Sunday, 12 June 2016

Products of Grace and Mercy

Messages for June 2016: Our Month of Grace and Mercy
Message for the 12th June, 2015
Theme: Understanding the Grace and Mercy of God - Text: Ex.33:19; Ps.103:8; Jer.31:34; Heb.8:12 and Romans 9:15-18
Topic: Products of Grace and Mercy
Introduction: Last week we saw man’s need of forgiveness provoking the mercy nature of God and we went ahead to examine grace and mercy as twin character traits of God. We saw that it is God’s nature to be gracious and merciful and that man’s inadequacies provoked God to demonstrate this nature of His. Today, we shall start looking at the different ways God demonstrates His grace and mercy. For our purpose here, we shall be taking grace and mercy together as they usually work together and both of them require that we make choices for them to be activated in our lives.
Products of Grace and Mercy
What do we see around us that demonstrate the grace and mercy of God and its availability to all of mankind? They are many, but we shall be looking at some of them which I will list as follows:
Forgiveness: As we all know; God is a Holy God and His eyes are too pure to behold evil. This explains why sin caused the separation between God and man in the first place. For man to gain access into God’s presence again he needed to be forgiven and he could not pay the debt of his sin. In his infinite mercy, God became man in Christ and died for the sin of mankind. Then it became necessary that in order for man to have access to God, he must be forgiven his sin. When he repents, he receives forgiveness of sin and in His demonstration of his nature of grace, God declares man not guilty afterwards and begin to relate with him as a son. As man cultivates a relationship with God honoring and serving him faithfully in obedience to all his word, He comes to make his abode with man in a more intimate way than man received at New Birth. All these are made possible by the grace of God that has appeared to us all. Sadly, many would not receive this great grace of God and would therefore be eternally lost even though they could have averted their destruction through repentance. See John 3:16; 14:23; Rm.5:9; 8:30; Titus 2:11 & Heb.8:11-12.
Love: God so loved us and blessed us with the ability to walk in love because love is the nature of God. The entire salvation plan was love motivated. It is also God’s intention that it is sustained by His love. To help us do this, in his mercy, He engraced us with the ability to love by shedding His love in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. When we are born again, we are sealed with His Holy Spirit as a proof of our redemption. If we make choices that honor God, His love will become more and more evident in our lives as all our motives would be inspired by his love within us. This is God’s help to enable us live the good life which he has planned for us from the foundation of the earth. It is the love of God that makes this world a place worth living in. without love, there can be no good life and there can really be no fulfillment. Love is required in all our dealings towards God; ourselves and each other. See John 3:16; Rom.5:5; 1Jn.3:1; 4:7-8 and Eph.1:13.
Joy: This is the energy that only heaven can give to you. Some months ago, we took the time to look at what joy is in detail and we learnt that joy is different from happiness in the sense that it is not based on physical experiences to manifest. It is based on divine revelation empowered by a good relationship with God. Joy enables us to be able to draw from the wealth of God’s revelation. We are told in Isa. 12:3 that joy is the rope with which we can draw water from the wells of salvation. This is access to the voice of God that would help us overcome in the battles of life always. Joy is a fruit of the spirit that must be cultivated by the believer. Therefore, we would need the grace of God to cultivate it. Grace gives us divine ability to cultivate the fruit of joy and when we cooperate with the Holy Spirit to do this, we would experience joy unspeakable that has the ability to cast out every seed of depression from us. See 1Pet.1:8, Gal.5:22; Isa.30:30-31 and John 15:11.
Time: This is a resource that God has given to every man equally in terms of each day. However, not everyone will live the same length of years but for every day we live, each of us is entitled to twenty four hours; your time Zone notwithstanding. The beauty of time is that it is convertible depending on how we use it. In our use of time, we are either spending it or investing it. Time spent is time wasted and would not yield us any good fruit. On the other hand, time invested is time rightly converted and can result in our fulfilling God’s desire that we prosper and be in health even as our souls prosper. The time you invest to develop yourself justifies your excellence in the delivery of your assignment. Nothing happens by chance; everything is designed to obey the law of seed time and harvest. The best illustration I find in the word of God about the use and abuse of time is the parable of the pound in Luke 19:12-26. We shall all give an account for the use to which we put our time in relation to the fulfillment of our destinies. As long as we are on earth, every time we live is the grace of God being extended to us to make the best use of our time for the fulfillment of our purpose. The length of life a man has is not as important as the quality of life he has lived within that time. We ought to live with eternity in view ensuring that we live ready to give account of the contribution we made to the glory of God when we eventually come face to face with our maker. Let us not live like the rich fool who lived to acquire things for himself and was not rich towards God. Let us therefore see time as the grace of God given to us to enable us fulfill our purpose if rightly used bearing in mind the truth that we shall one day give an account of our lives. See Gen.8:22; Gal.6:6-7; Eph.5:15-17; Heb.9:27 and 3Jn.1:2.
We shall stop here today for want of time and space. We shall continue on more of the products of Grace and Mercy that heaven has made available to us next week. Meanwhile like we have seen while looking at God’s grace and mercy in relation to forgiveness let us understand that God would never forgive a sinner who refuses to repent. Being hypocritical and feigning salvation when one is not saved is a very great example of a life that has been given over to perdition. If you have been postponing your salvation also, you are playing with time instead of investing it. This too is very destructive as you cannot begin to pursue a noble destiny without first making a decision for the Lord Jesus Christ. If you want to make that decision now, please say the following prayer out loud and you will commence the noble destiny journey you so much desire:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:   
Remain on top of your challenges in Jesus’ name!

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