Friday, 3 June 2016

Welcome to the month of June 2016: Our Month of Grace and Mercy

Text: Ex.33:19; Ps.103:8; Jer.31:34; Heb.8:12 and Romans 9:15-18
In John’s account of the crucifixion of the Lord, we are told about two thieves who were crucified with Him; one on his left hand and the other on his right hand. Whereas the one on the left hand mocked him asking that if he is really the Christ, he should save himself and them. The other thief however, reprimanded the one on the left hand telling him that he should fear God because they both deserved what they got because of their lifestyle but that the Lord was innocent and therefore, his situation was unjust. After he said that, he made a request to the Lord that he should remember him in his kingdom. The Lord promptly answered him that that day, he would be with him in paradise thereby cancelling all his disqualifications from entering into paradise. 
This story is one of the greatest demonstrations of the display of the Grace and Mercy of the Lord towards mankind. The thief on the right hand recognized first that he had sinned and was deserving of judgement and the penalty he got. Secondly, he recognized that the Lord was righteous and reserved the right to keep him in the predicament that he found himself based on the law of seed time and harvest. That law states that everyone shall reap what they sow. He had sown the evil lifestyle of robbery and reaped the death penalty. However in that defining moment on the Cross, he had his destiny of eternal damnation changed by simply trusting in the grace and mercy of God.
What then is grace and what is mercy? Grace is when we receive the benefits we do not deserve while mercy is when we do not receive the judgement we deserve. This is what happened to the thief on the right hand of the Lord on the Cross. They were both given the opportunity to be identified with the Lord in his death as they became known globally for being crucified with the Lord on the same day and their story is an eternal one. They both each had a choice to make for eternal life or death. They had both heard the message of mercy and grace as the Lord preached in their streets. One believed and took advantage of it. The other disbelieved and was dammed.
In these last days, the same opportunity is being presented to us in this generation more than ever before. I believe the Lord gave us this word for this month to avert destruction from the lives of all who are presented with this choice and would make the choice for life. As the world approaches its tail end at this time, God wants more people to know of his grace and mercy and is willing to extend them to whosoever will receive them. This month, God is set to release an avalanche of His grace and mercy on the earth to save as many people as possible so as to enable them avert the crises that is coming upon the earth at his time.
To this end, this month, we shall be learning about these twin blessings of grace and mercy in a series I title: “UNDERSTANDING THE GRACE AND MERCY OF GOD”. From the account of the thieves on the cross, we can see that we would either benefit from this message or not by the choice we make in relation to this message.
Someone reading this right now may be asking, whether God really wants them saved or not. My response to you is that he does if you want to be saved. If you will take my challenge, then, you can say the following prayer out loud and you will be saved:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:   
Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name!

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