Tuesday 9 January 2018

Applying the keys of the kingdom of God for your prosperity Pt.3

KINGDOM HEIRS ministries int’l Inc.
140 Ellery avenue Newark NJ 07106 U. S. A.
Messages for December 2017: Our Month of Jubilee
Message for Sunday 24th December, 2017
Theme: Understanding the Keys of the Kingdom of God
Topic: Applying the keys of the kingdom of God for your prosperity Pt.3
Introduction: Last week, we began to look at the second part of this topic of applying the keys of the kingdom of God for our prosperity. We saw that knowing the keys alone would not be enough to get business done in the kingdom of God. We have to understand the keys enough to be able to effectively apply them. We also established that the keys of fasting and prayer; even though very effective for the kingdom of God would not answer to the demands that would enable us to prosper God’s way. While they may help us find out what to do, they would not do it for us. We are responsible for our actions which in turn would constitutes the seeds of our greatness.
We began to take the keys for prosperity one by one. First we saw that prosperity is a covenant that answers only to the law of sowing and reaping and that we reap whatever we sow in this kingdom with the understanding that once seeds are sown, it is only a question of time and they would be ripe and ready for harvest. Then we began to look at different dimensions of giving which is the means by which we sow seeds for our prosperity.
Today we shall continue to look at the different dimensions of giving.
The prosperity of the soul determines the level of the prosperity of a person:
We began to look at giving of our financial resources and how it impacts on our general wellbeing last week. Today we shall be looking at the giving of intangible things and how they affect our prosperity. For clarity, we shall be seeing what we do with our time and the word of God. Please understand that the prosperity of the soul has to do with how well your mind, will and emotions are doing. For us to prosper in these areas, we need to be accountable in what we do with our time and the word of God. 
The soul of man: This is the part of man that contains his mind, will and emotions. The importance of the soul of man to his wellbeing cannot be overemphasized. It is often said that every form of disability in man can be accommodated except the disability of his mind. If a person loses his mind, his life is lost and only at the mercy of God can he be left to find help. This explains why the Apostle John said in 3Jn.1:2 the he wishes above all things that we prosper and be in health even as our souls prosper. So we can prosper to the extent our soul prospers. Therefore any time you put into the prosperity of your soul is time invested. This is why what we think matters a lot because the bible tells us in Prov.23:7 that we are the sum total of our thought life. Let us therefore see what God teaches us about prosperity in relation to our souls. The mind is the part of the soul responsible for thinking and reasoning; it is the part of us that enables us to read and comprehend what we read. It goes on to analyze what we see and hear and then the will takes over from there and we make decisions based on the conclusions drawn from the analysis of the mind. Our will is responsible for the decisions we make and we drive our decisions to its logical conclusion with the use of our emotions. The emotion is the seat of momentum and this is what provides the energy required for continuity. This is why God commands us to love him with all our hearts, soul and might. All these involve the emotions. See Deu.6:5; Mt.22:37; Mk.12:30 and Lk.10:27
Spiritual prosperity and the soul:  When Joshua took the reins of leadership from Moses, we see a revelation of God’s counsel to him which constitutes the divine open secret of our prosperity. I call this an open secret because it is visible and unambiguous for anyone who can read the bible to see and implement in their lives. In Joshua 1:8, we read this eternal secret of prosperity issued by God to man:
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and thou shalt have good success.” 
From this text of scripture, it is very clear that the key of prosperity given by God to Joshua is what John says determines our total wellbeing in 3Jn.2. Here we see the role played by the leader and the word of God. Therefore God’s responsibility to us in relation to prosperity is to reveal the secret of it to us in his word. What we do with the word of God therefore is what is going to determine where we would find ourselves in the journey of destiny.
God’s part: He provides the secret which He has already packaged in His book – The Bible which is His manual for our lives and our environment.
Our part is: Find the secret from the word and do it. To help us, we need to take the following steps which all involve time this is the relationship between time and the word of God:
1.     Find the word: To find the word simply means you should purchase a bible with accurate near to the original translations. I strongly recommend the King James Version and any other translation which have not altered some portions of the bible. Someone may say I don’t have the money to buy, then borrow from someone until you can get yours. I have an aunt who was too poor to go to school so she used to wait for neighbors returning from school to beg for their note books. She would copy them and go and diligently read them. This way, she learnt enough to sit for the national examination that enabled her to go to a teachers training college. Eventually, her status changed. Today she owns a school. So you may start the journey of your prosperity borrowing a bible but things would change as God must honor your diligence. See Heb.11:6; Heb. 6:12 and Prov.22:29.
2.     Read the word: When you have found the word, read it like one eating the kind of food that they enjoy a lot. This is the first step we take in the journey of prosperity. Reading the word enables us to have food for meditation. What you read would fill your thoughts and that is the beginning point of meditation. To meditate is to ponder deeply on a certain thought. Reading the word would therefore provide food for meditation. Apostle Peter rightly describes the word as the food for our spirit. When we read the word daily, it provides the spiritual energy required for our prosperity. See 1Pt.2:2; Rm.12:1 and 1Tim.4:13.
3.     Meditate on the word daily: This is the process that enables you to cultivate the mindset God wants you to have. I see meditation as the process of digesting the word we feed our spirits with so that we can absorb it for our spiritual health benefit. It enables us to think like God and over time, we are empowered for creativity like him. When you cultivate God’s mindset and adopt it as yours, you would be obeying the scripture that enjoins us to be imitators of God as dear children. Meditation also enables us to not conform to this world but be transformed from it so that we could be lovers of God indeed because it helps us to renew our minds to think and act like God does. See Rm.12:2; Jos.1:8; Ps.1:1-3; Eph.5:1[TAB] and 1Jn.2:15-16.
4.     Do the word: After all said about the word of God, it would be pointless if you do not do it. In fact, Jesus taught that if you do not do the word you hear from him, you make yourself like a builder who built with substandard materials and used a substandard pattern. For instance building on sand without foundation is the height of foolishness because at the slightest storm that house would collapse and the result could be devastating. It could cost the life of all the occupants in the house. Our text scripture here points out to us the process that enables us to do the word. What we meditate on is what we would do because the process of meditation takes you to a realm where you would receive understanding and at this point, understanding has the ability to release on you the power to do the word. See Rm.12:2; Jas.1:22-25; Mt.7:24-27; Ps.119:130; and Lk.6:46-49.
5.     Trust God and get busy serving Him while awaiting its fulfilment: This is the point where many people miss out on the principles of God regarding prosperity. Many purported servants of God even in Churches are actually self-serving. For instance people prefer to pray to meet their personal needs instead of praying for the expansion of God’s kingdom on earth. When prayer points are raised for kingdom expansion in many places, people do not usually show interests in them as much as prayers to meet personal needs. The result is the wishi washy kind of Christianity we see around today. Many people are self-disciples or disciples of men rather than disciples of Christ and that is a shame in the times we are in. but Jesus gave us this key in Mt.6:33 where we learn that seeking God’s kingdom first and the right way of doing things in the kingdom is the key to prosperity in the God’s kingdom. I believe the day every child of God pays attention to this scripture and Ex.23:25-26, the Church would really begin to shine more than ever for the world to see the glory of God. See Mt.5:13-16; Isa.11:9; Hab.2:14 and Ps.92:12-15.
For want of time and space, we shall stop here for today. Next week, we shall be looking at Jubilee in relation to praise for our prosperity. Meanwhile, anyone reading this blog today that is yet to make a decision for the Lord is welcome to do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will commence the prosperity journey right away:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at www.kingdomheirsministries.org and our blogs at www.flourishinggirl.blogspot.com and follow us on twitter @alero_nanna and on face book on www.facebook.com/flourishinggirl www.facebook.com/khmii2015; www.facebook.com/thewellbeingcenter. Or www.facebook.com/kingdomjointheirsfamily email:  jointheirsfamily@gmail.com.

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