Messages for June 2016: Our Month of Grace and Mercy
Message for the 26th June, 2015
Theme: Understanding the Grace and Mercy of God - Text: Ex.33:19; Ps.103:8; Jer.31:34; Heb.8:12 and Romans 9:15-18
Topic: Frustrating the Grace of God
Introduction: Last week we left off our topic of the products of grace and mercy so that we can conduct our personal research of the word of God to enable us learn more and benefit from this great message of the grace and mercy of God. Today, we shall be concluding this series by looking at how we can benefit from these great treasures of grace and mercy without frustrating God’s plan. In Gal.2:20-21, we read:
“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.”
On a daily basis, men and women around the world frustrate this great grace of God in many ways and therefore make the death of Christ in vain in their lives. God is very sad about this because he wants to look down on earth at the travail of His soul and be satisfied because people are taking advantage of it for the purpose He made it happen.
What it means to frustrate the grace of God: From out text of Scripture above, Apostle Paul shows us clearly how we can frustrate the grace of God by declaring that He allows the Lord live His life through him recognizing his identification with Christ in His crucifixion. If this is not the case, he would have neglected the work of the Lord on the Cross and continued to try to live by a set of rules in his own strength. Therefore, to frustrate the grace of God means two things. First to refuse the invitation to embrace Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour based on what he suffered for us on Calvary’s cross. Secondly; if we get saved; we prefer to obey a set of rules in our own strength; without the help of the Holy Spirit in order to attain to perfection. When this is the case, we would not walk in the spirit but in the flesh and instead of bearing the fruit of the spirit, we would end up fulfilling the lust of the flesh and doing the works of the flesh. See Col.2:8 and Gal.3:2, 5 and 11.
Three ways people frustrate the grace of God:
Refusal to be saved after hearing the gospel: If we refuse to be saved, the only option open to such a person is damnation. Anyone dammed has frustrated the grace of God because the purpose for which Christ died from them is not accomplished. Of them, the Lord cannot look upon the travail of His soul and be satisfied because they refused His salvation. This is a very pathetic case and it is happening every day all around us. See Jn.3:16-19 and Mk.16:16.
Refusal to do the word of God we have heard after getting saved: when we refuse to do the word of God after we are saved, we frustrate the grace of God. This is because the entire purpose of Jesus’ coming is to bless us. When we do not get blessed because of disobedience, we frustrate His grace and that makes God sad as the best of us cannot be fully expressed that way. See 3Jn.1:2, Jas.1:22-25
Turning away from the leadership of the Holy Spirit to the leadership of mere men based on our fear of man: This is the very reason why many people are not saved today. They think of what people would say. Some, who are saved, compromise their godly standards and end up as cultists in the process just to be accepted by mere men because of what people would say. This is a very pathetic situation where people who would have been really blessed inside out have their lives cut short by this foolishness. What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul? What can a man give in exchange of his soul? Sadly, in our walk with God, he never tampers with our will; so we reap the fruit of the choices we make. May the Lord help us to always make the right choices before it is too late. See Rm.8:5-9; 14-16; 1Cor.2:14; Gal.5:16-17 and Prov.29:25.
How to take advantage of the grace of God:
When you hear the gospel preached at any time and you are convicted in any area, act on what you hear immediately. For instance if you hear a message of salvation and you are not saved, get saves. If you hear a message on healing and you are sick, do whatever the message teaches you and take your healing. The list goes on and on. When you do this, you prove that you believe and that is faith. See Jas.1:22-25; Heb.11:1 and Jn.3:16-19.
Faithfully serve in the house of God. When you do, God would bless you and yours and cause all his promises regarding service in his house to find expression in your life. See Ex.23:25-26, Mt.6:33
Whenever an opportunity presents itself to serve God with your money, time, skill or anything God has graciously given to you, jump at it. Do not consider any sacrifice as being too much for God as that service can save you from untimely death.
Serve him with your tithes and offerings at the location where he would accept it. While every tithe and offering is accepted by the Church, not every tithe and offering given to the Church is accepted by God. For instance, God sees your motive in bringing it, your method, and the source from where it came. He also sees what he has given to you and what percentage of it we brought to him. We would never receive beyond the measure with which we give to him. See Gal.6:6-10; 2Cor.9:6-7; Mal.3:3-4 and 8-12.
As we conclude this series, if you have never made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life and you wish to not frustrate this great grace of God, you can do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will commence this glorious journey of faith that will take you from glory to glory:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:
Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name!
Message for the 26th June, 2015
Theme: Understanding the Grace and Mercy of God - Text: Ex.33:19; Ps.103:8; Jer.31:34; Heb.8:12 and Romans 9:15-18
Topic: Frustrating the Grace of God
Introduction: Last week we left off our topic of the products of grace and mercy so that we can conduct our personal research of the word of God to enable us learn more and benefit from this great message of the grace and mercy of God. Today, we shall be concluding this series by looking at how we can benefit from these great treasures of grace and mercy without frustrating God’s plan. In Gal.2:20-21, we read:
“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.”
On a daily basis, men and women around the world frustrate this great grace of God in many ways and therefore make the death of Christ in vain in their lives. God is very sad about this because he wants to look down on earth at the travail of His soul and be satisfied because people are taking advantage of it for the purpose He made it happen.
What it means to frustrate the grace of God: From out text of Scripture above, Apostle Paul shows us clearly how we can frustrate the grace of God by declaring that He allows the Lord live His life through him recognizing his identification with Christ in His crucifixion. If this is not the case, he would have neglected the work of the Lord on the Cross and continued to try to live by a set of rules in his own strength. Therefore, to frustrate the grace of God means two things. First to refuse the invitation to embrace Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour based on what he suffered for us on Calvary’s cross. Secondly; if we get saved; we prefer to obey a set of rules in our own strength; without the help of the Holy Spirit in order to attain to perfection. When this is the case, we would not walk in the spirit but in the flesh and instead of bearing the fruit of the spirit, we would end up fulfilling the lust of the flesh and doing the works of the flesh. See Col.2:8 and Gal.3:2, 5 and 11.
Three ways people frustrate the grace of God:
Refusal to be saved after hearing the gospel: If we refuse to be saved, the only option open to such a person is damnation. Anyone dammed has frustrated the grace of God because the purpose for which Christ died from them is not accomplished. Of them, the Lord cannot look upon the travail of His soul and be satisfied because they refused His salvation. This is a very pathetic case and it is happening every day all around us. See Jn.3:16-19 and Mk.16:16.
Refusal to do the word of God we have heard after getting saved: when we refuse to do the word of God after we are saved, we frustrate the grace of God. This is because the entire purpose of Jesus’ coming is to bless us. When we do not get blessed because of disobedience, we frustrate His grace and that makes God sad as the best of us cannot be fully expressed that way. See 3Jn.1:2, Jas.1:22-25
Turning away from the leadership of the Holy Spirit to the leadership of mere men based on our fear of man: This is the very reason why many people are not saved today. They think of what people would say. Some, who are saved, compromise their godly standards and end up as cultists in the process just to be accepted by mere men because of what people would say. This is a very pathetic situation where people who would have been really blessed inside out have their lives cut short by this foolishness. What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul? What can a man give in exchange of his soul? Sadly, in our walk with God, he never tampers with our will; so we reap the fruit of the choices we make. May the Lord help us to always make the right choices before it is too late. See Rm.8:5-9; 14-16; 1Cor.2:14; Gal.5:16-17 and Prov.29:25.
How to take advantage of the grace of God:
When you hear the gospel preached at any time and you are convicted in any area, act on what you hear immediately. For instance if you hear a message of salvation and you are not saved, get saves. If you hear a message on healing and you are sick, do whatever the message teaches you and take your healing. The list goes on and on. When you do this, you prove that you believe and that is faith. See Jas.1:22-25; Heb.11:1 and Jn.3:16-19.
Faithfully serve in the house of God. When you do, God would bless you and yours and cause all his promises regarding service in his house to find expression in your life. See Ex.23:25-26, Mt.6:33
Whenever an opportunity presents itself to serve God with your money, time, skill or anything God has graciously given to you, jump at it. Do not consider any sacrifice as being too much for God as that service can save you from untimely death.
Serve him with your tithes and offerings at the location where he would accept it. While every tithe and offering is accepted by the Church, not every tithe and offering given to the Church is accepted by God. For instance, God sees your motive in bringing it, your method, and the source from where it came. He also sees what he has given to you and what percentage of it we brought to him. We would never receive beyond the measure with which we give to him. See Gal.6:6-10; 2Cor.9:6-7; Mal.3:3-4 and 8-12.
As we conclude this series, if you have never made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life and you wish to not frustrate this great grace of God, you can do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will commence this glorious journey of faith that will take you from glory to glory:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:
Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name!
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