Tuesday 9 January 2018

Understanding the nature of the word of God pt.1

Messages for January 2018: Our Month of The word of God
Message for Sunday 7th January, 2018
Theme: Exploring the Word of God
Topic: Understanding the nature of the word of God pt.1
Introduction: when the Lord gave me the word for this month I immediately knew that He was setting us up for a great year. The truth is that the first step to anything worthwhile is its beginning. The beginning of any existence except God is the creation of that existence. For instance the bulk of the existence of any crisis in any life came about because they were created. In the same way no good thing can happen in a life without being created. The big question is how do we get to create all the exceeding great and precious promises God has made to us in this year of our divine visitation? My answer is that the only way we can get to know is by finding out from the best person and that person is God because He is the eternal Creator. When we learn how He creates, we can also find out from Him how to do likewise.
God is the Creator: Many of us read the book of Genesis chapter 1 and think that that was all the creation God had to do. I beg to dissent here because if that was all then we would still have been the way Adam and Eve were since the beginning and after their fall. God has not stopped creating even though now He applies an additional method called delegation to His creative work. Now let us try to understand from the creator’s manual – The Bible.
1.     In the beginning God… every kind of creation or noble invention begins with God. If the beginning of a thing has no God in it, it can best be described as a copy of the original.  All that was created as we saw in Genesis chapter 1 came about when God created them. See Gen.1:1, Col.1:16 and Jn.1:3.  From these texts, it is evident that God made all things by and for Himself.
2.     God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit: We cannot truly understand God until we know and recognize His triune nature. God is Father – He is called the father of our Lord Jesus Christ; the father of spirits; the father of whom are all things and the God with whom we have to do. See 1Cor.8:6; Heb.4:13; Heb.12:9.
God has a son in the person called Jesus Christ. In Prov.8:22 – 36 God reveals to us when He brought forth His Son. Then in Jn.1:1-14, we are made to see that His Son is the same as the Word of God and that the word became flesh. In Heb.10:4-10, we see the predestination Covenant between the father and the Son that resulted in the Son taking on flesh. Then in Jn.17:4 we see where the Son was telling the father in prayer that it was time for Him to bring to pass the restoration of the place He has with Him from the beginning now that He has fulfilled His purpose of incarnation. Finally in 1Cor.1:30, He is called the wisdom for God and in Revelation 19:13, He is called THE WORD OF GOD.
God is also Spirit: He is known also as the Holy Spirit, The Spirit of Christ, The Spirit of God; The Comforter, The promise of the Father; the Spirit of truth etc. See Jn.16:7, 13; Acts1:4 and Jn.14:26.
3.     God made man in His image and after His likeness: He also gave man the triune nature of spirit, soul and Body. In 1Thess.5:23, we are made to understand that man is a spirit just like God is a Spirit. Man has a soul and lives in a body. Just like Jesus Christ is the express image of the invisible God and showing us what God looks like; in the same way, man’s body and soul expresses who the man is and what he looks like. The soul is the realm of man that think/reasons, imagine/creates, and makes choices and feels. See Prov.23:7; Gen.11:6; Rm.12:2; Philippians 4:8.
How God Creates: To understand how God creates, we have to go to the beginning. In Gen.1:1-3, we see the entire process of creation. First God’s Spirit broods over the adverse situation of a formless and void world caused by the devastation of the war in heaven that resulted in the flood of Lucifer that covered the earth [Gen.1:3; Isa.14:12-15; Ez.28:14-19 and Isa.45:18]. After brooding over it, the Holy Spirit came up with the solution of recreating the world and placing man on earth to rule over it instead of the fallen angel. This time, he did not make man as beautiful as he made the angel that fell because he wanted to glorify Himself by bringing beauty out of the mud He used to make man. When he had decided what he wanted to bring forth, He spoke them into existence. Thus from this text, we gather that the material with which God creates are:
1.     The imagination. See Heb.11:3 and Gen.1:1-3.
2.     The spoken word.  See Ps.33:6, 9; Jn.1:1-3   
This is the standard God has set for creation and man is expected to follow this pattern if he is going to create anything. This is the means for building any kind of business and inventing any product for the general good. To try to create any other way would be illegal. In fact, it is impossible. Good things are created by imagination mixed with speech and bad things are also created that way. Sadly, many people make the wrong choice in creating and instead of using their imagination to glorify God by creating God’s way, they end up scheming and losing it altogether.
When God handed over creation to man on earth, He thereby made man the only authentic source of creation on earth apart from Himself. The means by which man creates is the same that God uses. Even if God has to create anything on earth today, He would still involve man. Thus no spirit can create anything on earth without partnering with man. In Philemon 1:14 Apostle Paul demonstrated this principle when he told the disciple that he would do nothing without engaging the mind of the disciple so that the will of the disciple can be involved in what was to be done which could also be a creation:
The imagination and the spoken word. See Rm.10:8-11 and Mk.11:23.
We shall stop here today for want of time and space. Next week, we shall continue this message with the part 2 titled: Conditioning the imagination and speech for creating God’s way. Meanwhile, someone is reading this blog who does not yet know the Lord Jesus Christ in experience even though He died to set you free to become all you were destined by God to become. This is a very opportune time for you to make the choice of eternal life because that is the only way to overcome the trials of the times we are in. If you want to become victorious, you can take the first step right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will become born again and initiated into the family of God and blessed with the right to create:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at www.kingdomheirsministries.org and our blogs at www.flourishinggirl.blogspot.com and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on www.facebook.com/flourishinggirl www.facebook.com/khmii2015; www.facebook.com/thewellbeingcenter. Or www.facebook.com/kingdomjointheirsfamily email:  jointheirsfamily@gmail.com.

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