Monday, 9 July 2018

Why the Holy Spirit came

Messages for June 2018: Our Month of the Holy Spirit
Message for Sunday 10th June, 2018
Theme: Understanding the Ministry and Gift of the Holy Spirit
Topic: Why the Holy Spirit came
Introduction: Last week, we began to look at why the Holy Spirit came. In other words, we began to look at the purpose of God sending His Spirit to us on earth. So far, we already established what some of the ministries of the Holy Spirit are on earth today. We first established that He brings us the conviction; He convicts the world of sin, righteousness and judgement. He shows us things to come, empowers us to know and do ministry and enhances our spiritual capacity. Today, we shall continue by looking at other reasons the Holy Spirit came and God willing, we shall continue by looking at His fruit.
Why the Holy Spirit came:  In addition to what we saw last week, the following are some more of the reasons why the Holy Spirit came:
1.     He teaches us all things: This cuts across all subjects of human endeavors. This is why no believer in Christ has any excuse whatsoever for mental blockage. However, for you to be able to comprehend Him, you have to be spiritually minded. This is why we must develop our souls to submit to our spirits to be able to be taught by Him. See Jn.14:26; 1Cor.2:12-14 and Rm.8:5-8. 
2.     He guides us into all truths: This means that anything we need to know the truth about, the Holy Spirit is right on hand to reveal it to us. This covers every area of life. The good thing about this all is that the anointing of the Holy Spirit is not only for preachers and preaching, it is for the manifestation of the power of God in every area of life. Inventors need the anointing, teachers in any subject that would benefit humanity need the anointing and so does anyone in any profession in life. For instance in Exodus 25, we see the example of Bezaleel and Aholiab who were chosen by God and anointed with the skill of builders to help Moses build the temple in the wilderness. In the book of Genesis 41:37-43, we see the example of Joseph who was anointed by God to bring solution to the famine crises in the world of his time. Further we see the example of Daniel who was anointed to wield political influence in Babylon spanning a period of about seventy years and whose influence I believe saw the visit of the Maggi to the Lord when He was a young child. He guides us with his word, through dreams, visions and the inward witness and more. More can be said here but let us see Jn.16:13; Mt.1:18-25; 2:11-12; Exod.31:1-6 and Dan.1:8, 19-21.
3.     He enhances our memories: One of the things the Holy Spirit would do for us is to remind us of things we have been taught in the word when the need arises. I have also discovered that the Holy Spirit reminds us of where we kept our missing items thereby saving us from embarrassments when the need arises. See Jn.14:26
4.     He helps us to pray the will of God: He helps us to pray the perfect will of God because He is the one who knows the mind of God more than anyone. He does this for us in groans and sighs which cannot be uttered in articulate speech. See 1Cor.2:11 and Rm.8:26.
5.     He helps us to give thanks to God well: Thanksgiving is our divine protocol of access to God in prayer and the means of finalizing our prayers to God. Therefore, it is of utmost importance for us to do it properly. The Holy Spirit helps us to do it in the manner God finds most appropriate. 1Cor.14:16-17.
6.     He encourages us when we are tempted to be discouraged: This is why He is called the encourager or comforter. He does this by showing us things to come or bringing to our remembrance the things the Lord had told us before to lift up our spirits. We would thus be strengthened to continue as we would have something to look forward to. Jn.16:13
7.     He enables us to bear the fruit of the spirit: He enables us to bear the fruit of the spirit. From Acts 1:8, we understand that being a witness is who you are and not necessarily what you do. It is who you are that would dictate what you do. The fruit you bear as a believer shows who you are. See Jn.13:34-35; 1Jn.4:7=8 and Gal.5:22-23.
We shall draw the curtain here today. More would be said on this in the course of this week so that we may all take advantage of this great gift of God to us. Meanwhile, if you are reading this blog but are not born again yet, you have to make that choice right away because for you to read up to this point means you are interested and if you are, I want to encourage you to take advantage of this insight right away so that you can immediately begin to benefit from this free gift of God to humanity. If you want to do this now please say the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be born again at once:

Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:

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