Theme: Understanding
Our Dominion over Fear
Message for Sunday the 24th of January,
Overcoming the spirit of Fear Pt.3 (fear destroyers) 2Tim.1:7; Rm.8:15
Introduction: So far, we have seen that fear is an
evil spirit. We also saw that the one who has control over fear is the devil
who is the most fearful being in existence because of his sin and impending
judgment from God. He has successfully projected this fear into falling man
until the Lord Jesus Christ came to redeem us from his bondage.
We began to look at how to destroy fear because fear
has actually been destroyed by the Lord Jesus Christ on our behalf. So what we
are actually looking at is how to activate and enforce the victory that Jesus
actualized for us through the Cross. One of the most important weapons that the
Lord left for us to actualize our victory over fear is His word. We are
therefore looking at how to overcome fear with the word of God.
How to overcome fear with the word of God
For us to
successfully actualize our victory over fear with the word of God therefore, we
must understand the following truths:
The word is the
carrier of the Spirit of God. In John 6:63, Jesus said to His disciples that
the words He speaks to us are spirit and life. In other words, His word carries
the spirit and life of God. In Gen.2:7, we are told that when God formed the
body for the man, he was still lifeless until He released the breath of life
into him and then the man came alive. On the other hand, fear is a product of
death because it is governed by the law of sin and death. This is why it was
introduced into the Garden of Eden after Adam sinned against God. It had power over man then because of sins.
This is why Jesus Christ had to come and destroy the one behind the power of
death so that we could be set free. Therefore, when we take advantage of our
redemption, we are automatically set free from the devil who had the power over
death and therefore feat. The result is that we can take advantage of what
Jesus accomplished for us when he died on Calvary’s Cross and be set free from
fear and stay free. See Romans 8:1; Heb.2:14-15. Therefore, anytime the
temptation to fear comes to you, you can use the word of God revealed to you
and the fear would automatically give way. Anytime the fear shows us again,
repeat the cycle of declaring the word of God you received and declaring it to
your hearing until the fear lifts.
The word is the
carrier of faith and faith is the victory that overcomes the world including
fear. Rom.10:17; 1John 5:4. How does it work? In the book of 1John 5:4, we
learn that the victory that overcomes the world is our faith. Note that the
world includes fear. In fact, fear is synonymous with the world. There is this
constant fear of death that plunges people into all manner of things in a bid
to escape death and in the process, they get themselves killed from the so
called remedy against fear of death. If for example, a person goes to Satan to
get help against snake bite successfully, what about accidents or sickness or
any other thing that could cause death?
So you see, it is only in the word of God that there is preservation
from the fear of death. Our text scripture in 1Joh.5:4 does not say this is a
victory! It says this is THE VICTORY! This excludes any other source of victory
for overcoming the world. Therefore, the more of the word of God we
learn and know and walk in, the less fear finds its way into our lives and all
that concerns us.
The word carries
the creative power of God and has the ability to create a fearless state for us
by injecting our hearts with faith. The word created the one who rules over
fear and has the ability to control him and cause him to flee with his fear.
See Ps.33:6, Col.1:16, Heb.2:14-15, Jas.4:17. When we know that God is the
eternal creator that should give us peace and enable us to walk around with the
confidence of the child of the creator’s mentality. God create all things for
us to enjoy freely and richly. See 1Tim.6:17.
The word has the
ability to show us how to resist fear and make it run away in fear of us and in
fear of the word of God in us. One of the ways the word does this is by giving
us light to enable us operate with a divine nature mentality. When this truth
is caught, it cannot leave you again and as such it delivers a permanent blow
of destruction on fear. See 1Pet.5:8-9 and Jas.4:7. This mentality enables you
to operate as one with God. This is what Jesus Christ meant in John 10:30 that
He was one with the father. See Jn.14:10, 14 and John 17:11 when He said He is
one with the father.
More could be said on this but for now, let us take
the time to meditate on these truths to help us destroy fear from our lives
forever. Meanwhile, like we have seen before, the first step to overcoming fear
is to become a new creation if you have not yet done so. Receiving Jesus Christ
as your Saviour and Lord is what grants you access into God’s Kingdom. In this
Kingdom, we are endued with the Holy Spirit to live for and reign with Christ.
Should you desire to do so right now, please say the following prayer out loud
in faith and you will be born again into God’s family:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died
for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore
declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the
fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you
for this father in Jesus’ name!
Congratulations! For more information and resources that
would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at
alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:
Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name!
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