Messages for July
2018: Our Month of Excellence
Message for Sunday 1st July, 2018
Theme: Understanding the Benefits of
Topic: what
discipleship is and who can be called one
Introduction: Every day, He arose a great while before day
light and went on to a nearby park to spend some time alone with God. Anyone
who observed him would be impressed by His consistency. He never failed to keep
this date with His invisible friend who He referred to as His Father. This is
the secret of the powerful ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ and the unusual
wisdom and mastery He displayed as a leader. He stayed in intimate relationship
with the Holy Spirit and never did nor say anything except what the father
modeled to Him and told Him to say. This month, in our theme, we are going to
be looking at the advantages of living this way and we encourage everyone to
enlist in this great boat called discipleship.
What is discipleship? Discipleship is -
The state if being a disciple – Jn.8:31
This is the state of being a follower of the doctrines and precepts of
another. In our case; it is the follower of the doctrines and lifestyle of the
Lord Jesus Christ. Jn.8:31
A disciple bears fruit for God through Jesus Christ. The fruit is called
the fruit of the spirit. When they do, the lost is attracted to them to become
saved. See Jn.15:1-5, 8 and Mt.5:14-16
Who can be called a disciple of Jesus Christ?
One who has met the demand of Jesus Christ in Lk.9:23 – this
demand was to deny himself and take up his Cross daily and follow the Lord. To
deny self is to refuse to please one’s self when pleasing yourself will
displease the Lord. Instead, you please the Lord. For instance, a rich man came
to Jesus to be saved and the Lord told him to go sell all he had and give to
the poor and come and follow him. The man went away sorrowful and did not receive
the Lord as at then. No account of him was seen after that. This goes to show
that converts are expected to grow to become disciples. Mk.10:17-22
One who follows Jesus Christ so that he or she can become a fisher
of men. A fisher of men is someone who wins souls to Christ. This is one of the
wisest thing anyone can do for themselves because the bible tells us that a
soul winner is wise. See Prov.11:30; Dan.12:3 and Mt.4:19
One who bears the fruit of the Spirit. This is the fruit that the
Lord said we shall be identified by to prove that we are His own. The book of Gal.5:21-22
lists them for us. Also we can see more on this in Mt.7:15-20.
One who has embraced self-denial so that he or she can follow the
Lord. Apostle Paul exemplifies this lifestyle to us when he said in Philippians
3:7-9 that he has counted all things dung for the excellency of Christ Jesus
our Lord so that he could gain Christ. This is the language of a true disciple
and he did his best to live up to it to the point that he asked the Church to
follow him as he follows Christ. See Philippians 3:17-20.
More would be said on this by
God’s grace in subsequent services. Meanwhile, this message is a message to
believers who want to walk more closely with God. For all men, this is the
desire of God for mankind. If you desire this, the first step is that you must
belong to God’s family through the new birth experience. If you want to take
advantage of this opportunity to belong to God’s family, you can do so right
away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be saved:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus
died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore
declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the
fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you
for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you
grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:
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