Saturday 8 December 2018

First things first in Divine Evangelism

Messages for December 2018: Our Month of: The Ingathering
Message for Sunday 2nd December, 2018
Theme: Understanding Divine Evangelism
Topic: First things first in Divine Evangelism
Introduction: once again, I welcome you to the Month of December; our month of The Ingathering. Ingathering insinuates harvesting fruits of seeds that have been sown for a period of time which are due for harvest. As a matter of fact, some are overdue for harvest to the point of decadence. We are thankful that grace and truth came by the Lord Jesus Christ so that we can undo our mistakes and receive a restoration of all that would have been lost to us otherwise.
In this great month therefore, we shall be looking at divine evangelism which simply means evangelism that is of God. The reason we are taking time to qualify the noun is because what some may term evangelism may not be so called with God. We are therefore going to be looking at evangelism from divine perspective. First things first insinuates the step by step demands of evangelism from God’s perspective. There is first what to become before what to do and we will find some of these things in the story of the Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ; some of which are listed here.  
Steps to effective Divine evangelism: When we look at the story of the Lord Jesus Christ, we can easily receive a template of how evangelism is meant to be. As a matter of fact, He is referred to in God’s word as the express image of the invisible God and the first born of every creation in Colossians 1:15-18. We also learn that all things were created by Him and for Him and that by Him all things consist. He made all things both visible and invisible including thrones and dominions. All things were made by Him and for Him. This explains His audacity of telling the Jews that before Abraham was; “I am”. They considered Him a blasphemer when He said this because they were withheld from recognizing His true identity because of the Kind of assignment He was to carry out which is the redemption of the human race from the dominion of the kingdom of darkness. Looking at His lifestyle when he walked the sands of time therefore, we learn a lot of lessons on how to carry our evangelism God’s way. The following are therefore some steps we could glean from Him:
1.     Submission to God: This is the quality of yielding to or accepting a superior force or the authority or will of another person. It is to be subject to a particular process, treatment or condition. Jesus lived in total submission to the Father’s authority. Jesus said He did nothing of his own but allowed the father to lead Him every step of the way in life. He proved this when He submitted to John’s Baptism in demonstrating His righteousness. He also allowed the Holy Spirit to lead Him into a forty day fast and then was tempted by the devil and overcame the devil. Apostle Paul said of Him that we should let His mind set become our mind set because even though He was God, He did not wrest positions with God but made Himself of no reputation and became obedient even to death. That was submission. See Mt.3:13-17; 4:1-11; Mk.1:35; Jn.5:19-20, 30.  
2.     Dedication to God: This is the quality of being committed to a task or purpose. The Lord’s purpose was to save His people from their sins. He was so committed to the task that during His earthly walk, as soon as His ministry began after he was baptized by John, He went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil. As he concluded the journey of His earthly destiny, He knew it and prayed to the father that He had finished the work the father sent Him to do and that was to give eternal life to as many as would receive it. See Mt.1:21; Jn.17:1-4; Mt.4:12-17, 23-25 and Acts 10:38.
3.     Decision to worship only God: Jesus Christ was solely committed to worshipping only the father. He refused to compromise His stance and maintained this godly value and remained that way until it necessitated a gruesome unjust murder on the Cross by His detractors. What the enemy meant for evil became our redemption story. See Mt.4:10-11; Jn.5:30; Acts 8:32-35 and Isa.53:7
4.     Total surrender to walk in only the ways of God: He fulfilled the prophecy of Moses that God was going to send His people a prophet like him and when He comes, they should hear him. Moses was an example of one who totally surrendered to God to the point God recognized him as the meekest man on earth. To be meek towards God is to be docile towards Him. You cannot have your own opinion; you will only represent the opinion of heaven just as the ambassadors we have been called by God to be. When the time came, God told His closest aides Peter, James and John to hear Him. Just like Moses He became the meekest man on earth during His earthly journey because of His total surrender to walk in the ways of God. See Ps.103:7; Deu.18:15; Mt.17:5; Acts 3:22; 7:37 and Heb.3:1-6. His total surrender to God is what made the Holy Spirit distinguish His ministry.
5.     Intimacy with the Holy Spirit and His guidance: He was so intimate with the father that the Father personally mentored Him. Every waking moment of His time was spent with the father except when He was ministering to the disciples and multitudes. As a result of this, He was able to say that He only did what He saw the father doing and that because the father loved Him, the father would show Him even greater things than He already did that the Jews may marvel. See Jn.5:19-30 and Mk.1:35.
6.     Taking steps to save the lost: Jesus went everywhere preaching and demonstrating the word of God. He also raised disciples and commissioned them to go and do likewise. See Lk.4:38-44; 10:1-11 and 17-20; Mk.10:1; 5-15; Mt.28:18-20; Mk.16:15-20 and Acts 1:1, 8.
7.     Preaching and teaching the word of God: All that Jesus Christ taught was the word of God. He never taught the philosophy of men; only the word of God by the most creative strategies to the point that people wondered at the gracious words that proceeded from Him. In addition, His words were so packed full of the wisdom of God that people wondered and said concerning His ministry that where did He get such wisdom from because they knew Him that He never got a formal education. Apostle Paul calls it the wisdom from above; the hidden wisdom of God from the foundation of the world. See Lk.4:16-22; 1Cor.2:1-8; Mt.7:29 and Mk.1:22.  
8.     Demonstrating the word being preached: The Lord demonstrated the word preached with signs following. The people thus grew in their faith to the point that they were using the hem of his garment as point of contact for their miracles. See Mk.5:1-20; Mt.14:34-36 and Mk.6:53-56.
9.     Harvesting at every given opportunity: When the Lord walked the sands of time, He harvested at every given opportunity. For instance there was the chance meeting he had with the woman at the well of Samaria in Jn.4 which gave Him the opportunity to teach of the harvest and true worship of God which blesses us until today. When He was done with the woman, she became a publisher of the gospel to the point that the entire City gathered to hear the Lord preach. She was the trigger of the awakening to God that broke out in Samaria that day.  
10.                        Keeping the robe of humility on: In spite of all the power that the Lord walked in, He kept His garment of humility on so much so that He never took any step on His own. Everything He did was in obedience to the Father thereby setting a standard for us to follow. Jn.5:19, 30 and Philippians 2:5-11
I believe that these above steps of the Lord Jesus Christ has set forth for us an example to follow in our walk with Him if we are going to stand in the place He would have us stand in bringing in the harvest in these end times. 1Pet.2:21-25.
Meanwhile there is someone reading this blog that cannot begin to take any of these steps because they are not yet saved and therefore not on the discipleship journey yet. If you are that person and you desire to start, you can do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be born again and begin to prepare to harvest for the Lord along with His reaper angels today:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:

Welcome to the month of December 2018: Our Month of The Ingathering

Welcome to the month of December 2018: Our Month of The Ingathering
He that is not with me is against me; He that gathereth not with me scattereth – Mt.12:30 and Lk.11:23
I welcome you again to December the last month in the year also known as our Month of the ingathering. This term is gotten from the Hebrew tradition that made it a feast at the end of the year where the people came together to celebrate the harvest of all their labours for the year. It was a time when I believe God symbolically causes His people to reap from all the fruit for their efforts throughout the year.
It was a time of the year when the Lord caused the children of Israel to reap the fruit of all they did throughout the year whether good or evil. In our case however, we are told that while the Law was given by Moses, grace and truth came by the Lord Jesus Christ. See John 1:17. To this extent, we can receive mercy from God following a true repentance from the heart for all the wrongs we may have done. However, by the same mercy and grace of God, we can receive a harvest of good things for all that God has graciously allowed us to do right throughout this year.
In our case, we can liken our experience to the origin of the feast of Purim always held in the last month of the Jewish year Adar form the thirteenth to the fifteenth day of the Month when they were allowed to avenge all that hated them; a period when their enemies hoped to gain the advantage over them which God caused to be turned around in their favour as God caused the enemies to be smitten before them after they sought His face for His intervention.
In our case, God has caused us to embark on a spiritual enlargement exercise throughout this year which was intensified from March up till now. In this twelfth month, God will turn around the evil expectation of the enemy towards us making us gain the victory over him as he turns their curses into our blessings in Jesus’ name. We learn from Job 5:12-14 that the Lord frustrates the devices of the crafty so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise. That he takes the wise in their own craftiness that their counsel is headlong and they end up in darkness even at daytime because they begin to grope in confusion. This is what God is set to do to all our haters in this month of the ingathering.
Finally, before His ascension, after His victory on Calvary Cross, the Lord left us with the great commission to make disciples of all men baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He commanded us to teach them to observe all that He has taught us assuring us that He will be with us always even to the end of the age. This year, He has graciously led us to do this through the spiritual enlargement exercise and His word as well as the various Nehemiah projects He has caused us to embark upon. No matter the craftiness of the wicked, God’s truth cannot fail. Has blessed us with light and understanding this year and enabled us to receive the power that goes with walking in His love in spite of the demands it places on us. While we are still believing God to perfect us in this, we are set to harvest souls in obedience to the great commission in order to receive God’s return on all the positive spiritual investments we have made this year.
In light of the foregoing, this month, we shall be looking at a theme I call evangelism with power. During His earthly ministry, the Lord went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil. When he sent His disciples out to win the lost to God, He gave them power against unclean spirits to cast them out. Further, we are told that He commanded His disciples to heal the sick, raise the dead and cleanse the lepers giving freely of His salvation as they had received. See Mt.10:1-8; 28:18-20; Lk.10:1-12, 19; Acts 1:8; 10:38.
As a matter of fact, as far as the Lord is concerned, since the great commission was given to His Church, anyone not engaging in it is actually scattering the flock. We find this truth in our text scriptures in Mt.12:30 and Lk.11:23. This is why this moth of the ingathering we are going to enlist in a huge way in obeying the great commission. We shall therefore be looking at God giving us understanding of evangelism with signs and wonders. This is because the lost most of the time will not believe except they see signs and wonders as the Lord tells us in Jn.4:48. The word of God is replete with insights on evangelism with signs and wonders which I want to refer to as Divine evangelism. Thus our theme for this month’s teachings will be: Divine Evangelism. Only evangelism masterminded by the Holy Spirit will deliver in signs and wonders and the word of God tells us how this is done.
It is my heart felt prayer that you will engage in God’s promptings of us to do this in this great month of ingathering so that we can bring in a huge harvest for the Master as we await His soon return in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Meanwhile someone wants to engage but is not eligible because you are not yet saved to be able to help save others. I have good news for you, you can immediately become qualified through true repentance and learning the ways of God so that you can command His acts. If you will take advantage of this today, it would not take long for you to be involved in the harvest depending on your heart. If you desire to be part of this great commission, please say the following prayer out loud in faith and qualify yourself for this great experience:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:

worship and Sanctification

Messages for November 2018: Our Month of Gratitude and Praise
Message for Sunday 25th November, 2018
Theme: understanding the Mystery of thanksgiving, Praise and Worship
Topic: worship and Sanctification
Introduction: Last week, we concluded our definition of Gratitude, praise and worship. We saw from our exploration that worship is far more than many know about it. From our studies we also saw that worship would deliver to us much more than we know. If we look at the benefits of worship, we would conclude that they are really incomprehensible. The best that can be known of worship is what the worshipper experiences and the bulk of it cannot be really put into words; you have to experience them to know. For instance Moses’ face took on the form of God’s glory in the place of worship and Moses did not even know it; it was others who saw it and drew his attention to it. He could not really explain the experience so he put a veil on his face to prevent the distraction to the people.
One of the benefits of worship is the actualization of our genuine separation to God which is what we are going to be looking at today.
What is sanctification?
This word is a noun defined by the Farlex English Dictionary as:
1.     The act of being holy or the state of being made Holy.
2.     The act of consecrating or set apart for a noble purpose. In 2Thess.2:13, we read that God has chosen us to salvation through sanctification of the spirit and belief of the truth. See also Jn.17:17-19
The above definition leads us to further examine what it means to be holy. You would recall that from our definition of worship, we saw that worship reveals God’s holiness to us. When we come face to face with the holiness of God, we are changed into the same image as God. In 2Cor.3:18, we learn that we all with open face beholding as in a glass or mirror the glory of God are changed into the same image from glory to glory by the Spirit of God.
God is seeking a certain people: When the Lord walked the sands of time, He revealed to us a hunger in the heart of God that moves Him to seek a certain kind of people to worship Him. I believe that when He finds them, He would not let them God. When I came to realize this, I decided to belong to this group of people who God would not let go because I would not let Him go either. Who are these people? Those who will worship Him:
1.     In spirit – this is when the human spirit is made alive through the new birth experience and comes into alignment with the Holy Spirit and start experiencing the guidance of the spirit as he grows through feeding on the word of God – 2Pet.2:2 and Jas.1:21
2.     In truth. – This is when man begins to make choices that honour God to the point where his decisions and actions are easily controlled by the Holy Spirit. 2Tim.2:18-21 and Gal.5:16
In Jn.4:23-24, He tells us God’s desire and the kind of people He would consider His true worshippers and why. These are people who will worship Him in spirit and in Truth. The reason for this from God’s perspective is that He is a spirit and therefore only spiritual people like Him can truly worship Him.
A look at our text reveals to us that the words “in spirit” starts with a small letter for spirit thus referring to the human spirit. The word truth also starts with a small letter referring to the sincerity of hear based on what God calls sincerity. This leads us to the next question. From the above we see that God has a role to play in our sanctification and so does man.
What is God’s role in sanctification?
1.     He chose to separate mankind to Himself from the beginning. Gen.1:26-28 and 2Thes.2:13
2.     He knew his choice would disappoint him just like we see in Genesis 3 so He proactively prepared a lamb for our redemption from the foundation of the world. Rev.13:8
3.     At the fullness of time, the lamb turned out to be His only begotten Son: Jesus Christ [Mt.3:16-17 and Mk.9:7]. What many saw as his defeat on Calvary turns out to be the road to His victory in His combat for our lives. See Mt.27:42 – if he had come down from the Cross, He would have failed in God’s perspective to redeem us from our sin. This is why flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God because there is a perspective difference with God. See also the belief of the men who walked with the Lord on the road to Emmaus after His resurrection but did not recognize Him. Lk.24:19-21 and what God said through Paul the Apostle in Rm.10:6-11. See also Isa.53:6-12 and Acts 8:32.
4.     When Jesus rose from the dead, the plan of God for our redemption became a reality, but the Holy Spirit had to come to make it manifest which happened on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2:1-4. From that day, the Holy Spirit has been here and all we need do to enjoy Him is receive Him by faith as Paul offered the saints in Ephesus in Acts 19:1.
All the evidence show that God has played His role without question. What therefore is man’s role in Sanctification in relation to worship?
Based on what we already established that in worship we acknowledge the Holiness of God and that beholding it would help to change us from glory to glory. Please note that we behold the glory of God when we come into true oneness with him in worship then His Spirit can guide us into His truth which will actually change us. Only truth revealed to us by His holiness can change us. His holiness is also what is referred to as His glory.
Man’s role in sanctification:
1.     Choose life – Deu.30:19-20; 2Tim.2:19-22
2.     Submit to God – you do this through submission to God’s method of salvation which is receiving Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord. Jn.3:3-7; 16-19 and Rm.10:8-10
3.     Resist the devil – this is because light and darkness cannot coexist. If we want the light of God in our lives, we have to get rid of the darkness with the revealed truth of God’s word. Then we are empowered to say no to the devil. Mt.4:10-11; Jas.4:6-7 and 1Pet.5:8-9
4.     Draw nearer to God: When we do this, God has promised to draw near to us in return. Jas.4:7
5.     Worship Him and He will reveal Himself to you. What happens when we truly worship God?
We are empowered by the Holy Spirit – Acts 16:25-31 and Rm.8:13
We can then crucify the flesh - Gal.3:1-17
We can walk in the spirit Gal.5:16
We make choices that honour God.
A good illustration of one who had this kind of victory is seen in the account of the temptation and victory of the Lord over Satan. See Mt.4:1-11 and Lk.4:1-13
On this note, we close the message for this month of Thanksgiving, praise and worship. A reflection on what we have seen this month would disclose to us that choosing and living the way of righteousness is possible only by the help of the Holy Spirit and the revealed word of God which we can really get in the place of the true worship of God.
Like we already established, the commencement of the true worship of God is at the Cross where we renounce our old life and take on the life of Christ through new birth. If you are reading this blog and convicted that you need to do this, you can do so right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be born again and start the journey:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:

Gratitude, Praise and Worship defined Pt.3

Messages for November 2018: Our Month of Gratitude and Praise
Message for Sunday 18th November, 2018
Theme: understanding the Mystery of thanksgiving, Praise and Worship
Topic: Gratitude, Praise and Worship defined Pt.3
Introduction: Last week, we continued on this series looking at Praise. We already established that the means of access to God in the Kingdom are thanksgiving and praise. We also pointed out that with thanksgiving we acknowledge the goodness of God. With praise we acknowledge the greatness of God and with worship, we acknowledge the holiness of God.
Today, we shall continue our discourse looking at what worship really means and how we can truly worship God to His satisfaction.
Worship: This is the means by which we acknowledge the holiness of God. When we worship God from His perspective, we really come into oneness with Him. It is in the place of worship that we can see God face to face.
Worshipping God as shown us in the word of God has to do with our attitude towards Him in every area of our lives. This is demonstrated in the following ways when we gather before Him:
1.     Bowing down with our faces to the ground. 2Chron.7:3
2.     Kneeling before Him.  Ps.95:6
3.     Lifting up of our hands before Him Ps.141:2
4.     Spreading out our hands before God. Ezra 9:5
5.     Different aspects of the service of God in Church or any fellowship where we gather in the name of the Lord. Please understand that there can be no true worship without service in God’s Kingdom. See Mt.6:10; 33. More would be said about this below.
Worship as a life style
Worship in the strictest sense of the word transcends what we do when we gather before God in Church. Since worship acknowledges the holiness of God, it therefore behooves the worshipper to reflect His holiness for others to be encouraged to draw near to him. Unfortunately, bible experience has shown that the Holiness of God scares people from Him because of their sins. The sin in man’s flesh makes it impossible for man to embrace the glory of God. This is why the children of Israel sent Moses to tell God to not appear to them directly but that He should send Moses to them and they would send Moses back to him. Then God promised to send them another prophet like Moses which He did in Christ Jesus who is referred to as another prophet like Moses. He became an intercessor not only for the Israelites but the entire human race when He took our place on the Cross and brought us eternal redemption. Exod.34:29-35; Deu.18:15; Acts 3:22; 7: 37; Mrk.9:1-8; Heb.3:1-6; 4:14-16 and 9:12-15.
In worship, as we acknowledge the Holiness of God, the following things happen:
1.     God can reveal Himself to us. Exod.33:12-23 and 34:5-13; Acts 16:25-31.
2.     We learn the ways of God and therefore the culture of His kingdom. The culture of God’s Kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. Rm.14:11; Eph.5:8-12
3.     We escape the corruption that is in the world through lust. 2Pet.1:3-4 and Rm 8:13
4.     We receive divine impartation with divine nature thus we are able to live in the newness of life. The love walk which is the only New Testament commandment becomes our lifestyle. 2Pet.1:3-4 and Heb.4:16.
5.     We are empowered to walk in the spirit and not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Rm.8:5-8 and verse 13; Gal.2:20-21.
Bearing the fruit of the spirit:
Following from above, we can begin to bear the fruit of the spirit which is the evidence that we actually know God [1Jn.4:7-83]. Please understand that the reason for our salvation is so that we can bear fruit to God. God desires that we bear much fruit indeed. In the place of worship we are empowered to do this. See Rm.7:4; Jn.15:8
The fruit of the spirit is love. Love is broken down in Galatians 5:21-22 into nine qualities which is referred to as the fruit of the spirit. The word is singular fruit; thus it is referring to one thing that can present in nine personalities listed in the same scripture as follows: LOVE, JOY, PEACE, LONGSUFFERING, GENTLENESS, GOODNESS, FAITH, MEEKNESS, TEMPERANCE…
We shall draw the curtains here today and we continue next week to conclude this part by God’s grace. Meanwhile, someone reading this blog is desirous of truly experiencing God. Well I have good news for you; you can begin at once by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will become a member of God’s family and be able to truly worship Him:

Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:

Gratitude, Praise and Worship defined Pt.2

Messages for November 2018: Our Month of Gratitude and Praise
Message for Sunday 11th November, 2018
Theme: understanding the Mystery of thanksgiving, Praise and Worship
Topic: Gratitude, Praise and Worship defined Pt.2
Introduction: Last week, we commenced this series looking at the mystery of thanksgiving. Today, we shall continue by looking at praise. Please understand that we already established that thanksgiving, praise and worship relates to three different aspects of the nature of God. Thanksgiving relates to the goodness of God, Praise relates to the greatness of God while worship relates to the holiness of God. Today, we continue this series by looking at praise. I believe God that by the time we are done today, God would have imparted to us the grace to praise Him always because of our new understanding.
Ps.48:1 Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of his holiness. 
We can never exhaust the power and possibility of praise because it relates to God’s greatness which is really immeasurable. When we assess God through thanksgiving and praise, it has the effect of helping us build our faith for answers to our prayers even before we begin to ask. This is why we must follow the protocol outlined in Ps.100:4 when we approach God in prayer because thanksgiving, praise and worship are all aspects of prayer.
Why should we approach God with this protocol? The bible tells us in Isa.60:18 and Ps.100:4-5 as follows:
1.     The Lord is good.
2.     His mercy is everlasting.
3.     His truth endures to all generations.
4.     God’s City is fenced by Salvation and assessed through the gates of praise.
5.     Without praise, you cannot assess any salvation from God.
6.     Thus praise is the only way to get to the presence of God.

Seven truths the bible teaches about praise
1.     God dwells in our praise. In Ps.22:3 where we learn that God inhabits the praises of Israel, the word translated inhabit means to sit enthroned in. the scripture could then mean God is Holy who sits enthroned on our praise. So each time you come to praise God, picture yourself as building Him a throne to sit over your life.
2.     Praise is one main purpose why God blesses us. Ps.5:11-12 and Lk.17:17-19
3.     Praise brings us into His victory. Praise is a major element in the revelation of God in relation to the keys of the Kingdom of God. See Ps.106:47 – the word used here is triumph which has the meaning of jubilitating or celebrating a victory that has already been won. This was the habit of the ancients when they won battles over nations. They returned in a triumphal procession just like the Lord already did for us through His Calvary experience. See Col.2:14-15 and 2Cor.2:14. Thus through praise, join the Lord’s victorious chariot and we celebrate our victory fought by the Lord for us. If you find it difficult to praise God, reading the book of Psalms out loud to your hearing and personalizing it and offering it up to God as your praise would help.
4.     God delivers us from sackcloth and mourning so that our glory may praise Him. Ps.30:1-2. What is our glory? The bible also defines it for us. Let us explore some scriptures to this effect. Ps.16:9 talks about the glory of the Psalmist rejoicing. In the rendering of the same text of Scripture in Acts, Apostle Peter puts it this way in Acts 2:26: “Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad; moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope:” Thus your glory is your tongue. Praise is referred to as the fruit of our lips as we glorify God [Heb.13:5]. Any use of the tongue that does not glorify God therefore is a misuse because He put the tongue there for you to glorify Him and it is your glory when you use it to glorify Him.
5.     Praise is the means by which God rids us of the spirits that cause mourning and depression. He gives us the garment of praise instead of the spirit of heaviness. Isa.61:1-6. So if you are tempted to be depressed or moody, you can overcome the temptation by putting on the garment of praise. At this point, praise becomes a sacrifice because you do not feel like it. Ps.38:1; Jer.33:1. David once said to a man that he could not offer unto God what cost him nothing. Sacrifices are costly but another way we can see sacrifice is giving up to go up. Therefore if you do not even feel like praising God, do not let your feeling dictate to you. As a matter of fact, praise is most acceptable to God when it costs you most. Heb.13:15-16. Like the case of Paul and Silas in the prison at Ephesus in Acts 16:25-31.
6.     Praise is a very powerful spiritual weapon that God uses to silence the enemy; the avenger. As a matter of fact, God imposes silence on the devil when we praise Him. Ps.8:2. This same text in the New Testament is translated as God perfecting praise out of the mouth of babes. Mt.21:15-16 – the ordained strength of God’s people is praise. Even the weakest believer would impose silence on the devil when they praise God.
7.     Praise prepares the way for God’s supernatural intervention. Ps.50:23; 2Chron.20:21-22 and Jonah 2:2-10. For several verses in Jonah’s text, he prayed and complained but was not heard but at the eight verse, as he began to praise God, the Lord ordered the fish to vomit him and he was rescued. Anyone who offers praise prepares the way for God to show His salvation. In Acts 16:25-31, we see the account of Paul and Silas offering the sacrifice of praise to God and How God released the earthquake to set them free. It was their praise that prepared the way for the earthquake that released them from prison.
When do we need to praise God?
We need to praise Him every day forever and ever. 
We need to praise Him always/at all times.
We need to praise Him continually.
How do we praise God?
1.     With the whole heart
2.     With understanding
3.     With lifted hands.
4.     With our lips
5.     With the dance
6.     With Timbrels.
Who are to praise God?
Ps.148 gives us a list different kinds of creatures who are to praise Him.
Who do not praise God?
The dead do not praise God. Thus if you are refusing to praise God, it is an indication that you are dead.
We shall close here today. By God’s grace next week, we shall conclude this theme looking at worship. Meanwhile there is someone reading this blog that is yet to enter into covenant with God that would permit Him to consider you His child. If you are that person and you want to make peace with God today, you can do so right away taking off with this prayer below:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
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