want to decide for Christ
now, please say the following prayer out loud in faith and you shall be saved:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus
died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore
declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the
fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you
for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you
grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:
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