Tuesday 19 September 2017

What and why is the New Creation? Pt.1

Message for Sunday 3rd of September, 2017
Theme: Understanding the New Creation Life
Topic: What and why is the New Creation?
Introduction: Once again, I welcome you to our month of New Things. This ninth month for us prophetically is a time for the delivery of all the Lord has intended for us for our year of Rehoboth to begin to speak. The ninth month like it happens for pregnancy and delivery of a human is symbolic of the time of the manifestation of the vision for the year and all the outstanding of God’s word to us even before this year. To this end, we are going back to the foundation to help us know what adjustments to make to enable us enter into the fulfillment of the word of the Lord for our lives. Every vision of God speaks at the end. If it is time for God’s word to begin to speak for us and we are not seeing it speak, then we may need to make some necessary adjustments in our understanding to enable us actualize God’s promise to us. Besides even if it is speaking and we feel we can have more, then we must learn this series for this moth to help us recover all without fail. See Hab.2:3
This is the reason why we are going back in history to see why every human must be born again and how to handle the new life God gives to us at new birth and to nurture it to perfection.
What is the New Creation? We learn from 2Cor.5:17 that if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things are passed away and all things have become new. This simply means that everyone who becomes joined to Christ by faith become one spirit with him. The old fallen spirit of the man is taken away and he receives a new spirit from the Lord that can accommodate the Holy Spirit. [1Cor.6:17]
In the course of this month of New Things more would be said about why it became necessary for man to become a new creation; meanwhile, let us go back in time to find out why it became necessary for man to become a new breed.
Why New Creation? In the beginning, God decided to build a family for himself which made it necessary for Him to create man in his image and after His likeness. We would see the purpose statement for the creation of man in Genesis 1:26-28.
God loved man and wanted man to reciprocate His affection of his own free will. So God gave man a free will. Man was therefore not designed as a robot so he could make his own decisions based on his choices.
The first test of man’s choice is seen in Gen.2:19 where God brought all the animals God made to man to see what man would call them and whatever man called them was their name. This meant God’s man shared God’s thoughts about His creation; they were one. So it was not difficult for Adam to be able to tell his wife when he met her because he was in living contact with his maker.
Man suffered loss: The man was not good enough without the helper – Gen.2:18; so God performed the first surgery without spilling blood and took a rib of the man out of which He formed the woman. Adam immediately recognized her as her helper when he saw her.
In Gen.2:16-17, the Lord gave liberty to the man to eat of every tree of the garden. Then He commanded the man not to eat of one of them which was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because if he ever ate of that tree he was surely going to die.
The woman did not know the gravity of this command when she came so the devil who had vowed to destroy man possessed the serpent and persuaded the woman against God’s counsel making God to look like a liar. The woman then disobeyed God and influenced the man to do the same and they both sinned against God and died spiritually as a result.
What is death?
Please understand that there are three kinds of death namely: spiritual death which is separation from God and oneness with Satan. This is the kind of death Adam died. The second type is physical death which is the separation of the spirit from the body. Finally the third type of death with is the eternal loss of a soul in an eternity of the lake of fire and brimstone. The other two deaths are the consequence of spiritual death.
By spiritual death, man became one with Satan and received Satan’s nature and therefore condemned to eternal destruction just like Satan. Man became a child of the devil instead of a child of God and therefore driven away from the presence of God and could no longer walk with God like he used to do in the cool of the day. See Gen.3:1-24 (6-10) Jas.2:26; Rm.3:23; 6:23; Jn.8:44.
The Result of the fall of man:
1.     Death passed down to all men through the bloodline. See 1Cor.15:21-22 and Rm.3:23.
2.     Man lost his place as god of this world to Satan who became the god of this world. See 2Cor.4:4 and Eph.2:2.
3.     Man became a victim of fear and with fear came sickness, poverty and physical death as well. See Isa.54:14; Rm.6:23; 8:15; 2Tim.1:7 and Gal.3:13-14
4.     The blessing was taken from man and replaced with the curse of God; the curse of man and the curse of Satan. Gen.3 and Gal.3:13.
5.      Man could not find his way back to God, so he created religion and the founder of religion became the first murderer after Satan. Gen.4:1-6 and Jn.8:44.
6.     Man came under the death sentence from which only blood could save him. The quality of blood required here is the pure blood of a man without sin. Heb.9:22. Rm.6:23; Rm.5:6-9.
7.     There was none found on earth who could meet that demand and so man came under the frustration of hopelessness. See Eph.2:12-18 and Rev.4:4
8.     It became necessary for God to take on human form and come to redeem us from the death caused by sin. God saw this coming before the foundation of the earth, so He provided himself a lamb without blemish to be slain for the redemption of man from the foundation of the earth so that man can be reconciled back to God. Rev.13:8.
Why New creation?
 In light of the foregoing, access to God by man was completely impossible because God is Holy, righteous and just but man had become a sinner through association with God’s arch enemy the devil. For man to be able to relate with God as before the fall of man, he has first suffer the consequence of his sin until the demands of God’s justice are fully met and then change his nature.
Man was incapable of doing this by himself. This made it necessary for the involvement of a mediator between God and man. God saw this coming before the foundation of the world so he struck a deal with the Son Jesus Christ to take the place of man in death and hell until the demands of justice were fully met and man can be set free again by his old nature being taken away and God making him a brand new man.  See Heb.10:1-20; Heb.4:3; 9:26; 1Pet.1:16-21; 2Cor.5:18-19 and Rev.13:8.
We shall draw the curtain here for today because of time and space. We shall continue next week by concluding this topic and we will go ahead to look at how redemption works.
Meanwhile anyone reading this that has yet to decide for Christ as their Messiah, this is your opportunity to do so. If you want to decide for the Lord Jesus Christ right away, please do so by saying following prayer out loud in faith and the Holy Spirit will take you up from there:

Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at www.kingdomheirsministries.org and our blogs at www.flourishinggirl.blogspot.com and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on www.facebook.com/flourishinggirl www.facebook.com/khmii2015; www.facebook.com/thewellbeingcenter. Or www.facebook.com/kingdomjointheirsfamily email:  jointheirsfamily@gmail.com.

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