Tuesday 9 January 2018

Jubilee in relation to praise for our prosperity

KINGDOM HEIRS ministries int’l Inc.
140 Ellery avenue Newark NJ 07106 U. S. A.
Messages for December 2017: Our Month of Jubilee
Message for Sunday 31st December, 2017
Theme: Understanding the Keys of the Kingdom of God
Topic: Jubilee in relation to praise for our prosperity
Introduction: Last week, we concluded the topic of applying the keys of the kingdom of God in relation to our prosperity. As this year winds to a close today being the last Sunday of this year there is no better day to look at this topic than today. At the beginning of this month, we saw that when Jubilee was first introduced to the children of Israel, they were told to sound the trumpet in commemoration of the Jubilee. The blast of that trumpet was the announcement to the children of Israel of their liberation from indebtedness and the freedom to live life without any burdens. This is the reason why God commanded that the trumpet be sounded to announce the commencement of the Jubilee. We find this truth in the book of Leviticus 25 where God first commanded that the children of Israel declare the Jubilee for the liberation of the Children of Israel from their debts.
Praise and Jubilee: A look at the definition of praise would reveal that it is mostly communicated accompanied with music, singing, joy and rejoicing. This is the mood God wanted the children of Israel to be in during the jubilee years. Therefore the message we have been looking at this month would be incomplete if we do not look at this aspect of jubilee. This is why today we are looking at Jubilee in relation to praise. The question we need to answer first here is: why does God want us to praise or be in this mood of praise in this month of Jubilee?
1.     It is a principle of God that for service of God to be rewarded, it must be acceptable and a major means by which acceptable service can be offered to God is that the attitude required for service is that it should be done with joy and gladness of heart. In fact the children of Israel were even made to know that the reason for the curse of the law was that they did not serve God with joy and gladness of heart. See Heb.12:28; Deu.28:47-48 and Isa.12:3 – Please read the entire chapter of this text because we would see why Jubilee and praise work together. More would be said of this below when we start to enlarge the truth we are looking at here.
2.     God commanded that the trumpet be used to herald the jubilee and the implication of this was that the children of Israel would have to rejoice before him for the abundance of all that he was making available to them. The converse of the text in Deu.28:47-48 makes us understand that if we serve God for with joy and gladness of heart for the abundance of all things, then we cannot serve our enemies. We would surely not suffer disease, fear, sickness, oppression of any kind and all the other ills that go with serving the enemy. Remember, prosperity is to be whole with nothing missing and nothing broken. See Lev.25:9 and Ex.15:1-21 [please read this].
3.     Praise which is accompanied by instrument of music like the trumpet is the means by which God has designed for us to cooperate with him in executing vengeance upon the wicked that have risen up against us and punishment upon our oppressors. This is because praise releases his strength upon us and causes us to prevail over all of our adversaries. Every judgement written in God’s word against our enemies is executed when we lift up high praises to God and the beauty of this is that we can do this solo upon our beds at night at home. See Ps.149:5-9 and Ex.15:1-21.
Aiding and abetting praise: Whereas this is a term used in relation to crime as it has to do with someone helping a crime to happen. In the same way, many on earth have viewed praise as a crime because of the reaction of our enemies to praise. We are really surrounded by enemies. I recall when we first started early morning praise in our Churches; our musical instruments were attacked by witches in the environment until God put a stop to their nuisance. Some of them even began to join us to praise.  Therefore, if they consider praising God a crime, I want to be guilty of committing it because I cannot be ashamed of the gospel even in spite of the opinion of ungodly men and women. See Rm.1:16.
Aiding and abetting praise therefore; simply has to do with what can be done to make us very praiseful or to encourage us to live a praiseful life?  The key of the kingdom for unlocking this very powerful instrument of praise is gratitude to God. Anyone who can think right will not have any problem returning praise to God as this year winds up because a right thinking person can remember that God has been good. What are we to think about?
1.     We must understand that every day we live in time is another opportunity provided to us by the Lord to fulfill divine expectations of us packaged with God’s thought of peace towards us. Recently I had the opportunity to minister to someone suffering from depression that had affected her so much that she was almost losing it. All that God did to get her out of her depression was to give me a word for her in Jeremiah 29:11.  I was led to tell her to read it to herself; as she read it, she broke out in tears and I could tell she was seeing that word for the first time in her life.  That scripture says that God’s thought towards us are good and not evil; to prosper us and not to harm us; to give us a hope and a future. When she saw this, she was set free from depression because she was now given food for right thinking that dislodged all the evil thoughts that brought about the depression in the first place. This was to fulfill the word in Ps.107:20 where we are told that God sent His word and healed them and delivered them from their destructions. Right thinking is food for the prosperity of the soul and when this is in place in the life of anyone, their prosperity is established because like we have seen earlier this month, the level of prosperity anyone can enjoy has to do with the level of the prosperity of their souls.
I once heard a man of God say that when we are thankful, we would be very praiseful. This is very apt. Why would we not praise God who always does well to us? See 3Jn.1:2 and 1Thess.5:23.
2.      From the beginning of time, God has been. He never needed our help to be God. He has been and will forever be the most high [Heb.11:6; Ps.92:1 and Ps.91:9.] If He decided He wanted a family and created us for that purpose, we must be very grateful because we were not the first beings He made. Angels were already created before man yet he did not choose to make them His family. We are the only beings made in His image and likeness and we are currently given the opportunity of exercising our wills to love or reject Him in the midst of a perverse and crooked generation and we can do just that with His help because we are surrounded by our enemies who would rather see us curse God and die. To God be the glory, like Job, God has enabled us to love Him and return gratitude to him and live. This is worth praising God for. See Gen.1:26-28; Job.2:9; Deu.30:19-20 and Heb.1:13-14.
3.     Sin brought man under the influence of death such that if man was to be left like that, his life would have been hopeless and without God in this world without an option. But the love heart of God would not let Him leave man like that; so He sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to die in our place so that we can be redeemed from the consequence of our ancestral sin [which robbed off on us] and receive eternal life so that we can become truly children of God. See Eph.2:11-22; Rm.3:23-26; Rm.6:19-23; Jn.3:16-19; Rm.8:1(KJV) and Rev.20:11-15.
4.     All things were made by and for the Lord and by Him all things consists: When we praise Him therefore, we fulfil our purpose because we were made by and for him and everything we see put together today were so done by Him and for him. This is not because He is a bigot but because He is our lover; the lover of our souls! See Col.1:12-23; Jn.1:1-5; Isa.43:7 and Lk.19:9-10.
5.     God provides us with all things for our edification: The only request God has ever made to man is that we praise Him. This explains why when He told Hezekiah he was going to die, while Hezekiah made supplications to Him pointing out all his service of the Lord, there was no response from Him but as soon as Hezekiah told Him that only the living can praise the Lord, He immediately ordered the prophet Isaiah to return to him and tell him of the extension of his lifespan by another fifteen years. When the detractors of the Lord tried to discourage people from praising Him, He immediately told them that if they stopped the people stones will be raised to praise him. No wonder the only food we can give to God is praise. Praise is His own so when we praise Him we are giving Him what belongs to him. As a matter of fact music which accompanies praise is the only thing used by man which is made in heaven and not here on earth. See Isa.38:18-19; Ps.30:1-12 and Lk.19:37-40
More can be said on this but I leave the rest to your imagination and action to show that you really understand why you should praise the Lord. Jubilee is just God’s way of saying I love and appreciate your desire for me and I want to ease you of your burden in return. On this note, I would like to wish you all a great end of year in celebration of our God and to tell you to watch out for a greater year ahead because the path of the just is as a shining light that shines more and more unto a perfect day.
Meanwhile, someone is here today that is yet to make Jesus Christ the Lord of his or her life; today is your day. Please do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you would become a part of God’s family and begin to enjoy the benefits of the kingdom of God immediately beginning with the forgiveness of all your sins free of your own charge other than repentance. If you want to take advantage of this opportunity, please say the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be born again:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at www.kingdomheirsministries.org and our blogs at www.flourishinggirl.blogspot.com and follow us on twitter @alero_nanna and on face book on www.facebook.com/flourishinggirl www.facebook.com/khmii2015; www.facebook.com/thewellbeingcenter. Or www.facebook.com/kingdomjointheirsfamily email:  jointheirsfamily@gmail.com.

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