Wednesday 20 December 2017

Applying the keys of the kingdom of God for your prosperity

Messages for December 2017: Our Month of Jubilee
Message for Sunday 10th December, 2017
Theme: Understanding the Keys of the Kingdom of God
Topic: Applying the keys of the kingdom of God for your prosperity
Introduction: Last week, in looking at Jubilee as a key, we laid a foundation of the understanding that the keys of the kingdom are revelations given to us by the Father to enable us walk in His ways. We saw that the ways of God have been compressed by the Lord into the love walk; to wit, to Love God and our neighbors as ourselves. It is on this foundation that we begin to build our lives to enable us grow and develop to the point where we would be able to fulfill our destinies to the point where we would experience the prosperity of the kingdom of God in our individual lives as God’s children and in our corporate lives as a ministry.
What is prosperity from God’s perspective? From God’s word, we can simply define prosperity as to be whole with nothing missing and nothing broken in our lives. It is a state of being where one’s total man is unified in wellbeing.
Please understand that we cannot truly comprehend God’s prosperity without understanding our triune nature. We are spirit, soul and body just as God is Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Now we say God is one God presenting in three personalities of Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. God is whole with nothing about Him missing or broken. He is perfect but we are not because of sin. Jesus paid the full price for our redemption to save us from sin so that we can become whole again just like God is whole. This is why He is Holy. Even the pagans of ancient times identified Him as the Holy one. See Dan.5:11; Lev.19:2; 20:26 and 1Pet.1:16.
God’s perfect will is our Prosperity: God’s perfect will concerning our prosperity is clearly stated in His word. 3Jn.1:2 makes us understand that God wants us to prosper and even be in health to the extent our soul prospers. In addition, we learn from his word that we are saved by Him so that we can become partakers of the blessing of Abraham [Gal.3:13-14].
Again a look at Deu.28:1-15 where a comprehensive list of the blessing is documented reveals to us in summary that God wants us whole in all things. There is the curse of poverty, sickness and death associated with sin. On the other hand, the blessing of Abraham eradicates the curse. In the covenant of prosperity God cut with His people in Deu.8:18, we are told that God gives them the power to get wealth with the intention of establishing His covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob the fathers of the blessing. Thus every time we prosper in any way, God is establishing His covenant with the founding fathers of our faith in Him: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
The Duration of God’s prosperity Covenant: God’s covenant of prosperity is for an eternal generation. It is referred to as an everlasting covenant [Ps.103:17-18]. In time, it is supposed to endure as long as the earth remains. See Gen.8:22 and Jer.33:19-22. Once there is a valid covenant between you and God on any issue including your prosperity, as long as you meet the demands, God will never break it because He is more faithful than you. See Ps.89:34. Understand that a promise is only a promise as long as the demands that upgrade it into a covenant are not met. God is not obligated to keep promises; He is only obligated to keep covenants. Please understand that any promise you see in the bible that places a demand on you to meet any obligation before it can be fulfilled is merely a promise until you meet the obligation. When you meet the obligation, it is upgraded to a covenant and it is the Covenant that God cannot break. God promised to take the children of Israel to the Promised Land but most of them could not make it there because they did not meet the faith and gratitude demand. So God changed His mind about them and raised another generation to go to the Promised Land. See Numbers 14:22-28. Thus when you are operating in the covenant of prosperity, you can be rest assured that all that pertains to that covenant can be yours.
The Covenant: Every covenant has some elements you look out for to be able to tell that a covenant exists or it is a potential covenant depending on what the terms are. These elements are the promise or word of the covenant, the blood of the covenant and the demands to be met.
For the prosperity Covenant, the word of the covenant is in Gen.8:22 when God in response to the worship of Noah through the sweet savor of the burnt offering of Noah declared the oath that as long as the earth remains, there would be seed time and harvest. Thus when we sow, we must reap. In other words if we do not sow, we would not reap. Another name for this law is the law of sowing and reaping.
In the New Testament, we are taught in addition that it is what we so we would reap. If we sow to the flesh, we would reap corruption; if we so to the spirit we would reap everlasting life. Consequently, whatever things or acts we sow is what we would reap; for instance if we sow fear into our lives and that of others, that is what we would reap. If we sow love, we would reap love; if we sow money we would reap money etc. See Gal.6:7-10 and Prov.22:8.
The terms of the covenant of prosperity:
1.     Access into the covenant of prosperity is the subscription to the new birth experience. The Lord said except a man is born of the water and of the Spirit, he shall not enter the kingdom of God. See Jn.3:6 and 1Pet.1:23.
2.     The prosperity covenant is rooted in the blessing of Abraham: This is why new birth gives us access into the family of Abraham just like Isaac was a seed of Abraham. See Gal.3:29 and 4:28. In the Old Testament, God told the children of Israel to remember the Lord because he is the one who gives them the power to get wealth. See Deu.8:18 – the Lord showed us the power to get wealth in a figure in Jn. When he talked about the power to lay down his life and the power to take it up again. This can be likened to giving and receiving which is the hallmark of the prosperity covenant. Jn.10:17-18.
3.     The covenant is the covenant of seed time and harvest: This covenant is clearly stated in Gen.8:22 that as long as the earth remains, there must be seed time and harvest. In other words if we sow we must reap. The implication of this is that if we do not sow, we would have nothing to reap. If we do not sow, God is not obligated to give us a harvest. See Jn.4:36.
·        What do you sow? This would depend on what you want. Since the principle is that you reap what you sow, wisdom demands that you will give what you want to receive. If what you desire is money, you will give it. If what you desire is love or other good fruits, then you must give that because it is what you give that you will reap.
·        Seeds can be sown by words or deeds or both. Prov.18:20-21 lets us know that death and life are in the power of the tongue. In this case, seeds are planted by words. A good example of this is the story of Samson and Delilah where Delilah kept pestering Samson with her words until he was compelled to tell her his secret. Judges 16:15-18.
·        How do you sow? God looks at the state of your heart to tell why you give. If you give to honor God, it would be done cheerfully and lavishly otherwise your giving would not be accepted. See Mal.1:6-9; 2Cor.9:6-8; Joel 1:12 and Jer.17:9, 11.
4.     As we have seen earlier, the Law of seed time and harvest demands that we give before we can receive. When we give, it is called sowing our seeds. However in the mystery of prosperity, various keys are utilized in giving. These keys make up the different levels of giving; they are as follows:
·        Tithing: This is the foundation for prosperity. It is what makes all your giving meaningful. The command is found first in the pre-Mosaic law era in the life of Abraham and Jacob in Gen.14:18-20. This truth was reiterated in the Mosaic Law by Moses when he ordered it in obedience to the Lord. The conclusion of the Law of Moses on tithing is that the tithe is the Lord’s which is why a failure to tithe is viewed by the Lord as robbing God. See Lev.27:30; Ex.34:20 and Mal.3:8-12. The truth that tithes are received by men on behalf of God who receives them spiritually in heaven is taught by Apostle Paul in Heb.7. Thus tithing is really a spiritual transaction between us and God. Finally on tithing, it is acknowledged by the Lord as what we ought to do in Mt.23:23.
·        Offerings: This is the free will gift you give to honor God every time you appear before him in Church. We are commanded not to appear before God empty every time we come before him. Some give to God as though He is a beggar. It shows in the way their gifts are packaged. Some just squeeze the money and throw into the offering basket. Can you give like that to your father or governor? Let us honor God in our giving. This seed is what is sown for increase. The more abundantly you give, the more you will receive; not only in money but in many other things that money cannot buy for you. This is the hundredfold principle. See Ex.23:15 and 2Cor.9:6-10.
We shall stop here for today for want of time and space. Next week by God’s grace, we shall continue by looking at the other levels of giving to our advantage. Meanwhile, like we saw earlier, access into the prosperity covenant is by the new birth experience. If you are yet to be born again and desire to do so now, please say the following prayer out loud in faith and you shall be saved:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of Satan and embrace Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you grow in this new life, please visit our website at and our blogs at and follow us on twitter @alero_nanna and on face book on; Or email:

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