Tuesday 5 January 2021

Welcome to the month of December 2020: Our Month of Praise


Joel 2:26 And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed.

& Ps.146-150

Divine Appointment greetings Family, it is with great joy that I welcome you to December which the Lord has graciously named for us our month of Praise. It is going to be for us a season of rejoicing before the Lord in praise because of all the good things He has and will do for us. He has forgiven us our sins and crowned us with loving kindness and tender mercies. He has not punished us as our sins deserved. He has given us countless opportunities to change and become the vessel of honor He has intended for us to be.

As I meditated on the word for this month, He told me to lead the Church to lift up a twenty one days praise to Him in this month for next year and in appreciation of what He has been to us and done for us for this year of our divine appointment. In the month of prayer particularly, He unfolded some secrets to us that enabled us position for His will for our lives in a manner that frustrated the counsel of Satan. He also released some mysteries to us that will help to take His work to the next level fulfilling His perfect will for our lives and bringing to naught all the counsel of the forces of darkness.

As we praise Him in these twenty one days, He will come down as He did for Judah in 2Chron. 20 and take over the battle and cause the wicked to fight against and defeat themselves. We would only gather in the spoils of victory and glorify the Lord. He will destroy the sorcerers and their works and fulfill His good counsel concerning us His children and our families. The blessing of the Lord always follow obedience to His commandments. We therefore look forward to next year with great expectations because of His exceeding great and precious promises. We are also grateful that God Himself will enable us to become partakers of His divine nature in the following year because of the new things He would begin to be doing in our lives.

Thus this month, we shall be learning what praise is and what happens when we praise the Lord. We shall also be learning the truths unfolded to us about praise in Ps.146 to 150. We shall see how we can always be victorious through praise.

However, for anyone to be able to gain victory through praise in this way, you must first belong to God’s family through the new birth experience. The Lord Jesus Christ taught that you must first be born gain. Praise is a mystery of the Kingdom of God for victory. To enter the Kingdom of God and receive the enablement to praise Him acceptably, you must be born again. To become born again, you can start right away by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and then get baptized to become one with the Lord Jesus Christ:

Heavenly Father,

Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at www.kingdomheirsministries.org and our blogs at www.flourishinggirl.blogspot.com and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on www.facebook.com/flourishinggirl www.facebook.com/khmii2015; www.facebook.com/thewellbeingcenter. Or www.facebook.com/kingdomjointheirsfamily email:  jointheirsfamily@gmail.com.  

Welcome to the month of November 2020: Our Month of Gratitude


Lk.10:21 “In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight.


As I meditated on the word for this Month, the Lord brought to my mind the events of last month which He declared to be our month of prayer. He led us in September in a twenty one day fasting and prayer for the ministry, our nation and all men generally as listed in the book of 1Tim.2:2. All the events that took place in the course of our prayer sessions and how He unfolded to us some prayer points regarding foundations I had never heard anywhere before.  We prayed them and had rest the next month. Even when it looked like our nation was on fire, I was unperturbed because I knew that God answered our prayers. Then, for the Month of October, He gave me a coded word on which I am still working.

This month, He called it Gratitude and caused me to see the way He has kept our Church and land as well as our families and friends and ministry partners throughout this year of divine appointment. He fulfilled the word of divine appointment for me particularly the month following our prayer sessions and opened my eyes to see what only He could have revealed. Things that were thought to be too hidden for others to see and know about. God in His faithfulness opened up the lies of the pit of hell and showed me the way out. Thus as I meditate on the word of gratitude, I can also raise my voice like the Lord and thank the Lord God who alone made heaven and earth for His faithfulness who did not allow the wicked thrive in their desire against His Church and His genuine servants.

What I am most thankful for is that while God blesses us with earthly material things, He never allows His own to be bought with things of the world which all perish with their use. Further, His faithfulness throughout this year has not been by the means of any man but by His mercy and grace. He has also protected and healed us of all our infirmities and weaknesses. Above all, he has forbidden man to play god over our lives because no man can be God.

If you ask me what to be grateful for, I will say that I am grateful for the sunshine, the rain and above all, the truth that liberates. He said, we shall know the truth and the truth will make us free.

Thus this month, we shall be looking at Deliverance and freedom by the word of truth. As we prayed during our month of prayer, we had reason to celebrate in our month of Celebration when the Lord opened up to me what we really need to celebrate as the year comes to a close instead of defiling ourselves by celebrating the pagan feasts that were brought into Church by the subtlety of the Kingdom of darkness. Some of us have refused to be distracted and learn the truth. The truth really makes free! This may be new to many but the truth really makes free.

If you are reading this blog and are not yet saved, please you can start your journey with the Lord today by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be born again:

Heavenly Father,

Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at www.kingdomheirsministries.org and our blogs at www.flourishinggirl.blogspot.com and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on www.facebook.com/flourishinggirl www.facebook.com/khmii2015; www.facebook.com/thewellbeingcenter. Or www.facebook.com/kingdomjointheirsfamily email:  jointheirsfamily@gmail.com.  

Welcome to the month of September 2020: Our Month of Prayer


He told them a parable to this end that men ought always to pray and not to faint. Luke 18:1. The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD’S: but the earth hath He given to the children of men. Ps.115:16

Divine appointment greetings family, with mixed feelings in my heart, I welcome you to the Month of September 2020 our Month of Prayer. The Lord gave me this word for the month since last year. As I began to meditate on it again, He made me understand that this month, He wants us to exercise our authority in the place of prayer more than ever before. He said as much as He has all power and wants to intervene in the affairs of the earth to bring some sanity, He cannot breach His word since He has given authority on earth to men. Thus He is calling us to exercise in our office of the priesthood like never before. [Rev.1:5-6]

While I feel excited at God’s call for us to pray because since He has specifically asked for it, He would enable us to fulfill it and will also answer us speedily. I also feel heavy in my heart knowing that some would be using this opportunity to further the devil’s objective to their detriment.

While we are at this, let me use this opportunity to quickly point out that the call to prayer is only for genuine saints who have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb of God - Jesus Christ and are continuing in His word. [Jn.8:31-32] This call is not for the unity Church. The Lord Jesus Christ said He did not come to bring this kind of worldly peace but a sword. The sword that the Lord brought divides between light and darkness; the holy and the profane, righteousness and unrighteousness. He said His peace He leaves with us; not as the world gives. Thus this call for the unity of all religions towards attaining a one world religion is demonic and absolutely unscriptural as it pertains to the saints of God. The true Church of Jesus Christ will not be part of it. Not even the occultic activities of so called men of God in different denominations will make a true disciple of Jesus Christ participate in it.

Therefore this call is to the true body of Christ as opposed to the harlot feigning the body of Christ; to arise in prayer to expose the deception of these last days and free God’s children to become His servants indeed in the place of prayer and the ministry of the word. It is a very sad thing that these days where there is a great need for the truth, there is a famine of the word around the world. Many are speaking from their deceived and depraved state claiming God is speaking to them when God has not spoken. Some have resorted to using magic wands in Church telling people to focus on it instead of the Lord Jesus Christ who died for us. So many people are experiencing depression and heart failure today because the sheep is not being fed the truth. Sadly, in spite of the unscriptural extended days of corporate fasting and prayers many are still in doubts and confusion asking themselves endless questions and are not getting answers. Many children and young persons have now resorted to seeking substitutes of new age religion and the occult and are now in deep sorrow and regret because of the numerous adversities this lifestyle is exerting on them.

However I have good news from God for you. He has called us to learn the art of praying and getting answers from heaven and also practice it.

Some years ago, we were having a discussion at home one day when one of my brothers asked how we can pray and be sure of the answers before we got off our knees. So we looked at the scriptures for answers and we decided to practice it the next day. The Lord was so faithful to His word that we all got speedy answers that day. Since them, I have endeavored to practice this art of praying and it has gotten better for me by the day.

Therefore, this month, we shall be looking at a theme I call: Praying to the only God who truly answers. I am referring to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; the God and Father of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We shall by God’s grace, learn what prayer is, why we pray, who we ought to pray to, the different levels of addressing God in prayer; how to pray and get answers from the God who made heaven and earth.  See Jn.8:31-32; Jer.33:3; Lk.18:1-7; Lk.11:1-13 and Mt.6:9-16. Also see the examples of Ana and Simeon who spent years praying for the Messiah to be born. They were rewarded with the answer to their prayer in their life time. 

If you are reading this blog and are not yet saved, please you can start your journey with the Lord today by saying the following prayer out loud in faith and you will be born again:

Heavenly Father,

Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at www.kingdomheirsministries.org and our blogs at www.flourishinggirl.blogspot.com and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on www.facebook.com/flourishinggirl www.facebook.com/khmii2015; www.facebook.com/thewellbeingcenter. Or www.facebook.com/kingdomjointheirsfamily email:  jointheirsfamily@gmail.com.