Theme: Understanding
Our Dominion over Fear
Message for Sunday the 10th of January,
Overcoming the spirit of Fear part 1- 2Tim.1:7;
Introduction: Last week we saw what fear is, some
types of fear, and some consequences of entertaining them and antidotes from
the word of God against them. Today, we shall begin to look at how we can exercise
our God given dominion over fear. We learn from 2Tim.1:7 that fear is a spirit.
We also understand that that spirit is given. However, it is not given by God.
On the contrary, God has given us another spirit that counters this evil spirit
of fear: the spirit of Love, the spirit of Power and the spirit of a sound
mind. This truth is also emphasized in Romans 8:15 where we are told that we
have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but the spirit of
adoption that enables us to call God our father.
Foundational steps to
overcoming fear: To
overcome fear, we must first understand it’s origin and God’s provision to
defeat it. Therefore, below, we shall be itemizing some foundational truths we
need to understand to overcome fear. When we understand these truths and begin
to walk in them, building up on them would enable us grow in grace to the point
where we can begin to eliminate fear completely with the faith of God.
1. Fear is a spirit given to man by the devil: No man is really created by God to
fear. Fear is not part of our original DNA from God. Man received fear through
the corrupted sin nature of Adam which he received after he sinned against God
in the Garden of Eden. See Gen.3:8-14. .
Since that day man sinned, the damage caused to most of mankind is
traceable to fear as we can see in our world today because fear has been
attracting the will of Satan to man to ruin him. People are far from oppression
when they do not fear; otherwise they come under satanic oppression and terror.
This is good news for the time in which we live because as we learn to overcome
fear, we will walk in God’s promise to free us completely from fear. See Isaiah
54:14 and Acts 10:38.
2. After this sad origin of fear God had to begin the work of redemption
from His promise in Gen.3:15 to send the seed of the woman who we now know
to be Jesus Christ to bruise the head of the serpent. Zechariah the father of
John the Baptist, while prophesying about the mission of John as the prophet
who would announce the Messiah; said among other things that when we are
delivered from our enemies, we would serve God without fear. See Luke 1:74.
3. When we receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour and Lord, we become
new creations and receive a new spirit. This spirit is described as follows:
The spirit of adoption as opposed to
a spirit of bondage to fear
The spirit of Power
The Spirit of Love
The Spirit of a sound mind
See 2Tim.1:7; Rom.8:15 and Hebrews
Having the understanding of the
spirit we have received, is the beginning of our ability to exercise dominion
over fear. The
reason this is sometimes not automatic is that it has taken a long time to live
in that fearful state. Therefore, we must build the faith that comes through
renewing our minds with the word of God to the point of exercising faith by
taking courageous steps to prove we believe God’s word while growing in the
grace of God. This means you must do what God reveals to you in spite of your
fears. So that fear would be transferred from the fear of failure to the fear
of God which is a good fear. See Prov.9:10; Romans 8:15; 12:2 and Jas.1:21. The
salvation of our soul is the salvation from fear because the spirit of fear
afflicts the souls of men. Remember we are spirit, soul and body. It is the
spirit that is saved at new birth. The salvation of the soul and body are
actualized by doing the word of God revealed to us. This is what results in
casting out the devil that afflicts those parts of our being and we are thus
set free from fear. See 1Thess.5:23; Jas.1:21.
We must understand that through His
death on the Cross and taking our place in Hell, Jesus destroyed him who had the
power of death and therefore fear. Fear of death is the reason people are in
bondage to Satan and sin. When we realize that the one who had the power of
death has been destroyed, we can exercise faith to walk out on him and tell him
to get lost. To destroy means to damage without remedy; so Jesus damaged the
devil without remedy. When you understand this, he would not be able to hold
you in fear anymore. See Isaiah 25:7-8; Heb.2:14-15.
We shall continue next week to look at how this works
so that we can bring this light to bear on the real issues of life confronting
us on a daily basis. However, like we have seen earlier, the entire process of
overcoming fear in its totality begins with the first step which is taking
advantage of God’s solution to fear which is the new birth experience. Should
you desire to do so, you can do it right away by saying the following prayer
out loud and you will begin your journey from fear to faith:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died
for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore
declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the
fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you
for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that
would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna
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Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name!
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